and yet, you had become the leader of the national children�*s orchestra at the age of eight, i think. that must have felt like... and the youngest person to lead the orchestra. the youngest is eight—year—old nicola benedetti, who will lead the orchestra. i've been playing for four- years and i decided to take it up because my sister started and i thought i would like to play, as well. can you tell us a bit about what you'll have to do on sunday? well, just, like, make sure all the first violins - are in time, and be— with the conductor all the time and things like that. that must have felt like a huge responsibility at that age, wasn�*t it? i think i was too oblivious to feel the sense of responsibility. i mean, i was well prepared. iwas, um...probably quite nervous. i think i was pretty nervous. that was the first time i�*d been away from home for several days on a residential course, so, um... i remember the...