Police, ambulances and fire brigade. What about you tonight . Nobody has told me to do anything. The Emergency Response was brilliant but there are thousands of people not quite knowing what to do, trying to get to my hotel which is only five minutes from where this happened and people are standing about, not knowing where to go. They dont know the addresses, they dont know how to get there. Thank you for talking to get there. Thank you for talking to me. Amongst hundreds of people around me now the Police Investigation continues, for what has been the biggest Terrorist Attack here in spain in more than a decade. Gavin lee with the latest from barcelona. There will be continuing coverage from barcelona throughout the night on the bbc news channel. Newsnight is about to begin on bbc two Ina Newsnight is about to begin on bbc two in a few moments. Heres nick ferrari. Tonight, all the latest on the barcelona attack, plus, as a level stu d e nts barcelona attack, plus, as a level students get their results, is the system of Higher Education that awaits many of them fundamentally broken . Join me now on bbc two. Here on bbc one its time for the news where you are. Good night. Good evening. This is bbc news. Lets when you up to date with the latest from barcelona, where spanish Authorities Say 13 people have been killed and more than 100 injured by a white van driven at high speed through crowds through one of the citys most popular tourist sites. Thousands of people, Holiday Makers and shoppers were on the packed streets in barcelona when the attack happened late this afternoon. The white van was driven at speed along the Famous Pedestrianised market area called las ramblas and the driver turned into the crowd at this point here and drove the rented van for more than about half a mile through them, killing and wounding dozens through them, killing and wounding d oze ns of through them, killing and wounding dozens of people as he went. This is the man the spanish Authorities Say is suspected of renting the van which was used to kill and wound so many. Police say he is driss oubakir. But there are reports that now suggest he has handed himself in to police and saying that his papers we re to police and saying that his papers were stolen, so that has still got to be established, whether he was the person that rented that the band. Here, theresa may says she says she is sickened by the senseless loss of life and home authorities are working to find out if any british nationals were involved in the incident. She said tonight we stand with spain against terrorism. In the last hour, our correspondent has described the panic you saw on the streets. The crowd were being directed out of this area up until ten minutes ago. It shows what a massive population was in that area, because, as we know, it is one of the most visited parts of barcelona, but panic still continues to be the mood because a few minutes ago, somebody in the crowd got scared of something, we dont know what, and started running, and behind them were Police Officers with guns right behind me following, chasing, as if there was somebody in that crowd they wanted to arrest. Then everybody dissipated and it wasnt clear where it all started. It just gives and it wasnt clear where it all started. Itjust gives you a sense of how worried the population is and how word gets out that something is happening and it might be a mistake but it creates panic. So there are choppers overhead in the last few hours, and, as you said, right behind here is the centre of where it all happened and there are images of police with big guns, long guns going street to street, especially in the old part of barcelona, which is the other end of las ramblas, and chasing people, making sure every house and restaurant, making sure the person they are chasing isnt there. In the last hour, the belgian Foreign Minister has confirmed that one Belgian National has been killed in the attack. He told belgian media the victim was a woman and said, i offer my condolences to her family and loved ones. There were many visitors from the uk in barcelona when this attack happened and two of those who were caught up in the events of las ramblas gave us their account of what happened. Just walking up Placa De Catalunya To Go Into burger king, and you had a crush, didnt you . You thought it was a bomb. He dragged me into burger king and we hid under the tables, made sure everybody else got down and then that was it. We were held up in there until theyve just let us out now. How long were you in there . A couple of hours. The police then escorted us down the road in groups. What was going through your mind when it was going on . Erm. Are we going to survive . Yeah, they put all the shutters down and just kept safe and thats it. Just two of the british tourists in barcelona this evening. Earlier tonight, the Foreign Office in london offered fresh advice to visitors in the city saying it was urgently seeking more information. A statement says local authorities have advised people to stay a site inside and away from las ramblas. If you are in the immediate area you should take care and follow the advice of the local security authorities. Press reports suggest public transport, particularly at metro, has been affected. About 15 minutes ago, Catalan Police said there was no evidence that there will be another attack. I had left my flat going up to the Metro Station and when i was about 15, 20 metres from the Metro Station and when i was about 15,20 metres from the end of my rope, i heard the screams first of all. And then a couple of crashes. End of my road. That was when the van had mounted the pavement and knocked over, you know, theyre all kinds of stalls and that kind of thing. And then i the crowds parting. There was a massive problem of people on the road itself and there were of people on the road itself and there we re screams of people on the road itself and there were screams and the crowd parting, and thats when i saw the van going at full speed down the middle of las ramblas and when i saw it wasnt slowing down, thats when i realised that, yeah, there was something obviously very, very wrong. As soon as i saw the velocity of it, i thought, this is an attack, its Notjust A Van of it, i thought, this is an attack, its not just a van that of it, i thought, this is an attack, its Notjust A Van that is of it, i thought, this is an attack, its not just a van that is slightly out of control. Everybody was running to the shops, the bars, everyone put their shutters down. Armed police have cordoned off my road entirely. That is tom, an english teacher and eyewitness who lives in barcelona and saw what happened at las ramblas. We arejust ramblas. We are just hearing from the police in catalonia that the driver of this van involved in this incident that mowed down so many people in the street in barcelona is still on the run. They have now confirmed that. Theyve said that two other people suspected of being involved in the attack have been arrested. A spaniard and a moroccan. But neither of those people were the driver of this van, according to catalonia police. That person is still being sought and is still on the run. The Security Consultant described what he saw a short time ago. He has been behind the Police Cordon. have been behind that cordon line andi have been behind that cordon line and i was on las ramblas a few hours ago, and the thing people will know is that its a very, very small boulevard. Every single building contains a cafe, shop or restaurant and it is ram packed from dawn till dusk with tourists far into the evening, especially visitors to barcelona, as well as locals. I got reports. I was a mile away and i got reports. I was a mile away and i got reports of the attack taking place andi reports of the attack taking place and i got down there as quickly as possible. The cordon was mounted very quickly by the authorities and they put it down every 15, 20 minutes, further and further out, moving the general public away. The general sense here in barcelona is business as normal and its very packed in the city right now but that might be due in part to people not being necessarily aware of what occurred today. This is a very typical standard Delivery Platform by terrorist groups these days and especially extremists. Weve seen it quite recently in north america, obviously. Again, the delivery of attack by vehicle is very easy to mount. Its also very difficult to prevent other than putting concrete blocks in key areas, and i think certainly barcelona will be considering theyre planning to incorporate blocks around the many, many different Tourist Areas in the city where fast people congregate, which obviously plays into the terrorists ideal. Will be considering new planning. One of the suspects images has been released by the police. He is basically a guy who was born in morocco, had legal residency in spain. Some media are saying that this guy had spent time in prison in spain previously and was released in 2012, according to some reports. Unclear for what offences. And some reports suggest he travelled to morocco recently and returned to barcelona and catalonia not long ago. Then another report in the spanish media is saying this guy turned himself into police and is claiming that his id was stolen. That could be his line to the police. Whether or not thats true, the police will be investigating. So things developing. What we can say for certain is that there was a vehicle out on diagonal, another main avenue in the city of barcelona, not far from main avenue in the city of barcelona, not farfrom las ramblas, and basically a car broke through a Police Checkpoint hours after the attack. It was a different vehicle. It was through a Police Cordon and track to an area outside of the city two or three kilometres to the rest of barcelona, and according to spanish media, there was a shoot out and one suspect has been killed. We will get all of the latest from barcelona at 11pm but now we can see how all of this is being covered on tomorrows front pages. Hello and welcome to our look ahead at all of the papers. We have christopher hope, Assistant Editor and chief Political Correspondent at the daily telegraph, and jessica elgot, Political Correspondent at the guardian. The papers are dominated by the events in barcelona, as you would expect. The metro carries a picture of some of the victims caught up in the attack. A warning that some of the papers are carrying photographs you might find disturbing. We will talk about this picture Selection Process for newspaper front pages in a this picture Selection Process for Newspaperfront Pages in a moment, but the mirror has scenes of carnage with an image of the white van used in the attack. The guardian leads with a photograph and a photo of one of the suspects, believed to be from rocco. He has told police he wasnt involved in the attack. From morocco. The photograph suggesting the death toll of 13 is likely to rise. Plans by the Taxi Company Buber to recover from a spate of scandals, that in the financial times. Lets begin with the metro. Its so difficult to find new words to say, isnt it, about these attacks . Because unfortunately weve become rather too practised in reporting them in the last couple of years. We have, and it is a low tack attack which is very hard to defend against. It is just a vehicle you can hire fora against. It is just a vehicle you can hire for a few pounds or euros and can be used like this as a weapon. Its hard to see how you can protect against this apart from dealing with the source, which is the people driving them. And the choice of target, of course, las ramblas, at a time of year, but particularly now, is such a magnet for people visiting barcelona. Yes, im sure many people watching this will have been down that area. Its such a vibrant street where you can normally not move the tourists on either side. There are cafes, shops, street performers, and it is a core pa rt of street performers, and it is a core part of the barcelona tourist scene, and there will have been so many people there, and thats what makes it so devastating. It is a partly pedestrianised street but they have restricted the amount of traffic that can get along there because people just do walk in the road. Yes, and it happened in the late afternoon, when people are out having a drink or a coffee,

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