cinematographer who works with christopher nolan a lot. and jordan peele has hried for this with using, a lot of the time, imax cameras so it looks spectacular. and it's actually about spectacle. the story itself looks at spectacle. it looks at not only how we look at things and what we are thinking when we look at them but also the sort of commercialisation of spectacle. so, of course, you've got hollywood, you've got the fact that these guys on the edges of hollywood, they're looking at the skies as well. also, one of their great goals is to capture whatever is up there for what they call the "oprah shot". they want to be famous, they want to make money and they want to get the "oprah shot". but there's also a lot going on here to do with animals because, obviously, this is a horse ranch. and there a lot about, do we use animals for entertainment, is that right? there's also a number of very disturbing subplots. one of these involves a tv studio in which something very bad happens involving a chimpanzee. it's a kind of flashback scene, which also involves one of their neighbours who runs a kind