Temperatures with double figures in the west. Tomorrow night and into monday, there is still not wet weather will stay lodged across the central slice. On either side of it, it will be drier. The coldest air will remain lodged here. Further north and west it will be more mild with temperatures in double figures. Next week High Pressure will tend to ta ke next week High Pressure will tend to take over and that should get rid of most of the rain clouds. Things will settle down, but we will keep the contrast and temperatures. South eastern areas will see the best of the sunshine but there will best of the sunshine but there will be some sharp overnight frost. Further north it will be cloudy but also more mild. All the latest can be found on the bbc weather website. We will be back in half an hour. Headlines the government has warned gps in england that they must keep their surgeries open for longer hours, orface a cut in some of theirfunding. The British Medical Association accused ministers of scapegoating doctors. A teenager who was stolen as a newborn baby from a Florida Hospital 18 years ago has been found in south carolina. The woman who raised the girl has been charged with kidnapping. Mps overseeing the Brexit Process have called on the government to reveal details of its plans by next month. Now on bbc news Talking Business wood. We tend to take it for granted that our children would be better off than we are, but that may be about to end. Millennials, people born in the 19805 and 19905, could be the first generation in history to be worse off than their parents. In this weeks programme we take a look at generations at war. Tho5e able to work and provide for their children and generations to come until they become too old to work and they themselves are looked after, that Social Contract is the ba5i5 after, that Social Contract is the basis of civilisation all over the world, it evens out wealth over lifetime5, and ensures that we invest for the future rather than just con5ume today. Invest for the future rather than ju5t con5ume today. Rising productivity and technological advance has meant that each successive generation has enjoyed Better Living standards than the last. But that may be changing, according to the reSolution Foundation, people born between 1945 and 1965 will urge an average of £740,000 over their lifetime. The impact of the financial crisis and the changing Labour Market means that millennials could earn just £825,000, a fall of 1 . But it is not just about incomes, £825,000, a fall of 1 . But it is notjust about incomes, we spoke to one father and daughter about their lives. I Left University in 2015 and because of this i am in just over £40,000 worth of debt. I feel very positive about the opportunities available to me and the career ahead of me but i do feel like i am less advantaged in the generation before me. Like a lot of people my age, i live in a shared house, the idea of Buying A House On My Own is pretty unforeseeable, as a young person and in todays market, finding a job, let alone a pension, can be hard. I think im not only speaking for myself when i say that life can feel a little precarious. My 1970s University Education was free, at 2031 was in a secure Big Companyjob with a good Pension Scheme and bought my first modest house, and was paying off a mortgage, not student debt. My grandad retired at 65 and live two years, im62 and hoping for a lot longer to enjoy life with a good pension, debt free home and savings, plus free bus pass, prescriptions, winterfuel allowance. I ask myself, do i really need it, when young people are finding things so much tougher thanl are finding things so much tougher than i did. Here to discuss this are three experts and three generations, a millennial, a Senior Researcher at the research boro Solution Foundation and author of the report stagnation generation. Angus, a baby boomer, entrepreneur, and founder of the intergenerational foundation. And a member of the so called silent generation. In between the world wars, president of the Pensions Policy Institute and Chief Executive of the International Longevity centre, which looks at demographics. Let me start with you, millennials, your generation, they have seen the Workplace Change a great deal in the last 20 years or so. How is that affecting the picture, this disparity of wealth and opportunity that we are seeing between generations. A lot of people like to focus on the impact of the financial crisis and the downturn when they think about millennials in the Labour Market. That really is quite important because this pay squeeze in particular Hit Millennialsjust at the point where you expect your paid to be rising quickly, getting into yourjobs in your 205 you expect quick progression and quick pay increases, the millennials were unlucky to be coming into the Labour Market in those turbulent times. It is not all about the financial crisis, there are more structural things at play here. We might look to the rise in insecure work, particularly for young people, and the slowdown in productivity growth, which is really the key. That started before the financial crisis. A mixture of cyclical changes connected to the downturn, and structural changes in the way that we work and how much productivity we have in our Labour Market seem to be hitting millennials in terms of their current earnings and future prospects. Certainly true that the environment is very different, not least because many young people now come to the workplace already saddled with debt from educating themselves. We have created a packhorse generation where many will leave with £50,000 of debt, and that has a very high rate of interest on it, as high as six and a half percent, now almost 5 , which the government is charging on the debt, thatis government is charging on the debt, that is paid out of income, when they earn over 21,000 a year. The effect of it is that combined with income tax and national insurance, there are marginal rate of tax, is over 40 , 41 , it makes it very hard for them to save, and those Student Debts will weigh on them for the whole of their working lives. Debts will weigh on them for the whole of their Working Liveslj would dispute the idea that the generations are at war because when you talk about the older generation, particularly in europe, but in the uk more than anywhere else, that i know of, the older generation has no wish to fight the Younger Generation. This is their children and grandchildren. But it might be fairto and grandchildren. But it might be fair to say that the older generation have set up a situation which is almost automatically disadvantageous to young people but suits the older generation themselves very well. You could say that but there is certainly an adjustment needed because we were underspending terribly, certainly, in the uk, on older people, huge Pensioner Poverty, really bad poverty, and we dealt with that, to some extent, which is good. You are not quite right to say there is no conflict, there is not conflict between individuals but there is a conflict of interests and a conflict over resources and our argument conflict of interests and a conflict over resources and our argument is not only in the uk but across europe, the older generation have taken more than their share. It is reasonable for the Younger Generation, millennials in particular, to complain and say it is not fair. Many people entering the workplace, when i entered the workplace it was possible to buy somewhere at least small, some sort of small property, for many young people now, even if they are entering with a solid salary, jihad to achieve. Absolutely right, we have already talked about pay, but it is probably in housing where the generational diversity is starkest, a millennial at university is 80 less likely to own their home than a baby boomer at the same age, that Affect Shortages in the supply of housing, which has rapidly driven up costs. Too thats hard to achieve. People focus upon millennials, they mostly dont want to do that, but the real challenges for the future, owning your home represents stability, it represents a way of building up an asset, which you can now depend upon in retirement. If we have asked the more in this current young generation who gets to retirement in many years time without that assets to fall back on, that is a challenge for those individuals but also for the state. What if we have to pay the state. What if we have to pay the Housing Benefit or whatever the future of that looks like, the Housing Costs of all these gnome non homeowners. The current challenge, the real concern is the future. To what extent, certainly in anguss generation it was very much pa rt anguss generation it was very much part of the Financial Plan that you would buy a house, a it off by the time you retire, so that would not be one of the costs that when you retire, what do you feel warehousing plays into this . So many older people are living in places that are quite unsuitable, and what. In what way . As you get old because the bathroom is upstairs, you are downstairs, stares make people fall and go into hospital. They are damp very often. We need to attract older people to specifically built housing for older people with care if they need it, make this so attractive that people move, and then there is ple nty of that people move, and then there is plenty of housing which can be adapted very easily for the young. And we need to get a very strong public message that Retirement Housing with care for people who need it will make Housing Available for the young. And make every local authority, have a duty to consider all this, have a legal duty to do it, and build more housing for retired. Angus . It is a solution to some extent but it is notjust building more housing and helping older people to have suitable places to downsize, it is a question of freeing up the housing stock, at the moment, to put it bluntly, the older generation are hogging the housing. Perhaps not doing it deliberately, it is partly because they are living longer, partly because there is not suitable places to downsize but again, as in other areas, suitable places to downsize but again, as in otherareas, taking more than their share, and one of the problem is they are over consuming. There is a limit to how prescriptive you can be, people have a right to live where they want to live, that is part of our society. In many European Countries the local property tax, the cost of housing is higher, that pays for social care and other things, and that encourages people to downsize. We need to build more housing and use more housing, effectively. The fundamentals of downsizing in this country do not work at the moment, and nor do the type of houses that we are building. And at what stage of their lives. The other big ticket item is the pension, this is the other big area in which millennials are facing a challenge, harder because they are earning less, but also because we have changed the way we do pensions in this country, in the uk, but many baby boomers would have been used to, particularly at their peak of earnings, getting into a defined benefit pension, guarantees you a salary for the rest of your retirement. Those have disappeared. All the ftse 100 disappeared. All the ftse100 Companies Offer than 20 years ago, now maybe two or three. Millennials are faced with a much less attractive pension saving vehicle, and not necessarily earning enough to put into it. On housing and pensions, what retirement looks like is much more unstable than parents. Late in the programme we will be looking at how changes to demographics and Government Policy has changed the Balance Of Power between the generations and even within families. But first, representing generation x, Comedy Co Nsulta nt representing generation x, Comedy Consultant has this weeks talking point. Are you generation x or generation y, perhaps a snowflake. What generation are you . If pushed, i think what generation are you . If pushed, ithinkl what generation are you . If pushed, i think i am generation x, some describe me as a millennial, one thing is for certain, i am describe me as a millennial, one thing is for certain, lam not describe me as a millennial, one thing is for certain, i am not a baby boomer. Apparently, wheat, at the end of the alphabet, are cheesed off with baby boomers, with their retiring in their mid 605 and their pensions and their comfortable trousers, but intergenerational discussion, its a lot more complicated than that. To get the full historical picture, i went to the Epic Ireland Museum of the irish diaspora, it is all very well to find out about what previous generations went through, what about the transfer of money between them . Neil has been studying Social Mobility, Associate Professor of economic history at the London School of economics, Studying Intergenerational Wealth Mobility and researching it using rare surnames. Surnames can be used to track families over most of the past millennium. These surnames often had characteristics that enabled you to detect what the status of the original Surname Holder was. We were shocked when we first did this analysis, we got far higher correlate is, a far more static society, and Social Mobility is glacial, as opposed to rapid, as was originally thought by economists when they estimated the numbers. Being here at the centre really gives a sense of the tribulations of previous generations. While i got a job when i came out of college, generation after me had to emigrate again during the great recession, resume agree that generation after that will have it good in the next boom but in general, you always assumed that the people who come after you are slack jawed ingrates who dont know theyre born, and you have to tell them about the time before there were marble phones. Mobile phone. Research in ireland suggests the relationship between generations may be more complex than imagined. Alan barrett, director of the economic and social research institute, explains the surprisingly finding from a long term study called the irish longitudinal study on ageing, tilda for short. You often find that there is this notion often find that there is this notion ofa often find that there is this notion of a Working Population paying taxes to pay the health care for the older generation, at the public level, the tra nsfers generation, at the public level, the transfers go in that direction, but what was really revealing from tilda was the extent to which the private level, the transfer of money from the older generation to the Younger Generation fastly exceeds anything going in the other direction. All this talk of surnames has made me think about my own past, who am i, really, and more importantly, is there any intergenerational wealth that i can inherit . Lets take a look. Would you look at that, my name means king, turns out i am royalty after all, the question is, where did all the money go . Studio you can find more official films on the website. Our guests are still with me here in the studio talking about generational divides. Sally, lets come to you and ask about this business of the demographics, very simply we have more people retired now, People Living longer and living more healthily, the government has responded to that by making sure they are able to have sufficient income to do that, in more cases than before. That, in a way, one mightargue, is than before. That, in a way, one might argue, is part of the problem. What has the government is done right and wrong . The government has done right, almost a whole thing is right, because we had shameful levels of Pensioner Poverty in the uk. And what they have done is to make sure in the way pensions are provided that this does not happen largely now. But, what has not happened is because they have been protecting older people, bear in mind there are so many more, we have to spend more money on them, because they are a very important part of they are a very important part of the population, but we need to look again at the way that pensions have been protected in the light of fairness across the generations. And, one of the ways the government has worked is by maintaining the pension level regardless of how much the National Income is going up. They need to look again at that and perhaps consider what is known as a triple lock in britain, perhaps a double lock, which would make sure from now on that State Pensions keep up from now on that State Pensions keep up with the rising costs and the costs of living generally. Can they be more radical than that, you are saying they have been increasing the State Pension and that is good in terms of addressing Pensioner Poverty but we have a huge number of pensioners who are wealthy in the uk, probably 2 million over 605 who live in households with £1 million of assets, even if they are income poon of assets, even if they are income poor, from a Young Persons point of view, it seems odd that they should be getting this hand out of the State Pension . Over the lives of baby boomers, they have seen their incomes progressively rising but they have also been beneficiaries of Government Support as well. They have done well in that sense from two quarters. Absolutely right, we often think about what will happen to tax and benefit policies in the next five years, but for a true intergenerational perspective we need to look across lifetimes. That is hard, we have to make assumptions about the future but the best analysis suggests the baby boomers, if you add up all the taxes they pay in and all the benefits and Welfare Support they take out, they have been net beneficiaries of the Welfare State, partly because there was lots of them in working age and fewer retirees ahead of them said they did not need to pay so much tax to fund the health and care. As they move into retirement, that starts to shift and it looks like the generations coming after the baby boomers take much less benefit over the lifetime from the Welfare State or may even be net contributors. Paying in more than they get out. The ups and downs of generations connected to the ups and downs of demographics to create an unequal picture in terms of what the Welfare State does for each of them. Lets ask you about what you made of the brexit vote in terms of whether it is revealed in intergenerational divide . The problem is that we have a divide in how people vote, younger people much more likely to vote for remain, older people much more likely to vote for the leave. Of course there we re likely to vote for the leave. Of course there were some younger people were voting for leave but what it highlights is that younger people and older people tend to vote differently, but the problem is for younger people that the older generation have more voting power now. The next General Election in the uk, there will be more over 505 voting than under 305, not only are there more of them voting but they lobby more, the mp5 and the policymakers are more likely to be baby boomers and so their interests tends to be treated as less important. That raises a really important. That raises a really important practical challenge, basically two things underlined what you said there is quite a lot of baby boomers, they are a big cohort, but also they are much more likely to vote, this Turnout Divides did not always exist, to some extent it did but it opened up in the 19905. Our Research Shows that the turnout among the Younger Generation fell by one third in the past few General Elections in the uk. We have said that we dont necessarily think this should be thought of as a war, that generations want the best for each other but if we make tough decisions then we need a democratic consensus to doing that. You are a keen supporter of working past the official retirement age. Work is changing dramatically and there is no reason why we cannot work, we work flexibly, we then have a break and take up a new career, or a new sort of skill. We have two are just very quickly to the new workforce, and there is really very little in the way of an age barrier to that in the way of an age barrier to that in the same way as women and men can now work later, take breaks, come back, keep learning, keep changing. It is up to employers as well to make sure that their employees can continue to train and learn and retrain. Let me ask you, do you have a sense that people in your generation are planning their lives differently . Do they expect to re educate themselves in their 405 or 505 when they become middle age, is that an expectation, that they will simply have to work longer . Do you see a difference between you and people in their 505 . You see a difference between you and people in their 50s . There is definitely something is that members of my generation see differently, working longer is a part of that. Really big ticket items, your house, your pension, what you want from retirement, settling down and having kids, the really striking thing is attitude across the generations have not shifted. We may have ipads and be able to travel all over the world, we may be seen as footloose and fancy free as a generation but on the important economic milestones, we want the same things, we wa nt milestones, we want the same things, we want the house, the pension, the stability, we want to bring up children in a world where growth and progress means they will do better than we did. That is what binds together the generations. We have said it is not war, politicians need to pursue those ends for us. Dinky very much for all of you. That is it brought this edition of Talking Business, next week, we will be in washington for inauguration special. Talking business. Looking at the challenges ahead for president donald trump. Good evening, Milderforemost Averse over the net 24 hours but not for all, as will see in a moment, chilly airwill all, as will see in a moment, chilly air will hold on, weatherfront coming in from the atlantic, pushing milderair in, coming in from the atlantic, pushing milder air in, generating cloud. Turning wet across scotland over the last few hours, moving east into the cold air, turning to snow for a time. Perhaps as it moves across Northern England we could see east of the pennines snow as well. Further west, rain and higher temperatures, relatively mild end to the night for many western parts of the night for many western parts of the uk. That rain continued to push across Northern England and the midlands and as it pushes the cold air across eastern counties, we could well see a period of snow for a time, maybe the far south east, watch out for that, a centimetre or two, icy conditions. To the west of london, higher temperatures, what is coming out of the sky will be rain, damp, dreary, drab start to the day. From 10am. Fog up over the high ground as well. Milder, nine or 10 degrees for northern ireland, west coast of scotland as well. Through the day, sleet or snow across the eastern counties will fade away, but staying rather cloudy, not much brightness on offer wherever you are. Pulses of rain through the central slice of the uk, on either side, quite a contrast in temperatures there, much milderform any central and western areas, staying quite chilly across eastern areas, to three degrees in norwich. A5 areas, to three degrees in norwich. As we head to tomorrow night, and on into monday, we keep the zone of damp weather, through the central slice of the uk. On either side, it will be drier, some of the best of The Sun Shone on monday across parts of east anglia and the south east. Despite that, ironically, this is where the lowest temperatures will continue to be, further north and west, milder. We keep the pattern going through the early part of next week. What we will see is that most rain will fade away, High Pressure beginning to take over, settling the weather down. Once more, best of the sunshine across the south east but also the lowest temperatures, clear skies, sharp frost to develop across the south east areas through the early pa rt the south east areas through the early part of next week. Further north and west, cloudier skies, but here, good deal milder than it has been recently. All the latest information where you are including Weather Warnings can be found on the bbc weather website. This is bbc world news today, broadcasting in the uk and around the world. Im alpa patel. The headlines growing concern for migrants and the homeless, as europe prepares for more snow and cold weather. Aid agencies warn that thousands of migrants in the balkans risk freezing to death in tents and temporary shelters. Civil rights demonstrations in washington, as donald trump lashes out at a veteran campaigner. Also coming up the private rocket firm spacex resumes operations, taking ten Communication Satellites up into orbit. And in football, chelsea beat premier champions leicester to go seven points ahead of their nearest rival in englands top league

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