Cladding on every single high rise block tested since the Grenfell Tower disaster has failed fire safety inspections. So far, 60 high rise buildings in 25 local authorities have been tested. The public in those homes, of course, are worried, but they should be reassured that all the measures are in place and they are now safe in their homes. The brexit secretary, david davis, says hes pretty sure the uk can reach a suitable trade deal with brussels. If not, the uk must be prepared to walk away from talks. An oil tanker that crashed in pakistans Punjab Province has left at least 150 people dead, most of whom were collecting leaking fuel before it exploded. Six people were injured three of them seriously after a car ploughed into a group of pedestrians outside a Sports Centre in newcastle. Police say its not terror related. A couple of Breaking News Stories now, and a development in an incident that is alleged to have taken place in greater manchester. 16 year old boy has been charged with the rape of an age old girl in a park yesterday. Pass an eight year old girl. From colombia, a boat carrying around 150 tourists has sunk in a reservoir. No immediate word on casualties. It happened in the north west of the country. We will have more details when we get them. Now it is 110w now it is time for the papers. Hello, and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are are rob merrick, whos the deputy Political Editor at the independent, and the author and broadcaster, natalie haynes. Tomorrows front pages the telegraph leads with the ongoing brexit talks, saying british tourists will be guaranteed free Health Treatment in the eu under proposals. Brexit negotiations also dominate the front page of the times, saying thousands of european criminals could face deportation after britain leaves the eu. The i features a picture of workers removing cladding from a high rise building with the headline 100 unsafe. The ft focusses on the italian banking system, saying the country has set aside billions of euros worth of taxpayers money to shore up confidence. Shocking scale of migrant problem is the headline for the daily express. The guardian leads with yesterdays cyber attack on parliamentarians, saying the russian government is suspected of being involved. So, the times and the ramifications of us leaving europe, whether it is soft, hard or medium boil. Foreign criminals to be thrown out after brexit, it says. At the moment, i assume we cannot do that. It says that in 2015, only 44 criminals from eu countries were repatriated, so this is a great frustration to the government that they cannot deport more from non eu countries. Im sure it would be popular with people if more people could be kicked out. I think this is an attempt to get a cheap, poplar headline, because this cannot be the big issue when the government releases the details of what it is going to do tomorrow. Eight popular headline. What really cou nts eight popular headline. What really counts is whether they are going to be able to satisfy the eu over whether or not these citizens will have the rights they expect when we leave the eu, and if they do not have the rights they expect and that the eu wants, then britain will not get very far with brexit talks. Able may remember on thursday theresa may me tweet said that she had made a generous offer, but all we have in front of us here is a tasty headline saying we will be tough on foreign carols. That is not really the issue. Foreign criminals. Carols. That is not really the issue. Foreign criminals. It seems unlikely we could be sure of that at this point, and also, it seems kind of strange that the numbers given by the times, 6000 foreign criminals in britishjails have served tendencies and are waiting deportation. If they are awaiting deportation, surely we could already deport 6000 people. It is already possible to get rid of them. We may not have yet done it, but it is already an option. And yet the numbers from 2015 are 44, which isaa lot the numbers from 2015 are 44, which is a a lot fewer, and i am no expert mathematician, than 6000. This implies to me a failure of process rather than a failure of principle. It comes back to the immigration system. And the home office. Who was running that for all those years . the scale of it is enormous, then. Even though it is not the most pressing issue, as you said, rob. Evenif pressing issue, as you said, rob. Even if it is 13,000 foreign offenders, that is a lot fewer than 3. 2 million eu citizens. What i see is the government getting a favourable headline in tomorrow mornings paper and what really matters tomorrow as are the going to provide finally, after one year, finally provide the detail on the rights servant offered to eu citizens after brexit. If it does not, they cannot start the trade talks. There is a Health Care Pledge for uk tourists in the daily telegraph. Ministers are going to keep paying, and again the seals are a relatively small story. It is likely that when we go on holiday, we can likely that when we go on holiday, we can take our cards with us, and if it were to be injured on holiday in belgium or portugal, we can go to hospital and be treated for free. In exchange, belgian or portuguese tourists who get hurt in the uk would be treated for free. It has been an excellent reciprocal system and of course it should be continued. Lots of people go on holiday, so it makes sense. According to david davis this morning, on the andrew marr programme, he has said the nhs will foot the bill if the eu does not. He has now been derided for saying he will come from eyes if the eu will not. It is only £155 million. That is not much in the scale of the tens of Million Pounds that are being talked about in terms of britains divorce bill. That is not very much money. I would like to have it myself, but it will not make much difference to the negotiations. This is one of the many things people realised the day after the referendum but would happen. Access to Free Health Care abroad. Another example would be the likelihood that we will have to pay to visit the rest of the eu in future. Perhaps only a very small amount, but certainly we will have to go through checks, so we will lose the ease of travel that we currently have. The benefits that we have taken for granted from eu membership, we will lose those. But it is most likely that we can reach an agreement with the eu that we can continue this system of subsidised health care for tourists and travellers. But in the end, it will come down to negotiations if they ever get properly started. But that will come down to how many people come here and claim treatment on the nhs and how many others go there and turn an ankle, andi how many others go there and turn an ankle, and i suppose we will have to wait and see what those numbers are. Most people take out travel insurance anyway, but that is my own fault for running half marathons abroad. Better shoes . I have the feet of a dead man. I am glad they are under the table. I do not want to think about them. |j are under the table. I do not want to think about them. I wish i could not. Lets stay with the telegraph, the Government Faces a six under Million Pounds bill after fire checks at flats. A £600 million bill. That doesnt sound that unreasonable when you think of the scale of the problem. Unreasonable when you think of the scale of the problemlj unreasonable when you think of the scale of the problem. I think this is an extrapolation. They have checked 60 blocks of flats and 60 have been found to be unsafe, which is in many ways, 100 . We think there are 600 blocks of flats around there are 600 blocks of flats around the country which needs to be tested, that is what Downing Street told us last week, and thus we are suggesting that if all 600 continue in the vein of the first 60, it will be £1 million power block of flats. It isa be £1 million power block of flats. It is a huge sum of money, but not relatively to people burning to death, so i think we are going to have to just pay it. But that is just for the cladding. There are other issues, sprinklers, fire doors, five extinctions. Fire extinguishers. Local councils have been given no assurances about sprinklers and fire extinguishers. The fire in Lakanal House in camberwell. Yes, after that, the coroner recommended that sprinklers be installed in all high rise flats, but she only encourage that, its to not become law. The government sent a very weak letter to local authorities, said we had done that, and no sprinklers were installed. In the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, i expect they will be. I am surprised to see the telegraph is focusing on the figure here, whether it is £600 million or less, there are hundreds of high rise flats and Tens Of Thousands of people around the Country Living in circumstances where there are do not know who are potential death traps and future infernos. I think all of that is, at the moment, far more important than whatever the bill will be down the line. This isjust whatever the bill will be down the line. This is just the whatever the bill will be down the line. This isjust the figure for high rise blocks. And then potentially it will also have to be paid for other public buildings. Yes, hospitals and schools, and the telegraph has the rather unnerving paragraph that plans to test every hospital in the wake of Grenfell Tower has not yet happened because they do not have resources to check every hospital, presumably because they are looking at every block of flats in the country. Last week we we re flats in the country. Last week we were told that they could test 100 tower blocks a day, so far 60, so slightly fewer than 100 per day. That is a huge issue. The government said they would test 100 a day, 600 blocks, that is it, 60s, and the tests started last tuesday. They should have nearly finished, so what is going on . And if the defined problems in schools and hospitals, what will happen . Good news for these schools is that it is nearly these schools is that it is nearly the end of term, so they only have a couple more weeks. Slightly more difficult for hospitals which they cannotjust difficult for hospitals which they cannot just evacuate for a period of time. The i is looking at this story and seeing that all of the cladding that has been tested so far has been judged to be unsafe. And of course, the camden issue, with hundreds of people who had to leave their homes, they are uncertain how long they are going to be in temporary accommodation. A friend of mine has been evacuated, he has been on the news all week, because he is april active agitator, chair of the residents association, and he has been evacuated. He was moved out on friday night, and he has no idea when he has grown to be back home. It is terrifying, i have no idea what he can even aim for as a kind of wish. Do you just wish that they will fix it in a matter of weeks and you can with back on . Will be just fixed the cladding, or other issues which rendered it urgently unsafe . I do not know, he does not know. And some people have chosen even now not to leave. About one in five in the camden flats. Not everyone has somewhere else to go. We say choose, but if you do not have anywhere else to go, and you have a pet and youre not allowed to stay in a hotel with it, what are you supposed to do .

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