person, that's a full—time job. it's really hard to get food for myself because i haven't got much money on me and i can't go out anywhere. a couple of days' food means everything to us. we've got nurses over there because these guys can't access healthcare. that's what's happened. the needs massive, absolutely colossal. i suffer from depression and this coronavirus has made it ten times worse. if it hadn't been for all these, i'd basically be dead. i've seen people who are working that can't make ends meet. any time you've got money, it disappears as fast as you've got it. the bills swallow it up. with the coronavirus as well, with the reduction in wages, it's not easy to cope. so this means you can eat? eat, yes, and it helps out wherever you're stuck. are you worried about coronavirus? yes, yeah, i don't want it. why don't you stay at home, work from home? protect your family, keep them safe? i'd love to. but i can't...the job i do doesn't allow me to stay at home. it's physically demanding inside a very hectic,