these _ worse for biden at the moment, but these attacks at the moment are the people _ these attacks at the moment are the people tried to get... so, the us have _ people tried to get... so, the us have got— people tried to get... so, the us have got to — people tried to get... so, the us have got to respond. i would have thought _ have got to respond. i would have thought politically, i can't imagine thought politically, ican't imagine biden— thought politically, i can't imagine biden would be desperate to get back in there _ biden would be desperate to get back in there i_ biden would be desperate to get back in there. i think one thing the west have learned from this experience is we don't _ have learned from this experience is we don't know everything, and i wonder— we don't know everything, and i wonder whether or not the americans would _ wonder whether or not the americans would be _ wonder whether or not the americans would be open to engaging in a war. benedicte, if you could take us to the i, and we have a picture with the i, and we have a picture with the headline it is troops arriving home but the war goes on. alas, i don't have — home but the war goes on. alas, i don't have it _ home but the war goes on. alas, i don't have it in _ home but the war goes on. alas, i don't have it in front _ home but the war goes on. alas, i don't have it in front of— home but the war goes on. alas, i don't have it in front of me, but i don't have it in front of me, but what is very moving are these flights coming back with the personnel. and when you look at these faces, i was just looking at a photo just a few hours ago of the