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Reduce the peak, broaden the peak, not to suppress it completely. Also because most people, the vast majority of people, get a mild illness, to build up some degree of herd immunity as well so that more people are immune to this disease. Countries that stuck with strict test and trace policies would have far lower death rates than the uk. But britain stopped trying to test every suspected case. Only people in hospital would be tested now. There comes a point in a pandemic where that is not an appropriate intervention, and that is the point really where we moved into delay. The government has always denied that herd immunity was its policy. In mid march, a report from Imperial College london warned that hundreds of thousands could die and hospitals would be swamped. So on march 16th, borisjohnson advised us not to go to pubs and restaurants. And a week later put the country into lockdown. From this evening, i must give the british people a very simple instruction. You must stay at home. This slowed the rate of infection and crucially prevented hospitals from being overrun. Testing was increased in april. The government now aims for a capacity of 200,000 tests a day by the end of may. The nhs covid i9 app lets you know quickly. This is part of the next phase. A return to testing, tracking and tracing to isolate anyone whos been in contact with an infected person. This plan needs an army of contact tracers across the country. We will all be asked to download an app that will record everyone we are in contact with. It is a huge undertaking. But it will be needed until there is a vaccine. Alan little, bbc news. Some of the milestones of the past hundred days, on the night the Prime Minister announced tentative measures, to ease the lockdown in england. Theres more on the bbc news channel. Now on bbc one, its time for the news where you are. Goodnight. Its been a weekend of dramatic changes, temperatures as high as 25 degrees across parts of southern england. The winter night cold we had on sunday working across scotla nd had on sunday working across scotland on sunday. The snow is even starting to lie on some of the grassy hills, so colder air has been moving its way southwards behind this cold front, the air increasingly coming from a polar region, hence the coldness. That continues to work southwards, but just to our south we have got problems. Look at this area of cloud developing across france. This is a massive storm system that was set to bring some extreme rainfall is to france in particular. We could see 100130 france in particular. We could see 100 130 millimetres in rainfall over a couple of days, monday and tuesday, a month to two months of rain and forecasters in france back and this is the kind of rainfall you might only expect to see once in a hundred years. In the uk on monday after a cold and frosty start, particularly in scotland, we do have some showers to come across northern scotland, but it is starting to coalesce cold than. But the colder as it continues to move southwards, soa as it continues to move southwards, so a big drop in temperatures across the south of england and southern wales compared with what we had on sunday. For tuesday, High Pressure still to the west in the uk, but we have this weather front moving in across scotland. That is going to bring in areas rain southwards. Its one has some colder air mixed in with it, so we will start to the rain turning to snow, maybe into lower levels at time and it will start to get colder, temperatures dropping back to 6 degrees. That is southwards, 12 14d, on the cool side for the time of year. They High Pressure to our west will start to steer it more than north westerly airflow, rather than a northerly air flow across the country, and what that means is it will turn a bit cold make a bit less cold through time. That will bring cloud and probably some rain, but probably not huge amounts. Temperatures back up to 10 degrees here and some brighter spells across the south west, highs of 15 do is there. As the week goes by, the winds will start getting a bit lighter and where we do see sunshine that will offset some of the coolness of the air, so 16 degrees perhaps not feeling too bad in london and cardiff that the north with 14 in london and cardiff that the north with 1a degrees or so for glasgow and for edinburgh. Towards the end of the week, again we can see a bit of the week, again we can see a bit of rain skirting the far north of scotland, but not a huge deal. For others a dry day with cloud building into the afternoon and those temperatures are easing up a few degrees, highs could reach 17 degrees, highs could reach 17 degrees in the south and 15 degrees around edinburgh. Into next weekend, this area of High Pressure starts to decline and drift southwards and ultimately that will allow more they westerly atla ntic ultimately that will allow more they westerly atlantic type air flow. It will probably bring milder weather, but also a change and some rain and showers, but it is the speed of that change that remains uncertain. Goodbye. Hello there. Hello, and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are tony grew, parliamentary journalist and caroline frost, journalist and broadcaster. Tomorrows front pages, starting with the long road to freedom, reads the front page of the telegraph, after borisjohnson set out a roadmap for lifting the lockdown in england earlier this evening. According to the front of the daily mail, the Prime Minister is keeping the handbrake on, making just small changes initially, encouraging some people to return to work, and allowing people to exercise as much as they like, and to sunbathe. The times describes the plan as the first, tentative steps to reopening society, after the Prime Minister said the time has come to begin restarting the economy. The front page of the Financial Times lays out in more detail how britain might begin to return to work, as the pm urges workers in fields like construction to return. Its all greek to us, boris reads the metro, which reports on what it calls confusion over the change of government slogan from stay at home to stay alert. The express reports on the pms baby steps to easing the lockdown, including the potential for a partial school return from june. And on the front page of the i a suggestion that millions could return to work following the Prime Ministers announcements, as well as the potential for some pubs and restaurants to open as early as july. And the guardian describes the pms statement as leaving the country confused and divided as scotland, wales and Northern Ireland reject number 10s new messaging. So lets begin. First of all, before we get to the papers, i want to ask each of you, are you clear as to what you can do this week that you couldnt do last week . Not particularly, no, ithink the messaging event that has been shambolic. The way the press was briefed last week into reporting that there was going to be a significant loosening has now turned out to be somewhat overstated the Prime Ministers actual comments this evening. Caroline frost, are you clear on what you could can do next week that you couldnt do last week . Obviously i have been walking to people, just dozy over the last three months, so im quite happy to have this extra instruction on how to conduct myself. All papers are leading on Boris Johnsons to conduct myself. All papers are leading on borisjohnsons speech. There are no direct quotes in the headlines on the Prime Ministers speech. Compare that to the queens speech. Compare that to the queens speech on friday, which had lots of quotes. There doesnt seem to be a single line that has captivated any of the headline writers. Yes, that is true and it is interesting you should mention the green because this idea that the Prime Minister is entitled to make pretentious beaches to the country, rather than announcing things in parliament, which is his actualjob, might confuse people and make them think he is head of state. He is not an impact when he was challenged on this in parliament on wednesday, he told the speaker the reason he had told the speaker the reason he had to announce that on sunday rather than in parliament was that some of these measures people would be able to get going weather on monday. It appears the Prime Minister was under the impression he would come on television at 7pm on a sunday night, make some comments about people returning to their workplaces and the provisions that would be required to keep people safe would be in place by nine oclock on monday. It seems unrealistic to me. I get the advantage of seeing your reaction to that. I saw you shaking your head, would you like to elaborate . I thought i would be missing tonys are reactions to the news of the day, but his voice carries a thousand pictures i am not. We had all seen, and i am an entertainment journalist by trade, we have all seen that episode of the thick that and that politician got caught without the policy document and his aides had to go looking for it andl and his aides had to go looking for it and i feel like the policy document was lost before broadcast and this is what we got. Stay alert, is now the slogan for england and caroline frost has said she will obey it, but the three other nations rejected that slogan. The uk is of course one country with four nations and it does feel like three nations against one nation at the moment. And it does feel like three nations against one nation at the momentlj think against one nation at the moment. think this idea that the government has equal respect for the devolved nations has been shown not to be true today and by the way if it was up true today and by the way if it was up to me that speech would not have been broadcast on bbc scotland, bbc wales or in bbc Northern Ireland because it had very little to do with them and i think this is a very difficult environment because the government in wales and scotland and Northern Ireland all said the same thing. It is very difficult to find anything that their Political Parties all agree on, but they all agreed on is that it was too early to get rid of the slogan to stay at home, protect the nhs and save lives and instead replace it with a slogan many people find more confusing. I think it is a significant moment and not a particularly good one for the uk government. Caroline frost, devolution is really important for legal and educational systems, but when you have four different nations with different policies over a pandemic, which affects each nation equally and doesnt respect those borders, you have potentially got a problem that wasnt fought about . You say, and of course it does raise that ugly question of competitiveness because inevitably people will be watching to see the efficacy of each of those respected schemes and we are now in a position to. Everybody is watching italy, south korea, france, germany, whether you test, isolate, south korea, france, germany, whetheryou test, isolate, shield. What works and nobody knows. Nicola sturgeon really broke ranks today. We will get to this and another headline, but as you say, it raises that what we need most is cooperation and people working together and that doesnt seem to be the case, as of today. Lets look at the daily mail and the same picture of borisjohnson there with his left hand ina of borisjohnson there with his left hand in a fist. Its looks to be the same picture every newspaper uses. Boris keeps the handbrake on. I was struck when i spoke to someone in france, where there are different policies in cities and countryside because of the science involved there, that transmission is more likely in cities. But here in the uk it seems that you have cities and countryside in one nation doing one thing im cities and countryside in another nation doing another thing. I thought what Nicola Sturgeon said today was eminently sensible. The r rate is higher in scotland and i think it is really important to explain to people in england that Northern Ireland and scotland and wales have their own scientific advisor and chief medical officer and so it cantjust be the uk government that says they are following the science. I feel that it is really bad that the uk government have not listened effectively to the devolved administrations and have gone on their own path and i think they have been some quite significant changes today in terms of the government saying that you are allowed to visit beaches, through example. You are allowed to visit beaches, but only in england. If you try to drive into wales or scotla nd if you try to drive into wales or scotland the police will no gout stop you and the police will have something to say to you and the locals as well. There are concerns with the tracing out that the uk government is attempting to develop may not be compatible with that from the republic of ireland, so there are problems within the uk, but also within the British Isles as well. Looking again at the daily mail, the first point is, going to work if you cant do yourjob at home. I was speaking to the tuc, who said they dont find that particularly helpful because not everyone has a car, peoples workplaces are sometimes a long way away. The problem isnt being at work, it is getting to work and they said they didnt feel there was a plan. That isjust one of the problem is the tuc has raised, the challenge of coming out of lockdown. As you said on other points, going to work if you can if you cant work from home, that is as deliberately vague as, stay at home to work. Which we had before this evening. I dont feel anything has changed. Today, robertjenrick i dont feel anything has changed. Today, Robert Jenrick said there i dont feel anything has changed. Today, robertjenrick said there is room for nuance, and yes and no. Because people have to either take response ability for their own health or get instructions and Boris Johnson seems to be wanting to walk this middle ground, which he did before lockdown, saying please dont go intoa before lockdown, saying please dont go into a pub, but we are not going to shut them. I feel like he is doing this again, trying to hand responsibility over to everybody, which is coming up it is going to give us the right to use that, but again it is this middle ground between eastern and western cultures and he hasnt quite worked it out himself yet. Lets move to the Daily Telegraph and the long road to freedom is the headline and we been asked to. It is saying he gave us the map, but without any directions. It sounds like it has been written by you too. It is fascinating that the daily aureus graph is subtly criticising the great leader there. He wants to be liked. His significant personality flaws have not been changed just because he has moved into downing street, he liked wa nts moved into downing street, he liked wants people to like him. He wanted to unite the nation and today he has united the nation. He has united the trade unions and business groups, who both say not enough preparation has been done and not enough information has given both for employers and employees to effectively return to work this week. There is going to be a big policy statement announced tomorrow just before borisjohnson policy statement announced tomorrow just before Boris Johnson finally appears in parliament to make a statement on coronavirus. This will be the first statement he has made to the house on coronavirus, so hopefully there will be some clarity tomorrow, but it comes back to my Central Point that he is the Prime Minister and he should be announcing nothing things in parliament, not in front of the television. Of course, he has been facing keir starmer in parliament, but well move on. The metro says its all greek us. Talking about the pre existing rift with Nicola Sturgeon. Yes, we know they dont agree on many policies, but you would have thought a Global Pandemic would perhaps bring those chasms closer together. Today she clearly had a choice, she could have just fallen into line with the government. We know that she has dissented in previous weeks, and has often gone ahead a post breathing, pre london statement and has obviously angered there many times. Once again, Boris Johnson obviously angered there many times. Once again, borisjohnson recorded this broadcast at 3p and or for pm and Nicola Sturgeon went up to that, completely changed the field and suddenly it became the story of the metro picked up on, this descent. I think she isjust speaking with integrity. She set herself she doesnt know what stay alert means and she doesnt want to preach with conscience to her people for a directive that she didnt understand herself. It is going out on a limb and clearly Boris Johnson herself. It is going out on a limb and clearly borisjohnson is not going to forget this happening at such a crucial time in his premiership, but she clearly feels that when lives depend on it she can only do what she feels is right. spoke to one of the conservative party seniorfigures a spoke to one of the conservative party senior figures a little earlier and he said that this would probably work if people were being sensible and i think the counter to thatis sensible and i think the counter to that is that each persons idea is sensible might be slightly different. I am with one friend in a park and we are two metres apart and we see a third friend who happens to be in the park, logic might dictate that we could have a conversation, even though the rules say only two people are allowed, so there doesnt seem to be a definition of sensible eve ryo ne seem to be a definition of sensible everyone can agree upon. No, and we have seen the outrage on social media when the police and fans get this wrong and are seen as being overzealous in trying to impose these restrictions because that will continue because we are now getting different parts of the country having different messages, but i think this points to the fact that a lot of people in england dont seem to understand that there are devolved governments that have responsibility for health within their jurisdictions responsibility for health within theirjurisdictions and they can and will deviate from the english governments measures when they want to and when they feel it is appropriate. I dont think Nicola Sturgeon is doing this because she is trying to make a political point or get barriers. She has got her own medical and scientific advisers and im sure she has a listen to them as borisjohnson no im sure she has a listen to them as Boris Johnson no doubt im sure she has a listen to them as borisjohnson no doubt is listening to it is. Lets look at the Financial Times, a slightly different story to end with. Permanent reserve force of medics to bolster nhs being considered by number ten. Theres going to be a doctors reserve. Clearly,. There are 30,000 which had also may National Retired nhs workers signing up National Retired nhs workers signing up to volunteer, which. We had as many as 10,000 being re entered into service in court on the hop, the government are now wanting to formalise this arrangement and basically show they have learnt some sort of lesson. It comes on the back of borisjohnsons sort of lesson. It comes on the back of Boris Johnsons announcement tonight where we hand came out again tonight where we hand came out again to applaud all of the bin workers, the nhs workers, the doctors, the teachers will stop it didnt pass me by that these are also many of the less well paid and as a society, so lets hope the story that comes out is appreciation of all of those people, however it is to be rewarded. Thank you both. Caroline frost and tony grew. Thats it for the papers this hour. Tony grew and caroline frost will be back at 11. 30pm for another look at the papers. Goodbye for now. Hi there, good evening, im here with your latest sports news. First to the premier league, where a third brighton player has tested positive for coronavirus. Brightons ceo, paul barber, has warned any plans to restart matches in a rush could cost lives. He was speaking to the mail on sunday ahead of the leagues meeting as clubs try to move towards the proposed restart date of 12thjune. It is expected some will urge a delay and ask the league to abandon their neutral venues plan. Crystal palace chairman Steve Parrish says he believes the premier leagues project restart may prove unfeasible, but theyll try to find consensus, and that clubs across football are facing up to tougher Financial Times. We know we will be damaged coming out of this financially, because obviously we have no crowds, no matched a revenue. Match day that will go on for a long time. Its really about damage limitation and seeing what we can salvage. And hopefully we can get to a point, certainly where no premier league club is in that situation. But i think down the leagues where gates and all the income is 50 of the money, things will get very critical very quickly. Spain is also hoping to get football going behind closed doors injune. But five players have tested positive for coronavirus across the top two divisions. According to a Statement Today from la liga, the unnamed players are all asymptomatic and now in isolation. Meanwhile in germany, the bundesliga is set to become europes first Major Football League to resume matches next saturday. But theres been a setback for dynamo dresden, who played in the Second Division after two of their players tested positive for covid 19. The whole squad is now in quarantine and out of action for 1h days. The former swansea city manager Carlos Carvalhal says he doesnt mind how much protective clothing he has to wear, as long as it means football can return safely. Carvalhals in charge of rio ave in portugal, with the league set to resume in late may or earlyjune. What we are trying to do here in portugal it looks strange, but we just want that football can be possible. So we are professionals doing our best not to give a bad example to society. Six time formula 1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton says racing without fans will leave him with an empty feeling. The first ten races of the planned f1 calendar have been called off, but the sports bosses hope to start a short season in austria injuly. Until then, hamilton says hes making the most of the break after having considered taking a year off in the past. I dont think that for an athlete thats in their prime, that is ever a good thing, to step away for a year and come back. You know, technology moves so fast at such a rate. You need to stay on top of this car and its development. To take a sabbatical is just not in the cards. But weve been handed almost a part sabbatical, which im enjoying. And i feel fresher and healthier than ive ever been. Finally, official events on golfs European Tour arent set to return until late july at the earliest. But that hasnt stopped the organisers from arranging a virtual tournament. 18 golfers competed in an indoor invitational held on a virtual replica of the st andrews old course in scotland. Dutchmanjoost luiten won the event, but south africas Dean Burmester stole the headlines with a hole in one on the eighth. It was a slight delay, he then got the news and was clearly delighted. With his achievements. Thats it from me and the team. Thats all your sport for now. There are chilly out there at the moment. The cold weather that arrived on sunday is here to stay for the next few days, certainly not warming up in a hurry. Who is the cold front that swept across the uk and behind it call their surging and for the northern climes, all the way from the arctic and spreading into other parts of europe through early monday as well. That is going to stick around for 80 days. Overall, monday is going to be a bright, if not a sunny day, but at times it will cloud over and we are expecting some showers, particularly across scotland, and may be one or two on the north sea coast. Early monday, showers peppered across yorkshire and the very final that the uk, but predominately clear, which has led toa predominately clear, which has led to a frost across scotland, northern england, and air frost to a frost across scotland, northern england, and airfrost and certainly a ground frost across southern parts of the uk, at least in 80 areas. Monday is off to a chilly, sunny start and the winds will be very brisk, blowing off the north sea bear onto the yorkshire coast, east anglia and into the south east. Temperatures struggling, closer to 17 in the south normally, but may not even make 12 degrees. On tuesday, High Pressure is with us, meaning mostly dry weather, but not com pletely meaning mostly dry weather, but not completely because on the edge of this High Pressure is a mini cold front, which will sweep an even Colder Weather temporarily into scotland. Notice the blobs of blue there in scotland and even some white indicating some wintry showers, so scotland on tuesday a very chilly day with perhaps some sleet and snow moving across the highlands, only 5 degrees in stornoway. To the south of that it wont be quite so cold and temperatures should make ten or 11 degrees and the mildest in the south west. On wednesday, again a couple of showers are potentially affecting the north sea coast, but otherwise some good sunny spells coming through and temperatures still struggling, typically around 1012d, still struggling, typically around 10 12d, just that slightly milder spotin 10 12d, just that slightly milder spot in the far south west in the uk at 14 spot in the far south west in the uk at 1a or 15 degrees. The temperatures will gradually recover for the course of the week, perhaps making 17 degrees by the time we get to friday, and maybe even 20 over the weekend. Goodbye. This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. A gradual easing of the lockdown in england, but its all conditional on the pandemic being under control. Its no longer stay at home but stay alert as the Prime Minister outlines a 3 step plan to boost the economy, schools and social life. If there are problems we will not hesitate to put the brakes on. We have been through the initial peak, but it is coming down the mountain thatis but it is coming down the mountain that is often more dangerous. From june, schools in england could see a partial reopening starting at primary level, but most secondary pupils wont return before september. We report on measures to make the workplace safe as the government urges people to return to work if they cant

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