he has been investigating a new kind of criminal, the fraud influencer. a fraud influencer is someone who has a large following but the difference is the engaging content they are putting out there is fraud. they are promoting this glamorous, criminal lifestyle and sometimes even using social media to sell criminal services, fraudulent services. now, you looked into an influencer called tankz. how many followers does he have online and what are those followers seeing? he has over 150,000 followers across different platforms. tiktok, instagram, snapchat, twitter, and he posts these day in the life videos, day in the life of tankz, day in the life of a clicker — a slang word for fraud — and you can see him glamorising fraud, waving large amounts of cash, wielding multiple bank cards and on instagram he is selling manuals, methods he calls them, on how you can commit fraud. you bought some of these manuals, these guides, to have a look at what was