Hello, im ros atkins, this is outside source. Huge crowds have attended the funeral procession of the Iranian Military commander who was killed by the us on friday. This was the scene in tehran earlier, where huge crowds turned out for qasim suleimani, with many people chanting death to america. His daughter addressed the crowd. Translation crazy trump, arrogant, and a plaything of zionism. Dont think that everything is over with my fathers martyrdom. Meanwhile in the us questions are being asked about the justification for the drone strike, and President Trump has again said cultural sites in iran could be targetted. And well have the latest on the australian bushfires theres a fear a number of fires could merge to form whats being called a mega blaze. Hundreds of thousands of iranians have filled the streets of tehran to mourn Qasem Soleimani. He was irans most senior military commander and he was assassinated on friday. Some pictures coming in, this is the supreme some pictures coming in, this is the Supreme Leader of iran, i atomic a mining, crying over the coffin. Over 1 Million People are said to have attended. We cant confirm that but there are hundreds of thousands. General soleimani was widely considered the second most powerful man in the country and as you can see was a hero to many. Irans foreign Ministerjavad Zarif has tweeted donald trump. The funeral procession began in baghdad where soleimani was killed by the us air strike. It went on to tehran for todays procession, and then continued to the holy city qom before being taken to the generals hometown of kerman for burial tomorrow. This is what happened when the generals coffin arrived in qom. The crowd of mourners carrying the coffin over their heads and struggled to pass it through the mosque, as people pressed in to touch it. Heres Rana Rahimpour on how real this outpouring of grief is. It seems that its real and its astonishing, too manyjournalists and observers that the turnout has been shockingly huge. Whats interesting is that we could see prominent figures of the opposition joining these funerals and they said this has nothing to do with our problems, our internal problems, in their view. Qasem soleimani was a National Hero and his assassination was an attack on iranians. Why was he a hero . Interesting question. Thats what weve been trying to figure out, why do they think he was a hero. Different reasons. One is that many iranians believe he fought isis. They say that its because of him that isis isnt in tehran raping iranian women. They say that he was not afraid of giving his life to secure iranian borders and they differentiate between soleimani and the islamic republic, which too many others is very surprising. Qasem soleimani was born in the city of kerman, in 1957. In his adult life, he moved through the ranks of the Iranian Military and became head of irans elite quds force. This means he oversaw iranian and foreign militias cross the middle east including in iraq, syria, lebanon and yemen. In 2013, the former cia officerjohn maguire told the new yorker general soleimani was the single most powerful operative in the middle east. And many concurred. Hes believed to have been central in devising a strategy to help Bashar Al Assad resist the insurgency in syria in 2011. He also worked with the shia militant Group Hezbollah in lebanon and hamas in gaza. The houthi insurgency in yemen is also backed by iran. Then theres iraq. During the 2003 us led invasion, the general directed militant groups who were attacking us troops and bases. This guardian article reports that back in 2008, when the us was battling shia militias in iraq, the head of the cia, david petraeus, was shown a text message from general soleimani, saying, general petraeus, you should know that i, Qasem Soleimani, control the policy for iran with respect to iraq, lebanon, gaza, and afghanistan. And indeed, the ambassador in baghdad is a quds force member. The individual whos going to replace him is a quds force member. Well, general soleimani life ended in iraq killed in a convoy close to the airport. Also killed was caro abu mahdi al muhandis, a senior figure of the popular mobilistation forces, thats a shia militia in iraq. Hes also the commander of the iranian backed Kataib Hezbollah group. Washington blamed that group for a rocket attack which killed a us civilian contractor in Northern Iraq late last year. After that the militia protested outside the us embassy in baghdad for days. Today it held a memorial in baghdad. Jeremy bowen was there. You can get an idea of the shock and anger at this place, the official morning, the official commemoration. Over there on the poster, Qasem Soleimani and the other man is the leader of one of the main armed groups here. You can see a line of yellow flags, from that mans group. There is a lot of anger over there. Some finely developed calm anger. People arent yelling but they want to get even. The two countries they talk about the most are the United States, donald trump, and israel. The question is, what happens next . What do the iraqis in baghdad and their allies in iran do with this shock and anger . I dont think its going to dissipate easily. You can senseitin going to dissipate easily. You can sense it in the, from talking to people. There will be consequences. Consequences that cant be predicted at the moment, but consequences theyre quite likely. It may make this difficult situation already more complicated. After assassinating general soleiman the us justified the moved by saying he was actively developing plans to attack us diplomats and Service Members in iraq and throughout the region. We have no verification of that, and nor does us congress. Its members werent involved in the decision to kill the general. More on that shortly. First heres secretary of state mike pompeo. We would have been culpably negligent if we hadnt taken the action, the American People would have said we werent doing the right thing to defend american lives. Have said we werent doing the right thing to defend american livesm the threat that imminent . Are the attacks he was putting together so imminent and big it would have been seen as that kind of negligence . After the assassination, Iraqs Parliament voted in favour of expelling american forces. And this was Donald Trumps response. But dramatic those these exchanges are its the iranian response, not the iraqi response, that is being watched most closely. First, this is general soleimans daughter speaking at the ceremony in tehran today. Translation crazy trump, arrogant and a plaything of zionism, dont think that everything is over with my fathers martyrdom. General soleimanis successor will be his Deputy Esmail ghaani. Here he is appearing to cry over the coffin. And this is what he said about plans to avenge the killing. Translation we will continue soleimanis path. We will remove the us from the region in several steps. The Supreme Leader backs this. Attention is already focusing on the strait of hormuz. Last year, iran targeted oil tankers several times. That partly explains why the assassination of general soleimani caused price of a barrel of oil to spike. It went higher again today after donald trump threatened sanctions against iraq. But whether iran acts in the strait of hormuz or elsewhere, we cant know. But no response appears highly unlikely. This is the former Us Ambassador to yemen. This was a decision of tsunamic proportions and the ramifications of which we arent going to know for a while. But there were protests in iran against the regime and that now has flipped and there were protests in iraq against the iranian presence and those have now had the wind taken out of them. We have a non binding but still significant resolution for us to leave. We dont know what the gulf states are thinking but they have got to be deeply worried about how this escalates. I have worked in this region for a very long time and ive never seen a situation this precarious. A key figure in deciding how iran responds to general soleimanis death is his successor, esmail ghaani. Heres Bahman Kalbasi from bbc persian on what we can expect from him. He is likely very similar to mr soleimani, without obviously the connections and the recognition that mr soleimani had. Obviously him being in the crowd, that was very diverse, is remarkable because people who came out an agreeing with this new commander or mr soleimani. Many disagreed with them but they came out because it seems that they had a bigger priority and that was to send a message that whatever disagreements iran had with the regime, it doesnt mean that they are indifferent to foreign involvement or possibly a war. So it throws the calculation in washington to some extent into challenge because it doesnt seem that it has any sympathy inside iran for the action it took and probably united large segments of the Iranian Society against donald trump in his threats against iran. For many years youve looked closely at iranian involvement in middle eastern countries. Do you think the death of one man can fundamentally change irans policy in the region in the way that donald trump hopes it will do, especially in iraq . Extremely unlikely because it isnt a i person show. This is a Foreign Policy vision that has been in the works for years and the root causes of it come from the iran iraq war. You have to have influence in countries around you so you dont have to go through the eight year war that we did after after the invasion of iraq by the us, the entire idea was, they are coming for us next so the only way to stop that is to go fight americans in iraq before they get to tehran. So this Foreign Policy doctrine has been carried out and mr soleimani was obviously instrumental and key in it but definitely not the only one who is capable of carrying it out. We will have more coverage of those tensions. Well bring you the latest on australias bushfires emergency as fears grow that a number of fires could merge to form whats being called a mega blaze. There have been protests across india after masked men armed with sticks attacked students at a Prestigious University on sunday. Dozens of people at thejnu campus in delhi were injured. Pratiksha ghildial reports from the university. According to the students here, a right wing group called avbp entered this campus and started assaulting the students. However, abvp, the right wing group which is seen as theologically close to the ruling hindu nationalist government said it was actually the left wing student groups that started the assault. However the police have a lot to answer because the students here allege that the police were late in their response and did not act adequately. As you can see around here, protests are still going on. Students are demanding a speedy enquiry, a speedy investigation into yesterdays incident. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Huge crowds have taken to the streets in iran to pay respects to the iranian general Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a us attack on friday. Turkish troops have begun deploying in libya, to try to prop up the un recognised government in tripoli. The forces of the libyan warlord general Khalifa Haftar say theyve taken control of areas around the coastal city of sirte. Theyve been trying to oust the government since april. Harvey weinstein has been charged with Sexual Assault in los angeles on the same day he appeared in a new york court on a separate case. In la the hollywood Film Producer is facing charges relating to the alleged Sexual Assault of two women. Rowers dressed as witches have been racing through the canals of venice in the annual epiphany regatta. The competitors dress as befana, an imaginary witch of italian folklore who fills childrens stockings with sweets if theyve been good or coal if theyve been bad. Let me give you the latest on the bushfires in australia. Theres particular focus on the states of victoria and New South Wales, where there are fears a number of fires could merge to form whats being called a mega blaze. This is a live visualisation of active fires from nasa. As you can see, New South Wales is bearing the brunt of this. There was brief respite over the weekend with some light, sooty rain. It was well received in sydney. Cheering the hot dry weather is due to return though. And Prime Minister Scott Morrison is warning the fires emergency could last months. These are the latest pictures. This is extraordinary, from a military plane trying to land at victoria in a haze of smoke. The military is now involved in evacuation efforts. There aerial pictures show the devastation to one community in batlow in New South Wales. The fires are having a devastating Environmental Impact too. Koalas usually get their water intake from eucalytpus leaves. Many are now needing help to get. This is from south australias kangaroo island. Its renowned for its wildlife its home to several threatened species. There are fears some species could be wiped out. In New South Wales alone, its believed hundreds of millions of animals have been killed. Lets focus on the coastal town of eden. Many residents have evacuated. Our correspondent Shaimaa Khalil has been there. Eden wharf became a makeshift evacuation centre. The weekend fires came close to the town. People came here and sheltered in boats, cars, some in the open air, to be close to the water. We have had a little bit ofa the water. We have had a little bit of a break in the weather, the wind has dropped. People have been trying for rain. We know it isnt going to last. Authorities say they expect worse conditions later in the wake and thats been the story of these fires. There are more to come and people are living in limbo. This is what residents in eden have told us. Basically uncertainty as to what happens when the fire comes through because of how fast it has been going. If the wind really picks up and comes over the hill it is going to come in quickly. Its a waiting game. But well get there. Waiting for it to stop. Shaimaa then moved on to the australian capital canberra. The air quality there has been was the worst of any major city in the world. Thats meant government buildings have had to be closed. Heres shaimaa. So ive just arrived so ivejust arrived in so ive just arrived in canberra and it has been blanketed white smoke. On any given day. This is parliament house, the citys most iconic building. Im standing right in front of it. The drive here was very smoky because fires are ranging all around us. In eastern and southern australia. The printed here and it hangs heavily on the city. It is brutal and makes it hard to breathe. The wind is picking up. Its not just outdoors, breathe. The wind is picking up. Its notjust outdoors, its indoors, in homes and offices and shopping centres. There are Health Concerns about those with respiratory problems. No one knows how long this is going to last because the fire is burning. As it stands, the equality in australias capital is one of the worst in the world. The air quality. Worth mentioning the firefighters. Some are professional most are volunteers. And many of them have lost their lives since these fires began. This is from a last week a one year old boy receiving a bravery medal on behalf of his father who died on december 19th. Since september, 25 people have died, over 1,200 homes have been destroyed and millions of hectares have been burnt out. And Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a further 1. 1; billion to help with the fire recovery. We make this commitment to all australians, that we will be there for you during this immediate response and we will be there for the rebuilding and the recovery. And today in cabinet with made a number of decisions to support that recovery effort, to do whatever it ta kes, recovery effort, to do whatever it takes, to do whatever it costs, to build resilience for the future and to enable australians, wherever they are, all across the country, to be able to go forward in confidence for their futures. But Prime Minister has been facing relentless criticism. He went on holiday to hawaii during a week when the temperatures spiked and the fires intensified. Theres frustration that help for Rural Communities has been too slow and too little. Remember this from last week. You are out, son, you are out and his sincerity is being question too. Thats a reference to Scott Morrisons previous career in marketing and to this video which the government put out in the last few days. Heres a snippet. Thats the government pushing back at the idea that it is not responding adequately. Most serious of all Scott Morrison is accused of not doing enough on Climate Change. The context here is that australia has been getting hotter over the past century. Especially the last 25 years. Thats caused by Climate Change, which is caused by humans and the higher temperatures mean that the chances of bigger, faster, more intense bushfires are higher than they used to be. Scott morrison acknowledges reducing emissions would reduce bushfire risk, but he says australia is meeting its climate commitments. Thats disputed by the un and the architect of the paris climate accord, the latter accused australia of cheating the system. She created the system so shes familiar with it. Scott morrison also talks about the need for balance what that means is helping to reduce australias emissions while supporting australias vast fossil fuel industry, which creates lots of emissions. Its a tough balance. Especially as coal exports were worth 112 billion us in the last financial year, and were responsible for around 50,000 jobs. These are difficult political choices no doubt. But Scott Morrison is clear his government takes Climate Change seriously. Here are some examples that dont quite fit with that. Heres his deputy talking about people who were connecting the fires and Climate Change. We dont need the rantings of some pure and woke capital city greens at this time. Or theres the Prime Ministers backbench mp, craig kelly. He posted on facebook a few weeks ago. That same mp who, in 2016, linked Renewable Energy to child drownings. He represents the party in power. Or theres this senior government mp reacting to news last year that a news website would not quote Climate Change deniers. He said, in parliament, adolf hitler, Joseph Stalin and mao zedong couldnt have put it better themselves. Theyd be so proud. To so superciliously and arrogantly deny a voice to an alternative point of view is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. Of course the difference being there, those three were in power and responsible for the deaths of millions. The news website was just choosing not to quote people saying things that arent true. For some in the liberal party the question remains is Climate Change real . Not what do we do about it . Its worth noting, the previous Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was toppled by the liberal party over his plans to reign in Greenhouse Gas emissions. As mr morrison says, its a balance. Away from politics, heres a clip which leaves you wondering whether to laugh or cry. Its a magpie in New South Wales which has learnt to mimmick a fire truck. Some slightly light relief from New South Wales. If you want some Background Information on whats happening in australia, how the fire is begun, the meteorological context, more details on what the Australian Government was doing to support those fighting the fires and those who are affected, people who have lost their lives, had to leave their homes, you can get that through the bbc news app. If you dont have that, if you have a smartphone you can go to your app store and search for bbc news and youll find it easily and then youre get the latest on the stories we cover on outside source and many others. Although weve seen some cooler air and some showers arriving across the south east of australia, the bushfire situation is very much ongoing and the extent of the damage, the area burned is becoming apparent. These pictures were taken to the east of canberra in New South Wales. The area burned by the fires is more than 8 million hectares, two thirds the size of england. We have some cooler air now but temperatures are going to be rising this week. Not as hot as it has been, and the heat wont last for as long. Also across australia there is a tropical cyclone, cyclone lake which is going to bea cyclone, cyclone lake which is going to be a troublemaker as it makes la ndfall to be a troublemaker as it makes landfall on tuesday bringing heavy rain, Flooding Issues and some strong, potentially damaging wind. He the outlook. You can see that temperatures are rising for the likes of canberra and adelaide. A0 degrees by thursday but there are signs of some showers later on. North america, High Pressure keeping things settled for many central and southern parts. Low pressure continues pushing to the pacific northwest. It has been very u nsettled, northwest. It has been very unsettled, so wet and windy again for british columbia, washington state. Heavy snowfall close to vancouver. 300 centimetres of snow inafew vancouver. 300 centimetres of snow in a few days. An increase in the avalanche risk. Some snow showers over parts of the north east as well. Seattle, fairly unsettled. Outbreaks of rain. New york mostly dry and turning pretty mild for the time of year. There may be some rain arriving. Heavy downpours in indonesia, flooding in jakarta arriving. Heavy downpours in indonesia, flooding injakarta and heavy showers. Further north, a front is pushing over china towards the korean peninsula, so wet and windy weather. That system pushing rain overjapan as well. Pretty wet and windy. In osaka and south korea, heavy outbreaks of rain but it will dry out later in the week. Further heavy showers and thunderstorms. Across europe, heavy rain and mountain snow for the likes of greece, turkey as well. Romania. Strong wind in the eastern mediterranean. Stormy conditions. Central europe, a different picture, mostly dry, settled with some sunshine, some mist and fog in france and spain. Unsettled elsewhere, strong wind and mountain snow for norway. In the uk, u nsettled snow for norway. In the uk, unsettled this way, strong wind and rain. After a mild started the turning colder. A lot of showers in the outlook. Very mild, 15 in belfast and edinburgh. Turning colder later in the week. Bye. Hello, im ros atkins, this is outside source. Huge crowds have attended the funeral procession of the Iranian Military commander who was killed by the us on friday. This was the scene in tehran earlier, where huge crowds turned out for qasim suleimani, with many people chanting death to america. His daughter says amercia faces a dark day. Translation crazy trump, arrogant, and the plaything of zionism. Dont think that everything is over with my fathers martyrdom. Meanwhile in the us, questions are being asked about the justification for the drone strike, and donald trump has again said cultural sites in iran could be targetted. Gary odonoghue will talk us through that. Harvey weinstein has been charged with Sexual Assault in los angeles on the same day he appeared in a new york court in a separate case. Donald trump has repeated his threat that the us might hit cultural sites in iran. To be clear, such action could be considered a war crime under international law. On saturday he said the us has. The next day, the us secretary of state and appeared to back away from the threat. The American People should know that every target we stike will be a lawful target, and it will be a target designed for a Single Mission protecting and defend america. President trump has been very diligent about that. He doesnt want war, he talked about this repeatedly, he is a reluctant participant in this. But he will never shy away from protecting america. But today, trump doubled down on the targetting of cultural sites, telling reporters. It literally does work that way, if one country breaks international law, it doesnt mean another country can therefore be justified law, it doesnt mean another country can therefore bejustified in breaking international law. Iran has 22 cultural sites on unescos World Heritage list. One of them is in isfhan, the Central Mosque there was built the 17th century. Unesco says its an outstanding example of iranian and islamic architecture. The ancient ruins of persepolis are more than 2,000 years old, and a major attraction forforeign tourists. Earlier the head of unesco reminded the us that both tehran and washington are signatories to a 1972 convention obliging states not to undertake any deliberate measures which might damage directly or indirectly the cultural and Natural Heritage of other states. Evidently that document from 1972 is not influencing donald trump a great deal at the moment. Irans foreign minister javad zarif says. Earlier, we heard from the former Us Ambassador to yemen on this story. Here she is again on trumps threat. There are clear rules, norms that any decent society, any decent government does not go after cultural sites. And to do that would be escalatory in a manner that we havent seen. Destroying cultural sites is what isis does, thats what the taliban does. Thats what the nazis did. And to even threaten that is outrageous. Lets look at the reaction within the United States to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Nancy pelosi, whos the democratic speaker of the house of representatives thats the lower house of congress lets look at the reaction within the United States said that this week, the house will vote on a war powers resolution to limit the president s military actions regarding iran. She says the killing endangered our servicemembers, diplomats, and others by risking a serious escalation of tensions with iran. Ben cardin is a democratic senator on the Foreign Relations committee. We need to understand the game plan. We need to understand what comes next. The consequences of this action, we know were provocative, and its likely to accelerate a conflict between the United States and iran. Thats something we needed to evaluate, and it needed to be evaluated in a more democratic process. Democrats are also criticising the Trump Administration for not providing advance notice of the air strike. We should say the administration did meet a a8 hour deadline to notify congress afterwards. The document was classified, and no public version was released. And trump is clear he doesnt plan to give Congress Advanced warning if he strikes against iran again. I think hejust means i think he just means the tweets he was sending. The house Foreign Relations committee replied. So its all going really well. Gary odonaghue is in washington. Hi, gary. More constructive dialogue between the two sides . Just mudslinging and name calling, isnt it . Although later in this week, we are expecting the administration to brief congress to some degree on the background behind the soleimani killing. They are expected to talk to whats called the gang of eight to whats called the gang of eight to start with, effectively the leading four democrats in the house and the four leading democrats in the senate. And after that, perhaps for a full congressional briefing, then a Senate Briefing after that. So we will see if those things do actually happen. But theres certainly a lot of pressure for that here in congress which was back this week. In terms of the strategy behind this move, has the Trump Administration sought to explain this ina administration sought to explain this in a wider plan for the region . Not particularly. They continue to say that on the one hand, there was an imminent threat. And again, just in the last few minutes, weve had the defence secretary and the chairman of the joint chiefs coming out and saying that while there wasnt a specific who, when, where oi wasnt a specific who, when, where or how, there was an imminent threat to americans and that is why they took the action against soleimani. And of course they say that theyve been responsible for attacks before that. Their argument was it was defensive, not offensive, stopping a war not starting one. Now we will see how that plays out, but certainly this administration is bracing itself for retaliation, theres no question about that. Thats why you hear mr trump making pretty bellicose statements on the plane back from florida yesterday, talking about disproportionate responses to any retaliation, and indeed attacking those cultural sites. Another thing, just from that briefing that mark esper and the joint chiefs hasjust briefing that mark esper and the joint chiefs has just given, they we re joint chiefs has just given, they were pressed about this question of cultural sites and then being attacked. And they said they would do anything, they would stick to the Law International law, and they were suppressed on this and made it clear that would include not attacking those cultural sites. Gary, thank you very much. Geo political tensions over iran are rattling global markets. As you can imagine theyre not going down well. Oil prices topped 70 a barrel on monday thats around a seven year high while gold, seen as a safe haven, soared. Samira husseins in new york. Good to see you, i cant say on that surprise, seeing these numbers . M course people are going to go to what they call safe havens, so things like gold, as he rightly pointed out. At the beginning of trading on monday, we saw that the markets have fallen by 200 points, and it is seen as a pretty big reaction to some of the geopolitical tensions were seeing. But markets closed just a little while ago and we saw the actually, a closed higher for the day. And it was seen as an indication that traders are not too worried that this is going to escalate that much further. But of course, if that thinking changes, we will certainly see a pretty harsh reaction on the Financial Markets here in the us. Say there, another thing to ask you about involves a boeing. More problems. The us plane maker says its looking a wiring problem on the 737 max that could cause short circuits. That could mean yet more delays in getting the plane back in the skies. Its been grounded since march, because of two fatal crashes that killed 3a6 people. Meanwhile, the firm is reported to be looking at ways of strenghthening its finances. I bet it is . You know, boeing has not been able to catch a break in terms of news about the boeing 737 max fleet, and this is yet another piece of bad news. In fact it is being reported that this wiring problem could also exist in some of the other boeing 737 planes. So it is possible that this is not restricted to just the max. That said, boeing has countered and sort of made it clear that this fix would not take too long and would not significantly delay the max getting back up in the air if everything passes through with regulators. Thank you very much, so mira, well talk more about the australian bushfires recently. The Prime Minister is warning that the devastating bushfires raging in the country might go on for months. In sydney, the cost of the fire has been estimated to be 35 million us a day. One expert, who advises the Global Insurance industry said, we must adapt to increasing global risk. We need to adapt to those extremes. So that mean more supply of water, it might mean more supply of fire trucks, it might mean more people on the ground. We are going to need to think about the houses and how they are protected, and what they are protected, and what theyre built from. Insurance companies can help with that, they can encourage and in fact, the australian Insurance Companies have been very, very proactive in doing this. So they can encourage the right behaviour, encourage adaptation, and rewarded with lower premiums if people build houses better. Hard to do with fire, i have to say, easier to do with flood. But these are things that we think about it, we can do better. And when you think about what other parts of the world, apart from australia, canada, and the us, that we need to think about. Stay with us on outside source. Still to come the former hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is facing new sex crime charges in los angeles on the same day his rape trial got under way in new york. The Uk Home Office is bringing forward a review into whether controls for drugs like ghb are tough enough. It follows the sentencing of Reynhard Sinaga, the most prolific rapist in british criminal history, who was convicted of offences against a8 men. Ghb is the drug sinaga is believed to have used on victims. Our correspondent june kelly has more. Its been described as a party drug. Ghb is said to reduce inhibitions and increase sexual pleasure. But as Reynhard Sinaga has demonstrated, it can also be a weapon in a rapists arsenal. It often originates from a colorless liquid, which can then be used to spike drinks and knock a victim unconscious. And in higher doses, it can kill. Eric michaels was murdered by a serial offender with an overdose of ghb. He linked up with Gerald Matovu through the gay dating app, grindr. Matovu was a prolific thief who drugged the men he meant to steal from them. The dose of ghb he gave Eric Michaels proved fatal. Eric michaels family are campaigning forghb to be reclassified its currently a class c drug. Ghb is a really, really dangerous drug. Its the drug that killed my dad, and it killed multiple other people. It needs to be changed to a class a drug. Now, there will be a review of whether controls on drugs like ghb are tough enough. It was ordered today by the home secretary in response to the sinaga case. Detectives have found no evidence that Reynhard Sinaga killed any of the men he targeted. But the unprecedented scale of his offending has exposed a dark world and the dangers of ghb. June kelly, bbc news. This is outside source, live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is. Huge crowds have taken to the streets in iran to pay respects to the iranian general Qasem Soleimani who was killed in a us attack on friday. Iran has said it will no longer abide by any part of the 2015 nuclear deal that means ignoring any restrictions on its enrichment of uranium. Remember, the us has already walked away from this deal but the eu remains committed. Its Foreign Affairs chief said he regrets tehrans move and that full implementation of the deal was more important than ever for regional and global stability. Maybe but given the Trump Administration has hit iran with a range of sanctions since it walked away from the deal and given the us hasjust assassinated one of the powerfulfigures in iran, the eu cant have been surprised. On sunday, angela merkel, emmanuel macron, and Boris Johnson released a joint statement. Curiously, they found no time to reference donald trump who was responsible for the violent action thats caused the escalation. We can only wonder why. Well today, nato ambassadors met in brussels. Heres the nato secretary general. We have recently seen an escalation by iran, including the strike on a saudi energy facility, and the shooting down of an american drone. At our meeting today, allies called for restraint and de escalation. A new conflict would be in no ones interest. So iran must refrain from further violence and provocations. No mention therefrom at nato whether america should refrain from more violence and provocations. The un secretary general has also spoken. We are living in dangerous times. Geopolitical tensions are at their highest level this century. And this turbulence is escalating. If a Nuclear Nonproliferation can no longer be taken for granted. This cauldron of tensions are leaving more and more countries to take unpredicted decisions, with unpredictable consequences, and the profound risk of miscalculation. Lets look now at the Iran Nuclear Deal in more detail. This is from back in 2015. There were eight signaturies the us, uk, france, china, russia, germany, the eu and iran which agreed to limit its Nuclear Ambitions in return for sanctions relief. That changed with this executive order signed by donald trump in may 2018. He walked away from the deal and reinstated us sanctions. Mr trump argued irans activities in the middle east needed to be curbed as part of any new arrangement and more generally he argued it was too financially generous. European powers have tried to limit the damage of us sanctions, but theres only so much that can be done. Any company that breaks a us sanction cant operate in the us. Thats a serious deterrent. So where have we got to with this deal . Heres one us negotiator who was one of its architects. If you read what the iranian announcement said, it said it is still keeping the door open to either diplomatic solution, or to rejoining or coming back into compliance with the deal if europe provided the kind of sanctions or relief that would make up for some of the harm that it suffered as a result of the us withdrawal from the deal. It is something europe has tried to do, it probably hasnt done enough, certainly not enough in irans eyes. Iran has always insisted its Nuclear Programme is peaceful. And we should note, prior to the americans walking away, the uns Nuclear Watchdog found that iran was sticking to the terms of the deal. This map shows some of the changes made to limit its Nuclear Programme. It includes redesigning a heavy water reactor in the city of arak which meant it couldnt assist in the production of weapons grade plutonium. Iran has since breached the nuclear deal, citing the us sanctions, but says all breaches are reversable. For that to happen, us sanctions have to go that of course is not looking likely. Heres Robert Malley again. Theres no way that iran, again, even before hand, was not prepared to come back to the negotiating table unless there was some sanctions relief. After the killing of Qasem Soleimani, i think it is completely out of the question. And again, we shouldnt be here, theres no reason why we should be facing the possibility of iran now resuming at an accelerated pace, its Nuclear Programme, when things have been in place since 2015 17. And with Donald Trumps decision to violate the deal, to walk away from the deal, we are now coping with the very problems that that deal was addressing. Here in the uk, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged iraq to allow uk troops to stay in the country. Heres the bbcs Political Editor laura kuennsberg. The uk has particular interests one, in keeping the a00 or so troops who are stationed in iraq who have been there helping with the fight against so called islamic state, or daesh, also with priorities of protecting uk shipping in that area and uk nationals in the gulf. But though there is a sense that the government is externally concerned, they are not in a position to be the ones who make a dramatic difference to the outcome of this unfolding crisis. Pressing for peace, worried, and concerned but the Decision Makers about whats next . Not this time. How is around viewing what is left of this deal . You like it is interesting because theyve now taken the fifth and final step, but they are still in the deal. They ask why they are still in the deal if they are no longer committed to it, but it seems they are still hoping that diplomacy would work with europe, but whether europe will be able to do anything, we will find out later. But theres lots of approved the micro pressure from hard liners in the country on the leadership that they should just leave the deal altogether. The leadership that they should just leave the deal altogetherlj the leadership that they should just leave the deal altogether. I want to understand the best case diplomatic scenario here, that they apply pressure to the europeans, who in turn apply pressure to donald trump . They were hoping they can find a way to sell their oil. And the europeans tried, they introduced a mechanism through which iran would have been able to sell its oil, but it has been very slow and difficult, and the americans have made almost impossible for europe to do this. But i think there is still hope, and i think yesterday, we all thought and brown would leaving the deal, enough is enough iran, and all the agreements with the Nuclear Watch watchdog. But they still continue with diplomacy, which is interesting. It is hard to say whether there is anything for europe to do in response. Harvey weinstein has been charged with Sexual Assault in los angeles on the same day he appeared in a new york court on a separate case. In la, the Film Producer is facing charges relating to the alleged Sexual Assault of two women in 2013. In new york, its five charges, including rape and Sexual Assault also relating to two women. Here he is, arriving at the new york court room, the process ofjury selection for that case began today. If convicted, he could be jailed for life. Hes already pleaded not guilty. Since 2017, dozens of women have accused the movie mogul of Sexual Misconduct dating back decades. Mr weinstein has always insisted any sexual encounters were consensual. His lawyer spoke outside the court room. Here we are, looking at a circumstance where she stands up in front of a court and calls my client a predator. Mr weinstein, front of a court and calls my client a predator. Mrweinstein, again, has a predator. Mrweinstein, again, has a right to a fair trial. I think she believes he is convicted already. That is not how this works. Several of his accusers also spoke outside the court. Actress Rosanna Arquette is one of them, here she is. As we stand here at the beginning of a new year and a new decade, times up. Times up on Sexual Harassment in all workplaces. Times up on blaming survivors. Times up on empty apologies without consequences. The bbcs nada tawfik is in new york. I began asking her about those new charges in la. The Los Angeles County District Attorney Just Announced a the Los Angeles County District AttorneyJust Announced a short while ago, saying he is being charged with sexually assaulting two women in 2013 one whom he allegedly raped in a hotel room in los angeles, and one whom he allegedly sexually assaulted in a hotel in beverly hills. She said both of the women came forward to prosecutors in 2017 and had told their stories of what happened to at least one other person. What was interesting is she said they are still investigating three other incidents, so there could be additional charges. And they say once Harvey Weinstein is done with this trial here in new york, he will then have to face an la courtroom to hear those charges announced they are. They set bail at 5 million, so this just really underscores how Harvey Weinstein is still facing investigations across the United States, and even in london. You mentioned the trial in new york, what stage have we reached with that . Today was the official start of the trial, they dealt with the few pretrial issues, including whether several sensitive photographs of Harvey Weinstein should be shown to jurors, something prosecutors want and the defence is arguing against. But it was pretty emotional back and forth between the two sides arguing, but it only lasted slightly over an hour. No jury lasted slightly over an hour. No jury selection will get under way on tuesday. It will possibly take two weeks because they will have to screen out thousands of people to find 12jurors screen out thousands of people to find 12 jurors and six alternates who they feel could be impartial in this case, and then we expect the straw to last anywhere between a 6 weeks. So a long way to go, but a really emotional day inside and outside because many women who are not necessarily part of this case, but have accused Harvey Weinstein came to speak their piece, came to speak in solidarity with the two women of this case. So it was a really emotional day for them to see Harvey Weinstein walk into court the first time. That ends this edition of outside source. We will be back at the same time with both editions of the programme. See you then, goodbye. Hello once again. I think we will see monday as a transition day between the quiet spell of weather that many of us enjoyed through the weekend, and something a good deal wilder for tuesday. The start to the week very much mark by some very disruptive weather across northern parts of britain. That goes right through to wednesday. At the same time, tuesday brings the prospect of temperatures well above the seasonal norm. But it comes at something of a price. By the end of the week, the rainfall totals will have really amounted up, especially so in the northwest of scotland. What is driving all this weather . It is contrasting temperatures in the mid atlantic and the north atlantic that is powering up a really powerful jet stream. And as you may well remember, every little kink in this jet stream is just the opportunity for an area of low pressure to develop, and weve got a real humdingerfor tuesday. Close by to iceland, the trailing front right from the word go, and there will be wet and windy weather indeed. For the most part across scotland and northern ireland, the wet weather eventually tumbling its way to the north through england and wales. Look at the strength of the wind, 50 70 mph gusts plus across northern parts of britain. Further south is going to be a blustery sort of day, but those sorts of winds could well be disrupted through a travel ban. Keep in mind that wherever you spend your day, the temperatures are well above the seasonal norm. That weather front continues its journey ever further towards the south during the course of tuesday night into wednesday. Just when you thought youd seen the last of it, the western portion of the front develops a way of thickening the cloud, and eventually returning a very moist air back into the southwest and into parts of wales, some rain here. But at least you hang onto the relatively mild conditions across the south. Further north it becomes a bright but very blustery day. Not quite as windy as tuesday, but the winds is still a factor across northern parts of scotland. And look at the contrast there. Fortunately it is a 6 7 celsius further north. From wednesday into thursday, i make no bones about it, thursday has sums tell macro some uncertainty to say the least. Theyrejuggling1 3 areas of low pressure, and as they all interact, it will dictate where the rain really falls through today. We expect at the moment it could be in the southwest later on, certainly the southwest of scotland, and perhaps eastern england. But in the midst of all that, there could be a dryer spell. Thankfully thursday through friday, we are more sure, a little ridge of High Pressure will develop just as we say goodbye to the low pressures. At least for a time, that transition is but fleeting, but at least it offers the prospect of dry weather until later in the day, where we bring more clout and bring back towards this northwest recorder. Temperatures after a chilly start, a frosty start, we end up with single figures for the most part. Here we are through the course of the weekend, weve been here before. Mild southwesterlies and plenty of them. Frontal systems close by to the north and west of the british isles. And heres the thing, we establish that very same pattern on into the heart of next week, with thatjet stream firing low pressures at us towards the british isles. But the air is always coming from the south and southwest. So windy certainly, but it will feel mild and i suspect much of the rain we find to the northwest of the british isles, something a little bit drier perhaps towards the southeast. Tonight at ten the worst serial rapist in british criminal history has beenjailed for a minimum of 30 years. Reynhard sinaga was described in court as an evil Predator Police believe he may have attacked close to 200 men after drugging them. Sinaga, whos from indonesia, was a postgraduate student in manchester. Police are now appealing for other potential victims to come forward. We believe there are over 190 victims that have been involved with sinaga, Reynhard Sinaga. And 70 of them are still to be identified, approximately. And well be reporting on the drug apparently used by sinaga to incapacitate his victims. Also tonight. Huge crowds gather in tehran to mourn the iranian general

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