is we do ourjob entirely independently of what authorities are doing. and, you know, questions came out of, like, the new york times published the story and two hours later the raid happened. and we talked earlier about, like, clarifying that timeline. of course, the fbi was already on to him through other means than oui’ means. but i think the reality is it's like we have a job to do. ourjob is to, you know, find this information for the public good of, like, what does it mean that a 21—year—old shared this on a chat where they were, like, also sharing racist memes? and, you know, what due...journalistic due diligence of giving him and his parents the chance to respond, and we wanted to do that regardless of the fact that the fbi were there. and as aric said, they were there and i knew that probably us entering that property and speaking to his mother and asking to speak to him was probably not on their schedule for the day, but that was the job that we came there to do and we continued to do it despite that fact. and aric toler, bringing you back in too, from bellingcat, you know,

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The Scoop ,Course ,Raid ,New York Times ,Authorities ,Timeline ,Questions ,Fbi ,Yourjob ,Two ,Information ,Forum Discord ,Job ,Reality ,Oui ,Public Good ,21 ,Fact ,Chance ,Parents ,Aric Toler ,Due Diligence ,Racist Memes ,Mother ,Property ,Bellingcat ,Schedule ,

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