..all they had done was gone round and knocked on doors of some of the suspects that colin has mentioned and effectively said, "oh, do you know anything about a murder back in the 19805?" and of course, all they said was, "no comment," or, "don't know what you're talking about." and they closed the inquiry down. as far as i...from that point on, i knew that no further investigation was going to take place. you didn't think that was good enough? i didn't think it was good enough. and that's why i thought, well, 0k, what could i do about this? i thought it was quite insulting, actually. they used the words proportionate and not proportionate, etc. well, what could be possibly disproportionate as far as a police tactic is concerned when you're dealing with a heinous crime of abduction and murder of an eight—year—old child, and i knew the system wasn't going to change. so i thought, i'm going to do something about this. 0k. and it is worth saying sussex police, you know, have given a statement. they say vishal�*s murder had been on its schedule of cases that are assessed every two years short of a major review, and that it was satisfied that all enquiries in relation