it's a courtroom drama. now, i love a courtroom drama, i do understand that courtroom dramas are full of things that never happen in real courtrooms, like people producing witnesses out of nowhere that nobody�*s heard of, people presenting papers — ijust happen to have in my bag... i quite like a courtroom drama too, you see, so... but... yeah, i'm a suckerfor it. i keep expecting somebody to slam the table and say, "you can't handle the truth!" if you accept that the drama itself is fairly contrived and it does, you know, have all those conventions, then i think it's very entertaining. but more importantly, it is about something very serious. it is about that thing of looking back into the past, looking back into a country's guilty past and your own family's guilty past and asking questions about whether people are the people that they seem to be. so it's doing quite a clever thing which is it's a very entertaining pot—boiler on one hand but also, it's about something far more substantial. as i said, i haven't read the book, but i very much enjoyed the film. it's called the collini case, it's in cinemas now. ok, now, respect.