Everyone, and they called the police and ambulance. I said, why did you do that, why are you trying to kill people . And he wasnt responding, except to say, kill me. Members of the public had been speaking about how they held the man who had jumped out of the fight ban on the ground as they waited for police to arrive, police said they were at the Scene Inio Police said they were at the scene in 10 minutes. Police said they were at the scene inio minutes. A police said they were at the scene in 10 minutes. A . 48 man has been arrested, taken to hospital as a precaution. Home secretary amber rudd says this is being treated as a Terrorist Incident. Counterterrorism Police Officers are investigating. This was an attack on london and all londoners. We should all stand together against extremists whatever their calls. Good morning, dojoin us live in france free park this morning, Counter Terrorism officers investigating an incident involving a vehicle being driven into a crowd of people on the streets of london. This happened just after the police cordoned behind me, behind us, is most Muslim Welfare house, on other side of the road is the Mosque Thatis other side of the road is the mosque that is i of the biggest in the country, Finsbury Park mosque and people had been praying inside there, people gathered in local cafes, this is ramadan, they were breaking the ramadan fast at the end of muslim prayers. Just outside Muslim Welfare house a man had actually collapsed in the street and was being attended to by some of those who had seen what happened. This was a self contained incident initially, it seemed he collapsed from a heart attack, then a fan drove at speed along the road, mounted the pavement and drove into people helping that man who had collapsed, police say he has died and at least 10 others have been injured as a result of that fan driving into the crowd. We spoke to people who describe how they saw the man get out of the van, they told him to the ground, they waited for police to come and arrest him. There we re police to come and arrest him. There were initial reports that police took some time to arrive but the least say they were there within 10 minutes of getting the initial call. The Muslim Council of britain has said there has been an increase in islam phobia in recent months and its calling for more security around mosques. Lets bring you right up with all of the latest developments. The Seven Sisters road in North Londonjust after midnight. This footage filmed by an eyewitness was recorded moments after a van mounted the pavement and struck several pedestrians. The streets had been filled with worshippers who just left Evening Prayers at the Finsbury Park mosque and the nearby Muslim Welfare house. He looked straight, he looked straight like it was towards muslims. Basically the target. He basically drove on the pavement, coming straight towards all the muslims, and as he was coming to them, he hit all of them. Within hours, the Muslim Council of britain claimed the van was intentionally driven at worshippers. Police say the driver, a 48 year old man, was found by members of the public and handed over to officers to be arrested. He has since been taken to hospital as a precaution. I was coming from the shops. And i saw a large crowd of people on the pavement. I learned after that a van that was standing by the Traffic Lights was the van that mowed the people down. Several ambulances were on the scene soon afterwards with trauma teams treating the injured. Eight people were taken to hospital. Theresa may says police are treating this as a potential Terrorist Attack. The local mp and labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said hed been in touch with Islington Council and local mosques in the area. This morning the scene remained sealed off as counterterrorism officers for the third time in as many months investigate a vehicle driven into people on London Streets with deadly consequences. Greg dawson, bbc news. Theresa may minister michael will be chairing an Emergency Committee meeting of cobra. Police have been bringing us up to date. Meeting of cobra. Police have been bringing us uptodate. The attack unfolded whilst the man was receiving ist aid and sadly that man has died. Any positive link between his death and the attack will form pa rt his death and the attack will form part of the investigation. It is too early too early to say if his death was the result of this attack. Our thoughts are absolutely with all of those affected by the incident at Seven Sisters road and their family and friends and the wider community. No matter what the motivation for this attack proves to be we are keeping an open mind. This is being treated as a Terrorist Attack and the Counterterrorism Command is investigating. This was an attack on london and all londoners and we should all stand together against extremists whatever the cause. From 21 minutes past midnight this Morning Police received a number of calls to Seven Sisters road following a van having collided with pedestrians. Officers were in the immediate vicinity at the time, actually as the attack unfolded and they responded instantly. Additional officers were on the scene within 10 minutes. 1 man as i said, was pronounced dead at the scene, 8 others are in hospital, two more treated at the scene. All the victims were from the Muslim Community. Id like to praise the Police Officers who immediately responded he gave Life Saving Treatment at the scene but also very much those members of the public who assisted before and after this incident. Also at the scene, detained by members of that community was the man suspected of being the driver during this attack. He has been arrested on suspicion of Attempted Murder. Iwould he has been arrested on suspicion of Attempted Murder. I would like to thank those people who helped Police Detained the man and worked with officers to calmly and quickly get him into our custody. There is strength in the circumstances is commendable. This investigation is ongoing and we are working fast to gain full details of how and why it took place. At this early stage of the investigation no other suspects have been identified and reported to police and there were no reports of any people having suffered any knife injuries. The van used has been examined by specialist officers but nothing that would cause a risk to the public was found within it. Extra policing resources have deployed across london in order to reassure communities especially those observing ramadan at this very sensitive time. I would urge everyone to remain camp and remain vigilant. I asked the public with any information about this incident 01 any information about this incident or anything that causes them concern suspicion to call police on a weird hundred 789 321. Calm. Obviously this is a furry early stage of the investigation however as and when i can make or Information Available i will. This has been an incredibly challenging time for london and the Emergency Services are stretched. Nevertheless we will all do absolutely everything we will all do absolutely everything we can with our partners to protect londoners and our city. Now is a time once again for london to stand together to face those who seek to divide us. What we are seeing and what witnesses report to us there was nobody else in the fan and it appears this time this attack attacked alone, that is not to say we are not investigating the full circumstances of how he came to be where he was but at this point in time there was nobody else in the van. Let me tell you a bit more about where we are. Behind me you can see the police vans, a line of officers, just behind the camera, a huge number of people here, a lot of reporters reporting on this latest Terror Incident in london. Also a lot of local people gathering, shocked to wake to the news this morning and people who have simply been up all night having witnessed what was happening, not able to go to bed. Just still here, talking about what they saw and experienced. Weve heard from several people who gave chase to the attacker as he tried to leave the scene having jumped out of the van, he was actually knocked to the ground by those people who gave chase and held until police arrived, police said they were here within 10 minutes although initial reports from people at the scene but that it felt like longer but police said they were here very quickly. As with other attacks, there was a sense initially of utter confusion, when they were actually tending to a man who had collapsed in the street and as locals help that person who was on the ground, a van deliberately drove into them. That obviously lead to immense confusion as to what exactly was happening but very quickly, they realised, jumped out of the way, 10 People Injured and taken to hospital and police say it is the man who was being tended to in the street who died. It is unclear whether he died as the result of apparently having had a heart attack or whether it was injuries sustained by the van. Jeremy corbyn is the local mp, he has said he is completely shocked by what happened, he has been speaking to some of those working at the Muslim Welfare house. The Home Secretary amber rudd has described her shock at what happened. Unfortunately we have again woken up to another terrible incident in london where a man has taken hold of a van and driven it into a group of innocent people in Finsbury Park. There was one fatal fatality that we know about and a number of casualties, and the police are treating it as a Terrorist Incident. We know that the police were on hand immediately, we know that they have treated it immediately as a suspected terrorist event, and that is the normal procedure and we will see whether they confirm that later this morning. It was treated immediately as a suspected Terrorist Attack. We must allow the police to deal with the facts and they will make sure that they make those facts available as soon as they can. Our priority must be to support the people who have been victims of this and to make sure the investigation is done with all due speed and professionalism. We are concerned about everybody, londoners have been hit with a series of attacks and have actually been nothing short of heroic. We will always make sure that everybodys protected. We have a places of worship fund, which we announced last summer, which is there to protect places of worship like mosques. We will make sure that we do all we can to reduce these sorts of attacks. I am joined by our home affairs correspondent, daniel sandford, now. Another attack involving a van being driven into people on the streets of london. Its extraordinary, think about it, 3 times this year, vehicles driven into pedestrians in london, as part of what are a p pa re ntly london, as part of what are apparently deliberate attacks. Slight difference this time, it seems to have been a deliberate attack on the Muslim Community rather than an attack on the Wider Population of london. Either in westminster or having a night out in London Bridge. A couple of things worth saying at this stage, firstly, as you were picking up earlier on, the man who has died, it seems as if he was already very, very ill. He seems to have been suffering some sort of heart attack and as far as i can tell, police are really unclear at this stage whether he was hit by the van or in fact his death was something that was going to happen anyway. That said, of course, 10 People Injured, 8 of them very badly, ending up in hospital, the other thing worth saying, preliminary investigations owing on into the a0 age old man who appears to have been driving this vehicle. At this stage it looks as if there may be some Mental Health issues, clearly anybody who deliberately targets a group of muslims is going to have some kind of extremist bent what it looks as if hes not as at work, someone that is a known extremist at this stage its very, very early, but someone known to be suffering from Mental Health difficulties. That would be something that causes controversy because i think the Muslim Community often says when we are targeted at someone often says when we are targeted at someone with Mental Health of the gulbis, when other communities are targeted its a lone wolf. At this stage, it seems to be for this investigation may be going. He was taken to hospital, was he injured . Thats unclear, the fact he was taken to hospital with suggest there may be some physical injuries on a clearly, think about what happened, this band driven up the bustling, turning left and running into this group of worshippers between the two prays during ramadan, he was grabbed by the community, its quite likely he has either sustained injuries from crashing the vehicle or from being restrained by the community but i think thats going to come out over the hours and days ahead. Certainly, at stage, police, contrary to what some eyewitnesses seem contrary to what some eyewitnesses seem to suggest, think he was the only person there and was apparently the driver of the vehicle, obviously the driver of the vehicle, obviously the man who has been arrested so there are legal constraints but thats what seems to have happened. It happened by Finsbury Park mosque, well known, 1 of the largest in the country, how close was it, does it look like it was sort of specifically because of the location . Well, for two yea rs well, for two years there has been two mosques here. Finsbury park mosque was an infamous mosque at one stage, but has become a fairly standard mosque. There is also Muslim Welfare house, thats closer to the incident, but this place where this happened is a place where people from both mosques tend to go between the two prayers during ramadan. It is like an open space off the main road. There is a cafe nearby, but its a place where people bring Camping Chairs and sit around and chat and share food because of course thats the time when the Muslim Community can eat during the time of ramadan. So, these were people who had gathered ina these were people who had gathered in a little quiet side street to share food, and to discuss and to be contemplative when somebody has taken ill and they are treating that person and then out of the blue, this hired van from wales comes ploughing into the group of them and all hell breaks loose. Talking to eyewitnesses, the first Police Officers did arrive within minutes and were helping to treat the man who had suffered from this apparent heart attack, but it did a lot of time for them, ambulances and more Police Support to come in. Partly that was because of the large numbers of people that were around did he say anything . Well, again, were reliant on eyewitnesses, but eyewitnesses are saying that he was restrained. At one point somebody had him in a headlock and they were holding him on the ground and they say that the man that they were holding was saying, kill me now. Kill me now. Myjob is duvenlt thats quite second hand at the moment and we need wait until we get further down the line, but it does seem further down the line, but it does seem that he was suggesting that he had done what hell come to do and he was prepared to die. That was the implication. We were not present and this has been said to us. This is being investigated by Counter Terrorism officers . Yes, thats automatic. If anyone is believed to have attacked for an extremist reason and clearly, targeting a Muslim Community would be an extremist thing then the Counter Terrorism police steps in. If you think about the murder ofjo cox, it was dealt with by Counter Terrorism police and it went through the Counter Terrorism protocol within the courts and i think you can assume at this stage u nless think you can assume at this stage unless something changes it will be the Counter Terrorism that deals with this incident. Daniel, iwould like to bring in two young men who we re we re like to bring in two young men who were were there in the aftermath. Would you mind just introducing yourself and telling us where you were. I have been living in this area for all my life near enough. I have been coming to this mosque for as long as i can remember. I have been coming here this ramadan. Oon the last ten days is something in which the muslims like to frequent the mosque much more because its longer Night Prayers and i was here. I broke my fast here. After i broke my fast, i prayed a little. I went to the shop and when i come back, ive met with incident anarchy, you know. Just talk us through what happened. Did you see the van . Obviously, i saw the van, but i didnt see the collision, but i saw the van and i saw there were people on the floor, the women and the men, screaming and shouting, pandemonium, the assailant was on the floor. The imam was telling people to deal with him properly and deal with him justly as muslims should do. I saw the Police Apprehend him after as well and the community is in a state of, they are terrified, traumatised, ina of, they are terrified, traumatised, in a State Of Shock especially what happened in Grenfell Tower, you know, some of the people in this area, they personally, i know of some persons who have gone and helped volunteers at Grenfell Tower andi helped volunteers at Grenfell Tower and i have known some personally who have family that have passed away in g re nfell tower. Have family that have passed away in Grenfell Tower. Stay with us. Want to introduce you. Can you introduce yourself as well. I live in walthamstow. What happened today is a reaction. This is a reaction to what happened to the London Bridge attack. A similar attack, the guy in attack. A similar attack, the guy in a van. Did you actually see happened . Were a van. Did you actually see happened . Were you a van. Did you actually see happened . Were you here last night . We came out of the prayers and there was loads of muslims on the street and the man ploughed into them and the driver was eventually dragged out of the car and pinned to the floor and people were hitting him and punching him and what happened was the imam came out of the mosque and said, dont hit him. Pin him down and call the police. As muslims today, were victimised and were labelled terrorists when this isnt the case. Muslims dont feel safe walking the streets of britain and it shouldnt have to be this way. Were you in the group of people around the man when he was taken out of the van . Yes. What happened . Was he trying to stay in the van . No, he was trying to, it was a struggle to get him out. Eventually he was getting out. He was pinned down to the floor and people were beating him up and they would do because of the actions he has done. Once he was palestinianed do you think the police came, but the response took too long. I spoke to police on the other side of the bridge and i asked them why did it take so lock, in the London Bridge incident it took them six minutes and with lee rigby, it took them four minutes. The metropolitan police have got to answer why it took them so long. I have got footage of a woman on the Floor Cove Red have got footage of a woman on the floor covered in blood. The ambulance took 40 minutes. I asked a policeman and he said i cant disclose any information. It was reported as a driver has crashed and therefore it wasnt priority. When did people think it was something other than didntal collision . When we saw the violence. He was building up we saw the violence. He was building up speed. It was a reaction to what happened in London Bridge. It was a premeditated attack. He picked Finsbury Park. It is a muslim area. It is highly populated. He knew what time prayers was finishing and he came out in the van and he specifically ran the muslims over. Its not fair on muslims. No one feels safe, we cant go to the mosque without looking behind our backs. We have to look behind our backs. We have to look behind our backs to practise our religion. Were living in fear. We shouldnt have to live like this. Did he say anything . 123a50 have to live like this. Did he say anything . 123450 when he was arrested and put in the van he screamed, ill do it again. He was in the van. Out of his van . No, into the police van. As police were leading him into the van and as he was getting led into the van, he said ill do it again. And did you hear hill say anything prior to that . I didnt hear anything happen. I was just kind of bewildered at the situation. I didnt know what was happening. I was in a state of confusion. I could see people getting cpr on the floor. The Muslim Community from this attack that has happened especially in Finsbury Park isa happened especially in Finsbury Park is a close knit community. Muslims are deeply saddened by whats happened andits just sad because the response the government gave. After there, i have gone home and im watching the news and they are saying its a major incident. If this was maybe an individual from an ethnic minority, a muslim, somebody who has got a muslim name, he has done this to another place of worship, it would be treated as a Terrorist Attack. The Prime Minister says it has been treated as a terrorism attack. And Counter Terrorism officers are investigating. You dont believe its being treated properly as a Terrorist Attack. The problem im having is the response. The problem im having is the way that extremism is dealt with. There is different speck tums is dealt with. There is different speck turns from different people. If an Individualfrom Speck turns from different people. If an individual from a speck turns from different people. If an individualfrom a muslim background commits terrorism, belmarsh, all these prisons, but if somebodyjuz like belmarsh, all these prisons, but if somebody juz like the belmarsh, all these prisons, but if somebodyjuz like thejo cox, the way she was killed, that was a huge tragedy. How can somebody from a far right extremism kill a minister of parliament . Thats major. If that was to be a muslim, it would be a different reaction. The way the government is dealing with extremism is incorrect. You want there to be a one minutes silence. There should be. Not only for this, but for the time who died in the tower. Enough is not being done and a one minutes silence should be done to raise awareness. The government are asking and the media what Security Measures can be taking place, not only for news limbs, and the truth of the matter is nothing can be done. Violence will be on the streets until i day we lie. Let me just say, there will abminutes silence at 11 oclock. Every reaction has an action. The london mayor said it was an attack on all our shared values. How important is it that all communities come together now . How important is it that all communities come together now7m course, it is. To show unity. There was a lady from a white background and she said, leave our muslim communities alone. She and she said, leave our muslim communities alone. She is not even muslim. We are always stereotyped. Its not fair. Were victimised. Sisters and mothers and brothers are afraid to leave the house. Why should we have to live out of fear to practise our religion . Thank you very much. Police have been saying there is a lot of anger and there have been reports from the people who were there that the police were slow to respond. The police were slow to respond. The police say they were there quickly. Initially the incident was reported as effectively a Road Accident because there was confusion when the van initially went off the road, but as we were hearing from our eyewitnesses the van was speeding up and so it became clear that it was and so it became clear that it was an incident that did not seem to be an incident that did not seem to be an accident. It was deliberate and there were reinforcements sent to there were reinforcements sent to the scene. The person who died in the scene. The person who died in the attack was someone who was being looked after by a crowd of people who had gathered. They were in the streets after breaking the ramadan fast and they saw a man who was struggling on the floor. It seemed he had a heart attack and they were helping him and he is the person who has died. At least ten others have been injured. Well, im joined by two more guests. Would you mind just introducing yourself. Hussain. Were you there last night . Did you see what happened . You there last night . Did you see what happened . I heard the noise and stuff u p what happened . I heard the noise and stuff up there. And then i looked back and i see the van and i thought an explosion would follow. I ran all the way down to the corner. This is a muslim area and three different mosques within a very close area. The Islamic Centre where the media say islamic terrorists and i think that was backlash and innocent people paid the price for those back lashes and most people that i spoke, when i left the area, they keep saying he was proud that he did this. Some people said he was smiling. Thats the people who were holding him and involved with him. Did you see him . No, i was far away when they were holding him. Thats when they were holding him. Thats when i actually see the man. Could you introduce yourself . Abdul. Where we re you introduce yourself . Abdul. Where were you . I was travelling from Central London to north london around 12. 30. And i sawjust going past after a huge amount of police vans and ambulances past me, a few seconds later i came to the scene. I didnt know what was happening. I parked my car. I wasjust curious andl parked my car. I wasjust curious and i went and i realised something is not right. I saw at least two bodies on the ground, motionless, i couldnt tell if they were still alive or dead. Their clothes were bloodied. I asked alive or dead. Their clothes were bloodied. Iasked people alive or dead. Their clothes were bloodied. I asked people whats happening . One man said to me, do you see that van behind us . And there were a few other bodies on the ground. I couldnt see, but people told me there were eight bodies and beyond that, he pointed to a white van saying a man beyond that, he pointed to a white van saying a man was beyond that, he pointed to a white van saying a man was driving that and he just ploughed through and yes, the police are looking to investigate what happened but a lot of people i spoke to, eyewitnesses, they were adamant, no doubt, what happened was deliberate. Thats what he said, even the bbc guy said, he said clearly, the guy said to him, i want to kill more muslims and this was he holds, this ideology that kind of terrorists hauled and he wants is to take as many muslims as he can but there will be more casualties than we are counting tonight. Luckily there were only 8 few casualties, people were chatting around, some people chatting, this is the people that suffer in the area. I mean, again, i spoke, i came a few seconds after the incident i did not see it myself, i was there just after it happened, Police Cordons were not just put up just happened, Police Cordons were not just put upjust yet, it happened, Police Cordons were not just put up just yet, it took a while but cpr was being administrated, it was quite busy, nobody knew what was happening, it took a while for people to work out, this does not look good. We heard the imam came out of the mosque and told people to remain can, it seems that some. He was pulled out of the van and people were angry. Eyewitnesses saw the man, he was apprehended, put into a van, more thani person apprehended, put into a van, more than 1 person said the apprehended, put into a van, more thani person said the guy apprehended, put into a van, more than 1 person said the guy was almost a jubilant, he than 1 person said the guy was almost ajubilant, he raised his hands in triumph, he didnt, you know, look sorry, thats what people we re know, look sorry, thats what people were telling me on the ground. People are really shocked, people walking back, trying to find out, women were holding their mouths, gasping, realising what might have happened and people cannot believe this has actually happened. The Muslim Council of britain has spoken of Rising Islam Phobia and the feelings around mosques, particularly around ramadan. The women said we cant go because we are. The tensions are high, people dont know the difference between muslims, they sabotaged us, the whole community, they are scared. Most people out at midnight are the men, they think maybe they are strong and can defend themselves, i dont think a lot of women should pray in this area and feel safe. Men like me, praying is a spiritual thing, between you and god, when you stand there you want peace and quiet, it doesnt matter if its a mosque or a Christian Church or any for else, nobody deserves to terrorise, to feel unsafe within the community where you hold your own fasting and peace between you and god and being quiet. Some People Choose to commit crime as they did London Bridge and in manchester and i think its time for us to change and said this is the criminals, we should point the criminals, its not too sabotaged communities, we should not say their name and sabotaged the community because they hold the same name and some people will pay the price by saying, you did it. Its like me saying he was white, he was christian, its nothing to do with that, these people arent my doctors, my neighbours, they did nothing, he was the i who chose to commit crime and he killed somebodys dad, mother and grandfather as they did before. They did, both sides, they want a clash of civilisations and they want separation and they want destruction everywhere, not just in separation and they want destruction everywhere, notjust in the uk. What do you think about the reaction there has been from politicians and there has been from politicians and the community in terms of trying to make sure people come together rather than get driven apart . L make sure people come together rather than get driven apart . A lot of us werent paying attention to sound bites, politicians coming out strongly as they do with others suspected Terrorist Attacks or incidents, muslim eyewitnesses i spoke to in the early hours of yesterday were all adamant this was a deliberate attack, they all came out with strong words and they want to similar strong words swiftly and quickly from politicians and other believers. What do you think about the reaction has been . From politicians . Well, its their own game, with the politicians but i think they should separate the criminality part, doesnt matter if they are islamic terrorists or nationalists or racist, or they are a far right extremists, they choose to commit crime and we should finger point and persecute them and for ever they are, link them and stop them, thats what politicians should do. Let us, and let us say, strong and stable. They should say, they are criminals, they are muslims, they could be anyone, dont divide they could be anyone, dont divide the nation, there are some people out there, dont see these people, all these faces the media feeding them all this hate and they think all muslims are of 2 something, we are not, we are doctors, we arent like normal families, the person who died isa like normal families, the person who died is a grandfather. He went to spiritual things between him and his god and noi spiritual things between him and his god and no i should feel unsafe, im not saying this is calling for muslims, this is us as a society and we have problems we need to solve and tell people being radicalised, please, dont be so. Thank you very much. We are broadcasting live from them is pre park in north london. There has been another terrorist and involving a van being driven into a crowd of people on the streets of london. Broadcasting live from Finsbury Park. Lets bring you up to date. The Seven Sisters road in North Londonjust after midnight. This footage filmed by an eyewitness was recorded moments after a van mounted the pavement and struck several pedestrians. The streets had been filled with worshippers who just left Evening Prayers at the Finsbury Park mosque and the nearby Muslim Welfare house. He looked straight, he looked straight like it was towards muslims. Basically the target. He basically drove on the pavement, coming straight towards all the muslims, and as he was coming to them, he hit all of them. Within hours, the Muslim Council of britain claimed the van was intentionally driven at worshippers. Police say the driver, a a8 year old man, was found by members of the public and handed over to officers to be arrested. He has since been taken to hospital as a precaution. I was coming from the shops. And i saw a large crowd of people on the pavement. I learned after that a van that was standing by the Traffic Lights was the van that mowed the people down. Several ambulances were on the scene soon afterwards with trauma teams treating the injured. Eight people were taken to hospital. Theresa may says police are treating this as a potential Terrorist Attack. The local mp and labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said hed been in touch with Islington Council and local mosques in the area. This morning the scene remained sealed off as counterterrorism officers for the third time in as many months investigate a vehicle driven into people on London Streets with deadly consequences. Greg dawson, bbc news. Theresa may is currently chairing an Emergency Meeting of the Cobra Committee, after that add about 10 am she will make a statement and we will bring that to you live. The london mayor siddiqui can spoke about the importance of community is coming together. My message to londoners and those across the country is to be cam and vigilant, there will be an increased visible Police Presence in london today, around mosques and places of worship. Just to go on that increased visibility, how much more can we expect . Each Borough Commander across london, there are 32 boroughs, they will make sure there is additional uniformed officers around mosques, some of Thatis Officers around mosques, some of that is people being brought back from leave to make sure we are people that are keeping people safe, towards the end of ramadan, more and more worshippers go to the mosques in the evenings, what we dont want to do is let anyone think they cant go about their lives because they feel vulnerable or scared. With me now is chris phillips, former head of counterterrorism security. We obviously have a huge Police Presence, this is being investigated by Counterterrorism Police, what does that mean specifically about how it will be investigated . Does that mean specifically about how it will be investigated . M means for sure this is being treated asa means for sure this is being treated as a terrorism act, it means there will be an enormous amount of forensic work going on at the moment. And of course, what they will need to know 1st and foremost, who is this person, who is his contacts, then they are looking at who he has been in contact with, whether there is anyone else involved because like all Terrorist Attacks, we need to make sure there is no1 attacks, we need to make sure there is no 1 out that is a thread. There we re is no 1 out that is a thread. There were initial reports perhaps there had been other people in the vehicle but those reports seem to have gone away. The fact that there no 1 else the vehicle doesnt mean theres no 1 else involved, but could be other people linked in with this person in some way, that means they have some involvement. We need to find out who hired the van, or did they get that from, what money did they use and see if this is actually, a history of this person being involved in kind of right wing extremism, perhaps, to see his motives as to how and why he did this. There is of course someone in how and why he did this. There is of course someone in custody which hasnt always been the case in counterterrorism investigations. Its always good when you get the person involved because you can move very quickly then to find out who they are, dna samples, fingerprints will tell police who this person is and they can work on that and make sure you can close down anyone else who might be involved. This can be a lone actor, most likely is, but there could the other people linked to him who have similarfeelings. The police have to go in with an open mind and explore every option, obviously. In terms of the level of resources , obviously. In terms of the level of resources, this is another incident involving a vehicle on the streets of london, Counterterrorism Police investigating the 3rd attack in as many months. What does that mean for Police Resources . I can tell you for that means, they are already stretched, i think the police announced hundreds of officers were involved in each inquiry, those officers dont come from nowhere, they have to be taken off the duties and officers dealing with this now will have been perhaps previously doing other work such as following other people who are also a terrorist threat. This is about having enough people in times of emergency and crisis because some of these guys will have been on for a long time, for a lot of days and they cant last for ever, its incredible. We are asking a lot of our police force to not only stop attacks from happening but deal with the fallout when something happens. In terms of bolstering that very special expertise how does that happen . As you say, expertise, doesnt come quickly and when you are trying to get people into the world of counterterrorism and understand how things operate, detectives, as an example, there is a massive shortage in the met, only a massive shortage in the met, only a few weeks ago then it came out and said they needed more and they would ta ke said they needed more and they would take them direct off the street, effectively. A dont become detectives overnight, these things ta ke detectives overnight, these things take time and i really do hope that in government there is a recognition that not only the police but the fire brigade needy enough people to keep us safe and to make sure they can do what all these incidents, these crises that we are having across the country. Theres been some frustration amongst people who we re some frustration amongst people who were here as it was unfolding that the Police Response wasnt quick enough. The police say they sent responds immediately but initially the reports were of a Road Traffic Incident and then as soon as it became clear it was something other than that, reinforcements were sent. I think the Police Respond to for a get, it depends, we dont know what a phone call said, probably said a vehicle has crashed, there are hundreds of vehicle crashes every day and every night in london and u nfortu nately, day and every night in london and unfortunately, when you look at the resources that the police have actually got on the street, they cant deal with these accidents. We dont actually centre they dont send officers out to these accidents because they simply cannot deal with the sheer quantity. I can tell you know as soon as they had even an inkling this was a Terrorist Attack they would have been on to it like a flash and got here and at the end of the day members of the public did a greatjob but the police came in and sorted it out as well. We shouldnt be, ithink sorted it out as well. We shouldnt be, i think there is always a desire to look at some form of criticism on the police and i think we need to just bear in mind the typicaljob they have to do. As you say its worth noting that the public came together here and they actually stopped the man as he tried to leave the scene. Yes, it must be noted here that actually, i should, isis, this is absolutely made for them, its exactly what they want to happen, they want communities to fight each other, and whoever this person is, if thats been his desire, then hes effectively working for isis because thats what they want and we as normal people, further they are muslims, Christians Orany further they are muslims, christians or any other religion or no religion, need to make sure we understand thats what they want and we must really come together rather than pushing ourselves apart because if we push ourselves apart we will see more of these types of incident. Thank you. A little bit earlier this morning the Counterterrorism Police officer in charge of the investigation gave an update on the latest. Sadly, londoners are waking up to the news of another dreadful incident in the capital that has left a number of people seriously injured. The attack unfolded whilst a man was already receiving first aid from the public at the scene, and sadly that man has died. Any causative link between his death and the attack will form part of our investigation. It is too early to say that his death was as a result of this attack. Our thoughts are absolutely with all of those affected by the incident at Seven Sisters road, and their family, friends, and the wider community. No matter what the motivation for this attack proves to be, we are keeping an open mind. This is being treated as a Terrorist Attack, and the Counterterrorism Command is investigating. This was an attack on london, and all londoners, and we should all stand together against extremists, whatever their cause. From 00 21am this morning, Police Received a number of calls to Seven Sisters road following a van having collided with pedestrians. Officers were in the immediate vicinity at the time, actually as the attack unfolded, and they responded instantly. Additional officers were on scene within ten minutes. One man, as i said, was pronounced dead at the scene. Eight others are in hospital, and two more were treated at the scene. All the victims were from the Muslim Community. Id like to praise the Police Officers who immediately responded, who gave Life Saving Treatment at the scene. But also very much those members of the public who assisted before and after this incident. Also at the scene, detained by members of that community, was the man suspected of being the driver during this attack. He has been arrested on suspicion of Attempted Murder. I would like to thank those people who helped police in detaining the man and worked with officers to calmly and quickly get him into our custody. Their restraint in the circumstances is commendable. This investigation is ongoing and we are working fast to know the full details of how and why it took place. At this early stage in the investigation, no other suspects have been identified or reported to police. And there were no reports of any people having suffered any knife injuries. The van used has been examined by specialist officers but nothing that would cause a risk to the public was found within it. Extra policing resources have been deployed across london to reassure communities, especially those observing ramadan at this very sensitive time. I would urge everyone to remain calm and remain vigilant. I ask the public with any information about this incident or anything that causes them concern or suspicion to call the police on 0800 789 321. Thats 0800 789 321. Obviously this is a very early stage of the investigation. However, as and when i can make more Information Available, i will. This has been an incredibly challenging time for london and the Emergency Services are stretched. Nevertheless, we will all do absolutely everything we can with our partners to protect londoners and our city. Now is the time once again for london to stand together to face those who seek to divide us. From what we are seeing, there was nobody else in the van and it appears at this time this attacker attacked alone. Thats not to say that we are not investigating the full circumstances of how he came to be where he was. And at this point in time there was nobody else in the van. With me now is abdul. Tell me where you were when everything started to happen . I was walking past that road where the incident did happen and i saw a sight that i usually see every night, i saw people eating and drinking. I waved at them. I went into here, about 100 yards after, two or three minutes after, i heard the incident happen. I rushed back to see horrific scenes. Police and Emergency Services, a couple of them came, most of the area was congregated by worshippers who were speculate that one of their Family Members were involved. The area was hectic. Most of the Emergency Services that was there, was trying to resuscitate a man who was in a ritical condition. It was very, very weird, very bizarre scenes. How many people were there . All together . Yes. More people came. A lot of people, it was like a chain reaction, more people heard about it, more people came out, came out, came out, the area was engulfed by people trying to see exactly and make sense of what happened. It overwhelmed the Emergency Services, but they quickly got a hand of it. Initially people thought it was some sort of a road Traffic Accident . Initially people thought it was some sort of a road Traffic Accident7m unnerved a lot of people. A lot of people came to check out what it was. The scenes were very horrific. Did you see the driver of the van . |j did, did you see the driver of the van . did, indeed. What was he doing . What was happening with him . Well, i didnt see him being apprehended by the police. I saw him in his face and he looked indifferent. He looked like he didnt really care what he did. If it was something he regretted, he would have showed it by his face. There was no sign of regret. There is speculation this might bea regret. There is speculation this might be a Terrorist Attack. This is 100 a Terrorist Attack. All the evidence shows it was a Terrorist Attack. He was in a bus lane which he had no right to be in, he had a hired van. He said things like, kill me. Ive done myjob. People were trying to hold him down. People were trying to hold him down. People were trying to hold him down. People were asking him why did he do it . He has given weird answers. All of these things have been said by people who were there. Some said he didnt speak. The people i spoke to, i went to the people that i did see and they said exactly thats what he said. Soi and they said exactly thats what he said. So i didnt speak to any light har lotta nce. Said. So i didnt speak to any light har lottance. He told me it is 100 a racially motivated attack. It is 100 a hate crime. A racially motivated attack. It is 10096 a hate crime. You saw some of those injured . This is before the Emergency Services blocked off the area. We saw people on the floor and things like this. We saw prior to them create ago barricade, we saw people, people are walking over bodies, so on and so forth. The vans that were behind us have moved so we can see clearly down. The police va ns can see clearly down. The police vans are further douvenlt just explain because you know this area well. Thats the mosque. You see that. Thats next to the station. Thats the mosque. Where the incident happened is 20 to 30 meters right past there. Thats by the Muslim Welfare house . 20 or 30 meters away. It was so busy because muslims were at Night Prayers and breaking the fast . The thing was because in the last ten days, it is a period where people pray like a second round. So its 12 oclock to 1am is the time. Its the buffer period between the two. People go out and get food and some back and thats when it happened. Thats when the incident happened. What do you think about the reaction there has beenin think about the reaction there has been in terms of the political reaction. The Prime Minister came out quickly and said this appears to bea out quickly and said this appears to be a Terrorism Incident and Counter Terrorism police are investigating. Sadiq khan. Thats what they say. Even the way the News Tabloids are reporting this, they are saying, it maybe terrorists. It shows it is 100 a Terrorist Attack. The daily mail blurred out the persons face. The newspapers, vehicle cold leuds. The words they use. It goes to show. This is not like, this is something we see all the time. However, the way they portray it, vehicle cold leuds. It makes it sound like its a Road Accident. A lot of people thought it was a Road Accident because of reading newspapers like this. Whats the best thing to be done in terms of making sure communities come together after this . The thing is the only people that actually benefit from things like this are far right extremist groups like isis. Now they have incentives to radicalise this. They can say you are law abiding citizens, you pay your taxes, you are still being targeted. The only way you will be secure is if you become militant and thats open, thats path ways to becoming radicalised. A lot of people thats what they are scared of. We dont want to see someone getting involved in this, but things like that, they are pushed towards that agenda. Things like this cant be ignored. When you say people are scared of this happening . Ive lived here my whole life. Ive never seen an atrocity like this ever. It only benefits radical groups, radical groups. Do you mean people coming along and trying to radicalise them . Thats the after effect of Something Like this. We have to stay close knit as a community. We have to stick together. Things like this drives a wedge into the community and it allows far right groups to radicalise people. It gives them an incentive. The person is clearly, i guarantee is probably, he belongs to Britain First or edl, what he was saying. We know nothing about that. He will be investigated. The evidence that we do know and its most evidence that we do know and its m ost d eaf evidence that we do know and its most deaf litly. I spoke to some people and its100 a hate crime. 100 a hate crime. There is no speculation about that. What needs to be done to reassure the community after this . A lot of people, as we saw, are out, feeling vulnerable. Do they need more security around mosques . When its coming from the islamic side, they say even a hint of radicalisation the authorities are quick to nip that in the bud. However, far right groups have, its accepted however, far right groups have, its a cce pted by however, far right groups have, its accepted by the broader society, a lot of people dont condone this and because of that people feel the need that they get radicalised. The only way that you can potentially be safe is if you crackdown all sides of the spectrum and make sure that any radicalisation from any side is dealt with immediately and dealt with effectively. Thank you very much. Thank you for joining us. If You Arejustjoining us joining us. If You Arejustjoining us let me bring you right up to date with the latest. We are in Finsbury Park, north london, broadcasting live after another Terrorist Incident involving a week being driven to people on the streets at speed. We are expecting to hear from the Prime Minister, theresa may, shortly. She has been chairing an emergency cobra Committee Meeting and she is expected to address the media after 10am. The london mayor, sadiq khan, has spoken of the importance of communities coming together after this attack. All the very latest is coming up in a few minutes. Weve off to a very warm start particularly so across england and wales where the temperature is 26 celsius. Fresher in belfast and also stornoway. Thats because we have a Weather Front which is stornoway. Thats because we have a weatherfront which is producing rain at the moment. The rain will fizzle as we go throughout day, but It Isa Fizzle as we go throughout day, but it is a Weather Front introducing fresher conditions behind it. A lot of sunshine. The highest temperature somewhere in the south east around 33 celsius. As temperatures rise it could spark off thundery showers. Across parts of eastern and Central England and Southern Scotland and Northern England and northern ireland, but they are showers so they will be hit and miss. As we head through the evening and overnight, the showers will fade. There will be a lot of dry weather around. A bit more cloud too and another sultry night across england and wales. Fresher across the far north. That leads us into tomorrow. Again, lower temperatures by a good ten celsius in eastern areas. A lot of sunshine. Some showers in the west and here the highest temperatures. Hello. Its10am. Im joanna gosling. We are broadcasting live from finsbury in north london where in the early hours of this morning a van mounted a pavement and drove into a crowd of people. One man is dead. At least ten people are injured. The Van Travelling at speed hit a crowd as they helped an elderly man who had been collapsed on the Seven Sisters road. He has died. He was shouting were all muslims. I want to kill all muslims. Literally he said that. Word by word. The incident happened at 20 past midnight, by the Muslim Welfare house on Seven Sisters road, which is round the corner from the well known Finsbury Park mosque, and which also houses another mosque. Many of the victims are believed to have just left Evening Prayers there after breaking the ramadan fast. A a8 year old man has been arrested for Attempted Murder at the scene. Hes been taken to hospital but will be questioned once he is released. Members of the public spoke of how they held him to the ground until the police arrived. Driver was eventually pulled out of the car, pinned to the floor and people were hitting him and punching him, but they would do because they were angry with his actions. And then what happened was the imman actually came out of the mosque and said do not hit him. Pin him down, call the police, which is the right thing to do. The Home Secretary says this is being treated as a Terrorism Incident Counter Terror police are on the scene and the Prime Minister, theresa may, will chair a meeting of the Emergency Cobra Committee later. She will give an update shortly. This is being treated as a Terrorist Attack. This was an attack on london and all londonders. And we should already stand against extremists. Whatever their cause. Good morning and welcome back to Finsbury Park another Community Left dealing with the aftermath of a Terrorist Attack. Last night a van was driven at speed into a group of worshippers leaving Evening Prayers at Finsbury Park mosque. They were giving first aid to a man who had collapsed in the street. The man died, and ten people were injured police say they were all members of the Muslim Community. Police say the man who died was the man who was being looked after underground. Who was being looked after on the ground. The incident is being treated as a Terrorist Attack. The driver tried to escape but was stopped by people at the scene. They have reported he said i want to kill muslims. A forty eight year old man has been arrested on suspicion of Attempted Murder and is currently being treated in hospital. Theresa may is currently chairing a meeting of the governments Emergency Cobra Committee; shes expected to make a statement afterwards. Lets bring you up to date with all the developments. The Seven Sisters road in North Londonjust after midnight. This footage filmed by an eyewitness was recorded moments after a van mounted the pavement and struck several pedestrians. The streets had been filled with worshippers who just left Evening Prayers at the Finsbury Park mosque and the nearby Muslim Welfare house. He looked straight, he looked straight like it was towards muslims. Basically the target. He basically drove on the pavement, coming straight towards all the muslims, and as he was coming to them, he hit all of them. Within hours, the Muslim Council of britain claimed the van was intentionally driven at worshippers. Police say the driver, a a8 year old man, was found by members of the public and handed over to officers to be arrested. He has since been taken to hospital as a precaution. I was coming from the shops. And i saw a large crowd of people on the pavement. I learned after that a van that was standing by the Traffic Lights was the van that mowed the people down. Several ambulances were on the scene soon afterwards with trauma teams treating the injured. Eight people were taken to hospital. Theresa may says police are treating this as a potential Terrorist Attack. The local mp and labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said hed been in touch with Islington Council and local mosques in the area. This morning the scene remained sealed off as counterterrorism officers for the third time in as many months investigate a vehicle driven into people on London Streets with deadly consequences. Greg dawson, bbc news. With me now is a representative of the Muslim Council of great britain. People are worried, scared, these we re people are worried, scared, these were ordinary individuals walking back from warship, this is what happened to them. What is really angered some of these people and many people across the country, they have been talking about a rise in hate crime against muslims over a period of time, it has happened again and again, there was a bomb against Finsbury Park mosque, the murder of the muslim individual, a Terror Attack a couple of years ago, attack after attack against muslims and it feels like this has not being taken seriously and it feels like this has not being ta ken seriously and and it feels like this has not being taken seriously and muslin communities are worried. Why did happen in other mosques across the country and thats why there is positive news, the mayor of london talks about the fact there will be extra police on the streets to reassure people, the Prime Minister talked about a Cobra Meeting to deal with this in a serious way and lets hope that means this is taken seriously, finally. With extra security around mosques make any difference and should that happen . Thats a good question, 1 element of reassurance, people need to safe, feel this wont happen in hundreds of mosques across the country, 1 would have thought, its about reassurance but also the fact if there is that presents it hopefully might deter people from going ahead and doing these things in the short term but we dont know. Communities need to be reassured but there is a longer term issue, the fact that Baroness Warsi talked about the fa ct, Baroness Warsi talked about the fact, islam phobia has become socially acceptable to talk about, weve had major newspapers in this country spreading hate, and newspaper talked about how less islam is the answer, more than half the population in the uk Thinking Islam as a threat to people in the uk, 30 of young people thinking muslims are taking over the country, its not seen as a problem that needs to be dealt with, of course people are going to get worried that no1 is people are going to get worried that no 1 is taking people are going to get worried that no1 is taking it people are going to get worried that no 1 is taking it seriously. People are going to get worried that no1 is taking it seriously. We hope this will be taken seriously, muslims are not going to be treated in any 2nd class way and weve seen the reaction has been very good, weve seen this attack treated like any other Terror Attack and we hope the precursors are dealt with. any other Terror Attack and we hope the precursors are dealt with. I was speaking to a former counterterrorism head earlier and he said this act is effectively an act on behalf of pious, i was talking to a young man abdul who says he is worried about it being used as a call to arms, effectively. On behalf of islamic state. People from the far right, people who call themselves muslim who want to divide us, its up to us as a society to say no to terror, enough is enough and this will not happen on our watch, we will not let us as be divided, we will stand up as britons and not allow intolerance to spread and not allow intolerance to spread and nbc and tolerance we will stand up and nbc and tolerance we will stand up against it, hate is unacceptable for their its had against muslims are western society, aid is not something that we should accept in our society. You spoke previously about their having been other incidents, do you feel tension is had been escalating . It crime incidents have been rising, whether its the metropolitan lose, whether its third party organisations, whether its the mayor of london siddikur can. Crimes against muslims have increased significantly in the last few weeks particularly, that is a reality the government is aware of but what we need is action, notjust words, but we need hate crime against muslims to beat tackled. Sadiq khan. Basically there was a man who came out of his van, to do a lot of harm to people, he came past my side, i tackled him down to the ground, with the help of other people, we managed to. Get into the ground. What was he saying . He was running, saying i going to throw more people, pulling punches with his hand, when he was on the ground i asked, why did you do that, innocent people and he goes do that, innocent people and he goes. I want to kill muslims. Do that, innocent people and he goes. Iwant to kill muslims. I wa nt to goes. Iwant to kill muslims. I want to kill muslims . And kill me. He saidi want to kill muslims . And kill me. He said i am not going to kill you, i wouldnt do that, and he didnt answer. I thought, i wouldnt do that, and he didnt answer. Ithought, was i wouldnt do that, and he didnt answer. I thought, was it by imagination, i wasjust, answer. I thought, was it by imagination, iwasjust, within answer. I thought, was it by imagination, i wasjust, within a second, people on the floor. Did it feel like you are being targeted . Deliberately, 100 , basically, the way he was driving on the corner of it, because when we were on the floor with the old man, we were trying to give him cpr. Explain, you had come out of the mosque. Basically, where it happened, there is coffee, me and by friends were meeting there, we saw this man on the floor, i said lets go and see him first before we have a coffee. This was completely separate. We we re this was completely separate. We were helping him, he collapsed on the floor. A little crowd of people. Some people were saying maybe he thought there was a mosque, people came out, he saw the crowd, thats why he turned on the corner. But i dont know, i somehow managed to escape. Can i ask you one more question, weve heard very as reports there were three people in this van. I could only see one person, out from the firm, he was a big man, very strong, big man, very strong. Thats why there was other people trying to get him hold, when i tackled him, people trying to get him hold, when itackled him, we people trying to get him hold, when i tackled him, we put him on the ground until the police came and went thank god, the police came, there was still some emotion with there was still some emotion with the guys all over because they were sad because there was a man trying to, people give him cpr, he already was on the ground and then the van made it worse. Can i ask you this question, do you feel safe on the street . I dont know, im not sure to be honest with you, if we all come together we can be safe. We are expecting shortly to hear from the Prime Minister, shes been sharing an emergency cobra Committee Meeting this morning, lets go to norman smith in Downing Street. Norman, what will have been happening at that Cobra Meeting . The first thing though be trying to do is pull together the information we know about the attack in Finsbury Park, therell be officials notjust from the police and Emergency Services but also the intelligence services, the local authority and so on to get a full picture of what has happened. The next part of the Cobra Meeting i imagine will focus on security and reassurance. On security, its a slightly more shall we say problematic incident in the is much more security in Central London, Finsbury Park is in a suburb in north london, not the same Police Presence, not the same Security Precautions in place, the Home Secretary this morning was saying there is at the moment already funds set aside to provide additional security for places of worship that feel for one reason or another they might be vulnerable. I think Something Like two and a half Million Pounds is available and i think Something Like a dozen mosques have taken think Something Like a dozen mosques have Ta Ken Advantage think Something Like a dozen mosques have taken advantage of that but some churches too. I think the Home Secretary also signalled she would look to extend that funding because one of the areas they will want to look at is whether there are now has to be some sort of additional security provided for places of worship. And then the second thing they will want to focus on this reassurance, this being the fourth attack weve had in the past three orfour months, particularly attack weve had in the past three or four months, particularly in london were of course we had three attacks. There will be double headed element to the meeting i suspect, one of them trying to give a message of reassurance and then to give additional security and see what can be put in place, that was outlined by the Home Secretary amber rudd earlier. Unfortunately we have again woken up to another terrible incident in london where a man has taken hold of a van and driven it into a group of innocent people in Finsbury Park. There was one fatal fatality that we know about and a number of casualties, and the police are treating it as a Terrorist Incident. We know that the police were on hand immediately, we know that they have treated it immediately as a suspected terrorist event, and that is the normal procedure and we will see whether they confirm that later this morning. It was treated immediately as a suspected Terrorist Attack. We must allow the police to deal with the facts and they will make sure that they make those facts available as soon as they can. Our priority must be to support the people who have been victims of this and to make sure the investigation is done with all due speed and professionalism. We are concerned about everybody, londoners have been hit with a series of attacks and have actually been nothing short of heroic. We will always make sure that everybodys protected. We have a places of worship fund, which we announced last summer, which is there to protect places of worship like mosques. We will make sure that we do all we can to reduce these sorts of attacks. She said that the police had significant resources. You remember in the wake of the London Bridge attack there were questions as to whether cuts in Police Numbers had contributed to maybe a lack of intelligence at least about these attackers with Community Police not being as prevalent as they were in the past. We will, i expect, hear from the Prime Minister later this morning. Now, she has to calibrate this right obviously and a very different tone, i suspect, maybe approach from that in the wake of the London Bridge attack when you remember the Prime Minister gave that speech about enough is enough and the need to counter islamist extremism. Now, we appear to have an attack targeted specifically on the Muslim Community. Then the Prime Minister talking about how there we re Minister Talking about how there were far too many, as she called safe s pa ces were far too many, as she called safe spaces for extremism and intolerance and not just, safe spaces for extremism and intolerance and notjust, she said, on the internet and cyberspace, but also, she particularly talked about the public sector, about schools in low local government and she was talking about the need for a Com Plete Talking about the need for a complete culture change. Now, what will be interesting when we hear from her later is how she calibrates this particular attack and i suspect there will be some attention on how far maybe the focus has just been on the threat from islamist extremism and whether there has been any sense that the Security Services have maybe been diverted from Focussing On Far Right and those sort of groups. So that, it will abvery, very different approach because previously as i say, it was very much a series of measures she outlined, she also went on to talk about possibly trying to beef up tpims, making them more like the old Control Orders which were abandoned the she also talked about making it easier to deport people, and suggested maybe that involved rerighting the human rights act. Today, i suspect she will have to have a very different sort of message to counter a different sort of threat. Quite an important moment for the Prime Minister notjust to strike the right tone, but to offer some reassurance to london which has been going through some pretty difficult tiles recently with the g re nfell Tower Difficult Tiles recently with the Grenfell Tower fire too and to try and cafe that mood of solidarity i guess in the capital. So, for her, quite an important moment. Thank you very much, norman. Well, the secretary of state for communities, sajid javid is due to arrive. Borisjohnson has said, My Con Dough Labses to the victims of last nights despicable attack. We must never allow hate to divide us. With me are three members of an Interfaith Group. Thank you all for joining us. I know that you have all been working together through the night to make sure that, do what you can to make sure that communities come together. We are going through difficult times. The communities are worried. There is a lot of stress. In the community. There is a lot of angen in the community. There is a lot of anger. We need to channel that anger through the right channels and ensure that anger doesnt turn into something uglier and we also need to make sure that we, as people of britain, as britons, as people of london, we are all in it together. We are not in it as muslim orjew as christian. If part of our community, in this case it is a Muslim Community targeted, we are all together shoulder to shoulder as you see now and we are really so grateful to so many jewish see now and we are really so grateful to so manyjewish and christian and other leaders who have been spending their own night with us tonight to see how to respond to this ins didnt. We will never allow these extremists whether they come from right wing or relblegous extremists, we will never allow them to divide us. I would love to Say Something about anger. Righteous indignation at the moment is the right thing. At the moment we have seen so many right thing. At the moment we have seen so many incidents, i was with the 500 immals who spoke out against the 500 immals who spoke out against the Terrorist Attacks just a fau days ago, last week, in London Bridge, Righteous Indignation says this will not carry on here. This kind of behaviour is absolutely condemned by britain and this will not be the pattern about how communities get on with each other, whatever faith or no faith, Righteous Indignation can take us further away from this. Agree ab . Attack on one faith is an attack on all faiths it seems to me and the reason so many all faiths it seems to me and the reason so many peel have turned up today from all different faith communities is believe we want to stand in solidarity with our muslim brothers and sisters. Just a few hours before they had been gathering with members of the christian and the Jewish Community in support of the Jewish Community in support of the jo cox foundation. Its ironic, within a couple of miles this happens. But its not irony because thats the thing that really infuriates people who dont want peel to get together, dont want that message. So in response to a message of a we will carry on and we will carry on despite this, is exactly the message. That is the point that made them so angry and therefore, we have to respond by being together and being together. We are. We will see greater numbers arrive by the moment. Laura was saying about the right out anger. What are you feeling is the reaction this morning . Well, i think there is certainly a lot of islamophobia in the media. Some of it is pla tent. Some of it is more hidden. We really need to deal with the root cause of this. We need to treat all communities in a fair, and equal manner. If we discriminate, whether its into the legal system or through authorities, even the perception of it, we must deal with. It may not be all of it true, but the perceptions are there. And i would say, as the bishop rightly said, 500 imams are saying it is not so said, 500 imams are saying it is not so much to do with religion per se, its to do with people, using religion, abusing religion in a wrong way and i think, my message to people in power to president s of the free world, is please deal with the sources of extremism both within your right wing extremists, dont be their voice. Dont target muslim communities and stop some of your so called allies from funding these religious extremists. Unless were honest and deal with this issue head on, were going to beat around the bush. There is an Important Role for local communities in this. London is an extraordinary global city. 40 of the population of this city. 40 of the population of this city were born outside the United Kingdom and we have a good track re cord kingdom and we have a good track record of actually living together in peace and harmony. Thats a story we need to tell better and better. Its a story that we arent as good as telling that story as we ought to be. We have 100 members of our neighbourhood came to the mosque after the fire. We have been overwhelmed with offers of gifts, of gifts and of help, of volunteering, they all want to come to our mosque to do the packaging. This is london. This is the beauty of london. Why is the media not covering the positive stories more often . I think one of the most positive store chris that happened in muslim britain, britain, certainly muslim london, has been the 500 imams who came out with a very clear plan. We will not give a muslim funeral, we will not bury, we need to deal with what is happening on line, we need to deal with what is happening in the curriculum, thats a fantastic story about change that is happening from within the muslim communities in britain. That is transformational. That was the first time 500 imams, it was amazing. Usually muslims are reactive to events. In this case, they were proactive. This will to act like that has always been there, it is just that the community doesnt know how to organise it, how to say it, im glad that the voices of reason have a better outlet to the media and knows how to deal with pr. This is a story actually where the people came together and effectively, effected a citizens arrest while they were waiting for the police to come . Muslims who were attacked, they did not attack the attacker. They just held attacked, they did not attack the attacker. Theyjust held him. Waiting for the police to arrest. What does that tell you . These are law abiding citizens. Even at a time of anger they did not act in an unreasonable manner. Somebody, a person, an individual human being has died here and many have been injured and we need to hold that particular part of the human story in our hearts of the its easy for people to gather on an occasion like this and to make it into something more and there is a bigger story to be told here, the human story, the personal story is important as well. The Community Secretary will be coming here. What do you want to hear from coming here. What do you want to hearfrom him . Coming here. What do you want to hear from him . What coming here. What do you want to hearfrom him . What do people want to hear from him . From him. Yes. Two things is people being here alongside saying im in pain, im sorry, this is human life and then a plan because what we need is a plan for a britain that we have seen has become more segregated. We need a plan that works on many levels in order to change the narrative, to change the narrative in britain and to work out what happens in schools, having difficult conversations, thats what we need from him. We also need the government to be transparent. To give right data, to be more aware of the needs of the Muslim Community. To not leave any stone unturned. When crimes happen against muslims, they need to treat it the same way as they would treat other communities. Sorry to interrupt, but sajid javid is walking behind us, the Communities Secretary. He has gone through the cordon. We hadnt expected him to go through. He is going to go down and look at the scene going to go down and look at the scene and then he will meet with members of the community and come back. I know that the three of you are meeting him and werejoined by another guest. Im part of the london Muslim Community forum. I represent newham and red bridge. What happened in manchester and what happened in westminster, on London Bridge and at the Grenfell Tower and now this. We work to make sure that there is Community Engagement and cohesion, everyone pulling together as one community. We have got pictures now of the suspect, i think, being arrested, the moment the suspect was arrested by the police and we were hearing how members of the community who were there as the van drove into that crowd and mounted the pavement, injured at least ten people, one person has died. That person who who has died is the man who was actually being tendered to by locals who had seen being tendered to by locals who had seen him struggling in the street having apparently had a heart attack. He has died. Were not sure if as attack. He has died. Were not sure ifasa attack. He has died. Were not sure if as a result of the heart attack or injuries sustained when the vehicle went off the road and into the crowds. Those are the pictures we have of the suspect as he was taken away by police. Lets hear from Jeremy Corbyn. He is the local mp here and he has spoken of his shock. I live down there on Seven Sisters road and obviously i was aware of the ins didnt very quickly because of the number of Police Vehicles and the helicopter overhead. I know the community very well and i came here last night to talk to the police and the firefighters and Ambulance Crew who we re firefighters and Ambulance Crew who were here and the response by all three Emergency Services was very timely and very quick and the police managed to arrest the suspect, who was driving the van, and taken away from the area and sadly, the gentleman who died, his body was on the ground and covered by a tent so a forensic examination could take place. The community here became very angry because in the initial stages this wasnt being referred to asa stages this wasnt being referred to as a Terrorist Attack. Do you think this Terrorist Attack is being treated as seriously as others . Well, im treating it as seriously as any other attack. This was a van driven into a crowd of people who we re driven into a crowd of people who were tending a man who was already injured and they were coming home from night time prayers in the mosque, its ramadan and its perfectly normal and eight people have been injuredmed some of them i understand extremely seriously and asi understand extremely seriously and as i see it, this is a terror on the streets and its a terror of the people in the streets in the communities im very proud to represent in parliament and thats why im here today. It is your constituency. Has the Prime Minister beenin constituency. Has the Prime Minister been in touch with you this morning to talk to you about this . Yes, Downing Street have been in touch with us and i was speaking to the mayor of london, sadiq khan as well, we had a long conversation at about aam whilst i was in Muslim Welfare house so we were making sure the response was as efficient and as co ordinated and also to give reassurance to the community, reassurance to the community, reassurance to the community, reassurance to the community of their safety and reassurance that they are free to practise their faith. They are free to walk about the streets and people must be able to do that, but i have to say the Stress Levels ive met already from people both last night and this morning they arejust people both last night and this morning they are just frightened, just frightened that Something Like this would happen again. So we need efficient and effective policing. We obviously need also an attitude in our society of support for each other. The only way to deal with this kind of issue is communities coming together and this is a very multi faith community. Christians, jewish, muslim, hindu, buddhist. All live around here and this is a microcosm of a Community Working together. Do you think there should be more security around mosques now . We have had threats made to muslin Welfare House and other religious places in the area. An attack on a mosque, a synagogue, a church is an attack on all of us, we have to protect each others faith, way of life and that is what makes a Strong Society and community. I am is what makes a Strong Society and community. Iam not is what makes a Strong Society and community. I am not complaining at all about the local police, they work very well together with both the Mosques Infant Spree part to make sure they have the support that they need and i am in close touch with police as well as those in scotla nd with police as well as those in scotland yard. You said you spoke to Downing Street have you spoken directly to theresa may was to mark i havent spoken to her directly but our offices have in touch and she has expressed condolences for the deaf and also concerns about what happened last night. Do you expect her to make a visit today . Its not up her to make a visit today . Its not up to me to decide what the Prime Minister doss, i am the local mp, i am the Leader Of The Labour Party and the opposition and at the moment, i am and the opposition and at the moment, iam here and the opposition and at the moment, i am here as you would expect any constituency mp to be present and these are people i have represented for more than 35 years, i know many of them extremely well andi i know many of them extremely well and i feel i know many of them extremely well and ifeel their pain i know many of them extremely well and i feel their pain today and i feel stressed today and i think we have to all reach out and feel their pain under stress. The only answer to this, the only answer to this has to this, the only answer to this has to be Strong Community and Strong Communities together, to end these dreadful incidents. Letsjust communities together, to end these dreadful incidents. Lets just take a look at the latest pictures that we have that had just come through, the moment the suspect was taken away by police, having been stopped from fleeing the scene by the bull here who had gathered. And there was a lot of anger, confusion initially. Stopped from fleeing the scene by bit people here. The streets were very busy here, muslims breaking the ramadan fast, gathering in a local cafe on the other side of the road, leaving Finsbury Park mosque where they had been for Evening Prayers. People as they realised what had happened were very angry. The suspect was stopped from leaving by people who managed to pin him to the ground and wait for police to arrive. Lets get some reaction from arrive. Lets get some reaction from a localmp, arrive. Lets get some reaction from a local mp, catherine west, the neighbouring constituency hornsey and wood green. A terrible thing to have happened here and quite understandably, a huge amount of angen understandably, a huge amount of anger. Importantly, well done to the community and the people worshipping last night because they were so calm in the face of what must have been a terrifying event and they were able to assist the police by holding down the person involved. And by playing their role in bringing this person to account which is what we need, we need to understand why somebody would do such a terrible thing, particularly at this sensitive time of the calendar, being ramadan and also, a big shout out also to local council who were here on the scene as soon as council who were here on the scene as soon as possible and also to all the local representatives who have come to show solidarity this morning. Weve spoken to faith leaders who have come together in an Interfaith Group which is already something that happens and theyve been speaking very much about the need for communities to come together, this is the sort of thing that could lead to people who want to exploit it using it as a way to exploit peoples fears. The Muslim Welfare house which is how it is known locally has an amazing impact across the community, 180 languages spokenin across the community, 180 languages spoken in local schools, we have jewish, muslim or people of no faith who come together on an open day to come and celebrate being together, through the joe come and celebrate being together, through thejoe cox memorial day yesterday we came together, this was one of the places together in which people came together and we are externally focused here, we want to bring people in, to share what different people believe, enjoy the fa ct different people believe, enjoy the fact that we are part of this amazing community. Jo fact that we are part of this amazing community. Jo cox. I will have to interrupt you, police are about to give an up date on the tower fire. About to give an up date on the towerfire. To about to give an up date on the tower fire. To establish about to give an up date on the towerfire. To establish how about to give an up date on the tower fire. To establish how many people we believe are missing and as of this morning, im afraid to say there are 79 people died we believe are either dead or missing and i sadly have to presume are dead. Of that 79 we have formally identified five people. We are supporting the families and loved ones of each of those 79 and with the agreement of the families and the coroner, once we have confirmed identities of those that have died, we will be releasing their names. Now sadly, for many families, they have lost more than one Family Member and my heart truly goes out to them. This is an incredibly distressing time for all of them. And i said before, one of my absolute priorities is to identify people as quick as we can, to recover them from Grenfell Tower, that numbered 79, may change. I believe there may be people who were in Grenfell Tower, that people may not know or missing and may not have realised they were in there on the night. Equally there may be people who thankfully managed to escape the fire and for whatever reason and for whatever reason, have not let their family and friends or police know they are safe. If that is you, and we havent been informed, i dont ca re we havent been informed, i dont care what that reason is but i urge you to get in touch. The search and recovery operation was in Grenfell Tower continues. We are working closely with colleagues from the london fire brigade, from the London Ambulance service and are specially trained Police Officers to as swiftly as we can, recovery and those that have died. This is an incredibly distressing time for families and they have my commitment that we will do this as quickly as we possibly can. The awful reality as ive said before is that due to the intensity of the fire and the devastation within Grenfell Tower, that we may not be able to identify everybody that wide. We have been from the top to the bottom of g re nfell tower. From the top to the bottom of Grenfell Tower. The search operation will be painstaking and having been in there myself its really hard to describe the devastation that the fire has caused. And that is why we released some images and photographs of some of the damage caused yesterday and im incredibly grateful to the occupier of the flats shown to let us share about so the public and families can understand what it is and for that looks like within Grenfell Tower. Now the investigation was commenced on day one, so we now the investigation was commenced on day one, so we as now the investigation was commenced on day one, so we as the metropolitan police have primacy investigation and right from the very outset than working with colleagues, investigators from the london fire brigade, the health and safety executive, using a wide range of specialist as part of our enquiries. Whats important for me is to find answers for those families that have been so deeply affected. The investigation will look at a wide range of areas from how the building was constructed, the refurbishment that has previously been reported on, how it is managed and maintained, fire Safety Measures and a wide range of other areas. It would be wrong for me to speculate today what the outcome of that investigation might be. But id like to reassure everybody that we will be looking at all criminal offences that may have been committed by any individual or any organisation. We will go for the evidence may take us and for offences have been committed, i will do everything within my gift to ensure that those responsible are brought tojustice. Ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. The investigation is going to be hugely complex and it will be exhaustive. It would be wholly inappropriate we re it would be wholly inappropriate were right to give a running commentary on that investigation, however, i would give everybody the assurance that if i identified, as a result of our enquiries, and issued thatis result of our enquiries, and issued that is a risk to public safety, we will be sharing that immediately with the relevant authorities. And finally i would like to thank the local community, to Grenfell Tower for the patients that they have shown the Emergency Services since the outset. Our search and recovery operation will take a long time. I expect it to take many, many weeks. And of course, most importantly, my thoughts and those of all of us are with those families that have been so with those families that have been so deeply affected by this tragedy. Iam happy so deeply affected by this tragedy. I am happy to take some questions. You went into the building yourself on saturday. Can you describe what that same was like . So the images which we shared yesterday tries to get across the nature of what is in there. Ive investigated major crime for most of my service, and ive seen some for most of my service, and ive seen some terrible things but i dont think anything prepared me for what i was going to see when i was in there. Can you give us a picture of what it was like to be in amongst the devastation . So, its hard to describe my feelings, i cant imagine putting myself in the position of those families who have lost loved ones. But being with those colleagues from the london fire brigade when i was in there, collea g u es fire brigade when i was in there, colleagues from the London Ambulance service and other Police Officers, i think its fair to say its incredibly emotional working in america but we will do it with our utmost professionalism and we will do everything we can as quickly as we can, to locate and recover everybody who is in there. Are you expecting the number may change significantly . So, as i said, today, this morning, i know there are 79 people that are either confirmed dead that have been identified or are missing and sadly i have to presume are dead. I do think there may be some change to that number. The work we are doing is about trying to find those people to see if they are safe and well and thankfully, over the last few days, we have identified five people who people believed were missing and im so people believed were missing and im so grateful that they actually are safe and well. That is the latest from the police on the Grenfell Tower disaster, 79 people dead or missing, the latest figure that we heard and he said very sadly, they do have to believe those 79 are dead. There is still potentially some hope that some people have not reported themselves as not being in the building, there is a list of ms of missing unaccounted for and police say if there is anyone out there who may be on the list report themselves, five people, its been discovered, who were on the list previously have come forward in the last few days but a very, very sombre statement from the police with the death toll now up to 79, it is presumed. Those very distressing pictures released of the inside of the building indicating exactly what terrible difficulties they are dealing with as they try to continue to do with what has happened at g re nfell tower. We are live in Finsbury Park because there has been another Terror Incident after midnight last night. A man driving a white van left the pavement and hit several people who we re pavement and hit several people who were gathered in the street after the mosque was holding Evening Prayers. People had been outside the mosque as well breaking the ramadan fast. They were in the streets and a van at speed deliberately drove into the crowd of people who were gathered there. One man, who is a8, has been arrested. With me now is sajid javid, the Communities Secretary. You have been down to the scene. Secretary. You have been down to the scene. You have been meeting some of those who were here. Local people. What have you seen . What are your thoughts . I wanted to come here as soon as thoughts . I wanted to come here as soon as i can. First of all to express my sympathy to the victims, theirfamily express my sympathy to the victims, their family and their friends for this des pickcable attack, but also to condemn what has happened here there, attack on innocent people. Ive talked to the police here. The police will be issuing information later, more about what has actually happened, but lets remember that the people, the person, thats perpetrated this attack, his sole purpose, like the attacks that we have seen in manchester dreadfully and london recently is to try and divide our society and that will fail. These people, these perpetrators will never succeed. The other reason im here as well i want to reassure first the local Muslim Community and muslims across britain that we will always as a government ta ke that we will always as a government take a zero tolerance approach to hate crime, where there is anti muslim hate crime, any type of hate crime in our community. The Muslim Community has our full support, i want to learn more from the community that more we can do to reassure them at this very difficult time. We have been speaking to a lot of people here this morning that feel that islamophobia has not been treated in the same way as other forms of extremism and feel that voices havent been heard and felt that the incident here has been treated differently . This incident is being very seriously, the police are treating this as a Terrorist Incident and it is being investigated by the Counter Terrorism unit. There is lots of people here today, there is a meeting going on right now and there is a meet that the Prime Minister is chairing right now of the mbleg Cobra Committee to see what other response we can have that can help both here, but also perhaps nationally as well if required. In government, now, for a number of yea rs we have government, now, for a number of years we have had a muslim hate Crime Working Group that works with my department, the home office, and we work with Muslim Leaders throughout britain to see what more we can do. But when you have a perpetrator like this and of course, we dont know enough about the individuals motives and i dont wa nt to individuals motives and i dont want tojump to any individuals motives and i dont want to jump to any conclusion, but clearly from what we have seen and what we know already, this is a hate crime attack, it is unacceptable in any community and i want to make sure that every community in britain, but particularly right now, britains Muslim Community feels that it has all the support that it needs and i want to give the maximum reassurance and thats one reason for me being here right now is to talk to local people and talk to the local leaders and see what more it is that we can do to give them reassurance. We have heard from people who are feeling that its too frightening, perhaps to go and pray at mosques late at night. I have spoken to a lot of young men who said that female members of the family arent doing it because they feel too vulnerable. What about security at mosques . Will that be chakeed . I can understand those feelings. It is a ramadan period and people will be fasting all day and then breaking their fast late at night and it is an opportunity for them to get together and celebrate opening theirfast them to get together and celebrate opening their fast and i want people to feel as safe and as secure as possible. What will you do to make that the case . Well, already i think the police here in london have announced that they will put on extra patrols, have more visible policing, i think that in itself will be helpful, but also give reassure abs, but we have got to will be to local leaders and others about what more it is that they think we can do. In the end though, resources a re think we can do. In the end though, resources are tight. Are you going, can you give a pledge that what you are asked for, you will give . can you give a pledge that what you are asked for, you will give . I can absolutely be clear that whatever resources a re necessary to absolutely be clear that whatever resources are necessary to give people the reassurance and the security they want, thats what we will be providing. You said about patrols, for instance, if the people at this mosque say what we want is dedicated policing, whatever they ask, will they get it . Right now the police say they can provide extra support and thats good. Already that message, even so early this morning, i think is reassuring to so many people. I have had people come and say that to me already in Finsbury Park. But if the police say they need more support and more resources , they need more support and more resources, of course, that will be provided. How will that be done . Because the police are already stretched . Well, one of the reasons to have the cobra Committee Meeting this morning is that all the key Decision Makers including the Prime Minister, the home office, the mayor of london, are around the same table making these decisions. That meeting is going on now. Im sure after the meeting, there will be a statement and it will touch on the issue of resources. And it will touch on the issue of resources. Can the police in london cope actually with everything thats been thrown at them right now . think thats a very fair question given everything that we have seen of course, the terrible tragedy at g re nfell tower, of course, the terrible tragedy at Grenfell Tower, the attacks at westminster and London Bridge. I think first of all i have nothing, but admiration for our police, but all our Emergency Services in london and for that reason in and manchester elsewhere how they have responded to these tragedies, but i think one message thats always clear to all our Emergency Services, particularly at a time like this is that you must feel come qortable with the resources that you have and if you dont, then you must let the Decision Makers know and we should react to that. I mean here today, the polices response, im told they we re the polices response, im told they were here within a couple of minutes when they first heard the attack. There has been a professional and thorough response and many members of the local community are grateful to the police how quickly they could respond to this terrible attack. You met people who were caught up in this. Theresa may was criticised after g re nfell tower for this. Theresa may was criticised after Grenfell Tower for not being on the ground quickly enough and not meeting people. Is she going to come . Right now, as we speak, the Prime Minister is chairing the emergency Cobra Meeting on this incident to see what more she can do across government to help with the situation. Im sure after that Cobra Meeting, she will make a statement and set out what she can do, what more she can do to is the empathy help. As much as anything as important to people as the practical assistance that people feel listened to and understood . Assistance that people feel listened to and understood . Absolutely. I think, for me, as soon as i heard this news, the first, my first instinct was i must come here and meet people. Not just instinct was i must come here and meet people. Notjust the Community Leaders, who are hugely important, not just the leaders, who are hugely important, notjust the police who are doing a wonderfuljob, but im here to talk to local people who use the mosque, people from other relige obamas, i have met local christians and others that see this as very much part of their community. They see the muslims very much as part of one united community. One thing i learned that the mosque in question yesterday afternoon, they were having a great get together and that is something that happened almost a year ago to the day. We had the murder ofjo cox, which again, was a terrible crime to try and divide our country. And this mosque, you know, in the afternoon, it is holding a great together with members of the whole community from right across Finsbury Park and a few hours this terrible hate crime is perpetrated on it. Do you doubt there will be people who are seeking to exploit it . There are people that seek to divide us and this is an example of that. There are already people on social media, and other places that are trying to use this as a way to try and divide people. But my message to those people, whether they are the non violent extremists or the violent extremists, whether they are the kinds of attacks that sadly we have seen in manchester or london or this kind of attack here, they will fail. They will fail because the government, the people in the communities, we are all united to make sure they will never ever succeed in dividing us. Sajid javid, thank you very much. Thank you. Well, sajid javid has been at the scene well, sajid javid has been at the scene of the incident. It is the other side of the police cordon. The cordon opened up a little bit with the police vans moving so we can see more of what is happening behind us. The Finsbury Park mosque is down there on the left and the Muslim Welfare house which is where, it was just outside the Muslim Welfare house that the ins didnt happened. A couple of guests joining us. House that the ins didnt happened. A couple of guestsjoining us. If you could introduce yourself . Im emma. Im 15. You could introduce yourself . Im emma. Im15. Im a local resident. Im a teacherand emma. Im15. Im a local resident. Im a teacher and im a nut representative. So emma, what are your thoughts today . representative. So emma, what are your thoughts today . I just wanted to talk about how things like this, you know, like might have been fuelled by things in the media that causes islamophobia. I feel like, its just wrong. I causes islamophobia. I feel like, itsjust wrong. I dont causes islamophobia. I feel like, its just wrong. I dont agree with its just wrong. I dont agree with it because when Terror Attacks happen and you know they are all muslim and they have been called out and then things like this happen as retaliation to that, it is just corrupting our society. I feel like personally, i feel slightly targeted in our community personally, i feel slightly targeted in ourcommunity and personally, i feel slightly targeted in our community and i feel that social barriers have been put down thanks to things like that. When you say targeted, have you been feeling that for sometime and what made you feel that way . The increase in Terror Attacks in the media and how they are associated with islam and how mus littles have been portrayed as extremists and things like this. Like the people in the van might have have felt the need to, ok, muslims are terrorists, we need to get rid of them. Run them over or whatever. I feel slightly unsafe get rid of them. Run them over or whatever. Ifeel slightly unsafe in my own Community Thanks to stuff like this. We are in a very mixed area. Thats everywhere in london. have come down to express solidarity from teachers with people like emma, her parents, her fellow students and teachers and one thing i want to make sure is that islington nut regards this as a Terrorist Attack and it wants it to be regarded as a Terrorist Attack. Its an attack on our community and Terrorist Attack. Its an attack on ourcommunity and an Terrorist Attack. Its an attack on our community and an attempt to divide us when we should be uniting against racism, war and terror and austerity. Emma, are you hearing m essa g es austerity. Emma, are you hearing messages from politician and Community Leaders . I feel like now im hearing the right messages, but it shouldnt take Something Like this for people to feel the need to stand up and say, we shouldnt be doing things like this. It shouldnt happen in the first place. I feel like those messages should have been told before it led to things like this. People shouldnt feel the need to harm innocent people for the action of others. It has no connection to religion, specific individuals who have the wrong ideologies and ijust dont agree with, you know, terror in itself, like taking innocent lives is wrong. Thank you very much well, the message loud and clear here this morning is that communities must come together. The Communities Secretary sajid javid is here talking to leaders of all faiths. Let me remind you of why they are here. Just after midnight Last Night A Van was driven deliberately into a group of people in the street. Its the third time a vehicle has been used to attack people on the streets of london. The police are investigating as a Terrorism Incident. Well, thatsjust about investigating as a Terrorism Incident. Well, thats just about it from us here in north london. At 11am there will be a one minutes silence held across the uk for the victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster. The nation will shortly pause to observe a minutes silence in memory of those who died when a fire broke out five days ago in Grenfell Tower in north kensington, west london before midnight. The metropolitan police say they believe 79 people lost their lives in the fire, the worst in our recent history. Police say conditions inside the building we re say conditions inside the building were indejibable and the challenge facing they will as they search the tower to recover those people still inside and return them to their loved ones could take weeks to complete. The nationwide silence is being held across all government buildings and around the uk people are gathering to show their respect to those who died and all those affected by the fire

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