instead, the global community only lectures and berates countries like india. our time here on cairngorm is almost up, but before we go, the team have lent me a pair of skis so i can feel for myselfjust how good the snow is here. ruari, you're the senior countryside ranger here, so how do you get an accurate reading of snow depth? first of all, down at car park level we have a stevenson screen and we have been recording weather data there since pre—1980, so we have scales, centimetre and metre sticks, to record the snow. but historically, actually, the people on the hill know how deep the snow is. sometimes you can come up and the hill is covered in snow, and then a night of wind and it has been windswept clean. it changes literally every day. there is plenty of snow around at the moment. is this a promising situation for the start of the season? it's promising. it is promising that we've had a good lot of snow. the ground has started to cool down as well,