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nations. Restriction and the well being and Mental Health of our nations. The head of the us Coronavirus Programme says he hopes the First Americans will be vaccinated in december, as the country passes 12 million confirmed cases. The nhs in england is set to get an extra three billion pounds, but the chancellor warns of tough times ahead for the economy because of the pandemic. Mystery on the streets of nottingham as the broken bike accompanying the artist bankys mural, disappears. Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me arejohn rentoul, chief political commentator for the independent and sam lister deputy Political Editor at the daily express. Tomorrows front pages, starting with. Ministers agree a Covid Christmas plan is the headline in the independent ahead of borisjohnson making an announcement to the house of commons tomorrow. The paper also warns of one million nhs operations being delayed. As nhs operations being delayed. Hospitals fight to c covid 19. As hospitals fight to contain covid 19. The times reports how the Prime Minister is to ease lockdown with a Christmas Shopping spree. The metro has bubbles with the baubles and says Christmas Lockdown rules will be eased to allow some families to mix during the festive season. Families can meet up for christmas says the i, with an agreement between number ten and the devolved nations meaning people will be allowed to travel across the uk. The daily express has its official, christmas is saved the guardian says the pm will promise mass testing in areas with the highest infection rates to head off a tory revolt over covid 19 restrictions. The telegraph reports that self isolation will no longer be required for contacts of positive covid cases under new government plans. And the Financial Times reports on how the chancellor will fund schools and police in what it describes as one last hurrah before taxes rise. So lets begin. Starting with the express. Its official says the express. Christmas is saved classic, a classic tabloid headline. I can say that in sams presence. That is what the tabloids in particular have been obsessed about for weeks. Is whether families will be able to meet at christmas pulled up there is no confusion, of course. The express says three families will be allowed to meet up over the five days of christmas. The metro says four families. So we will wait to see what the Prime Minister has to say tomorrow. In alsace something completely different altogether. Sam, i feel as something completely different altogether. Sam, ifeel as you something completely different altogether. Sam, i feel as you are deputy Political Editor at the express. It is your name on this story that i feel i should give you the right of reply. I know you dont like the headlines. I dont like the headlines, no. Asjohn says, on paper certainly has been very interesting what is going to happen. Kristin not christmas is mass confusion to our readers. Weve got the outline of what is being agreed in principle between the four nations. Theyve all been very keen to have a uk wide set of rules. Theres been negotiation this weekend and the broad outline of thatis weekend and the broad outline of that is that they will extend the numberof that is that they will extend the number of households that can mix over christmas. For a short period of time. And its looking like it will be five days, probably from Christmas Eve until bank holiday monday. And three households is what i was monday. And three households is what iwas being monday. And three households is what i was being guided towards earlier. I was being guided towards earlier. I was told four households was not right. But obviously, the fine details of this will be set out this week. Will get a taste of it from the Prime Minister tomorrow. I think the Prime Minister tomorrow. I think the actual nitty gritty will come later in the week once each of the devolved nations have had a chance to discuss it in their own cabinets. But certainly by thursday when there isa but certainly by thursday when there is a vote in parliament on the covid winter plan, as its called, we should have the phone christmas plan by then. Which will be a good news for everybody. Its interesting that the metro picks up sams point they are, it says up to four households. May be allowed to mix this christmas was that maybe there is a been a certain amount of edging based on different briefings from different people inside government. And a nice smiling photo on this one for that this is the bubbles with the bubbles its clear hes turned from dishy richie into sunak. Apparently. John, its not all good news the economic front, is it . The harsh reality. Its got rishi no return to austerity. But the bill is big and its getting bigger. Thats right. The chancellor has to say that there is no return to austerity because it has been reported that hes going to be announcing a Public Sector pay squeeze on wednesday. When he unveils his Spending Review. Its not a budget. So there is going to be some tough news. But actually, i think most of the really difficult decision seem to have been postponed until next year. And im glad you managed to say bubbles with bubbles. Now i cant say. You arent making me feel so much better, john. Can i pick up on the next front page that we look at . The guardian, quite interesting, pm promises mass testing to head off to a rate result. Yes, as sam said there is going to be a vote in parliament on thursday for top which i think makes sense. I think the change in regulations ought to come as late as possible. Before the end of that lockdown on the 2nd of december. Because you want to take into account the latest possible data. There is already a lots of discontent among conservative mps, libertarians who dont like the lockdown at all. Dont want start restrictions. Especially on the Hospitality Business was up they are very worried about jobs Hospitality Business was up they are very worried aboutjobs in the Hospitality Business was up to the Prime Minister is obviously trying to persuade them that the further restrictions are absolutely necessary. And will not be more severe because there are as you stay up severe because there are as you stay up to 70 of them. Willing to vote against the new regulations. Sam, if we can say for that thought with your observation you did political beat. 0bviously deputy Political Editor several tory mps quite a significant number as proportion of the backbenchers Prime Minister hasnt got very long to turn in the sentiment theyve expressed in this letter. I think what they really all theyre asking for is a cost benefit analysis will. But thats not something they are going to get. Rishi sunak made that clear when he was on the Andrew Marr Show this morning i think its impossible to provide Something Like that so many assumptions to be made. I think what they do need from him is some proper step by step they do need from him is some proper step by step explanation of how these decisions are going to be taken and these decisions are going to be ta ken and what these decisions are going to be taken and what basis they are being taken and what basis they are being taken for that they need to get back to their constituencies and say to people who run pubs and restaurants and hotels and whose jobs are being lost. They need to be able to get back and say well, this is the reason its being done. Its being done on a sound basis. I think thats what theyll be looking for from the Prime Minister. Just to stay with you sam to look at the front page of the telegraph a stuffed isolation scrapped contact of covid cases was up the governments made a lot of promises this year and it struggled to honour at some of the timetables that it set for itself. This one is pretty ambitious due, is in a . It is. I think once, what they are saying here is there going to try and stop the process where you have to solve isolate. If you come into contact with somebody who is positive. So far people who dont show any symptoms, obviously not if you do show symptoms. What they are going to try to do to stop that process of people having to stay at home when really they are actually fine seven days of daily testing and you carry on going as long as you continue to test negative. By the end of that seven days you are clear from the whole process was up what will happen is it will be trialed in liverpool next week and if that successful it will be rolled out to the nhs in care homes next month. And then hopefully nation wide in january for the as you said, its been a lot of ambitious targets. And this isjust another one full time it will be interesting to see how they go about delivering that. Lets move on from covid directly and talk about the public Spending Review which the details we get on wednesday. Picked up details we get on wednesday. Picked up on the front of the ft today. 0r i should say monday morning. Sunak funds school and police in last hurrah before tax rises. Yeah, its a slightly strange headline because the ft is obviously been briefed by the ft is obviously been briefed by the treasury that the spending increase is already penciled in four schools and police next year are going to go ahead. I think that is pa rt going to go ahead. I think that is part of the general point that i was making. Which is that rishi sunak isnt being an augustinian chancellor. Hes praying to be virtuous but not yet. He keeps talking about how the books will have to be balance at some point. And hinting at tax rises to come. I dont think they are going to come on wednesday for top not substantial ones anyway. Wednesday is going to be big public spending continuing. He is going to worry about how to pay for it later. Very interesting, we are not talking about presumably deposed but we spoke last hour looking at its front page the regional paper saying they are worried because of financial questions the leads part of age as it is going to be phased for that will be developed much more slowly than previously thought. There is a story, a small part saying transport for london has written to the chancellor warning the cross rail is at risk in terms of the already delay and it could be delayed beyond 2022. And it was supposed to finally open. The kind of subtexts under all this extra money and all the rest of it is that there is some quite difficult decisions that the government is going to take. And the election timetable makes it even more complicated for ministers. thinkjohn was absolutely right when he said that there are Big Decisions to come. There is no sign of them yet. We are in debt. Where rishi sunak keeps talking about having to rein in public spending and warning us. Rein in public spending and warning us. But actually coming out and getting down to it is a whole different matter. In the Spending Review on wednesday he is going to go ahead with all ready made commitments to funding extra police, extra nurses, Hospital Building programme, that kind of thing. As you say, these big Infrastructure Projects which were a key part of borisjohnsons projects which were a key part of Boris Johnsons election manifesto. And a big part of, generally hes known to like the building project was up ultimately, you have to make the decision sooner rather than later on whether theyre going to go ahead or not. And you cantjust keep kicking that into the long grass. I dont quite know, the signs dont look good i dont think they are quite at a decision yet. The times, union threatens Public Sector strike over pay freeze for millions. Slightly unfair headline there. General secretary of the tuc, she obviously didnt rule out strike action. And she made the point that the government only recognises the value of labour when its withdrawn. She wasnt saying we are going to go on strike. She is at the tuc, she doesnt run a trade union. But it is clearly going to be a difficult policy for the government to sell to the Public Sector trade unions. The pay squeeze, which is onlyjust recently been lifted, i remember teresa mae announcing the end of austerity. Now being, is going to be reimposed. That is going to be, that is going to be the start of what i was rather cruelly suggesting rishi sunak is not prepared to do yet. It is going to be the start of the retraction. We then get a rebuttal as it were on the times on the front of the guardian. Sunak denies pay freeze austerity is back. Yes, strange way around, is in a . Richie sunak has been at great pains to insist austerity is not returning. As has borisjohnson. And as we were discussing that basically, they are not prepared to make anything in the terms of cuts or hiking up taxes and that kind of thing anytime soon. The absolute top priority has to be the government recovery. But obviously, they are looking to save money. And pay freeze, if you exclusive nhs work is whats being suggested, it can save you around £15 billion. Its not an insignificant sound. And the justification from people putting forward this as a possible option is actually private sector work have been the hardest hit throughout this crisis. Because so many have been on furlough and have then lost theirjobs was up and actually, its not fair for Public Sector wages to just keep going up when the private sector is struggling for that and thats probably how you see it pitched if it comes to fruition on wednesday. Thank you both very much as ever for guiding us so expertly through the front pages of tomorrows newspapers. I do want to show you one last thing this is the photograph i mention which is on the photograph i mention which is on the front of the times tomorrow. This is Prince George with lupo. In an attempt to prevent me being dragged off to the tower when i leave the studio

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