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Captain jack sparrow. No, it cant be. Ive spent years searching for this . The great jack sparrow is not some drunk in a cell. Do you even have a ship . A crew . Pants . A great pirate does not require such intricacies. Do you know how long ive been waiting for this moment . The audiences love it, so give them more and more . Have you seen the other pirates movies . I think i saw the first one, a long time ago. My daughter was all right, but i didnt need more. Do you think this gag is so fabulous its going to take five movies . Firstly, i was never a fan of the first one, the second and third i found increasingly annoying, and the fourth just felt like a postscript. You Havejohnny Depp doing that same performance that has been getting more and more broad during the various movies. When he first started doing it, someone said he was like Keith Richards from the rolling stones. It has become more and more like a pantomime. His accent seems to have gone to the other side of the world. He sounded positively australian in some moments. You also get the classic thing of, we need to relaunch the franchise, lets have intertwining plots, and all the way through youre thinking, just give me a narrative that actually makes some sense. The weird thing about the pirates movies is they feel quite so mechanical and soulless. Understandably, they come from a ride originally, they are an attempt to take that and put it on the screen. There is a real feeling that i suspect even people who are real fans of the Pirates Of The Caribbean series will feel they have seen this before and done better. Ive never been a fan of them, but i think even fans will start to think, for heavens sake, do we have to do this all over again . Actually, it is one of those movies in which you can almost see the accountants totting up the sums. Putting this thing together. Its like an abacus. There is no new wit or invention. A lot of the script sounds like offcuts from carry on movies. You can take lines from this and Carry On Columbus and they are the same scriptwriting pattern. Its not the worst of the movies, its not the best of the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies boringly in the middle, with emphasis on the boring. We get that Something Else we have seen before is baywatch, a long running sort of Kitsch Classic tv series, what, 25 years ago . Long enough ago that when it was on i didnt have a television. Its a sort of post modern reboot in the manner of 21 jump street. Zac efron is a disgraced olympian, a celebrity to bring attention to them. His character doesnt believe in teamwork. You know that over the course of the movie, they will find some sort of affectionate bond, and this will be driven by a long and rather creaky crime plot, because its the beach film, therefore it has to have a crime plot. Its not particularly good, but not particularly bad either. I counted five times during this movie that i laughed, five times more than i thought i would. Its nothing like as consistently funny as other films, but zac efron and dwayne the rock johnson are quite funny. There is a slightly sharp thing about the fact there is a lot of camera ogling, but its zac efron who is being ogled. It is a two hour movie that is at least one hour and five minutes too long. If it was actually a five minute tv special, they might have got away with it. I have seen worse. I did at least laugh a few times, which is more than i can say about Pirates Of The Caribbean. When you describe it as post modern, im sure the makers of the film will be flattered. Im sure that that was how it was pitched in the first place. Its a post modern redo. Now, the other side of hope. This is a sort of comedy about europes refugee crisis. Its Aki Kaurismaki, an interesting writer director. You will know his kind of deadpan comedy. Its essentially a story about a young man from syria who arrives in finland, bullied on the street by thugs, but embraced by the displaced community who try to show him the ropes. Here is a clip. You get a sense of that kind of bittersweet comedy. What i like about this is that on the one hand it is very sensitive and humane, and it feels real. It feels like a story about a character you can believe in. It also has that Aki Kaurismaki sense of the world. Its laugh out loud funny in some places, when you dont expect it to be. The central character they meet up with is a finnish businessmen who decides he will buy a failing restaurant, which he attempts to make work by doing various things. At one point he decides to make it a sushi restaurant, and he doesnt have sushi so they make salted herring instead. There are these absurd moments, but its a story about dispossessed people and the way in which strange friendships can be forged. It has beautiful use of music. At one point you get buskers in the street and The Blues Band in a bar who seem to offer a kind of greek chorus commentary. Theres a lovely moment in which somebody starts playing a tune which takes a runaway to lost, distant lands. Its beautifully put together, visually crisp and clear in that kind of hyper real style. Its very, very difficult to get that balance between tragedy and comedy, between smiles and tears. But it genuinely manages to do both those things. The funny moments are funny, and the tragic moments are profoundly moving. Its very humane and touching. I think anybody could get on with it. Its a really, really good film. What is best out at the moment . I will say this for the last week, it wont be in cinemas for too much longer. Its the levelling. I want people to see it on the big screen if they can. Its a story about a young woman who goes back to a family farm where she has unresolved issues. Fantastic performances, beautifully shot, wonderful soundscape, wonderful sound design. You need to see it on the big screen because so much of whats going on is going in the sound, the sound of the wind, the rain, the farm itself. And you do lose that off the big screen. I think the director is a major talent, she was described as a rising star of tomorrow ten years ago by screen international. Its taken her that long to make this feature film. Its a great piece of work, the levelling. And best dvd . Jackie. When i reviewed this the first time round, it took me time to get to grips with it. One of the things i love about it is the score, which is brilliant. A lot of attention on the central performance. Which when i first saw it, i thought it felt strangely stilted, maybe a bit over theatrical. Second time round, i realised its a film about a woman in a position whereby she has to perform certain roles. And that awkwardness is very deliberate. The theatricality is on purpose. Its a multilayered film. Its not immediately accessible, but it really does, the more you watch it the more we find in it. Which is another reason why if you saw it in the cinema and werent crazy about it, its worth watching again at home. It stands up on the small screen. Ok, mark. Thank you so much. You can find all of our previous programmes on the iplayer. And also more online. Thats all from us, thank you for watching, goodbye. Hello. Its almost as if the weather knows its a bank holiday. The devil is the detailed this weekend, where into the breakdown of the heat. The peak of the heat was friday. Highest temperatures of the year so far, 29 degrees, not shy of 30. That will be the hottest of the sea during this spell. Still some heat round on saturday, some thundery showers making their way east. Through the morning hours, some of them will be thunder and lightning. Wetter weather potentially for Northern Ireland and scotland. Add the fact we still have that heat and humidity around, we will have some lively downpours into the afternoon on the midlands, northwards, torrential thunderstorms with large hail and some flash budding potentially. See fog in the north. Not many showers in the south in the afternoon, it will feel cooler. 28 degrees, not short of what we had on friday. But the heat is starting to diminish. Gradually it will turn into thunderstorms. Temperatures still might, but not as oppressive as it has been. That area of low pressure responsible for that first spell of Thundery Rain moving out the wagering sunday, High Pressure building for a time. Not a bad day really, there will be more cloud around. It will feel cooler and fresher in the and unity in the south. Some home grown thunderstorms. Later in the day we could potentially start to drag some Thundery Rain across from france and the channel. It looks as if it will be across the southern half of the country but there is some uncertainty as to how far north that Thundery Rain will go. Some models do push it right the way up into northern scotland. At this stage, there are warnings out. We will twea k there are warnings out. We will tweak those with times. Looks like a thundery start. If Summery Night and some thundery weather around on bank holiday monday. Lots of heat and humidity, pressure north but that could extend its influence by the north. We are under the influence of atla ntic north. We are under the influence of atlantic Weather Fronts. Changing the wind direction, it does freshen up the wind direction, it does freshen up further south. Still warm in the sunshine and there will be some sunshine, because High Pressure follows that Weather Front on tuesday. That High Pressure is with us tuesday. That High Pressure is with us through the middle part of the week. Keeping the Weather Fronts at bay, allowing temperatures to rise in the sunshine again. Not the humidity we had this week but nevertheless some strong sunshine, and feeling very pleasant if you are in that sun, out and about. It is half term for many, system usable weather through the course of wednesday, thursday, friday as well. The early part of the week is seeing that High Pressure starting to take hold once again. Keeping those low pressures at bay, out in the atlantic. There is a bit of a southerly breeze. Things warming up, but it is fresher than it has been. However, as we progress into the later part of the week, we will see High Pressure drifting a bit further south towards the continent. Keeping in influence across southern areas. Allowing Low Pressure Area is to bring in bands of windy weather, wetter weather, but probably not that much rain in southern and eastern areas because that High Pressure is so close. Those Weather Fronts tend to weaken as they progress. It does look more u nsettled they progress. It does look more unsettled by that stage. End of next week, it will start to feel fresher. The detailfor the week, it will start to feel fresher. The detail for the weather for the weekend, there is more on the website. Tonight at 10 police make another arrest and say theyve got hold of a large part of the Terror Network surrounding the manchester bomber. As more premises are raided, officers say thereve been significant arrests and finds. Weve got to understand everything around the dead terrorist, the network and how they manufactured the explosive device. Enormous progress has been made, but we still have some things to work on. We speak to the mosque attended by salman abedi. They told police he was being radicalised but thought one phone call was enough. When the authorities are aware that this person is radical, or maybe doing wrong things, the responsibility is not ours any more. But is that where your responsibility ends, after one phone call to police . Absolutely

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