Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20200413

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Accelerates very fast, it decelerates much more slowly. The uk is told not to expect its lockdown to be relaxed yet, despite hopes that deaths from the virus are slowing. Meanwhile in france, president macron announces schools will begin to reopen in mid may and says people will gradually be able to return to work. Welcome. As countries around the world count the cost of the coronavirus pandemic in human lives and economic damage, theres increased pressure on governments to ease some of the restrictions in place. In the uk, the government is warning that the country is still not past the peak of the coronavirus emergency, and the number of deaths is expected to increase further this week before they may start to plateau. Well have more updates from the uk in a moment but first lets go to the us. Where the number of coronavirus deaths in the state of new york has risen to more then 10,000. Thats almost half of all deaths so far across the country. This is the latest from new yorks governor, andrew cuomo. There is going to be no morning where the headline says hallelujah, it is over. That is not going to happen. But, yes, i think you can say the worst is over because the worst here are people dying. That is the worst. The worst doesnt get any bad than this worst. And this worst is people dying. That is the worst. The new york governor they giving his Daily Briefing. Anthony zurcherjoins me now from washington. He was speaking very plainly as usual. Right. And when he is trying toi usual. Right. And when he is trying to i think is balance the idea that things could be Getting Better and the number of fatalities per day is starting to go down in the number of hospitalizations are plateauing, but he doesnt want people to be overly optimistic because they are still going to be people dying in the city of new york. There still going to be hospitalization and while he is forming a group with other states in order to talk about reopening businesses in getting things more back to business as usual, they want to prepare the public that it will not change overnight and if they do it too quickly, that pandemic and a number of deaths could start to increase again. So it was a very careful balance he and other governors are trying to do right now. A balancing act that many countries as well looking at. Dont go away. We had another lines coming just from the United States. First, a navy sailor has died after contracting the coronavirus. Its the first death from the coronavirus stricken Aircraft Carrier theodore roosevelt. The ships captain was fired this month after his letter pleading for help with the outbreak was leaked to us media. Here he is last week, being cheered off the ship by his crew. They chant. Also today, the white house said President Trump is not firing Infectious Disease expert dr anthony faucl it came after this retweet, from the president , featuring the hashtag fire fauci. Dr fauci told cnn the country could have saved lives if it had started mitigation efforts earlier, after an article in the New York Times which said he and other Administration Officials recommended measures in february, but were rebuffed for almost a month. President trump has branded the article fake news . Anthony, a few lines from the us, the sad news about the death of the sailor after that controversial scenario when the captain it was and also we have this line with the whole dibacco of doctor fauci, who is regularly standing next to the president when he gets his briefings. That whole dibacco. Right. In the white house has since set out a press release saying that there is no intention of the president even suggesting he was considering firing fauci and he was pushing back against the allegations and that the president hadnt done enough to very early on to address the spread of the pandemic. And reemphasize he had limited some entries from china into the United States. And from europe as well. But it is raise concerns that there may be conflict between Anthony Fauci and donald trump and fauci has been trying to be very diplomatic about his criticisms of the administration i was the policy decision by this administration has been. He didnt mention donald trump by name and that cnn interview come he just said that cnn interview come he just said that it that cnn interview come he just said thatitis that cnn interview come he just said that it is realistic and the reality is things have been done quicker and i lockdown quicker, that wouldve saved lives but he said and emphasised that was a complicated calculation. And that is something that donald trump has been very sensitive to any kind of criticism that he didnt act fast enough. Stay there anthony one more thing to cover with you. Bernie sanders has endorsed joe biden for president. He took to twitter to say we must come together to defeat the most the most dangerous president in modern history. Bernie sanders not holding back. Anthony, was that expected . I think it is a bit of a surprise that to happen now it happened so quickly and as wholeheartedly as Bernie Sanders endorsed joe biden think it was want to do everything to make sure joe think it was want to do everything to make surejoe biden was president. They talked about creating some committees to come up with policies thatjoe biden could run on and you have to remember four yea rs run on and you have to remember four years ago, when Bernie Sanders rennie grants Hillary Clinton, they campaign until the end of the process and did endorse Hillary Clinton into the middle ofjuly. I think this represents at least a certain amount of unity within the democratic party. They will need to ta ke democratic party. They will need to take on donald trump in the fall. When Bernie Sanders rennie gets Hillary Clinton. To stress, thank you, anthony. Images we are looking at now, not life images. As you can see, we now know that Bernie Sanders is endorsing joe biden for president saying it was time to unite in the effort to defeat donald trump. Amongst all this coronavirus, we may forget there is in fact a president ial election that is due in november. So we have an update from the United States there for you. Much more details on our website as well. For those frustrated by extended lockdowns, even a hint of a path back to normal life would be something to celebrate. But the World Health Organization has today issued this warning on lifting restrictions too soon. We know that in some countries, cases are doubling every three to four days. However, while covid i9 accelerates very fast, it decelerates much more slowly. In other words, the way down is much slower than the way up. A stark warning from the who. Lets turn to europe, where italy has become the second country to register more than 20,000 coronavirus deaths, after the United States. Another 566 deaths were recorded in the most recent 2a hour period. This figure is just over half as many as two weeks ago. Italy is now gradually lifting its lockdown restrictions, and will allow a few companies to resume operations on tuesday. In spain, the Spanish Health Ministry Says 517 people have died in the past 2a hours, which is 100 less than the day before. The total number of people to have died from covid 19 in spain is 17,500. Some restrictions have started to be relaxed there too. Damien mcguinness has more on the situation across europe. Numbers here are still incredibly high because in italy and spain, which are the two countries worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic here in europe, we have confirmed cases of more than 100,000 in each country. And in italy, 20,000 deaths more or less, and spain, were talking about 17,000 this. Were talking about 17,000 deaths. These are really high numbers. What is causing the beginning of hope, though, is that the daily death toll is starting to go down. So what that means is that the total numbers are still increasing, but that increase is less than it was just a week or two ago. So when you look at the daily death toll, now we are talking about numbers at some point less than 500 per day. Just a week ago, we were over 900 deaths a day. So although the situation is still very severe in both italy and spain, it is starting to improve. That is the hope anyway and that is why governments in both countries are really trying to get the economy going again because on the one hand you have this health emergency, on the other you have an economic emergency brewing because both countries are in a state of economic lockdown so what were seeing in spain today as you said earlier, manufacturing and construction workers are going back to work, this is really to get the economy going, at the same time, the lockdown itself for most people is still in place so for most ordinary people, they will not see much of a difference because you are still not allowed to go out unless it is strictly necessary, and most shops will still be closed. And i think any return to normal is going to take a long time. It is about getting that balance between getting the economy going while not sparking another outbreak of the pandemic. France has extended its lockdown until 11 may, but after that, schools will begin to reopen. The lockdown has been extended into the 11th of may. President emanuel macron has just delivered this televised address. Toa to a stress that the 11 of may is the day that france will be eased with schools expected to be reopened on that day. Another weeks or so for france. 0ur correspondent has been listening. What i was slightly surprised by was the detail with which he then started sketching out the post 11th of may world. I thanks to hugh there for the update on the situation stop the alum that may is the day that frank schools are due to be reopened. Stay with us here. A lot more to come. We will look at how competition for protective equipment is leaving the developing world without. The coronavirus has forced schools to shut around the world moving the classroom online. But how are pupils finding these new working conditions . John lives in nairobi and talks through his new school day. Hi, my name isjohn. Im 15 years old from nairobi, kenya, and i am attending online school. We have registration as our first lesson, so i hope to take you through there and hopefully through abrasion is when the bedload erodes rows the river. When the bedload erodes the river. Good. Excellent. Keep it up. And then it comes to the capital. We have the capital. Baby cries. Please mute, everybody. This is 0utside source, live from the bbc newsroom. In the state of new york state the worst hit of the United States the number of people who have died has now passed 10,000. However, the authorities are optimistic the worst of the outbreak is now over. The British Government says the uk is still going through the peak of the crisis. The official death toll rose by more than 700 today, taking the overall figure to more than 11 thousand. These graphs show the growth in the number of daily deaths. You can see that the uks curve is on a similar track to italys. Heres the uk governments chief scientific adviser. We are tracking behind italy, following the same sort of path, what do i expect to see happen, i think this week is difficult, i think this week we are going to see a further increase thereafter and we should see a plateau as the effects of the social distancing come through. That plateau may last for some time and then begin to decrease. Its worth remembering that the uk had more time to prepare than italys government. Italy recorded its 50th death on the 22nd of february. The uk reached the same point on march the 3rd, ten days later. Some experts and journalists are starting to question what the uk could have done differently. Heres one exchange from todays briefing. Some of the countries that acted much sooner than the uk, south korea in particular, only had a fraction of the deaths we had in the uk. Isnt it clear that if we acted sooner, days and weeks earlier than we did, that it wouldve made a difference in terms of lives lost . I dont think it is clear. I dont think those comparisons are like for like because of a, where we are on on the curve is, sir patrick has mentioned, but also the individual circumstances in those countries. We will continue to monitor and we do monitor what is going on in other countries and make sure we feed that into what were doing here. Patrick, i dont know if theres anything else youd add to that . No, i think it is difficult to make those comparisons and as i said, will be able to look and see this in due course, i think there is a lot to learn from other countries in terms of what we need to do and we are definitely looking very closely at other countries in terms of how they think about the release of lockdown measures. That exchange from the Daily Briefing today. That exchange from the Daily Briefing today. With me is Political Correspondent jonathan blake. We heard today about the condition of the Prime Minister. And also this increasing questioning of how the uk is comparing to other countries in particular come the Prime Minister continues his recovery checkers. His country residence. We are told he is not receiving he is not working or receiving government papers. His spokesman said that when the time comes for him to return to work, that will be a decision made by the Prime Minister on the basis of medical advice. It seems there is no prospect of him returning to number ten downing st to lead the government in the near future. Dominic rob, who you heard from Committee Foreign secretary, deputizing for the Prime Minister, for the time being, fielding us questions about the government response and he confirmed today what we had all been expecting for some time. That was that the restrictions in place here in the uk to slow the spread of the coronavirus will be reviewed this week. They legally have to be. As a result of legislation passed by parliament but that will not result in any lifting or easing of those lockdown measures. That had been expected to be the case for some time but it is now being confirmed and walks that review will take place, it seems there will be nothing more than a formality and will be living with those restrictions in the cave for some time yet. Quite how long we dont know because the government has had very little about what its exit strategy from this Current Situation is. Also during the Daily Briefing, a bit of a discussion about facemasks. Still not clear what the uk being a bike to do here. It is clear in the uk and that the government advices not for people to wear a mask. Some do but that is purely a personal choice. Being what to do here. The question come after the World Health Organization envoy in the uk said that it may well soon become the norm for countries to be advising citizens to wear facemask routinely and that is been the case elsewhere as we have seen, particularly in the United States. He suggested that the advice might change depending on the evidence presented to him he gave a little bit of an insight into the current thinking saying they were more effective for stopping people transmitting the disease passing it on to somebody else, and they were. You can try the first place. Instead of stopping you from contracting it. So potentially a change and if i spent for the time being it is not the advice for people to wear them. Thank you for clarifying. Potentially a change in advice. Russia has reported its biggest daily increase in coronavirus cases so far, with 2,500 new infections. The country has declared more than 18,000 cases and 148 fatalities. Police checkpoints have been set up on roads around moscow to ensure that only residents enter the russian capital and for a valid reason. China has also stepped up controls around its North Eastern border with russia which has emerged as its new front line for coronavirus infections. Heres our moscow correspondent steve rosenberg. These figures are still relatively low. In america you have 560,000. 560,000 confirmed cases compared to russias18,000, but it is important to say that just a few days ago, the moscow mayor, sergey sobyanin, made it clear that the peak in russia was a long way away. He said that russia is basically in the foothills of this pandemic, so there is a concern that the situation here is going to get far worse and already there are reports that the Health System moscow is feeling the pressure, under enormous strain. President putins spokesman, just a few days ago, said that the situation in moscow hospitals was extremely tense. He talked about the heroism of russian doctors, and interestingly, yesterday, russian state tv, which normally paints quite a rosy picture of events and the situation russia, well, they showed a russian doctor, who said basically his hospital couldnt cope, that they only had 13,000 beds. 1,300 beds and 1,500 patients, so there is a sense here that the situation is getting worse. From russia to neighbouring belarus. Where, despite the warnings, over a thousand soccer fans attended a Football Game in brest. The Belarusian Premier League is the only place in europe where football is still being played, and people from around the world have been tuning in. Although there were fans at the game, many fans decided to fill the stands a much safer way. By buying virtual tickets online and in return, getting photos of their faces stuck on dummies sitting inside the stadium. A much safer way to enjoy the Football Game. As countries around the world struggle to get the coronavirus outbreak under control, world powers have entered a ruthless competition for medical supplies. Some governments have been accused of medical piracy, hijacking shipments of crucial equipment intended for elsewhere. Earlier this month, berlin accused the us of confiscating a shipment of 200,000 protective masks. They were being sent to germany by a us company. Officials in france also accused american buyers of using cash to purchase shipments of masks destined for france, paying three times the original price. And brazil recently claimed that it didnt get some orders of equipment from china, after the us sent 20 cargo planes to buy the same products. The Us Government denies involvement in all three incidents. As countries outbid each other, its often developing nations that are left struggling. Prashant yadav is an expert in Global Health supply chains at the centre for global development, live from washington. We are talking about the piracy of medical equipment. I gave a few examples. Top medical equipment. I gave a few exa m ples. Top releva nt medical equipment. I gave a few examples. Top relevant and often let the something let this happen . Thats how prevalent. Not very often. Global value chain for medical supplies and equipment ppe are based on core confidence, regions which specialise in say electronics, or mechanical or chemical manufacturing. They do their part of the value chain and their part of the value chain and the product continues to move. What is happening now is that while businesses and scientists are collaborating across borders thinking about how to develop and deliver the best science, governments across the globe are engaging ina governments across the globe are engaging in a zero sum mentality where they are thinking if i can get the supplies for my own National Needs and stockpiles, i will benefit the most and in doing so, what we are forgetting is that there isnt truly a zero sum mentality. We try to get one supply we would then not be able to get other supplies that we need. In our endgame here is to try and get more supplies both for population within the country but also population globally including those 11 low Income Countries. As we see coronavirus affecting certain groups more than others, are we going to see developing countries being affected more by the specific situation and the fact that they will simply not be able to get the kit and the equipment that they need . I think it is worth thinking about and need . I think it is worth thinking aboutand in need . I think it is worth thinking about and in separate categories. First off, protective equipment was developing countries will start needing for their preparedness plans even before infection scenarios become more aggressive. That is an area where i think a lot of developing countries are struggling and the World Health Organisation and the World Health Organisation and other global agencies are helping multiple countries to come together and say we will try and negotiate the supplies on your behalf. The key question is that even some of the low Income Countries themselves are engaging in restricting exports so then it becomes harderfor the restricting exports so then it becomes harder for the global agencies to make the case to developed country governments and others that some portion of the supplies need to be reserved and allocated for low Income Countries. It isa allocated for low Income Countries. It is a very difficult dynamic or national libraries, notjust in high Income Countries, but also in some developing countries, we have production capacity. The national rivalries. And specific chemicals or high manufacturing bases for personal protective equipment. So as they have extra control, that does not help us solve the problem and get the system level to go up. It in fa ct get the system level to go up. It in fact puts the system into a lower level equilibrium under which it becomes very hard to come out of. But how much time left. Briefly, did we see this in other scenarios with the or sars . Not much time left. When h1 n one happen in 2009, we two and also vaccines. Thank you so much for keeping it brief. Apologies to our viewers, wood lassi line for you a little bit. We get the gist of you said. Thank you. We lost the line. Stay with us here. Ill be back very shortly with a round up of the news and the next edition of 0utside source coming up injust under half an hour. See you then. Hello. If you were briefly out on easter monday, im sure you will have taken easter monday, im sure you will have ta ken and easter monday, im sure you will have taken and some of that fresh polarair have taken and some of that fresh polar air from have taken and some of that fresh polar airfrom the have taken and some of that fresh polar air from the northern climes. And this evening, the temperature will be dropping rapidly and tonight we are expecting a widespread air frost, north and south. So here is our temperature met. You can see the air frost developing across scotland in Northern England into wales. And even the towns and cities that do not exactly faults 20 will just outside of town there was spot and it will be a frost. Does have a look at the weather map. We are right in the middle of High Pressure and often in the middle of High Pressure, the winds are very light. That means a windless day on the way for many of us with plenty of sunshine. Here is the forecasting. Mellitus lot of sunshine right from the word go. Noticeably lighter winds on the north sea coast. And hardly a breath of wind there across central parts of the uk. The temperatures will also recover a little bit. The sunshine is strong and warming of the air temperature is possibly getting up to around 13 degrees on the north sea coast. The same process continues through wednesday, the High Pressure is right over us, very little when, and that allows the air to warm up once more. Temperatures could be as high as 17 or perhaps even 19 degrees on wednesday. 0n as 17 or perhaps even 19 degrees on wednesday. On thursday there will be a subtle change in the weather pattern. We will see this area of low pressure developing for the southwest of us and whatever fronts will be travelling in our direction and that means the wind direction will change. It will start to come in from the south, and the southeast. Pushing the cold air towards the things will be warming up. The weather front, just towards the southwest, not a lot of it. If you are a gardener orfarmer and wa nt you are a gardener orfarmer and want some rain coming youll have to wait till friday. By thursday the temperature did get up to 20 or 21 degrees. Still a nippy in the air. And then friday, saturday and sunday, what will find is the weather front will be crossing the country but it will be a slow process because there is a High Pressure across scotland and High Pressure across scotland and High Pressure tends to slow things down. 0nce High Pressure tends to slow things down. Once again, some rain way but the chance of it is until the end of the chance of it is until the end of the week. Goodbye. This is bbc world news, the headlines. In the state of new york state the worst hit of the United States the number of people who have died has now passed 10,000. However the authorities are optimistic the worst of the outbreak is over. The World Health Organization has warned countries across the world not to end the coronavirus lockdown too soon. It says easing measures too quickly could lead to a resurgence in cases, as the virus spreads very rapidly but is slow to decelerate. The uk has been told not to expect its lockdown to be relaxed soon, despite hopes that deaths of the virus are slowing. The number of deaths in uk hospitals has risen to 11,329 up by 717 since sunday. Russia has recorded its biggest daily increase in coronavirus cases, over 2,500, with more than half of them in the capital, moscow

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