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The sunday times has a report on the lives of Teenage British girls who run away to join so called islamic state. The mail says that Princess Dianas brother has called on channel 4 not to broadcast her Video Diaries, which are due to air next week. The express also focuses on Princess Diana, claiming Princess Diana asked the queen for help about her marriage. And that story also makes the daily stars front page. We will begin with the observer. Border chaos will hit hard after brexit, say experts. Why . Who are these experts . I thought we had had enough of experts. I think as brexit goes on there will be so many experts coming out of the woodwork. These particular ones, it is a europewide consultancy which did an assessment of what it would mean once wed down south of the customs union. We bounce out of. They are predicting a huge lorry parks in the south east of england, lots of extra Border Checks and costs. Custom checks would go up from a current £55 million to £200 million, over one year. It means huge delays for any goods coming through. What this really shows is the tremendous complexity of brexit. Now, if we are not a member of the customs union, we are bouncing out of the single market, we forget how easy life has beenin market, we forget how easy life has been in the single market. Goods and people can easily go from yorkshire to lancashire, and is easily from france to latvia. There were things like that we are getting from it. This new system will mean that we have Border Checks at every member state of the european union, or 37 countries. It will also mean thats lorries coming from the eu will get held up coming into this country as well. So it is in everybodys interests to come up with a plan to stop that happening. Absolutely. Because that will add on huge costs to consumers, because the delays and the price of goods coming in and being delivered. It will also mean, environmentally, it is not particularly brilliant. We have seen what happens when Operation Stack happens when there is a problem down at the Channel Tunnel or at the channel ports. This will happen right across the country and right across europe and it will encourage lots of firms to relocate, quite simply. So what are we going to do . Live on chlorinated chicken . These are the kinds of deals that must be done. They really have to be sorted out much later than this time next year. At the moment, airlines cannot sell advance tickets from october next year, because they need to know what deal we have over aviation safety, which is policed by the eu. Otherwise our planes grounded. I am sure that will not happen. I am sure we will get a deal. But it is the kind of thing that needs to be sorted out. And quickly. Yes, absolutely right. It might be that oui absolutely right. It might be that our lorries cannot even drive in europe, and in retaliation, european lorries would not be able to drive in britain, so we wouldnt be able to get goods backwards and forwards. If there has to be quick throw quirk, if there has to be quick throw quirk, quid pro quo, they would cancel each other out. Or is that too simplistic . It is too sensible. This whole deal is being run by people who want brexit and want it iiow. People who want brexit and want it now. It is a case of ironing out the creases. We need a very big iron. The mail on sunday, dont show diana love ta pes the mail on sunday, dont show diana love tapes on television. This is l spencer, dianas rather, not wanting these Video Diaries to be aired on channel 4. Why not . These are video recordings of sessions that diana had with a voice coach, a long time ago when she was in a very unhappy place. It was before she did the Panorama Interview, and the suggestion is that she was having the voice Coach Sessions in order to prepare for that interview. Now, what is rather curious is that these we re what is rather curious is that these were recorded by peter southland, a former Coronation Street actor and voice coach. As far as we know they belong to him. The tapes, which were filmed on a camcorder, then appeared, all were revealed, in paul burrells house, that was dianas former butler. They came to light when they were seized by Police Office rs when they were seized by Police Officers when they raided his house. But they were not used in court during his trial. No, because they we re during his trial. No, because they were so during his trial. No, because they were so incendiary. Mr southland had a civil suit to try to get them back was not dianas family, the spencer family, eventually settled it out of court. The bbc bought them for £30,000 or Something Like that but chose never to show them. Nbc, bizarrely, showed the tapes in 2004, which seems to have passed all of us by. And now it is unclear how they have ended up a channel for it to bbc bought them outright. Channel 4, helpfully, have given us a statement. They are watching yes, thank you, channel 4. The excerpts from the tapes recorded have never been shown before on British Television and are an important historical source. We carefully considered all of the material used in the documentary and although the recordings were made in private, the subjects covered are a matter of Public Record and provide a unique insight into the preparations diana undertook to gain a public voice and tell her own personal story, which culminated in her late interview with panorama. This unique portrait of diana gives her a voice in places at front and centre at a time when the nation will be reflect in on her life and death. Difficult, though, for her sums to watch, no doubt. Yes, very. I understand absolutely white girl spencer why earl spencer does not want to see these go out. I understand that prince harry and Prince William do not want them transmitted. At i do think there is a Public Interest here. There is not. The idea that diana speaking in her own words, telling it like it is, or at least how she saw it, i think it is important. But she was doing this in preparation to do her own voice in the Panorama Interview. I appreciate that. Do her own voice in the Panorama Interview. Iappreciate that. Now that these tapes have come to light it does seem to me that both for the Public Interest and the historical record, it is quite important to have these things out there. But she chose to do an interview which was recorded, the Panorama Interview which some of us remember, this was preparation for that. These are private sessions. They are not public property. Obviously we cannot know what dianas wishes might have been. Given that she has been dead for 20 years and we cannot ask her, now that they have come to light and now that they have come to light and now that they are available, i think. But they have been available for a long time. 20 years after her death is probably the right time to have these broadcasts. Ido right time to have these broadcasts. I do not think it is in the Public Interest. They are private sessions. We are not going to agree. No. Thats fine. Indeed. Iam we are not going to agree. No. Thats fine. Indeed. I am grateful. No gavel required. The sunday times, a couple of stories about isis. Firstly, revealed, the life of teenage brides in isis a little britain. And ministers strip 150 jihadist is of uk passports. Jihadists. People being stripped of pa rt jihadists. People being stripped of part of their dual nationality to stop them coming back to the uk from barack or syria. I think this is a subject for rejoicing. If you have people who want to come back and bomb usi people who want to come back and bomb us i am quite happy to keep them away. The way this works, it is if they only had reduced nationality, we could not do it, because it would make them stateless. So these are people with dual nationality. In other words, there is someone else for them to go. There are so many people here, andi go. There are so many people here, and i think that we learned over the recent Terror Attacks of the huge number ofjihadists in recent Terror Attacks of the huge number of jihadists in britain recent Terror Attacks of the huge number ofjihadists in britain from mi5. We thought there were about 3000. It turned out there were about 23,000, and 3000 other ones they can try to monitor at the moment. And when one falls off another one goes on, sort of thing. If you imagine that the ira, at its height, was about 600 strong, 23,000 people who actively wish us harm is hugely dangerous. Keeping out anybody who might add to that seems like the best policy. This picture is of a woman with her little girl, who lived in raqqa, the stronghold of so called islamic state. She managed to escape. She was taken by her husband. He said he had a newjob. They were living in dubai at the time. A newjob in turkey. They were going to go there and then go to britain. At instead they ended up in raqqa as you say. Her escape, it is quite a shocking story of the house in Northern Syria where the Bethnal Green schoolgirls who ran off a couple of years ago now, other jihadi rides from bristol and glasgow, the so called white widow, cheap talks about how these women, these young girls, were delighted about reading about themselves on online british news sites. They crowed over reports of Terrorist Attacks in europe. She was very shocked about that. She managed to escape, her husband was killed, i think. It does show, you know, we are Hearing Stories last week about girls coming back. There was a young german girl, 16 years old, who came back, or who escaped. German girl, 16 years old, who came back, orwho escaped. So german girl, 16 years old, who came back, or who escaped. So you are getting very mixed messages from people who are going out there and seen, it was not what i thought, and this, which is quite shocking. Lets move on to the independent. Government relaxed acid laws against expert advice. Yes, this is about, as we know, there have been a view rather frightening acid attacks where people in the streets, in london, have had acid thrown in their faces to no particular reasons. their faces to no particular reasons. a their faces to no particular reasons. A few rather. Very damaging, in some cases like changing. This story is not a particularly new story, but what it is basically doing is saying that the government, the coalition government, in 2015, ignored advice, in theirdesire to government, in 2015, ignored advice, in their desire to burn red tape and cut bureaucracy, they basically cut red tape and got rid of the 1972 poisons act, against the advice of the poisons board, and doctors as well. What we do not know, because previously to this, anybody selling noxious substances like saucier custard and Hydrochloric Acid would have had to register with their council. Have had to register with their council. Sulphiric acid. What this does not say is, we actually do not know what acid has been used, but we have heard Police Officers talking about the kind of stuff you would find in your bathroom or kitchen cupboard. We dont know for sure, we dont know how it was acquired, but we are likely to see effo rts acquired, but we are likely to see efforts made to have this made an offence. Yes, what seems to be happening now, because of the horrific attacks, and the number of them, because acid attacks are going up them, because acid attacks are going up as people turn away from knives. Carrying a knife carries a five year penalty, so this is the Weapon Of Choice for people who do not want to do that. Amber rudd seems to be putting Back Everything in place that was originally got rid of by the coalition government. The problem, really, and it is the same problem, really, and it is the same problem they had at the time, is that this is the stuff you do have under your sink. The idea that you would need a Home Office Licence to bleach or bathroom is going to be some kind of problem. Your bathroom. It takes a bit of working out but the important thing is to keep it out of the wrong hands. The mail on sunday. Revealed, londons shocking drug data. Statistics about how many were said to have taken some kind of banned substance while they were competing, or before they we re they were competing, or before they were competing, at the London Olympics. Scary figures. What we are talking about is out of 656 Track And Field finalists, 87 had at one point being caught doping. Been. It is scary because we have the World Championship starting shortly. Presumably some of the same sort of athletes. It does seem to appear that the policing of this is not working incredibly well. Also, not only are they cheating bedfellow competitors, they are cheating the people who go and watch them. Their fellow. Cycling went through this. They had to do a very big cleanup. Huge. Lance armstrong, as we ormeau, was using drugs and cheating right the way through. As we all know. Five years ago we we re as we all know. Five years ago we were basking in the glory of everything that the London Olympics was. Everything that the London Olympics was. It was great. What is so awful is that for the people who really worked their socks off, they may have missed out on medals and stuff like that, and who wants to compete with cheaters . Its not the same if you work hard and you are stripped of the title, you werent there on the day to receive the title. The sunday times, let them eat pheasant says be the botham. This is ian botham, cricketing hero, Walker Extraordinaire and hes a land owner

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