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ajudge in florida has un—sealed some of the documents relating to the fbi's search of the mar—a—lago home of donald trump. it comes after american news organisations argued it was in the public interest to know more about the search. almost two weeks since archie battersbee had his life—support treatment withdrawn, his mother hollie dance is calling for a public inquiry, and says she wants no other family to go through what they went through. the 12—year—old suffered severe brain injuries after being found unconscious at his home in essex in april. our correspondent helena wilkinson has been speaking to her. i'm so honoured to be his mum. i had 12 of the best years of my life with that little boy. and i can honestly say there is not a single day that i could sit back now and go, i regret that day, or, that weren't a good day. i've had the best 12 years. hollie dance wanted to speak to the media so soon after her son's death because she says she doesn't want other families to go through what they have been through. i feel that we were... we were just stripped of all our rights and were backed into a corner by the system. andjust, i've explained it before, it felt like we were on trial. the stress that you go through isjust... change is needed. archie became the centre of a lengthy legal battle over his care. doctors at the royal london hospital asked a court for his life support to be withdrawn. his parents fought for it to be continued butjudge afterjudge agreed that it was in archie's best interest for treatment to be withdrawn. i think the whole system needs to be changed with regards to how they are dealing with a very, very sensitive, heartbreaking time when it comes to parents. i understand this isjust, it's a case to them but that's our child. archie's family say they have now written to the health secretary. the department of health said today that these cases are never easy and they will respond to archie's mum, adding there will be a review into how these cases are dealt with in the future. but health nhs trust previously said archie's case was a tragic one which touched the hearts of many across the country, and archie's treatment was withdrawn in line with court rulings about his best interests. do you have any regrets at all looking back? no. i fought to the end. i promised my little boy i'd fight to the end and that's exactly what i've done. now i continue to fight so that other people don't have to go through that. the tragic story of archie battersbee. now on bbc news, return of the tigers. tigers are making a remarkable comeback here in nepal. their numbers more than doubling in the last ten years. tigers are the majestic creatures. being assigned in the protection duties, it's an honour, you know, it's a privilege. it's a small victory in a battle to bring them back from the brink of extinction. it is definitely something to be celebrated. it does not come without the cost. the common area that the tiger and prey species and humanity shares is so tight, the community lives in terror. there has been an increase in tiger attacks on humans. more number of tigers and more number of people, definitely there is going to be conflict. so, it is going to be a challenging job for us to, you know, maintain peace between two species. chanting private pinky adhikari has been newly stationed at bardiya national park in western nepal. herjob here is to protect the park's endangered elephants, rhinos and tigers. after morning exercise, her unit heads off on patrol. we've been given rare access to go with them. one of the key factors of nepal's success has been strong enforcement against poaching and that's involved the military. armed units like this one patrol across the park daily. her unit's captain is ayushjung bahadur rana. tigers are the majestic creatures. there are two types of feeling when you come in head to head with them. it is "oh my god, what a majestic creature is that!" and the otherfeeling is "oh my god, am i dead?" so, that's the type of feeling you get when you encounter when you encounter a tiger. so, being assigned in the protection duties, it's an honour. it's a privilege to be part of something that is really big, you know. so, what are you looking for on this patrol? i mean, like, we're looking for any illegal encroachment of people or domestic animals. these are the basic things that we look at while we're on patrol. do you have the power to shoot? only — only if we have any life—threatening encounters with the wild animals or it is the poachers. but that is the last resort. that is the last thing we would want to do. just outside the national park, indigenous leader bhadai tharu patrols his community forest. it's part of a key corridor that allows tigers to move between protected areas in nepal and neighbouring india. this used to be a grazing area for cattle but was reforested by bhadai's community. he was cutting grass here in the forest with over 100 other people when a tiger attacked. he lost his left eye. he sings this whole area used to be a royal hunting ground. newsreel: this is a land whose people have always lived underl the menace of marauding tigers. when queen elizabeth visited the country in 1961, she took part in a tiger hunt. newsreel: and, yes, there was a tiger. - king mahendra had fulfilled a time honoured obligation of a host in nepal and provided the royal party with a tiger to shoot. but there was more hunting to come. the next prey was a rhino. the rhino was also killed. hunting, poaching, and habitat loss has pushed tigers towards extinction. and that was the end of another animal. since the beginning of the 20th century, their numbers globally have dropped by more than 95%. but here in nepal there are signs of a remarkable recovery. the rangers are taking part in a nationwide tiger census. over 800 camera pairs have been hidden across the park. you just installed this camera. how long will you keep it here for? so you are going to be having over 1,000 hours of footage look at? and when you're analysing the footage, how do you make sure that your count is accurate? with fewer than 4,000 wild tigers left in the world, every tiger counts. the census results show that tiger numbers here in nepal have more than doubled in the last ten years. the area where tigers were once hunted is now being managed so that they can recover and thrive. this grassland is cut and burnt and there's man—made waterholes here. it's to attract the deer, the tigers' main prey. before this area became a national park there was a village here. bishnu shrestra is the chief warden of bardiya national park. it's a better environment for tigers. yes, yes. more spaces, more tiger numbers. and you're also looking at water sources, increasing water sources on the national park. yes. until now we have created 180 water ponds here. 50 water pond is with solar. is there a chance that with these interventions that you're pushing the tiger population beyond what's sustainable for the size of the park? no. we are creating many water pond and grassland, particularly for the prey species and the tiger. we have sufficient space and prey density in the park, so we are managing the tigers in a sustainable way. that evening we see signs of the return of the tiger close to where we're sleeping. just behind our camp, fresh tiger footprints have been found in the sand here. we think they are from an adult female tiger — we saw a lot of deer last night on the grassland and there's water here, so the footprints in the sand here lead all the way to the water. this camp is run by conservationist manoj gautam. it is definitely something to be celebrated. it does not come without a cost. and it has been costing the lives of people and so much more. the common area that the tigers and prey species and humanity shares is so tight. we head out into the villages just outside the park's boundaries, into the communities that live with the tigers. here in these villages, the lives of humans and tigers are intertwined. some in the community live off the tourism industry that's built around the park. others have to take the risk of entering the jungle for their livelihood. samjhana lost her mother—in—law in a tiger attack last year. she was deep inside the national park, cutting grass for their cow. samjhana heard the story from those who were there. the government pays around us$8,000 in compensation to tiger victims' families. but because samjhana's mother—in—law was inside the national park, she has been told she doesn't qualify for it. she is still fighting for some kind of financial help to put towards her boys' education. this is the tiger that is believed to have killed her mother—in—law and two other people. now behind bars in kathmandu zoo. right now the national park is actively trying to increase the tiger population, how do you feel about that? protests broke out injune after a leopard attacked villagers, a week after a woman was killed by a tiger. the community demanding authorities do more to protect them. the protests turned violent. police opened fire on the crowd, killing an 18—year—old girl and injuring others, sparking further outrage. the community lives in terror. so, there is a price that the community has paid for the world to rejoice with the news that nepal has successfully doubled its tiger numbers. when a tiger kills a human, authorities track them down and take them captive. 16 people have been killed by a tiger in nepal in the last 12 months. one of the tigers now in captivity is being held behind the chief warden�*s office. this tiger killed one human in the last year in the rajipur area, so we captured and kept in this tiger holding cage. how do you know it's the right tiger? we closely monitor through camera in the incident area, after identification, we captured and put it in holding cage. do you do that because there is pressure from the community? or is there a real threat that once a tiger has killed a human, that they will attack again? there is a chance to attack the human again, by the tiger, if the tiger killed one person previously. so, this tiger has been here for one year now, you can see it's not happy about being in captivity. what is the long—term plan for this tiger? we have ordered a satellite collar for this tiger. after consultation with our department we will do something regarding his release. bhadai tharu calls a meeting of his community protection unit. this is a generation that will have to navigate the return of the tigers. susila, who is also part of the community protection unit, runs this after—school class. susila also worked as a tour guide in the national park. you have to see tigers in the wild to fully appreciate them, she says. so, we head back into the park together. i'm looking for tiger and leopard, this is the track that they will come to the river to drink. and sometimes we get also elephant. susila takes us to a spot near the river. and after hours of waiting, a tiger suddenly appears. it is magnificent to see a male tiger walking along here, one of over 100 tigers now here in bardiya national park, part of a growing tiger population here in nepal. it is definitely something to be celebrated, because as we know everywhere around the world, the conservation stories that we often get to read are loudly depressing, and the number of species we are losing on a daily basis, the habitat loss that we see every day. and nepal brings a freshness to the arena of conservation. music and chanting. they have participated in this, they have rejoiced in the success as well, and they are paying with their lives and terror, and that i think needs to be acknowledged more. because if it is not acknowledged, the world cannot come together to find a solution for that. despite what happened to her mother—in—law, samjhana continues to risk entering the national park. for the soldiers, the challenge is to keep the peace. we are the mediators, so it's our duty to bring peace between two species. and so it's the both — i would say the protection of the tiger is our responsibility, but at the same time protection of civilians is also our main responsibility. hello there. the weather is still looking quite mixed, really, over the coming few days. we end the week with some warm spells of sunshine, but there will be a few showers blown in, mainly towards northwestern parts of the uk. towards the southeast, on thursday, temperatures reached 27 in central london and 28 at heathrow airport in the sunshine — that sunshine was ahead of this band of cloud that brought some patchy rain. and that cloud and patchy rain is heading towards the southeast at the moment. it will keep the temperatures up here by the end of the night. but clearer skies will follow to the north, those numbers dropping away to 11—12 celsius. and you may get a view of the northern lights in scotland, maybe the far north of england and northern ireland. some early rain here in the southeast corner of england and cloud — that soon moves away, sunshine comes through. cloud will tend to build up a bit and, as the wind picks up in scotland and northern ireland, will blow in some blustery showers. here, the odd showers possible across england and wales, but on the whole it looks dry, some sunshine. temperatures similar to what we had on thursday — could make 20 celsius in eastern scotland and eastern parts of northern ireland. low—to—mid—20s across england and wales. now we still have an area of low pressure to the north of the uk. around the base of that, this weather front is pushing in from the atlantic, and that means we start the weekend with some cloud and rain in scotland and northern ireland. but it does move through, and we'll get some sunshine following, a few showers into the northwest. this narrow band of rain gets stuck across northern england. to the south, there could be some spells of sunshine and maybe 1 or 2 light showers, but again, it's generally dry, and those temperatures not really changing much as we head into saturday afternoon. second half of the weekend, and remember, everything is sort of coming in from the west — this is where our weather is coming from, and we've got some more weather fronts, some thickening cloud tending to come in from the atlantic, slowly but surely. and things are slowing down a bit, really. so we start dry, bright, some sunshine on sunday. and with that cloud coming in steadily from the west during the day, the winds probably a bit lighter on sunday, and a bit of rain coming into some western areas later on. if anything, temperatures may be a shade lower on sunday — 18 central belt of scotland, 2a london and the home counties. now the jet stream is sitting right over the uk at the moment. that's bringing the unsettled weather. into next week, the jet stream heads further north, and that allows some warmer weather to arrive, especially in the southeast. welcome to bbc news. i'm david willis. our top stories: a fire at a russian ammunition depot is blamed for the evacuation of two border villages, as explosions are reported at an airfield in russian—occupied crimea. in ukraine, the un chief says any damage to a nuclear plant would be suicide. on a visit to lviv, he calls for an end to fighting near the facility but hopes for peace remain. there has been some progress. ukraine and russia still are not talking to each other but they could reach future agreements with the united nations and turkey as brokers in the middle. a usjudge unseals documents that authorised the fbi to search donald trump's florida home. we'll get the latest from our correspondent in the united states.

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