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Support, it has paid 1. 2 billion pounds to retain the rights to show Champions League and Europa League football until 2021. No doubt you heard about this story at the weekend, donald trump saying how low as president obama gone . To top my phone is chairing the very sacred election process. Pieces this is nixon and watergate. Bad or sick quy is nixon and watergate. Bad or sick guy. The president offered no evidence whatsoever to back up these claims and now we have notable reports in the us media, one from the New York Times, also from nbc as well, saying the fbi director, james comey, has rejected these claims. He has asked the Department Ofjustice to publicly rejected. That has not happened. There is no sign of mr trump will back down. Here is his friend, chris ruddy, speaking to the bbc. I spoke to him after he did the tweed that morning when he alleged there were wiretaps made against him and his campaign at the order of president obama. He was angry that he was targeted and he was very confident about the information he had. I dont think we have seen any work back from the white house since he made those comments and he told me later that night as the story was developing, i asked me later that night as the story was developing, iasked him, based on all the denials that have come out during the day and he said, i have this on my website, if they investigate they will find out and i will be proven right and they need to look into this. Lets go live to washington. It is a strange situation with the president said something happened, there is no proof, lots of people say it is not true, how does it get resolved . That was a good question. I think the original tweet seems to have been based on an article on breitbart, the conservative website, maybe a column by a radio host, now Going Forward there doesnt seem to be a lot of emphasis except breitbart say they based their report on reports by the New York Times and bbc news, saying there was a Court Ordered surveillance of People Associated with the trump campaign. That does not mean it was a wiretap authorised by barack obama on donald trump, which is what donald trump seems to be saying. If you bus into the denials and the things the fbi director, james comey, was saying, they are saying obama did not order a wire trap wiretap, they are not saying there wasnt surveillance. What the Donald Trump Administration has said is say this all has to go to congress saying we Want Congress to congress saying we Want Congress to investigate these allegations and see if there is any truth. To disagree with the trump supporter, i think they have walked back what donald trump tweeted. They are being very vague about what they are saying and they are basically saying Congress Needs to look into it. There is a pattern here. The president says something absolute and his Administration Starts to say slightly weaker statements that are related to the absolute statement from the president. Is this a strategy or our colleagues having to catch up as he goes along . Is it i think it is more the latter. We saw this in january when think it is more the latter. We saw this injanuary when donald trump made allegations of massive vote fraud, millions of voters supporting Hillary Clinton and that was in effect my he did not win the popular vote, because there were illegal voters supporting Hillary Clinton and there was a big to do about an investigation that would happen to find evidence of this and that is all we have heard since then. Once again, it follows that pattern where donald trump makes a rather striking accusation on twitter and then we see his supporters try to find reasons to substantiated and we will find out what happens. What is going to happen however is that it is refocusing attention on the russia story to the detriment of Congressional Republicans actions by obamacare, Congressional Republicans actions by obamaca re, health Congressional Republicans actions by obamacare, Health Reform and other things that they would much rather focus on. I played a report from arkansas focusing on from supporters. A woman of suzy got in touch and said can you spend more time on people opposing mr trump, in particular those who want to stop his Second Travel Ban mr mark are there already moves to stop it . We heard a Press Conference from one of the Attorney General in Washington State to filed the lawsuit that led to that first order being suspended and he said he was still looking at it and considering possible avenues to take, but the aclu, another organisation which challenged the law, said this was a muslim ban in other words, just another version of the previous quarter and they will challenge the same way. The ball is rolling. We havent heard concrete proposals for a lawsuit, but it is only a matter of time. The question of be whether individual states are involved in the lawsuits or if it comes from Civil Liberty Organisations like the aclu. Im sure we will talk again through the week. Time for sport. We will begin by talking about bt sport. It has retained the right to show the Champions League and Europa League here in the uk between 2018 and 2021. The reason i want to talk about this is how much bt paid, £1. 2 billion. That is almost one and a half billion dollars. A spring in the bbc sports centre. How does this compare with how much broadcasters paid for the Premier League . M compare with how much broadcasters paid for the Premier League . It is 35 increase on the past the bt paid only three orfour 35 increase on the past the bt paid only three or four years ago with a contract which is currently in place. It is a massive amount of money. The biggest thing is the fact that people who watch it on Terrestrial Television will miss out because not only have bt picked up the right to all these matches, the Champions League and Europa League, they have picked up the right to the hallowed programme which was shown in itv, so thatll be one of the major problems. They say they will put some content and social media for three free. They paid 35 more from this, but where will the extra come from . Will it be fans think more on their subscription or will they behave more at the turnstiles . That would be key. Bt, it is come to light, instead of the matches kicking out at a quarter to eight, it will also be six oclock and eight oclock kick offs. 6pm and if the uk time to help them out with broadcasting. Now, you will know if you watch outlets was regularly, we concentrate on its words that dont get the coverage of this day. Here is some downhill ice skating from ottawa. This is quite something. This is the final event of the season. It was held in ottawa over the weekend. This is the menss final. Just look at the speeds these quys final. Just look at the speeds these guys are going. We should downhill skateboarding the other day and i am working on the basis that this is as dangerous as it looks. Let me show you the end of the race. There is cameron na is getting his hug from his competitors, he won the race becoming World Champion for the second year running. That is the canadian prime Ministerjustin Trudeau enjoying the sport. Also enjoying the jersey. Trudeau enjoying the sport. Also enjoying thejersey. Im not trudeau enjoying the sport. Also enjoying the jersey. Im not sure trudeau enjoying the sport. Also enjoying thejersey. Im not sure he did any racing. The woman you can see in pink at the front did do some racing. She is canadian professional stu nt racing. She is canadian professional stunt woman when she is not busy winning downhill ice skating races. That is winning the race becoming World Champion for a second year running as well. Back to do cover a lot, cricket. A brilliant moment for Pakistani Cricket at the moment. Backin Pakistani Cricket at the moment. Back in 2009 gunmen attacked the shellac and National Team in lahore. 15 people died. Since then all internationals and major games have been played abroad. Tozzo on sunday. This was the scene is lots of people queued up. You can the Security Scanners at the gadaffi stadium. It was pakistan against shellac and it went off without problems. This is what it takes to stage a Cricket Match in lahore. 10,000 Security Personnel and three layers of checks on the way in the gadaffi stadium. International cricket has not been played here since 2009 when the sri la nka played here since 2009 when the Sri Lanka Team were attacked by Terrorists En Route to a game. For cricket mad fans in the country, the chance to watch the final of the Pakistan Super League on their own soil, rather than in the united arab emirates, made the queueing worthwhile. It isnt a big moment for pakistan. A number of top players did not make the journey. They viewed as too risky. Those who did come in keeping with the 2020 format, didnt hang around. Cameron ahmed top scored with a0. Arguably the man whose presence was most significant was the umpire. He was shot and injured significant was the umpire. He was shotand injured in significant was the umpire. He was shot and injured in the 2009 attack. By shot and injured in the 2009 attack. By the time he. At six wickets down, the former west indies captain, made the biggest impact of all in the game. Now leading, he made 28 with just 11 balls. They finished with 1a0 it from their 20 overs. The gladiators had faced were dubbing targets, but really what its meant they were always struggling. Not once, unlike sammy, did they manage to clear the boundary. They were all out for 90. In the 17th over. As a cricketing spectacle, the final might have been a bit ofa spectacle, the final might have been a bit of a one sided anti climax, but for those who have seen this sport they love kept at a distance, it was truly memorable. Now, later on outside source we will turn to how manufacturers of the teams London Black Cabs have produced an electric version of them and they are testing them in the arctic. Easyin easy in cumbria were the only. Celtics zoo has been sharply by inspectors for overcrowding and per Animal Welfare. Our correspondent, danny savage, has headed a visit. Conditions here were really are. Exotic animals were kept in rat infested conditions. The 136 report by inspectors here shows why it hasnt been granted a licence and hasnt been granted a licence and has been told to close down. Salfach safari suit this afternoon. A Visitor Attraction singled out as having so many problems it has now been ordered to close. The issue is Animal Welfare. An inspection in january found multiple problems with accommodation and a lack of proper care. We have had reports from the public over many years that we have chased up with the council, with Animal Suffering Head Injuries from feeding experiences, where people have been disgusted at the state of them. It has been an ongoing issue with Animal Welfare and neglect for even the most basic needs. The suit has been dogged with trouble for yea rs. Has been dogged with trouble for years. A keeper, 2a year old sarah mclay, was killed by a tiger in 2013. Her partner told me today a lot needs to change, but it can be turned around. With so many other zoos being able to be managed in a safeway, it stands to reason that this zoo can be managed appropriately. It will take some time to fix the faults. There is no reason they cannot operate a safe zoo. Reason they cannot operate a safe zoo. The man refused a licence to run the zoo is david gill, described by inspectors as being desperate to keep control here one way or another. And it was david gills attitude toward the number of Animal Deaths which can send inspectors. They say she did not seem to have a problem with that and the keeper to the Inspection Team that there are instructions were to dispose of bodies and not tell anyone about them. David gill says he wants to stand aside from running the zoo, but the new operating Company Needs his license, without it, the site will close. We are live in the bbc newsroom. Our lead story comes from washington. President trump has signed a new Executive Order imposing a ban on travellers from six muslim countries. Iraq has been taken off the list after additional vetting measures were agreed. Lets quickly did what we have, after outside source. If youre outside the uk is world news america. It will have the latest report bringing the gut reaction on those updated us travel restrictions. Here in the uk, the news at ten is next with lee edwards. It will report on the search for a new political deal in northern ireland. Republican and unionist parties need to come to agreement to form a power sharing executive. North korea has fired for Ballistic Missiles to the sea of japan. We understand they were lodged near the border with china and they travelled around 1000 kilometres. Some of them landing as close as 200 nautical miles of the japanese coast. As youd imagine, the japanese Prime Ministers is furious. He called this evidence of a new threat from north korea and said they are clearly in violation of Security Council resolutions. It is an extremely dangerous action, he says. South korea is equally wordy. It is our correspondent in its own, steve evans. There has been strong condemnation from the government here in its own and from tokyo, from the prime minister, and from washington. There is a background to this, us and south korean troops have just started joint exercises which north korea says are practice for invasion. It prompted the Chinese Foreign ministry to call for both sides to show restraint. The regime in pyongyang has been rallying the citizens. Missile launchers helped keep unity, like asserting north Military Strength and pointing at the threat beyond the borders. North korea often flau nts the borders. North korea often fla u nts its the borders. North korea often flaunts its missiles on parade. Nobody quite knows what they can do. Its ambition is to have intercontinental missiles which can strike the united states. If these missiles are a technological development, that increases the pressure on President Trump to do something. He says he has ruled out no options. The Implication Being that it includes the military option. That is a lot easier to say than to do with reliability and assured success. One story concerning north korea, here is another. We have more developments in the investigation into the murder of the north korean leaders half brother in malaysia. You will remember he was killed in kuala lumpur airport. The north Korean Ambassador in malaysia is on his way back tojohn ambassador in malaysia is on his way back to john yang. Ambassador in malaysia is on his way back tojohn yang. He was ordered to leave. He waited right until the last minute to comply but in the end he did do what information is asked of him and it turned into quite an event with a huge media scrum. He told some of those reporters that you can see there that the extreme measures by malaysia have harmed ties between the two countries. One of the things we have become more aware of because of this story is that malaysia has an unusually close relationship with north korea, closer than most countries in the have. North korea has responded saying it would expel Evolution Ambassadorfrom saying it would expel evolution ambassador from john yang. John yang. All this week we will be focusing on Air Pollution. It is pa rt focusing on Air Pollution. It is part of the season, so i can breathe. The world health organisation, Margaret Chan has been talking to the bbc as part of that and external White Olivers in whichever Concha Beuran need to take this issue seriously. Our pollution is one of the most pernicious threats to health because it is so pervasive and because you cannot escape it. Everybody has to breathe. When breathing becomes deadly, the entire city, it doesnt matter which party and it becomes hazardous to health. That eric and travel for Hundreds Of Kilometres B and a city to endanger health and surrounding areas. This is a big problem. Lets concentrate on moves to make londons black cabs more environmentally friendly. The taxes you see here are running diesel engines, but the firm that makes them is introducing an electric model. In a move i didnt anticipate it is testing the taxis in arctic norway. On some of the coldest roads on earth, in some of the cleanest air, secret tests are going on. For a vehicle that could help Cut Pollution Thousands of miles away in britain. This is the brand new design for the Iconic London black cab. Its camouflaged because its a test vehicle. But before they can put this through its paces, in the cities, they have to try it out in one of the most hostile environments on earth. And it doesnt get a lot more hostile than here. It looks like the traditional london black cab. The big difference . Is how it sounds. Its got an electric engine. Most of the time driving with zero emissions. Although a small petrol motor charges the battery from time to time. It feels like a ride in any normal black cab except it is a lot quieter, because you havent got the diesel engine. What you cant see is all the wires and all the computers that are rigged up in here, because they live analysing how the cab is performing in this kind of hostile weather. So this really is the traditional design and shape, isnt it . Its a 21st century take on a 19th century design. Is never easy finding a cabbie who will go to norway at this time of day. Steve mcnamara represents many london taxi drivers and has come for a look. Do cabbies care about the environment . Cabbies care much more about the environment than people give us credit for. The worst place to be, sitting in traffic, breathing the poor air, is in a vehicle. Youre better off walking or cycling. If we can go some way to cleaning up our own air and better the city we work in and londoners recognise that, its got to be a good thing. The people theyll need to convince are here in london. Even with subsidies, the new camps will be more than £a0,000. Too steep for the drivers we flagged down. The infrastructures not in place. Theyve got to put all the Charging Points on ranks and it just wouldnt be practical for us. Yeah, its great in theory, yeah. But as long as youve got the Charge Points and the money to pay for it. It all comes down to the dollar, governor. Back in norway, Government Support means you can even get a fast charge in the arctic circle. The new taxes will be built in britain, using chinese money, led by a german engineer. More and more countries are looking to make the centre of the cities free from diesel and petrol. We developed a taxi for the city of london. And as countries and cities in europe and in the world will follow. By the start of next year, every newly licensed taxi in london will have to be capable of running with zero emissions. But it will be some years yet before every famous black cab is truly green. Richard wescott, bbc news, the arctic circle. You can find out more about the dangers of Air Pollution and the so ican dangers of Air Pollution and the so i can breathe series on the bbc news website. What ever you are in the world, if you have a smartphone, go to yourapp world, if you have a smartphone, go to your app store and you can download the bbc news and you will get information. Youll find a quiz to test your knowledge on how we can cutair to test your knowledge on how we can cut Air Pollution. There is an interesting feature on the role trees do and sometimes dont play in cleaning up the air that we breathe. That is so i can breathe. You will see more of that through the week. Thank you for watching. I will be back with you at the usual time tomorrow. See you then. Quite often when preparing this forecast there is a clear story to tell. The weather is one thing and will become something else. Not so this time. It will turn milder this week by the return of colder air, how could it will be in for how long is open to question. We will try to a nswer is open to question. We will try to answer some of those questions. First of all, a view of some gorgeous weather from monday on the isle of man. It wasnt like that everywhere. Certainly not western fronts. This area of low pressure given a glancing blow to west of england but the wind gusts in fronts we re england but the wind gusts in fronts were near 120 mph. We dodged that. The low pressure quickly moving south east and by tuesday it is across italy. There are Storm Warnings in certain yet. Very gusty winds blowing through the south of fronts. In contrast, we have a ridge of High Pressure so we have light wind for tuesday. Fine dry weather to come. Showers in north west scotland, outbreaks of rain in shetland and the frontal system coming from the atlantic soap northern ireland, wales and the south west, outbreaks of rain. The winner will freshen. That pushes east on tuesday night. Most of that is gone by wednesday. Close to an area of low pressure was dual force winds in northern scotland. A truly weather front to the south and to push away. Elsewhere, we have sunny spells and temperatures could be numbered if you degrees. This area of cloud and rain isnt going to stop the process. It will help that process on thursday and friday as it pushes northward because it is a warm front. The leading edge of milder air. Gradually, that spreads north on thursday into friday, introducing the milder air from north on thursday into friday, introducing the Milder Airfrom the south. By friday, widely into double figures, some spots into the mid teens. Dont get your sunglasses out, plenty of cloud, drizzly rain in the west. It was the man. That ta kes in the west. It was the man. That takes us on to be weakened. The idea for the brigade is it will turn widely unsettled with Weather Fronts moving through were distinct areas of low pressure that could turn things quite windy. It would look like this one like this, butjust expect some occasional wet weather and for it to be quite windy and temperatures coming down if you degrees. The idea going into the start of next week is because an area of High Pressure for a time to just settle things down from the possibility of some widespread overnight frost. How long this settled Colder Weather lasts, the preferred solution is that after the start of next week with them, for the rest of next week, get into a mobile pack in the game. With the jet stream further north, instead of low pressure across the uk, it is closer to the north west. Because of the the north west you are the more likely you will see wet and windy weather. The list of High Pressure to the south. When the weather moves through it will have less room. He might get some frosty nights. In north westwa rd might get some frosty nights. In north westward windy front, the south east were settled. We have talked about the possibility of something called for longer arriving at some stage. That is still not nailed down with any detail retirement. Park that thought for now. Dont forget where you put your keys. We will get back to it and we will look at it again in the next weather for the week ahead. Thousands of vauxhall workers seek assurances about their jobs, after the company is taken over. The two plants in the uk have been bought by the french group that owns peugeot and citroen. Workers have been voicing their disquiet. Are we all worried . Of course, were all going to be worried because weve all got families. I mean, i myself have been here nearly 30 years. Disbelief because no one really knows what is going on. As again, we havent been told. The new owners are warning that british workers will have to reach a benchmark of efficiency, and the future is up to them. I trust my vauxhall employees in the uk. As long as we improve performance and we become the best, there is no risk they should fear. And while some observers warn that brexit will make things even more uncertain, others say it presents

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