The nhs is still using old operating systems. 90 of hospitals are using a system which wind was not greeted new security for 30 years. It is a story of underinvestment and It Infrastructure and the powers we give to the gchq and the nsa to build weapons like this and with any other weapon, once they are built, they can be bought and sold by anyone. The daily mail sent some hackers cripple the nhs. Operations we re hackers cripple the nhs. Operations were cancelled, ambulances had to be diverted, but it seems like a lot of staff responded incredibly fast to try to mitigate and reduce a lot of the impact it could have had. That is exactly it. There seems to have been a plan, a good Contingency Plan in place and it seems to have worked. I think what is not quite clear, it is not even clear to the government yet, for and what of the knock on effects are into next week. I think people will be very tolerant and patient over the course of the weekend, but we will have to see when we get a monday or tuesday how convincingly this system has coped and how well the government answers the questions. Why were warnings ignored . The questions. Why were warnings ignored 7 does the the questions. Why were warnings ignored . Does the article explain what those warnings were coming from . I am not sure what those warnings were coming from . Iam not sure it what those warnings were coming from . I am not sure it does. It is not in the paper. The guardian have stuff about warnings. The ex assume it is about the vulnerability of older versions of windows and we have known of these exist in the nhs because of the lung problem across various governments and different parties of whitehall not being able to build its own pay tv, so the advice of off the shelf, but you have to keep buying them what you have to keep buying them what you have well known vulnerabilities and it looks as if that might be the source it looks as if that might be the source of the nhs possible problems in this attack. Depending on which party you are, it looks as if the nhs is once again not having the investment it needs. Not the number of doctors and nurses, but the it systems which keep it going. They do seem to be some suggestions that rather basic things which should have been done were not done. That will come out in the wash and there will come out in the wash and there will be a parliamentary enquiry and it isa will be a parliamentary enquiry and it is a serious subject. I should point out that it is a global problem and this has had 7a countries already. Chinese newspapers are talking about chinese universities being affected. 60 major Health Facilities in the us. It is not an exclusively british problem. In spain there is a telecommunications company, the state owned oil company in brazil. They are affected as well. Who were the real target . They were asking for a bit coin as a ransom, if you wa nt for a bit coin as a ransom, if you want your data back and unencrypted, you have got to pay some money. Very probably it is getting money, rather than attacking any specific nation or government. It is an attack of cybercrime, rather than cyber terrorism. Probably they were just looking to see who out there was still vulnerable to the eternal blue full mobility and everyone watching this programme will know that in most offices, computers are replaced when they break down. Most of us will have ageing computers until they die. They will be hitting it to see if it works. Hackers hold nhs to ransom is the headline in the telegraph. It is so difficult, if not impossible, to track who is responsible for these attacks. Very difficult. A global manhunt underway and this is presented very much as though the experts at gchq who are among the best in the field, as though they are leading the hunt, but i am sure lots of Intelligence Agencies will be involved. One practical concern that the telegraph raises is just this question of medical records. That includes things like cancer diagnosis. Does the system have the ability to update the data that has lost that has been recently collected and people will want urgent answers on this in the next few days. Hopefully it has all been backed up somewhere. Stay with the telegraph. Boris warns of Putin Meddling in an election. Some interesting quotes. He covers a lot of ground in this article. He talks about the fact that putin would be delighted with the corbyn wen, the threat of Cyber Hacking and the idea of the election is not a foregone conclusion. He talks about it being a realistic possibility that putin will be involved in the election and talks about seeing it in america and france. There is a question to be had about whether It Isa Question to be had about whether it is a realistic chance in this election, as the election is not particularly close. To be honest, it is hard to see who the candidate putin wouldnt be happy with in this election is. Jeremy corbyn is very sceptical about American Intervention abroad, putin isnt that. Theresa may wants to take this out of the eu with what looks like a hard exeter, putin is quite into that as well. That isnt actually a Foreign Policy concern for the kremlin. Vladimir putin does have the sense of humour, but i dont think even he thinks he would stand a chance of making Jeremy Corbyn prime minister. It is an indication of how desperate the conservatives are to hype up this idea of corbyn asa are to hype up this idea of corbyn as a threat, because that is the biggest threat, the idea of people thinking the election is already settled, that the tories have a large Majority Test and. The concern is some people might not vote. Boris talking about the risk of the russians subverting british democracy, which sounds rather unlikely. There are figures here from a survey of 40,000 voters by Lord Ashcroft which suggests an enormous landslide victory, if that poll is correct. It suggested a majority of 162 to 180 seats for the tories. Bigger than tony blairs re cord tories. Bigger than tony blairs Record Majority in 1997, slightly bigger than the polls. Record majority in 1997, slightly biggerthan the polls. In Record Majority in 1997, slightly bigger than the polls. In terms of the liver of Food Dissolving outside the liver of Food Dissolving outside the cities, kind of what we would expect. Lets look at the guardian. Dont turn may into thatcher once tom watson. Above that, a man inspecting the bottom of the bus. Theresa may is looking for the c word. He means conservative. They are not mentioning conservative, they are mentioning theresa may. Tom watson is essentially saying this is a coded Leadership Version of what ben bradshaw and various other mps have been saying. Vote labour to prevent a massive landslide and try to rescue some seats. He is warning that it will be very difficult to hold the tories to account in the commons if they have a majority of the order Margaret Thatcher had. It was 140 odd sheets, 100 seats in 1983. It is fascinating to see this. The conservatives themselves almost cant believe it. You see the power of this brand, whether you are sceptical about theresa may or not. That picture you have added there, they would conservatives is in tiny letters on the door on the side of the bus and the rest of it is hoped on theresa may, her personality, her signature and the tories are astonished by how well she has connected. There is a question of whether that will endure after the election. For the moment, she allows them to push into all expected territory. Jeremy corbyn are talking about not being a pacifist and would use Military Action as a last resort and it would be bomb first talk Litter Pickers in his view that hasnt worked. That message will appeal to people, would it . Hasnt worked. That message will appealto people, would it . That is their hope. Part of the context of that speech is the labour mps, labour candidates, on the doorstep are worried that they dont have a strong line on security. One thing jeremy was trying to do was think i am nota jeremy was trying to do was think i am not a pacifist, there are situations in which i would use Military Force to cauterise that particular one. There is fatigued with foreign adventures, but people regard theresa may as safe and stable, to use her own message. We shouldnt really keep repeating it . Should we . In any case, people regard theresa may as someone who would do that anyway. That message would do that anyway. That message would cut through and as they turn people around on theresa may. The conservatives can always say they dont have a coherent policy on security and defence. They want to rethink everything. The lines are so easy for conservative Central Office to d raft easy for conservative Central Office to draft you might suspectJeremy Corbyn was a tory agent. It is that easy on defence, patriotism, pacifism and all the rest of it. It is too easy for the tories. What you are about to see and what happened today and is reflected in this coverage, the tories are going on the attack now and using her personally to attack corbyn and that is using the trust she has the hammer home the point. It is only just begun. They will turn up the volume. Lets finish with the times and a picture of the chelsea manager, antonio conte, looking rather pleased after chelsea won the Premier League by beating west brom 10 at Premier League by beating west brom 1 0 at the hawthorns. You are not rejoicing around this table. |j 1 0 at the hawthorns. You are not rejoicing around this table. I am not a football fan, but these chelsea chaps seem to have one and well done. I am an arsenal fan and very unhappy. Only one year ago, is it really a year ago, i was celebrating the fact that Leicester City had won. That was a romantic fairy tale. Just cast your mind back. Thats it for the papers denied. On the front pages are online on the bbc website. You can watch the programme on the bbc i play. For now, ian and stephen, thank you very much. See you again soon. Hello, good evening. It was a bit of a mixed bag earlier on today. Most of us saw some rain at some stage during the day. This is the view from one of our weather watchers in cornwall. But it wasnt all Doom And Gloom in The Highlands Of Scotland we saw some lovely weather plenty of sunshine and we got temperatures into the low 20s. Here is the Satellite Sequence which shows this area of rain and showers, showers to the north west as well, but we saw some sunshine just to end the day in the south eastern corner. As we go on overnight we will see some wet weather in Northern Ireland, parts of wales and scotland too. Just a scattering of showers coming into the south coast by the end of the night. Towards the north east, though, we have some pretty extensive low cloud, mist and fog so it will be pretty grey here. Not a cold night, temperatures typically around 11 or 12 degrees to start the weekend. In the morning, across the southernmost counties of the uk it looks pretty good for the most part. There might be one or two early showers but they are few and far between. Most places will start on a pretty reasonable note. There will be some breaks in the cloud, some sunshine getting through, and there is a breeze from the south west. The cloud will thicken in the north of wales, and the north of england and there will be some outbreaks of rain but very little gets across towards the eastern side of the pennines. There will be a lot of cloud and patchy rain in Northern Ireland in the morning, and some rain through southern and eastern parts of scotland still pretty grey here. Scattered showers for the western and for the northern isles. As we go through the day it will be the north west that sees the wettest weather. We will see some Rain Creeping in later towards the south west. Heading towards the south east corner there are much lighter winds and the showers are few and far between. Some pretty decent spells of sunshine, should be quite warm as well, 19, or 20 degrees, closer to 15 with the cloud and rain in the north and west. Some premier League Action on saturday afternoon, might see a spot or two of rain in manchester but i dont think so in bournemouth or in stoke should be fine and pleasant enough with 14 or 15 degrees. As we go through the evening, through the small hours of sunday, some rain crosses pretty much all parts of the uk. It wont linger too long in any given location, it is moving through quite quickly although it will take a while for it to clear from the north east of scotland, but it does and then we are bright and Breezy On Sunday with a scattering of showers developing into the afternoon. And again we will see 20 celsius in the south eastern corner, but a slightly fresher feel to things generally. Then later we look to the south west for this next area of wind and rain to spread in late sunday into monday, it looks like it will be quite a wet and windy start to the new week. This is bbc news, im martine croxall. The headlines at 11 00 a Major Incident is declared after almost 40 nhs organisations across england and scotland are hit by a large scale cyber attack. Theresa may says the nhs was not being targeted. This was not targeted at the nhs. It is an International Attack and a number of countries and organisations have been in effect did. Affected. Organisations in more than 70 countries have reported infections by the large ransomware campaign. President trumps spokesperson refuses to be drawn on whether the president recorded conversations with the former fbi directorjames comey. The latest on the ransomware attack. It hit nhs trust and we talk about a transition from

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