ago it was, "well, actually, we found micro plastics in the bloodstream". before, we had already found it in maybe 80% of humans in the flesh. we examined the body — human, you know, people who have this — and it seems that the body is accommodating it somehow. it's not going crazy, it's not creating cancers. what does this mean? and so, this is suggesting something that, on the face of it, might be outrageous but turns out to be actually rather realistic in an odd way. mortensen, cronenberg's collaborator from other works, including 2005's a history of violence... i think i'm losing my mind. ..returns, this time a celebrity artist saul tenser, who's unusual in that he can still feel physical pain. pleasure has also evolved into something quite different. it's always fun with him. i mean, i trust him. he's very open to me and to others in terms of their suggestions, their ideas.