and i thought they have taken girls from my school, it they will take a punt on me. i went there and i said to her, i am here because of you. the idea that you are very different from these tory politicians, rishi sunak, the man who you now shadow, chancellor of the exchequer, middle class, one doctor parent and the other was a pharmacist. spotty kid, but you like rachel reeves, did oxford and ppe, you were at oxford at the same time? i oxford and ppe, you were at oxford at the same time?— at the same time? i 'ust think there is 'ust a at the same time? i 'ust think there isjust a huge h at the same time? i just think there isjust a huge difference. _ at the same time? i just think there isjust a huge difference. yes, - at the same time? i just think there isjust a huge difference. yes, he i isjust a huge difference. yes, he went to winchester college, his parents had a lot of money. they had the money to send him there. we took different routes in life and i think we had very different upbringings. it is interesting, because he made his money in the city. you could have done. you consider thejob at