..from derry end up doing this? it's considered a gentleman's sport, isn't it? laughter ..from derry end up doing this? it's a long time since anybody called me that, i have to tell you. well, ironically enough, if you want to get into flyfishing, there is no finer place than northern ireland. a, it's not considered elitist, because lots of people do it. it's cheap, it's easily accessible and it's open to all. when feargal hit the big—time and moved to london, he kept up his flyfishing hobby. and, being an enterprising sort, he's ended up as chairman of the oldest flyfishing club in england, and that's what sparked his campaigning. every single river in the country is polluted. i didn't make that up, that's the environment agency data. so, the truth is, one of the biggest sources of that pollution is the water industry. they're then filling pretty much every river in the country is now contaminated with sewage, to some degree or other. now, they're saying