forces — danger by working with british forces and therefore, there are plans— forces and therefore, there are plans to — forces and therefore, there are plans to set up safe havens and processing centres and other countries, neighbouring countries close _ countries, neighbouring countries close by, — countries, neighbouring countries close by, pakistan will be one of them _ close by, pakistan will be one of them but— close by, pakistan will be one of them. but the issues getting to those _ them. but the issues getting to those and environment which is pretty— those and environment which is pretty unstable, the taliban have a lot of— pretty unstable, the taliban have a lot of media training in the train to appear— lot of media training in the train to appear to be very accommodating but there _ to appear to be very accommodating but there is— to appear to be very accommodating but there is potentially a civil war brewing _ but there is potentially a civil war brewing and we know that there sitting _ brewing and we know that there sitting in— brewing and we know that there sitting in the valley negotiating with the — sitting in the valley negotiating with the taliban and is also a drought— with the taliban and is also a drought going on and there is a risk thatjoe _ drought going on and there is a risk thatjoe biden mentioned of attacks from isis— thatjoe biden mentioned of attacks from isis k— thatjoe biden mentioned of attacks from isis k at the airports. it's a very— from isis k at the airports. it's a very unstable worrying situation and the taliban — very unstable worrying situation and the taliban made it clear they do not want — the taliban made it clear they do not want afghan nationals not to leave _ not want afghan nationals not to leave and — not want afghan nationals not to leave and have a rain drain in their country— leave and have a rain drain in their country stop — leave and have a rain drain in their country stop by picking up on that, that is— country stop by picking up on that, that is the — message that the taliban have been focusing _ message that the taliban have been focusing on. this message that the taliban have been focusing on—

Related Keywords

Issues ,One ,Forces ,Countries ,Environment ,Danger ,Plans ,Pakistan ,Safe Havens ,Centres ,British Forces ,Processing ,Lot ,Taliban ,Negotiating ,Media Training ,Train ,Civil War Brewing ,Brewing ,Dunstable ,In The Valley ,Thatjoe Biden ,Risk ,Attacks ,Airports ,Drought ,Situation ,Risk Thatjoe ,Isisk Thatjoe Biden ,Isis Thatjoe Biden ,Isis K ,The Valley ,Country ,Nationals ,Message ,Country Leave ,Stop Leave ,Brain Drain ,

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