you need _ am going to do a mid week tonight. you need it— am going to do a mid week tonight. you need it with this weather, don't you? _ you need it with this weather, don't ou? .,, , ., , you need it with this weather, don't ou? , you? post night shift as well, cosy. beef stew- — you? post night shift as well, cosy. beef stew. crusty _ you? post night shift as well, cosy. beef stew. crusty bread. _ you? post night shift as well, cosy. beef stew. crusty bread. loads - you? post night shift as well, cosy. beef stew. crusty bread. loads of. beef stew. crusty bread. loads of hutter~ _ beef stew. crusty bread. loads of butter. plenty of patter. you beef stew. crusty bread. loads of butter. plenty of patter.— butter. plenty of patter. you are talkin: butter. plenty of patter. you are talking dirty _ butter. plenty of patter. you are talking dirty to _ butter. plenty of patter. you are talking dirty to me _ butter. plenty of patter. you are talking dirty to me now. - butter. plenty of patter. you are talking dirty to me now. if- butter. plenty of patter. you are talking dirty to me now. if you i talking dirty to me now. if you don't — talking dirty to me now. if you don't have _ talking dirty to me now. if you don't have anyone _ talking dirty to me now. if you don't have anyone to - talking dirty to me now. if you don't have anyone to have - talking dirty to me now. if you don't have anyone to have a l talking dirty to me now. if you - don't have anyone to have a laugh with on— don't have anyone to have a laugh with on chip. _ don't have anyone to have a laugh with on chip. it— don't have anyone to have a laugh with on chip, it will— don't have anyone to have a laugh with on chip, it will be _ don't have anyone to have a laugh with on chip, it will be a _ don't have anyone to have a laugh with on chip, it will be a long - with on chip, it will be a long night — with on chip, it will be a long niuht. , ., with on chip, it will be a long nit ht, , ., ., with on chip, it will be a long niuht. , ., ., ., night. sometimes going for a quick walk around _ night. sometimes going for a quick walk around the _ night. sometimes going for a quick walk around the unit, _ night. sometimes going for a quick walk around the unit, we _ night. sometimes going for a quick walk around the unit, we have - night. sometimes going for a quick| walk around the unit, we have been known _ walk around the unit, we have been known to— walk around the unit, we have been known to dance to wake ourselves up. having _ known to dance to wake ourselves up. having someone to have a chat with can lift _ having someone to have a chat with can lift the — having someone to have a chat with can lift the mood. i need to go back — deathis death is a really big part of working _ death is a really big part of working in intensive care and to work— working in intensive care and to work there _ working in intensive care and to work there you have to be prepared to face _ work there you have to be prepared

Related Keywords

Night Shift ,Weather ,Beef Stew ,Crusty Bread ,Cosy ,Dont You ,Crusty ,Dont Ou ,Laugh ,Anyone ,Butter ,Chip ,Spatter ,Loads ,Don T ,You Don T ,Jon Don T ,It Don T ,Patter Butter ,Al Talking Dirty ,Long Niuht ,Long Nit Ht ,Unit ,Someone ,Chat ,Walk ,Quick ,Mood ,Intensive Care ,Death ,Part ,Working ,Ideathis ,

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