Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20200625 20:00:00

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Hello, im babita sharma. Welcome to outside source. Theres another stark warning from the World Health Organization about the coronavirus pandemic. Its director general is warning of ten million infections and half a Million Deaths by next week. The virus thrives on division but is thwarted when we unite. We look at the situation across europe amid warnings that the continent faces a resurgence of covid 19 as lockdown restrictions are relaxed. As the uk experiences its hottest day of the year, a Major Incident is declared on englands south coast after hundreds of thousands of people head to beaches. And well speak to the lawyer of George Floyds family, as us politicians prepare to vote on a Sweeping Police Reform bill. Welcome. Thanks very much forjoining us. The head of the World Health Organisation has given another stark reminder that the world wont move past the coronavirus pandemic any time soon. The number of the cases is accelerating in the americas as well as in parts of europe, the middle east and central asia. The who warns that if its left unchecked it will push Health Systems to the brink once again. In the last month, almost 4 million cases have been reported. We expect to reach a total of 10 million cases and 500,000 deaths within the next week. Lets focus on europe. The who has warned people in the region not to be complacent. Heres its regional director. The region continues to report close to 20,000 new cases and over 700 new cases daily. 700 new deaths daily. 700 new deaths daily. Last week, europe saw an increase in weekly cases for the first time in months. The who says 30 countries in europe have seen increases in new cumulative cases over the past two weeks. It adds that in 11 of those countries there has been a very significant resurgence. But that news isnt stopping parts of europe from continuing to open up. Like this in paris, something we havent seen for three months visitors at the eiffel tower. It reopened today to a small group of visitors. They had to make their way up using the stairs, as the lifts are too small to safely social distance. The managing director says lifts will reopen at 20 of normal capacity next month. Today, its like a big party, a Wedding Party for us because we prepared for months and months. I decided in three hours to close the eiffel tower, but to reopen the eiffel tower, it was a big, big challenge. And with my team, we managed to do that, and now today, its a day to enjoy, its a day to relax. So the eiffel tower has reopened in a very controlled way. But the level of control is harder to implement in some public spaces. These are pictures from bournemouth beach in dorset county on englands south coast. Its the hottest day of the year so far in the uk, and that means huge crowds of people have flocked to the beach. Officials say 500,000 people visited dorset today from other counties and that authorities are struggling to cope with the crowds. Heres a tweet from the local member of parliament, tobias ellwood. Heres more from mr ellwood. We need to recognise that this is still an enduring emergency and its very sad to see a number of people being so selfish, but also acting dangerously as well. We have got to bear in mind the effort that we have made to get to where we are today. We have done well to get through the peak, but all of that could be so easily undone if we see a second spike. Thats a view shared by many across the uk. James moore writing in the independent went as far to say. His articles been widely shared on facebook. Its worth remembering, more than 40,000 people have died from covid i9 in the uk so far. That figure rose by 149 today, while more than 1,000 new cases have been recorded in the past 2a hours. Theres concern the gatherings in bournemouth might lead to a second spike in the infection rate. Englands chief medical officer, chris whitty, tweeted this evening. But some beach goers defended their actions, saying they tried to practice social distancing while out and about. And, i mean, do you feel safe coming down today . Yeah, i feel absolutely fine. Yeah, its fine, really. As long as people stay away from us with the two metre rule, then. As long as youre in your group and that, your two metres, i feel absolutely fine with it. If people get too close, you will probably say, can you move over a little bit . Right now, the restaurants are closed, the bars are closed, the attractions are closed. You cant play crazy golf, you cant go in the arcade, you cant do any of the fabulous things we have got available, so after the 4th ofjuly, those people could be spread around those various activities. Also, hotels will be open, so hotel car parks are open, so theres other places for people to park. Right now, its just not enough facilities here, and so it is kettling everybody to the beach and that is causing a lot of problems. People in the uk may soon be able to travel to some places in europe without having to quarantine for a fortnight when they return to the uk. In the next few days, the government is expected to announce so called travel corridors with countries including spain, france and germany. For now, the Foreign Office still advises against nonessential travel abroad. Damian grammaticas reports from the Costa Del Sol, on what spanish resorts may look like when the tourists return. On the Costa Del Sol, it is already holiday season. No International Tourists yet, but when the air corridor is opened, this is what you will find. New covid i9 wardens enforcing social distancing. 3,000 have been hired for spains southern beaches. You have to leave a clear path to the sea, 1. 5 metres between people. Only family members are allowed to sit together with no more than two umbrellas. Translation the biggest problem we might have will be groups of people. At the moment, its 15 people maximum. Also, if people cant keep a safe distance, they should wear masks. And in hotels too, the numbers allowed in swimming pools will be restricted. The rooms are now bare, just a sanitised tv remote. Anything you might touch has been removed. In the restaurant, diners must wear gloves. There are no menus. Instead, a code to scan on your phone. And every hour, surfaces are disinfected. But despite this, theyre only seeing cancellations, not bookings here, from overseas customers. Last year, the Costa Del Sol welcomed 10 million visitors. Air corridors might bring some back, but how many . Lets turn to washington, where lawmakers are debating a bill sparked by the outcry over the deaths of black americans at the hands of police. The legislation to tackle Police Brutality was put forward by the democrats in the house of representatives, with a vote expected later. And this is all taking place on a backdrop of events marking one month since the death of george floyd. Democrats have been putting their case to the media. Heres congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee. The George Floyd Justice in policing act is not a figment of our imagination. Its not an idea that we just wanted to exhibit our promise of the law. But this legislation is americas legislation. It is a patriotic stance that says that we all are created equal under the law and we are not to be denied that equality. Anthony zurcher is in washington. Unity is not a word we hear often in the senate and house of representatives. What do you think is going on here . I think it was always going to be a challenge to get something through congress, a divided congress, particularly during an election year, just four and half months away from the president ial election. I think the key sticking point, as you highlighted here, was whether to compel local Police Departments to reform or to use incentives, as the republicans want, to try to convince them, to coax them to do things like banning choke holds by withholding federal funds or offer additional federal funds for them to reform. We have two different ways of looking at tackling Police Reform in two different chambers of congress, and right now at least it doesnt seem to be a lot of room to compromise or a lot of willingness to. Both sides may want to take this issue to the voters in november. And is that how long we will have to wait, anthony, for any kind of resolution as to what is going to happen with the police bill . Youve got to remember, we are not only electing the new president in november, we are also electing an entire new house of representatives and a little bit more than a third of the senate. All of those chambers and the president will be sworn at the beginning of next year, so if nothing gets done now, and it looks increasingly likely nothing is going to get done, we will have to look to january, february of next year with a new congress and possibly a new president to make efforts on reform when this logjam, this divide in government, could be broken. Anthony zurcher speaking to me earlier. Stay with us on outside source. Still to come new satellite images suggest china has built new structures near the site of recent clashes between indian and chinese troops in the Galwan Valley. The labour leader sir keir starmer has sacked his shadow education secretary, rebecca long bailey, for sharing an article which contained what labour described as an anti semitic conspiracy theory. Ms long bailey retweeted an interview with the actor maxine peake. In it, ms peake discussed the death of george floyd and suggested that police in america had learnt the tactic of kneeling on necks from the israeli secret services. Ms peake has since said this is inaccurate. Ms long bailey was asked to delete her retweet but chose not to. She later said she had not meant to endorse all aspects of the article. Heres sir keir starmer. Well, the sharing of that article was wrong because the article contained anti semitic conspiracy theories. I have therefore stood rebecca long bailey down from the shadow cabinet. Ive made it my First Priority to tackle anti semitism, and rebuilding trust with thejewish community is a number one priority for me. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. The World Health Organization has warned that the death toll from the coronavirus will reach half a million by next week and that there will be ten million infections. The United Nations says Police Forces around the world should stop using facial Recognition Technology on people attending peaceful protests. Technology like the system you can see here scans faces in a crowd and matches them with identities stored on a database. Police forces say it helps them spot wanted criminals, but the un has other concerns. Facial recognition, though, constitutes a paradigm shift. It dramatically increases the capacity to identify and track all or many participants in an assembly in an automated fashion, and sometimes in real time. At the same time, facial Recognition Technology today remains prone to errors. That means, in this context, that misidentification could lead to wrongful arrests and prosecutions. The un says this technology could violate demonstrators right to Peaceful Assembly and deter people from exercing their democratic right to protest. The technology is already being used. This is cardiff here in the uk. Welsh police have deployed these vans at International Rugby games and pop concerts, but also at protests too. On a much bigger scale, in hong kong last year, protestors from the Democracy Movement went to huge lengths to avoid being identified. Shining lasers onto police lines, as you can see, in an effort to confuse any scanners that might be there. This group went a step further, chopping down the mast and then stamping on it. And they used some kind of liquid to disable it. Authorities say these are traffic cameras, but protesters believe they are for surveillance. Most recently, the issue has come up in the United States too, in the huge wave of protests following the death of george floyd. Several tech companies, including microsoft and ibm, said they would stop selling facial recognition systems to Police Forces, as intense scrutiny fell on policing methods across the board. Imogen foulkes in geneva has got more on the uns recommendations. So this report from the un human rights office, it comes at a really interesting time because obviously we have seen over the past few weeks, black lives matter demonstrations right around the world and allegations of Excessive Police intervention, excessive use of force. Now, what the un is looking particularly at here is the kind of thing that Law Enforcement agencies use around demonstrations. Facial recognition is one of them. In a quite surprising move, the un has said, dontjust control it. It wants a moratorium on the use of facial recognition at peaceful protests. It says, governments really need to first of all guarantee how and why that data is being used and that peoples civic rights and human rights are protected when it is used. It also says, demonstrations, peaceful demonstrations, should not be recorded anyway, that there isnt a need for Law Enforcement officers to do that. Imogen foulkes there. Next, a new development on that deadly confrontation between indian and chinese troops in the Galwan Valley earlier this month. These new satellite images suggest china has built new structures near the site of the clash, which left 20 indian troops dead. The two countries are holding talks to defuse tensions, though both sides still accuse the other of breaking agreements. Many questions still remain about exactly what happened. Ros atkins has been taking a close look at a story thats captured the worlds attention. We know something happened in the mountains of disputed kashmir. No shots were fired, but soldiers clashed and died. There are claims brutal, basic weapons were used. Two Nuclear Powers were in hand to hand contact and both blame the other. So what happened on the india china border . And why does it matter so much . It is 45 years since a less deadly clash between india and china on this border, 45 years, so what changed . The pressure was building. This is the Galwan Valley. It sits on the border, which you can see identified there as the line of actual control, the lac. There are troops either side of it and the territory around the lac is disputed. One recent example is indias upgrading of its infrastructure to chinas irritation. This border has always been about managed tension, but that tension reached a breaking point. This is indias version of events. It said. More recently, india said these satellite images are proof china broke the rules. But then theres chinas story. It sees things quite differently. Whatever the reason, both agree that something happened. China says it was fierce and physical. One indian officer told the bbc. And an indian official passed this image to the bbc, claiming these are chinese weapons. And if youre wondering why this involved hand to hand combat, its because of a deal back in the 90s that banned guns or explosives near the border, so they fought in a different way. Precisely how, though, we cant know because theres no footage. So if youve seen lots of videos being shared on social media like this one, or this one they arent of this clash. What are real are videos like this of funerals in india. It says 20 of its soldiers died and claims china lost men too. For its part, china has a policy of not commenting on military casualties. So precisely why this escalated on june 15, we still dont really know, but these are two neighbouring global powers, constantly jockeying for position. And at this part of the border, the past matters too. They fought a war over this patch of land back in 1962, a war in which china essentially rapidly defeated india, and that has been a historical trauma for india in subsequent decades. Prime minister modi may not call it a historical trauma, but he is aware there is an appetite for india to assert itself. And look at these pictures from uttar pradesh. Thats an effigy of president xi. Whether by design or not, the hindu nationalism that fuels modis power is firing up. Some see modi standing up to china, some say hes not done enough, others see ulterior motives. One bengali newspaper says of him and his party. Theres also the chinese suggestion that, for india, this is a National Inferiority complex playing out. Have a look at this from the editor in chief of the state backed global times. He says. But what about chinas motives . Certainly after the event, it wants to be seen as fair but powerful. These pictures are from state media. We are told this is recent footage of a High Altitude military drill. And consider this. As this indian journalist notes. And its true. The government and the media has largely not wanted to get into the detail, nor ramp up the rhetoric, which points to a difference. While neither may have really wanted this to happen, once it had done, for china, it became a moment to reference its military superiority. That is a message for india. For india, well, it wants to be seen to stand up to the chinese. Thats of course a message for china but also for indians and for a watching world though, disappointingly for india, that watching world has shown little interest in getting involved. And while we may never know precisely what happened on that cold june night in the mountains, that men died is proof of how high the stakes are for india and china and how their rivalry will shape the region for years to come. Ros atkins with that report. Next, were going to show you some extraordinary scenes in east africa, where huge swarms of locusts are eating through crops and threatening food supplies. Its the second time this year that farmers livelihoods have come under attack from the insects and the un is warning this latest wave could be even more destructive. Anne soy has this report from kenya, where locust trackers are on the front line in the fightback. Many devourers on the move. They advance like an army, eating every plant on their path. Francis watches helplessly as locusts destroy his crop. It is cleared. My crop has been cleared. His has been a model farm. As the agricultural officer here, he invites his neighbours and shows them how to grow food. But this is a challenge he has never had to deal with. This is a disaster. It wont affect just me alone, there are also farms there, another one there, another one there. Its Something Like in two days, all of these farms will be finished. There is nothing. This is what you call poverty. Each locust can eat its own body weight daily. And together in a swarm, they consume as much food in a day as 2,500 people would in a year. These are young locusts that arent flying yet. They are most destructive at this stage of growth. And when they start flying, they can move up to 150 kilometres in a day. Tracking them is a difficult task. We have come to spot them and send the coordinates. But volunteers like albert are supporting efforts to control the locusts. He took us to one of the biggest swarms hes ever seen. What a spectacular sight. Ive never seen anything like this. Millions upon millions of locusts everywhere. Look at that tree. Theyve completely taken over. You can barely see the leaves. They are eating them, and once they are done and they fly away, it will be left bare. Albert has now trained teams he works with to collect information on the ground. They feed it through an app to the control centre run by the kenyan government and the un food and agricultural organisation. With the gps coordinates from the trackers, pilots of spray planes are then able to go to specific areas infested with locusts to apply pesticides. And the ground team would often be there to confirm the location. We tried to track this swarm. And today, we have been able to send the spray planes to spray this swarm. Albert is the new hero in his community. These people are pastoralists. Livestock here means everything. You dont have animals, you dont have a homestead either. The people do not recognise billions in the bank. All they recognise is what do you have, like the cows, the camels, the animals, those things. They call him the locust man. Albert had tracked the migrant locusts in the fast kenyan generation. The eggs are ready. The eggs. He then filmed the second one hatching, an incredibly rare thing to see, but also a sign they may not be winning the fight. If nothing is done, each time they breed, they multiply by at least 20, inching ever closer to becoming a plague, and watching the devastation locusts are causing in farms like francis, albert worries about what the future holds. Just before we go, i want to tell you about a 114 year old eritrean man who contracted covid 19 and has been discharged from hospital in addis ababa and sent back home. He was first treated after suffering breathing difficulties back in february, but has since made a full recovery from the coronavirus. The hospitals chief executive announced the mans recovery on his facebook page. Good news for a change. Thanks so much forjoining us. Well see you again soon. Youre watching bbc news. Now its time for the coronavirus newscast. We arejoined by we are joined by a former doctor to talk about antibody testing, a former head of m16 to talk about the delay to the establishment of. What west wright just kidding, we have got David Tennant and judi dench. Thank you forjoining us. That is better than having a real former head of m15. If you want to talk about dame judi former head of m15. If you want to talk about damejudi dench, the antibody testing, then you are very welcome. We will have all the days news as well in this edition of the coronavirus newscast. Hello, its adam in the studio. And laura in his own studio, two metres apart. And chris in my usual box. An interview with the actress, maxine peake, where she said quite a lot of controversial things and there was one line in particular about the American Police, george floyd and the American Police being trained by the American Police being trained by the israeli secret services. Yes, which is obviously a controversial thing to say. What exactly she said was, the tactics used by police in america kneeling on George Floyds neck was led by seminars by the israeli secret services. What then happened was this article was retweeted and shared online by the by rebecca long bailey, the shadow chair of the cabinet in the labour party, someone who had been kept on by sir keir starmer. The sharing of that article was wrong and because the article contained anti semitic and spacey theories i have therefore stood rebecca long bailey down from the shadow cabinet. I have made it my First Priority to tackle anti semitism and it is a number one priority for me. Why does sharing a link from an article with an interview from an actress turn into a political problem . Interview from an actress turn into a political problem . Because sir keir starmer said during his Labour Campaign that getting rid of anti semitism in the labour party was its number one priority. He believes it was the right thing to get rebecca long bailey out if she refused to delete the tweet, which she did. His backers tonight are very, very pleased. They say this shows his actions actually match up to his words and it was something that was so toxic forjeremy corbyn at the labour party and caused so much trouble and ionisation in the labour party, that they feel it was the right thing to do, but the risk is that it reopens some of those really bitter tensions inside the labour party that have been kind is quite under the surface, really, rather than all over the newspapers. By rather than all over the newspapers. By the way, i thought being stood down with a very polite way of being fired or being sacked, a sort of euphemism. I just wondered fired or being sacked, a sort of euphemism. Ijust wondered because that division has reopened, that was there for the last heat few years in there for the last heat few years in the labour party, they have reopened thatis the labour party, they have reopened that is now and yes, sir keir starmer made this big thing about eliminating anti semitism being his big priority, but i wonder in the context of where we are with the news about coronavirus and this was re tweeting a link to an article that was written by somebody else and that particular line, highly controversial as it was, was well down the article, whether he could haveif down the article, whether he could have if he wanted to keep her got away with not sucking her. Have if he wanted to keep her got away with not sucking herlj have if he wanted to keep her got away with not sucking her. I think it was a deliberate decision. There was a clarification, a discussion with her team and his team and they asked her to make a clarification and she did that and said she didnt mean to cause any offence and all of those kinds of things, but they asked her to remove the original message, she refused to do that that was enough. I think that the reality is that this has been such a toxic issue that keir starmer had really wa nted issue that keir starmer had really wanted to move on from and may be in a way it was an opportunity to make that decisive break, but it is not that decisive break, but it is not that straightforward because during the Leadership Campaign he was so careful not to offend any of the company says, careful to say things about bringing the Party Together and move on from factionalism. This has blown that part. That said, i also think his team is pretty confident that it is a minority of people who will be upset about this. Yes, so rebecca long bailey will be spending less time with keir starmer, but you will be spending more time with him. Yes, all of this happened on a day when keir

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