place between 1975 and 1989. in drjones's defence, he said cheryl had consented to being inseminated with sperm of an anonymous donor, and that's what she got. poor cat. i know, he worked all night. the toughest part is waiting for some sort of resolution. j the courts move slow. . we are constantlyjust... "hurry up and wait" has kind of been the last two years, i and you reallyjust want answers and closures. i this has turned ourl family upside down. we're very quiet homebodies, stick to ourselves. _ and here we are forced i into a situation we didn't want to be put in. there's three that are waiting for the claus. and here we have lava. who didn't wake up. who didn't wake up even though it is her first christmas. look at the face. she hasn't quite got this figured out yet.