looking at this document and being sceptical of it and try to run down the information. once people are out there saying, i hold in my hand the secret document compromising the president and i'm not going to show you what it is, that to me was a situation which, well, actually, we ought to show the audience what it is. with caveats by saying, here's this document, you know it exists, better that you see it then you are just told that there is a secret document with compromising information about the president. but it will burn your eyes out if you look at it. but... we published it saying we had not been unable to stand it up or knock it down but there were errors in it and you should be careful. two questions here, the question of whether you should've published it, which you just addressed, and a secondary question about whether publishing it impacts on trust in the news media because the reality is many americans are saying that the volume of attention and particularly the liberal us media paid