well, first of all, down at car park level we have a stevenson screen. we've been recording weather data there since pre—1980, so we have scales, centimetre and metre sticks, to record the snow. but historically, actually, the people on the hill know how deep the snow is. sometimes you can come up and the hill is covered in snow, and then a night of wind and it's been windswept clean. it changes literally every day. so there is plenty of snow around at the moment. is this a promising situation for the start of the season? well, it's promising. it's promising that we've had a good lot of snow. the grounds starting to cool down as well, which makes a big difference for the snow to actually last. and if we get some hard frosts now, the snow that we do have should last that wee bit longer. fantastic. well, there's plenty of snow around today. fingers crossed for more of this for the rest of the season. ok, i haven't been on a pair of skis for a few years, but i hope it'sjust like riding a bike. let's see. off i go. woo!