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The south east of the uk. The fly in the ointment is the Weather Front which is pushing towards the south east overnight, into saturday morning and there is still fhee morning and there is still the threat of clipping of england, not far away, south east of england, not far away, some thunderstorms. That should clear way, that is how it looks at the moment and we will move into the cooler and fresh air with sunshine and showers, the main focus of the showers towards the north west. For the second half of the weekend, three areas of low pressure close by, none of them ride over the uk, but still the air will be unstable enough so that we can generate showers. Some good spells of sunshine, some of the showers on the heavy side and we will find temperatures iii heavy side and we will find Temperatures 1a in glasgow, perhaps as high as 20 in london. Early next week, an area of High Pressure extending from biscay across the south east of the uk but an area of low pressure is approaching from the atla Ntic Low Pressure is approaching from the atlantic starting to push on some stronger winds and some rain as well. Further into next week, High Pressure looks like it will start to push further north, the low pressure will track further north, steered of course by the jet stream. What does that all mean as we head into next week, it means it is the north west of the uk that is likely to be cooler, windier and also wetter. The south east of the uk will see the driest and warmest when. Sun hello. This is bbc news with me, ben brown. Well be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment first the headlines at 11 30pm. Jeremy corbyn apologises after being unable to come up with the cost of labours key Childcare Policy during a bbc interview. Meanwhile, theresa may returns to her main election message saying only the conservatives can be trusted to win a good brexit deal in brussels. Launching the snp manifesto Nicola Sturgeon says victory in scotland would further reinforce the mandate for a second in manchester less than two weeks after the bombing that left 22 people dead. Police say three men arrested in connection with the Manchester Bombing have been released without charge. Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are ben chu, economics and Business Editor at the independent, and dave wooding, Political Editor gf the sun 9 . 59n§a§; plans in an interview with the bbc. The Daily Telegraph says it has seen leaked documents showing a labour the hk afterfiremh the same story is in the mail adding that proposals also include axing rules which limit foreign spouses living here unless they can the guardian focuses on theresa may saying Jeremy Corbyns policies would leave him Alone And Naked in the Negotiating Chamber of the eu, they call it her strongest personal attack on the labour leader. The times refers to a yougov poll suggesting the conservatives could be in line to lose 20 seats and labour gain nearly 30 in next weeks election. The daily stars top story is the american pop star Ariana Grande returning to the uk on sunday, for a Benefit Concert for the victims of the Manchester Arena attack the line up includesJustin Bieber, coldplay and take that. And one of the stories on the Financial Times is a plan by london mayor sadiq khan and Transport For London for people to be able to use their phones on the tube. We will discuss whether or not it is a good idea. Then, the metro are kicking off with what has been described as a car crash interview byJeremy Corbyn on womans hour, ulvm byJeremy Corbyn on womans hour, im sorry, i havent a clue. He apologised afterwards, he could not remember how much the Childcare Policy would cost. An apology was in order, it goes to show there is no goodin order, it goes to show there is no good in having a fully costed ma nifesto good in having a fully costed manifesto which you brandish as a sign of vista goal fiscal possibility. There has been a suggestion on twitter saying whether this Interview Technique was unfair, asking Labour Spokespeople on the numbers and what they are saying, isnt It Turning Policies into a memory test . That does not really wash, 30 hours of Free Childcare to two to four year olds, its big. He launched it today, it wasnt out of the blue. To not know those numbers, its no wonder people are, down hard on him. Its not the first in that Election Campaign . There have been multiple car crashes, multiple pilots if you look at the words people use during the by election, strong and stable, the britain that works for everyone, many and not the their ;~ 717, the during the interview, thats probably the word of the election. These interviews are fairgame. You of the election. These interviews are fair game. You always hear people complaining who are loyal supporters of that particular party. But being Prime Minister in theresa mays case, you put yourself forward for thatjob and mays case, you put yourself forward for that job and you must accept the scrutiny. It is fair game for people to ask these questions. The problem is, as you rightly say, he has been asking questions about a detailed policy that he had nothing else to go on and discuss. He would have been briefed by his aides about the fine details of that policy. You would think he would know every dot and, of it. Every dot of it. There is no excuse come is you think that he would have been served badly by his aides, if they wrote it down. By his aides, if they wrote it down. And by his aides, if they wrote it down. And how does it compare to other car crashes ikef , down. And how does it compare to other car crashes like diane ,. X. L. S. L. l. New. Aces ;. L , police. X. L. S. L. l. New. Aces ;. L , a start. This a start. This was all about that particular announcement. It isa about that particular announcement. It is a simple figure. They did the costings at that stage but with diane abbott they had not released documentation. All they needed to do was read the document they put alongside the manifesto. There are only 12 or 15 lines, not a huge feat of memory. And will the voters care . He apologised, it does not matter. I listened to that, you were cringing from the first minute when you heard it. It was sharp intakes of Breath Galore i think it will have an impact but it moves people in small degrees. If you compare him with gordon brown, when he does radio or Tv Interviews he would have his aides up at 5am. They would moan to me about it. Tracked in at 5am, files and detailed documents, with figures and facts galore. And gordon would be completely on top of it. A toughjob at would be completely on top of it. A tough job at the top. You would know the times newspaper, according to the times, Jeremy Corbyn is doing all right as they have a shock poll predicting tory losses 7 all right as they have a shock poll predicting tory losses . Its interesting, they are almost apologetic and how they write the story, saying do not take it too literally. It is astonishing if this happened. The conservatives would actually lose about 30 seats. Sorry, 20 seats. And labour would gain 30. On one reading of this model that you got have done is a Bottom Up Exercise in how the seats will change yougov. Considerfive weeks ago seats will change yougov. Consider five weeks ago when theresa may called this Snap General Election it was on the assumption that they would get a landslide. For her to cement her position and to lose in the House Of Commons would be one of the most astonishing reversals in modern electoral history. Even if she only gets a few more seats than before, people would say, what is that all about . Peoples expectations are so high, if she ends up with 40, a majority of 40 seats, it would be regarded as a massive. Why did we go through this hell . And the tories, if they are struggling, we do not know whether to believe in a poll like that, or any poll, whether to believe in a poll like that, orany poll, but whether to believe in a poll like that, or any poll, but if they are struggling, why . This general election is unique in some ways. It is completely different from something that we have seen in recent history. When you put yourself to the country, you get scrutinised, as we have seen in interviews. People look at them like theresa may, we havent seen much in the years since she became Prime Minister. 0ne the years since she became Prime Minister. One thing she did different to David Cameron and tony blair was to stay out the news. She has told us little. During the Campaign Like this, its inevitable she is scrutinised a and night every day, in front of the cameras. And conversely, are people warming to Jeremy Corbyn . Despite that car crash interview . Are they beginning to like him, in a way . It is difficult to see. In the polls but who is the best leader and brexit in the economy, it is clear theresa may is held in much higher esteem by the public then Jeremy Corbyn. There is iio public then Jeremy Corbyn. There is no significant shift as far as i have seen on those indicators. It is worth pointing out in another poll today showing the conservatives have a12 today showing the conservatives have a 12 point lead, down from about 25 points but it is at odds with the idea that we are heading for that. And there is another poll showing theresa may is in line for a 100 seat majority. Someone will end up with egg on their face seat majority. Someone will end up with egg on theirface the daily mail has a story about labours plan for britain to open their doors wider. Letting in Tens Of Thousands of unskilled migrants, being leaked . It has the hallmarks of a conservative operation, leaking what would be perceived to be very damaging for labour, being soft on immigration and going to the telegraph and the mail. Presumably something left by a photocopier in the House Of Commons has been scooped up by conservative workers. Ido scooped up by conservative workers. I do not know how concrete it is as a policy, whether it is hypothetical oi a policy, whether it is hypothetical or what they are intending to do. 0r how serious it is. Will it lead to Tens Of Thousands or is it eight week . We dont know, the m essa 9 es eight week . We dont know, the Messages Labour are soft on immigration. I can see a change in. Not the time but the Subject Matter of the election here. We had this break with tragic events in manchester, which stopped campaigning. What we also know from the polls is attacking Jeremy Corbyn on the ira is not really sticking or having an effect. All of these businesses about strong and stable leadership and past consorting with terrorists, not having the slightest bit of impact. They seem to go for areas where it does work. You may see labour going for the nhs more. 2596 see labour going for the nhs more. 25 of people put it as a top issue. Immigration is a top issue with brexit. We will hear the conservatives talking a lot about brexit and immigration. Speaking of the nhs, that queues up nicely the i newspaper. They havejeremy hunt saying that it bad brexit will damage the nhs . I do not think it is a planned intervention, the i newspaper reporter doorstep and said, what about the nhs . The response was if you want a strong nhs you need a strong conservative party. I dont think this is a concerted effort to say to vote for the conservatives to protect the nhs. We all know the nhs is strong. Everyone Associates Labour with being the party of the nhs. I think jeremy hunt is effectively saying something he has to say within his brief. I dont think it is particularly calculated. It is interesting but not what we have heard before. People like jeremy hunt, we have not seen hugely in the campaign . It is funny how some of the top tory leadership are kept under wraps . That was all that policy about theresa mays team. You vote for her team as she is a strong leader. Jeremy corbyn, as we were saying, looks more attractive as a politician and things are changing a little bit here. Away from the election. You talked about manchester. And Ariana Grande announcing her concert on sunday. In manchester. Her concert of defiance is the daily mirrors headline. Not just her but other big stars . Thats a good headline, it was a cultural terror attack, striking at the heart of something that is very resonant ina lot of something that is very resonant in a lot of peoples lives. Going to a p0p in a lot of peoples lives. Going to a pop concert and the feeling is that they decided to carry on. Have an even bigger concert. And a load of other megastars there. That is how to honour them and help victims. It starts with young fan bases like she has. A strong message going to terrorists, you cannot frighten or divide us. We will remain free and have this concert to show you. Some people have suggested it is too soon . With people being treated in hospital and so on. It is fundraising to help the campaign. Theres a Concert On Thursday from the other great music scene in manchester, the Classical Music scene with the bbc philharmonic 0rchestra. Sir mark elder, they will all be performing a Concert On Thursday to raise money. Classical music is raising its bit is doing its bit. They have shown extraordinary solidarity and unity, in trying to overcome this . It is very difficult when Something Like this happens. To know what tone to strike. It is sad, all of these emotions are mixed up. I must say that andy burnham, the numeric manchester, has done a terrificjob in speaking on behalf of the city. Having just been elected. Yes, he has been a Cabinet Minister and that high level of authority has given him the ability to speak for the people with a good voice. Lets talk about the Financial Times. They have about the Financial Times. They have a story, i do not know if it is good news or bad news. The idea that you may be able to use your mobile phone oi may be able to use your mobile phone or the time on the tube . That will increase chatter levels. The london mayor has a lot on his plate. He has the whole brexit thing and the impact of the city of london, the impact of the city of london, the disaster of stafford rail. It does not strike me that this should be high on the list of priorities. People on their Mobile Phones while on the underground, it has been a safe haven from that kind of thing. I remember reading these stories ten oi i remember reading these stories ten or 15 years ago about how we will soon, in only be able to talk on the underground on our Mobile Phones. Imminently. Have you seen it in action . In hong kong, they have the ability to do it and it is not very pleasa nt to ability to do it and it is not very pleasant to be a passenger. People shouting to their Mobile Phones in protesta nt shouting to their Mobile Phones in protestant proximity to you. I would not recommend it. Even though it is coming perhaps with all of the chatter we are hearing, they should have a new line called chatter chatter tube tube . You are good, you should work in newspapers and mobiles on the cheap . Most Tube Journeys are quite short. You can use them on the tube if you come from alkaline districts into the underground. It is Central London where most of us are taking, what is the average journey . Ten or 15 minutes . There are moments though when you need to receive or send a text and you cant. I can see the benefits of it but maybe they should have one carriage at the back where you can use your phone . A noisy carriage the guardian have, is 80 the new 50 . Lets hope so you are never old until you are on deaths door the idea that you turn 65 and then you are an old person. Its interesting, the statistics saying that when beveridge, in the 1940s, said the Retirement Age should be 65, half of people died before they reached 70. It makes sense, you are old at this stage. Now, people get to 90, 100. You are clearly not old when you are 65. Even 70. Essentially, sarah harper, co director of the oxford institute, say that they had to reform how they think of age and old people. As i say, you are not really old until you are no longer an active adult which can be at any time. You might be 80, or even 90. You should not be called old . Be 80, or even 90. You should not be called old . That be 80, or even 90. You should not be called old . That is what she argues thanks, im coming back again for that at this time of night, you drag me on and that is what i get it is true, you see people now in their70s, and you it is true, you see people now in their 70s, and you say, gosh, it is true, you see people now in their70s, and you say, gosh, is it is true, you see people now in their 70s, and you say, gosh, is he 75 . It does not look it. The standard of health, that is better. The interesting thing is maybe people are older before they are old at the other end of the scale. We talk about giving younger people the vote at 16 and the rights that people get coming on younger. 0ur aduu people get coming on younger. 0ur Adult Life is actually expanding at both ends. You are telling us, people aged 100. That is increasing . In the 18th century there were only ten aged 100 but there were only ten aged 100 but there are 20,500 in the uk alone and estimates by the end of the century there will be 1. 5 million over the age of 100 in the uk. There will be 1. 5 million over the age of100 in the uk. It there will be 1. 5 million over the age of 100 in the uk. It goes to show. Fascinating statistics to leave us with. Thank you to both of you. I apologise for questioning your age. Thats it for the papers tonight. Thank you ben and david. We will see you seen. Lets have a look at some of the other stories making the news this evening. Jeremy corbyn apologises for not being able to come up with the cost of labours key Childcare Policy during an interview on the bbc on womans hour. But he is not apologising for that policy. Theresa may returns to her main election message saying only the conservatives can be trusted to win a good brexit deal in brussels and thatJeremy Corbyn has No Plan For Brexit the snp launched its Election Manifesto pledging to promote fairness and opportunity. Nicola sturgeon says victory in scotland would further reinforce the mandate for a second independence referendum. Senior political figures in wales take part in a Television Debate ahead of next weeks general election the issue of how wales would fare outside of the European Union dominated. The singer Ariana Grande announces shes returning to perform in manchester less than two weeks after the bombing that left 22 people dead. Acts including coldplay, Justin Bieber and take that willjoin her. Police say three men arrested in connection with the Manchester Bombing have been released without charge. 11 people remain in custody following a number of raids across the country. We are also hearing in the last few minutes a 30 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the bodies of a woman and two children were found at an address in toxteth in liverpool, thatsjust into us from merseyside police. A 30 year old man was arrested on suspicion of murder after the bodies ofa suspicion of murder after the bodies of a woman and two children were found at an address there. Now it is time for news knight. Welcome to newcastles borini in The Palace Of Art and exhibition park. Tonight, the big divide. Half of the audiences over 60 and half is under 30. How different is like for them, and how divided are they over politics and policies . Tonight, a special programme on the generation gap, the chance to study without huge debt and the likelihood of owning a home. The kind of country you want to live in. Are the older and Younger Generation is worlds apart and which parties offer the best deal. Joining us tonight. 70 people and seven politicians, and our resident fact checker and number checker from the resolution foundation. Welcome to newcastles Wylam Brewery in The Palace Of Arts in exhibition park. Tonight, the big divide. Half the audience is over 60 and half is under 30. How different is life for them and how divided are they over politics and policies . Tonight, a newsbeat newsnight special on the generation gap, the world of work, a chance to study without huge debt, the likelihood of owning a home, the kind of owning a home, the kind of country you want to live in, are the younger and older generations worlds apart, and which of the parties offers the best deal . Joining us in newcastle, 70 people and seven politicians and our resident fact checker, number cruncher, from the resolution foundation, thorsten bell. Are we right, is there a generational divide . I think everyone agrees there is a generational divide, and the hard job for politicians is pursuing that gap, because they need votes from the young and the old. All right, so, we know that there is an issue, so, what is governments priorities . First, lets hear how the government spends our money and who benefits. Meet betty boomer and millennial matt. Bettys over 60. She was born in the post war years, grew up listening to the beatles and the beach boys, and got her first smartphone for her 61st birthday. Millennial matt is under 30. He doesnt remember a time before wireless internet. He paid University Top up fees and graduated during the financial crisis. Betty is part of a generation who hold more wealth than the entire population under the age of 45. A group which is more than twice their size. But who is getting more from the state . Matt or betty . Lets take health. The government has increased the health budget. You might think that this benefits everyone. But two fifths of nhs spending is spent on those over 65. An 85 year old betty will cost the nhs seven times more than matt. Unfortunately for matt, it isnt just that the government is spending different amounts on different parts of the state. It is also protecting policies which betty will overwhelmingly benefit from. The triple lock, which is designed to make sure pensions continue to rise and bettys benefits have been protected by successive governments. In fact, there has been an 8. 1 rise in Pension Benefits since 2007 2008. In contrast, since 2009, working age benefits have fallen by 10 . Joining us tonight, an audience of over 60s and under 30s. And politicians from all the main parties are here, too, so im going to ask politicians first, do you accept there is a generational divide and you should be doing something to solve it . Certainly its a challenge, the two things you have got to do, you have to have a strong economy, and since 2010, we have seen 3,000,000 newjobs created. Thats hugely important for the young people here. But also to create the revenue, both to invest in 3 million new apprenticeships but also to raise the State Pension by £1250, which we have managed to do. Im afraid that is over 20 seconds so im moving on, to labour. From labour, do you accept that there is a divide but actually you have the responsibility to make sure that each person is treated fairly in the divide . Both young and old have been failed by the tory government, but the truth is, given that this is the first generation that looks set to be poorer than its parents, clearly there is a divide. And it is up to government, the labour government, to make sure that we see we are stronger together and we are for the many, not the few. Liberal democrats. How do you characterise that divide . Well, i am always struck by an old quote i remember, times are hard, the young dont respect the old. I say old because that was said by cicero, in the first century. If there is a generational divide, it has always been here. It is up to politicians to offer policies to ameliorate that, restoring housing benefits for the under 21s and triple lock. We are going to talk about policies, you accept there is a divide, you accept there is a divide, you have a responsibility, now moving to the snp. How does the snp plan to address that divide . Well, in the snp, we dont want there to be a generational gap, we want to have intergenerational fairness, we believe the way to do thatis fairness, we believe the way to do that is to reject conservative austerity agenda and invest in Public Services and people. Lets hear from ukip in Public Services and people. Lets hearfrom ukip now, because david kirton, you have a different view. What problem exists between the generations . I wouldnt use the word divide but there is different needs between the older generation and the Younger Generation, what i think is the main issue we need to address is everyone is talking about the skills gap, we certainly havent been training young people with the skills they need, particularly technical skills

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