Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170523

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And everyone screamed. And everyone was just still. Everyone was just a bit like. What was that . And all the stewards were just a bit like whats going on . No one really knew what was happening. And then we just heard people screaming and shouting run, and everyone was running, flooding back into the arena from that one exit in the corner which was leading to the train station, i think. And then it was just like a massive stampede of people. Thats when we kind ofjust saw. Everything. What could you see . There were a lot of huddles of people. There was someone on the floor and loads of people around them. I remember seeing a little girl. I think she was with her parents. She was sat outside the stairs of the arena and she had, like, a big gash on her chin and blood was coming down her clothes and she was just screaming and her parents were crying. As we were walking further and further, there were blue lights everywhere. There were police and ambulances everywhere. Did you realise people had died . I caught a glimpse inside the station and was just like, i dont. You just dont ever want to see things like that. There were just people lying there. The whole station and the foyer bit was just in pieces. I just didnt know what to do. Its so sad to think that people have gone and then not come back. To a happy event, a concert. And what was going to be the best night of our lives that had been building up for me for years. Since we booked the tickets, it was so exciting, and its turned out into the most traumatic things that ive personally ever been through. Do you feel lucky in a way to have come back 0k . Oh, yeah. Its horrible to think, you know, what the families are going through. We could hear people crying and screaming. Its horrific. Its awful. It is truly awful. Plenty of reaction round europe and the world today. Some very Moving Pictures of the french president , leaving the lie say palace there, doing away with the protocol and walking to the British Embassy to sign a book that had been opened in the British Embassy in paris, of course the french know all too well about incidents like this. Emanual macron saying is he wants to see more reaction and closer collaboration when it comes to counter terrorism, so when it comes to counter terrorism, so watch this space, probably plenty more to come on that in the days and weeks ahead. Theresa may has been up here today, through the course of the day, to be with Greater Manchester police, and also of course to show some solidarity with those being treated in hospital and with the families of testify dead, of course as well. He is Keeping Abreast of that investigation, which is fast moving and if you are just joining us, you should know they have named the attacker as 2 year old salman abedi, he is from manchester, manchester born, in fact he was a Manchester United fan, he has lived in several places around the city, they did raid a family home today, in fact there was a controlled explosion as they went into that home today, which they said was routine but they are not taking any risk, and theresa may getting back from manchester, having heard about that investigation to a Cobra Meeting this evening in Downing Street. So let us talk to alex forsyth who is watching at Downing Street at the moment, to see what reaction there is likely to be. Alex, i was talking about emmanuel macron, who is calling for greater collaboration, when it comes to counter terrorism. I am wonder what more collaboration there can be, because after the paris incidents, there has been a lot of working closely together, hasnt there in the last few months and years . Yes, absolutely, and after these incidents it is so familiar for us now, sadly, to see such expressions of solidarity coming from leaders across the world, other country, even this Evening Notjust in the state m e nts even this Evening Notjust in the statements that we are hearing, but in the symbols we are seeing in Capital Cities across the world, in expression of support and unity, for the uk, and i think because of the recent attacks we have seen in other country, in brussels, paris, there has been much work done about how we can better improve cooperation when it comes to security and terrorism, with the European Union and other partners across the world. That has been a huge focus and work that has been a huge focus and work that has been continuing for some time, there is of course, a common approach that everybody recognises, the level of threat that faces countries and the fa ct threat that faces countries and the fact that it is all too often played out in incidents we saw like the one in manchester last night. The uk isnt the only country to feel this, this is something that resonates with populations elsewhere as well, so, you hear from with populations elsewhere as well, so, you hearfrom World Leaders repeatedly in the aftermath of an incident like, the need to stand together, shoulder to should e of course there will be some examination in the coming weeks, as there has been before about what more can be done to collaborate, the try and reduce the threat that countries face, to somehow tackle this problem, but it is a very complicated problem as we know and one with know easy solution, so i think at this stage, all we will see is those discussions, incredibly difficult discussions continuing for some time. Keep talking because we are waiting for some sort of reaction for the Cobra Meeting. Isuppose for some sort of reaction for the Cobra Meeting. I suppose want they will want to know, and what of course want to know, is a bit about salman abedi. Who taught him to make the bomb . Whether indeed he was supplied with the bomb, because one of the things that would be the worst Case Scenario of the things that would be the worst Case Scenario of course is whether there was someone a bomb maker who is still at large who isnt known to the Security Services . Well, that is right, and pa rt services . Well, that is right, and part of the reason theresa may went to manchester earlier today, was to meet with Greater Manchester police to getan meet with Greater Manchester police to get an update. She chaired a meeting of the xhernl City Committee cobra, with high level officials not just from the government but the Security Services as well. Much of that would have focussed on the investigation, and that really key question, about whether or not this was an individual or whether he was pa rt was an individual or whether he was part of a wider network. Network. And if so, what kind of question that raises as you say, christian, about other people that may have been involved in this incident. I think we have heard from Greater Manchester police, that that will very much be the focus of their investigation, because that is such a critical question now, in the days and weeks ahead, that will be what they are looking at and trying to make sure that whatever threat that there may or may not be still out there, that that can be dealt with as quickly as possible, and we know, of course, that theresa may stood out here in Downing Street earlier and repeated in an interview she gave afterwards, the message that we are getting from the government now, is that the police, that the Security Services will have every resource they need to continue their investigation, in manchester, the Support Levels from the government as we have seen in the aftermath of the westminster attack not so long ago that, was message we had from theresa may, and the government then as well, they want to make sure that the police are resourced properly do their job, the police are resourced properly do theirjob, and the police are resourced properly do their job, and when the police are resourced properly do theirjob, and when we have incidents of this magnitude, of this scale, then it becomes even more important, that the police are able to get on with their investigations. And two big events coming up quite quickly. You have the Europa Cup Final midweek and the fa cup final at the weekend. Yes, i think that people will want reassurance, in fact the Prime Minister theresa may was asked about this in her interview earlier on, they will want reassurance about the safety a nd they will want reassurance about the safety and security of the nation. When you have Something Like this happen, Andre Ayew Trosty like this, it affects everybody in the country, that i suddenly start to think, you know, will i be safe when it comes to the next big event that is happening and theresa may in, when she was asked about that, was very keen to stress that the Security Services and the police are doing everything that i can to ensure that people, of course, remain safe, and the message coming from the Prime Minister, theresa may, as we have heard her say before, because of course she was heard her say before, because of course she was home heard her say before, because of course she was Home Secretary for a number of year, before she took on the role of Prime Minister, is that she wants to be able to reassure people as much as possible. Notjust reasure them when it comes to their safety a nd reasure them when it comes to their safety and security, but reassure them they should be as much as possible in, on an occasion like this continuing with their live, going about their daily business, and trying no to disrupt people. I think we can hearfrom and trying no to disrupt people. I think we can hear from the and trying no to disrupt people. I think we can hearfrom the Prime Minister now. Another meeting of cobra, where we again discussed the callous and cowardly Terrorist Attack in manchester last night. And the Operational Response from the security service, the police, and other Emergency Services. It remains the case that other than the terrorist himself, 22 people we re the terrorist himself, 22 people were killed in the attack. 59 people remain sqrired, and many of them have life threatening conditions. Injured. As Greater Manchester Police Confirmed earlier today, the perpetrator was salman abedi. A 22 year old who was born and brought up 22 year old who was born and brought up in britain. And as the Emergency Services have confirmed, throughout the day, his victims were innocent children, young people, and their families. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all. I want to reiterate what i said this morning, about the professionalism of the emergency service, and the bravery of the people of manchester. Through their actions, they proved that cowardice will always be defeated by bravery, that evil can be overcome by good and that our values, the liberal pluralistic values of britain will always prevail over the hateful ideology of the terrorists. In my statement earlier today, i said that the police and Security Services need to investigate whether or not salman Abedi Wassing alone. Those investigations continue. But the work undertaken throughout the day, has revealed that it its a possibility we cannot ignore, that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack. This morning, i said that the joint terrorism analysis centre, the independent organisation responsible for setting the threat level on the basis of the intelligence available was keeping the threat level under consta nt was keeping the threat level under constant review. It is now concluded oii constant review. It is now concluded on the basis of todays investigations, that the threat level should be increased, for the time being, from severe, to critical. This means that their assessment is not only an attack remains highly likely but that a further attack may be imminent. The change in the threat level means that there will be Additional Resources is and support made available to the police, as they work to keep us all safe. As a result of the decision, the police have asked for authorisation from the Secretary Of State for defence, to deploy a number of armed Military Personnel, in support of their armed officers. This request is part of a well established plan known as Operation Testimony for a in which the armed forces and the Police Officers involved are well trained and well prepared to work in this kind of environment. The Secretary Of State for defence has approved this request, and Operation Teppora is iiow request, and Operation Teppora is now in force. This means that armed Police Officers responsible for duties such as guarding will be replace by the armed forces which will allow the police to increase the numberof will allow the police to increase the number of armed officers on patrol in key locations. You might also see Military Personnel deployed at certain event, such as concerts and sports matches, helping the police to keep the public safe. In all circumstances, members of the armed forces who are deployed in this way will be under the command of Police Officers. Precisely how the military and armed Police Officers will be deployed, is an operational decision, for police commanders, and assistant commissioner mark rowley of the metropolitan police will be making a statement giving further details at new Scotland Yard later this evening. In the coming days and weeks, there will be, of course be me vents hosted up and down the country. The police will work with the organisers and hosts to come to a judgment about how they can go ahead, while making sure the people who attend them are safe and secure. I do not wa nt them are safe and secure. I do not want the public to feel unduly alarmed. We have faced a serious Terrorist Threat in our country for many years. And the Operational Response i have just outlined is a proportionate and sensible response, to the threat that our security expertsjudge we face. I ask everybody to be vigilant. And to co operate with and support the police as they go about their important work. I want to end by repeating the Important Message i gave in my statement earlier today. We will take every measure available to us, and provide every additional resource we can to the police and the Security Services, as they work to protect the public. And while we mourn the victims of la st and while we mourn the victims of last nights appalling attack, we stand defiant. The spirit of manchester, and the Spirit Of Britain is far mightier than the sick plots of depraved terrorists. That is why the terrorists will never win. And we will prevail. So that is theresa may, finishing her statement after the Cobra Meeting this evening, at Downing Street and some important spoils to pull out of that. The threat level is being increased from severe to critical. It is the assessment that a further attack not only is likely but may well be imminent. And to that end, they are going to deploy soldiers alongside police at key positions, around cities, so, this operation, which is known as tempora will mean they can increase armed Police Officer who will be on patrol round city centres and we have seen plenty of that today in manchester. 400 armed Police Officers have been on duty. What we will see is more soldiers deployed to help out with the police. The Prime Minister saying that is a proportionate and sensible response, we have been doing a quick bit of research on that, i can tell you that the threat level has been up there at critical twice before, once in 2006 during a plot, a major plot to smash, or to blow up transatlantic airliners with liquid bomb, you might remember that, there was a long Running Court Case and it is one of the reasons we have to put our liquids into clear bags when we go to the airport. Then it was raise again the following year when the security chiefs deemed there was a plot to bomb a london nightclub, and in fact that ended with the attack on Glasgow Airport, so with the attack on Glasgow Airport, so twice before, it has been at this critical level, and it will be at critical level, and it will be at critical level, and it will be at critical level for the foreseeable future, at least until that i know more about salman abedi. They know. Let us bring in alex, that wont have been a decision the Prime Minister will have taken lightly . Well, absolutely not. Because this really is quite a significant escalation of the situation, theresa may there would not have wanted, as she said in her own words to unduly alarm anybody so this would have been a considered decision to raise the threat level. So the Secretary Of State for defence Michael Fallon approving the military armed pennel at key sites to free up more armed officers on the streets. The reason for this, theresa may and specifically that threat level being raised to critical, is the possibility, she said of a wired network that cannot be ignored, a wider group of terrorists, rather than just an individual, wider group of terrorists, rather thanjust an individual, salman abedi, acting on his own, that has been unwe of the key questions that has been considered by the police and the government, and the Security Services throughout the day, and they have clearly come to the decision there is still a threat out there and the threat which had been veen there and the threat which had been veer, which did mean an attack was highly light likely, raised to critical which means one is expected imminently. The last time that happened was in 2007 after the attacks on Glasgow Airport so a considerable time ago and the balance that will need to be struck by government, in reaching these really difficult decisions is about making sure that the public are safe and protected, but at the same time not causing any more fear and alarm thatis not causing any more fear and alarm that is absolutely necessary, and in the hours since we have seen that incident in manchester, the magnitude, the scale of the attack, the number of people that died, people will be feeling very nervous, very worried and the Prime Minister and the government and the Security Services will be well aware of that, so services will be well aware of that, so they would not have reached this conclusion, unwill less they felt reason to do so. Theresa may, again, reiterating there, the police, the security service, the armed forces will get the support and resources they need. Her message still one of defiance, saying people should car i reason 0 defiance, saying people should car i reason o and keep the, capture the spirit of manchester in that defiant tone, nonetheless, choosing to take what would have been a carefully calculated decision to increase threat level and other measures you outline there. Yes, and reading between the lines, and we are, we will make get more from our Security Correspondents later, but it would tend to suggest that they might know about salman abedi, but they dont know about the cell around him and they particularly dont know about who has made this bomb. Bomb. It wasnt a crude bomb, i mean there is a certain level of sophistication that goes into building a vast and packing nuts and bolts as has been reported round that bomb and then, no only getting to the position are you have built it, but getting to the arena and detonating it without the arena and detonating it without the Security Services finding out. So there is a certain sophistication in the style of the attack. We heard from Greater Manchester police today. We heard from the Prime Minister, that the really critical question they were trying to establish because they almost immediately said they were able to identify the attacker salman abedi, himself, so the focus very quickly turned to whether or not he was acting as an individual or whether he was part of a wider network, we saw the Police Activity that took place in and round manchester which very much focussed on that, because the crucial question is, of course, is there a continued threat from anybody that may or may not have been operating with him and what we heard very clearly from the Prime Minister, theresa may, in the statement that she just made then, Thatis Statement that she just made then, that is not a possibility they can rule out at this time, that there is a possibility that salman abedi was operating as part of a wider network, and so, one must assume that fed into the decision that has been reached by the government this evening, to increase the threat level to critical, from severe, we dont know how long that will last, the threat level is constantly under review in the uk, this is never something that is just decided. This Isa Something that is just decided. This is a Dynamic Moving Decision that will co nsta ntly is a Dynamic Moving Decision that will constantly be under review, and under discussion, the Security Services as you may imagine in government and the police will all be feeding in now, into their decisions is in the ex next few days about what should happen next, but the immediate focus no doubt will be on those investigations in manchester and any other investigations that may stem from that. Yes. Alex forsyth for the moment thank you for that update. As the Prime Minister said we are expecting to hear from Prime Minister said we are expecting to hearfrom new scotland Prime Minister said we are expecting to hear from new Scotland Yard Prime Minister said we are expecting to hearfrom new Scotland Yard in the course of the evening and perhaps we will get more detail on what sort of operation is likely to u nfold what sort of operation is likely to unfold in the capital and perhaps also here in manchester, as well. So when that Press Conference happens, we will take you to that. But for the moment from here in manchester, let us hand you back to ross in the studio. Thank you. Let us look back over what we have heard from the uk Prime Minister theresa may in last few minute, lots of news wires coming in on that from the Prime Minister, first of all, the Prime Minister, first of all, the most significant element of her announcement, that the threat level is to be increased from severe, to critical, as christian and alex have been discussing, the Prime Minister said Military Personnel maybe deployed at Public Events as may armed Police Officer, she went out of her way to point out these Military Personnel will be under police command, let us see what else were have here. This is uk Prime Minister saying the possibility cannot be ignored there is a end wooer group of individuals, linked to manchester attack, and as christian has been discussing, one of the Big Questions is was this young man acting alone, or with the help of others . And just to remind you, with regards to the threat level, this is copy from mi5, telling us all the different statuses and critical means an Attack Subpoena expected imminently, so that means that the people advising theresa may are telling her they believe an attack is expected. Imminently. A couple of other details to give you. The, if we go in more closely on the map, we can highlight where it took place, the Manchester United arena which is the biggest concert haul in the uk. If we bring the map out a bit. We have highlighted two places in the south, one, an area where a house was raided and there was a controlled explosion, and also, in a separate area called chorlton, a man was arrested. We have an image of that arrested. We have an image of that arrest taking place, you see the man being led away there, but the police have not told us why the man was taken into have not told us why the man was ta ken into custody. So to reiterate how far we have come with this tory, the uk Prime Minister theresa may raising the threat level from severe, to critical. We know that 22 people lost their lives at the manchester arena, the concert had just finished. Many hundreds if not thousands of people were leaving the venue, and in one of the foyers, the Suicide Attack took place, we also know 59 people have been injured. As you have seen during this hour, the story is developing all of the time. You can get the very latest on the bbc news channel, here in the uk, On Bbc Word News you are watching outside and of course through the bbc news website and the bbc news app, but from All Of Us On Outside source thank you for watching today, we will see you tomorrow. Bye. Hello. We have still got some uncertainty in the outlook but in the run up to the bank holiday weekend, it is all about the heat building, and temperatures rising. We are getting High Pressure moving over to uk right now, so it is keeping just about everywhere fine and dry. The centre of High Pressure will drift away to the east, into the near continent, allowing us to pick up this continental air, and it is that air that will bring more sunshine and higher temperatures by the end of the week. Mind you, it will be warm on wednesday, areas that start sunny will see cloud develop, airs that start with cloud will see some sunshine developing, but for one or two showers in scotland, the afternoon should be dry and fine, even though there will bea dry and fine, even though there will be a bit of cloud round, it is warm airso be a bit of cloud round, it is warm air so temperatures widely into the low 20s, perhaps a few Degrees Higher towards the south east. That cloud continues to brake up, though as we head into the evening, clear skies developing fairly widely overnight. No clouds to the north West Of Scotland and maybe some misty patches of low cloud in central england. But a warm night after the warmth of the day. 16, i7 degrees cardiff and london overnight. So there is our area of High Pressure, right over the uk on thursday, beginning to drift away towards the east, but keeping it fine and dry, so the story really for thursday is more sunshine. The Aircontinuing To for thursday is more sunshine. The air continuing to descend, Breaking Up Air Continuing to descend, breaking up the cloud. We wont see Much Development of cloud through the day. Some patches of cloud developing but not much. Good pels of sunshine, not much of a breeze and temperatures getting up tow 23 degrees in glasgow. 25, 26, possibly higher in the South East Of England and then on friday, the warmth continues to push northwards into Northern Ireland, up into scotland as well. Widely temperatures into the mid teen, the wind starts to pick up through the channel and across Northern Ireland as well. That is because the centre is getting pulled away to the continentment approaching from the west we have these Weather Fronts and an area of low pressure, perhaps starting to see. So changes into Northern Ireland, wales and the south west, a threat of some thundery showers but ahead of it this warm and muggy air, with temperatures not far away from 30 degrees once again. Over the course of saturday night, and into sunday, that low pressure takes the heavy rain up to scotland, clears through england and wales, and we are left with some sunshine round, but also, some showers too. Slightly fresher air in the west, but still some warmth across the eastern side of england. So far, so good. Things then start to get complicated because some Computer Models wanted to draw in the showers that are not far away from the uk, push them northwards, together with warm air and potential for thunderstorms. Other model push them away more quickly and build this area of High Pressure in from the atlantic, that will tend to move in across the uk, we have Weather Systems and areas of low pressure brushing the north west into next week, but for the most part it looks like it should be turning drier. It will turn a bit cooler and fresher, but the question is, and the uncertainty is how quickly is all this change going to come about . At the moment Computer Models dont particularly agree, we are hoping for some sort of consensus over the next few days. Tonight at ten were in manchester, where 22 people have been killed and many injured in a suicide bomb attack. The Terror Threat level has just been raised to critical , meaning a further attack may be imminent. It happened at the end of a pop concert attended by thousands of young people, when a man detonated a bomb as the audience was leaving. It was soon apparent that a major atrocity had taken place, as police and Emergency Services rushed to the scene. Shouting, just people mad, chaotic rush to the nearest exit. All i could hear was screaming, crying, people running everywhere. It was completely madness

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