fact that it occurred in a remote area means we don't expect much damage at all. area means we don't expect much damage at all-— damage at all. incredible 'ust how far it was felt. * incredible just how far stay with us on outside source — still to come... a covid therapy derived from an amusing system of a llama performs well in clinical trials. —— llama. the number of people having a baby with a surrogate mother in england and wales is almost quadrupled in the last decade according to do research. counting down the weeks until their baby boy is due. sam and guy turned to surrogacy after finding out sam couldn't carry a pregnancy herself.— pregnancy herself. after a particular— pregnancy herself. after a particular bad _ pregnancy herself. after a particular bad miscarriage j pregnancy herself. after a l particular bad miscarriage i pregnancy herself. after a - particular bad miscarriage i was diagnosed with breast cancer. we got to the treatment, prognosis all good but at the end of that we kind of do