a bi art know how to fix it? i think this is a big part of _ know how to fix it? i think this is a big part of the _ know how to fix it? i think this is a big part of the issue. _ know how to fix it? i think this is a big part of the issue. they - know how to fix it? i think this is j a big part of the issue. they love the idea — a big part of the issue. they love the idea of— a big part of the issue. they love the idea of concrete timetables and like talking about it, but there is a lot— like talking about it, but there is a lot about — like talking about it, but there is a lot about what and when and not much _ a lot about what and when and not much about — a lot about what and when and not much about how. as we have already seen in _ much about how. as we have already seen in the _ much about how. as we have already seen in the uk, we tried to get to this great— seen in the uk, we tried to get to this great place with reducing carbon— this great place with reducing carbon emissions with a huge amount of wind _ carbon emissions with a huge amount of wind power and that is great and brilliant _ of wind power and that is great and brilliant and sounds good, the rhetoric — brilliant and sounds good, the rhetoric was great, the uk got a lot of runs— rhetoric was great, the uk got a lot of runs up— rhetoric was great, the uk got a lot of runs up from the international community— of runs up from the international community and then we ended up having _ community and then we ended up having to — community and then we ended up having to fire up a coal station because — having to fire up a coal station because we are not making enough wind power. there is too much effort being _ wind power. there is too much effort being but— wind power. there is too much effort being put into these summits and creating _ being put into these summits and creating these targets and talking about _ creating these targets and talking about holding other countries to account, — about holding other countries to account, and all we can do is set example — account, and all we can do is set example by— account, and all we can do is set example by working out how to do it ourselves _ example by working out how to do it ourselves and not quite enough energy— ourselves and not quite enough energy has been put into working out what exactly we're going to do to reach _ what exactly we're going to do to reach these targets rather than just talking _ reach these targets rather than just talking about dates and fixing dates and telling off other countries for

Related Keywords

Lot ,It ,Idea ,Uk ,Part ,Issue ,Timetables ,Talking ,Yubi Art ,Ja Big ,Carbon ,Place ,Wind Power ,Wind ,Rhetoric ,Carbon Emissions ,Runs ,Amount ,All Over The World ,Countries ,Net Zero Targets ,Summits ,Account ,Power ,Community ,Effort ,Coal Station ,Example ,Energy ,Working Out ,

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