A major Downhill Skateboarding Event in australia. Another extraordinary day in the short life of the Trump Administration. Donald trump started the day by attacking the media and the intelligence services. Thats as more questions emerged about the circumstances around Michael Flynns resignation as National Security advisor. The democrats and some republicans are calling for an independent inquiry into the Trump Administrations links to russia. And mr trumps hosted a Very Good Natured visit by Israels Benjamin Netanyahu during which he ditched americas long standing commitment to the Two State Solution in the middle east. Lest any of us get used to the frantic pace. The bbcs North America Editor has a reminderfor us. Throughout the campaign and during the early days of mr trumps presidency, weve spoken a lot to katty kay. When you do get moments to pause and reflect, what are you making of it . When i get those moments i prefer to sleep, because theres not enough of that going on in washington. It is extraordinary. Whatjohn was referring to is that this is an administration that seems to be entirely occupied with scandals and who is up and who is down. We have not had the new travel ban, which we were meant to get this week. We havent had Tax Reform Proposals or in Infrastructure Spending bill, all of those things that donald trump said he was going to do. The things that he promised he would do immediately when he got into office have been derailed by the problems of this administration. I spoke to a democratic Congressmen On i spoke to a democratic Congressmen On today, and he said this is all raising questions of competence. Theres a lot of issues we want to raise with you. First of all this story claiming that Trump Campaign aides had frequent contacts with russian intelligence. On donald trump s twitter feed, he says that the real scandal is that classified information is given out like candy. Is there an issue between mr trump and the Intelligence Agencies, and do we have to acknowledge that there are people out there that have it into him . One of the tweets he sent out this morning was directly attacking the fbi and the National Security agency, which is another branch of the intelligence community. Donald trump and Michael Flynn have made no bones about this. They have taken on the Intelligence Agencies before taking office and now, and if you take them on, it will come back to bite you. He doesnt have loyalty from those agencies and they are talking to reporters. It is a problem. If they Start Talking about sensitive issues like north korea, it could be a National Security problem. But the real story here is that Donald Trumps Campaign Team members, it is reported by the new york times, had beenin reported by the new york times, had been in regular contact with russian intelligence officials. Make no mistake, the story here is russia and Donald Trumps relationship with russia. Some questions from viewers. John says, it is hard to know what to make of all the tweets and the statements. Are they to appease supporters or is he out of his depth . Sum is to appease his supporters. People who voted for donald trump like his style, they like his tweets. They find their wrists and energy and an offensiveness, and they like that. He is taking on the establishment. They didnt send him to washington to be nice. They sent him there to blow up the establishment, effectively, and that is what he is doing. The tweets are part of that. I have got used to waking up in the morning here in washington wondering what he has been tweeting today. And this morning, as a succession of tweets attacking the media and the Intelligence Agencies. You can sense the growing frustration in the president. I would warn him to calm down a bit, if i were his doctor. And what has happened to the wall, jobs, and the immigration ban, we are being asked . And what has happened to the new travel restrictions. Where have we got to with all of that . Really good questions. The business of government seems to have been distracted or derailed by the process of managing the Michael Flynn fall out and these personnel issues. The white house needs to get back contract. It is a month into his administration. It can change, it can get better and more efficient, but it needs to do so soon, because it is losing a certain amount of credibility among republicans who would also like to see the new travel ban, the Infrastructure Bill and the other things that donald trump has promised them. He will lose Political Capital the longer it ta kes Political Capital the longer it takes him to get this administration functioning and normalised again. So far, that isnt happening, and partly because of Donald Trumps tweets and the things he says. Thank you, katty kay. And remember, katty kay and Christian Fraser presents the programme 100 days, focusing on the programme 100 days, focusing on the early stages of Donald Trumps presidency and the effect on the world. One of Donald Trumps earliest pledges as president was to overturn many of the financial regulations put in place following the 2008 financial crisis. The president has claimed the regulations are hampering job creation. On tuesday, President Trump signed Legislation Striking down a rule that requires oil and Gas Companies to disclose payments to the us orforeign governments for commercial development. Before we get into whether that is the right all wrong thing to do, can you explain to us what companies will be allowed to do that they couldnt previously, michelle . Lets begin with the dodd frank act, introduced after the financial crisis, meant to stabilise the Financial System is, after we saw a huge implosion here on wall street. Then there was something known as the Extraction Rule within that, something that didnt affect banks all wall street, but it did affect some of the week Energy Companies here in america, and essentially what it did was prevent them from Making Payments to governments in exchange for drilling rights, and not making it public. That is the key bit. The idea was transparency. Supporters of this clause claimed that it tried to ensure that the money was transferred, people knew where it was going, and it couldnt be pilfered for other uses. That is often known as the resource curse, in which developing countries, where they have oil, sometimes the benefits go to those at the top of society and dont benefit the people of that country. This was meant to address that. The Oil Companies have thought that all along and said it put them at a disadvantage. But europe have this kind of thing in place. Michelle, thank you for that. One of the directives that may be overturned requires companies to disclose whether their products contain Conflict Minerals from parts of africa affected by conflict. We know that competition for Mineral Resources has played a role in conflicts in places such as the democratic republic of congo. Human rights watch said last week that suspending the rule would undermine efforts to eliminate Conflict Minerals from supply chains. Alex duval smith has more on the possible consequences from ivory coast. Conflict minerals are considered to be minerals such as tin and gold that are mined in areas where there is fighting going on, whether rebel groups are earning money from their sale, all human beings are suffering hardships and loss of life because of the fighting going on for the mining areas. Has the law worked . That is under debate. Opponents of the law say it has lead to poverty, to mining families taking their children out of school. They will say that groups have simply become more mobile. Rebels will move on oil more mobile. Rebels will move on oil more quickly and they have learned to cover their tracks. But human Rights Groups want the law to remain in place. They say it has put Conflict Minerals at the centre of course corporate americas attentions. Groups such as apple and intel see commercial advantage for not serving items containing Conflict Minerals. Lets ta ke Conflict Minerals. Lets take a breather from the Trump Administration and talk about some sport for a while. There isnt much the Us Football Star carli lloyd hasnt achieved. Fifa player of the year, world cup winner and a two time olympic champion. And now shesjoining Manchester City and shell play in the womens super league. Heres carli lloyd with the bbc. Its another challenge for me, i think thats the biggest thing, im always looking to improve my game, looking for the next challenge, the next big thing. To be able to come over here, train with some of the worlds best players, be at the worlds best facility. Playing Champions League. Hopefully win an fa cup, and, you know, when the spring series. There are so many goals i want to accomplish. Most of all, ijust all, i just want to enjoy this opportunity. It is unique. This is the time im able to do it, with no world cup and no olympics. Ijust wa nt to ta ke world cup and no olympics. Ijust want to take it all in, win everything and help this team. They area everything and help this team. They are a fantastic team. I just want to come out and do everything possible. I wouldnt bet against her she wins most of the things shes in here on outside source were making a commitment to bring you coverage on under reported sports. On friday the International Downhill Federation will hold its first event of the season in australia. This isnt skiing. Were talking Downhill Skateboarding. As you can see, these competitors they re hitting high speeds on the open road. It looks pretty scary. Lets talk to the director and also committed to competitor with the downhill series. Give us A Brief History of the sport. The sport is relatively new. Weve been with the idf for four years. But i started racing six yea rs four years. But i started racing six years ago. The sport is, basically, we use gravity and we race each other. The bottom of the road or the hill is the winner. So you can reach speeds up to 100, 110 kilometres per hour, although, these days, the level of the sport is going higher and higher, so the roads we are racing are getting more challenging and it is sometimes faster. It looks very dangerous. It is, in a way. Many sports are bit dangerous. But you are not going to force yourself to go so fast unless you have the right equipment and the ability to slow down if you need to. The best way to learn through events like racing, it is a safe area where you know you will have protection, and you are going to have space for it. It isa you are going to have space for it. It is a reasonable presumption that most people watching it will not have done it. Let us know what it is like, at full speed, with three other competitors around you. When you are racing, you get a bit competitive. You use tactics on how you are going to win this race, so some tracks are very technical and you have to slide, like cars drift, we have to do the same thing through corners. And aiming for a fast line, for a fast exit. Drafting is also pa rt for a fast exit. Drafting is also part of the sport. So in a race, you are thinking if you are going to be drafting or if you are getting d raft. Drafting or if you are getting draft. You are thinking of getting to the bottom first, without crashing or anything. Thank you for making time for us. Good luck on friday. We will keep an eye out for that, and for Downhill Skateboarding more generally. Usain bolts last competition will be here in london at the World Athletics Championships in august. We shall see if thats really it. Quad hes always been keen on football hes always been keen on football and his sponsor has set up a week training with borussia dortmund. Have a look. Im going to get a chance to train at borussia dortmund, for a week, just to feel it out. I have had people suggest different teams, or suggest a way of getting into football, so we have been looking into those things. But at any level, ijust want into those things. But at any level, i just want to see if i into those things. But at any level, ijust want to see if i would be any good. I play football with my friends, and i think i am at a good level. If i put some work in. I am not going to say i will be the best footballer in the world, but i will be at, like, Wayne Rooney Level |j have be at, like, Wayne Rooney Level have just had a look at the Champions League website. Bayern munich five, arsenal won. It looks like arsenal will be going out at this stage, as they have done for several years. This stage, as they have done for severalyears. Remember, this stage, as they have done for several years. Remember, it this stage, as they have done for severalyears. Remember, it is this stage, as they have done for several years. Remember, it is two legs, but arsenal have a lot of work to do. Still to come in malaysia, a womans been arrested in connection with the killing of the north koreans half brother. Weve a report from the scene of the murder. Theyve sacrificed part of their pensions to save theirjobs. Thousands of Tata Steelworkers in the uk have agreed to move from a final salary pension to a less generous scheme in return for a one billion pound investment in the company and a commitment onjobs. Unions called it a tough decision but the only viable way to secure the future. From port talbot, heres our wales correspondent sian lloyd. Youve got to play it safe now and again. Not taking any risks in this game but nigel and scott boden say they are taking a chance on the future. The father and son are both Steel Workers at tatas port talbot plant and voted to accept the compa nys proposals. Even though nigel, who has put in 38 years, now thinks he will need to work longer before he can afford to retire. He voted, he says, to save jobs. The ballot isnt so much about the pension itself. Its about the future investment, its about the new pension fund. And the future. I think voting yes is saying we want a job. It gives us all a better chance to have a job for the future, a job that we all dearly need. Its expected that the company will now move swiftly to replace the old British Steel pension with a proposed less generous scheme, and in return, provided the Company Continues to return a profit, tata promises to invest £1 billion in the business over ten years. To maintain the two Blast Furnaces at port talbot for at least five years, and will try to avoid compulsory redundancies for the same period. Trade Union Representatives had somewhat reluctantly recommended that their members should accept this deal. I like to think this is a step in the right direction. I think the workforce understands that. And thats why its been a yes vote. Its been a painful process, a lot of scars need to heal and a lot of bridges need to be built going forward. Its been a turbulent year for workers here and at tatas other uk sites. The uncertainty during that time has led to a lack of trust. Workers say they are making sacrifices for the future of the uk steel industry. Their new Pension Arrangements will need to be approved by the regulator. Todays Ballot Result is not the end of the line. But theres now an expectation from steelworkers that tata must deliver on its promises. Sian lloyd, bbc news, port talbot. This is outside source, live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is israels Prime Minister is meeting donald trump at the white house At A Joint Press Conference the president made it clear that the Two State Solution may not be the only route to peace. North korea has asked malaysia to hand over the body of the half brother of the north korean leader. Kimjong nam died at Kuala Lumpur Airport on monday its suspected he was murdered. Malaysian police have arrested this woman in connection with his death. Karishma vaswani is in kuala lumpur. Is this one of the female assassins who carried out a audacious or tack in Kuala Lumpur Airport. Who carried out a audacious or tack in kuala lumpurairport. Kim jong nam, the estranged brother of north koreas elusive leader, kim jong un earned, but he fell out of favour and has been living in exile ever since. How he may have died in Kuala Lumpur Airport is an clear. The facts are murky. There are a number of varying accounts of what happened. Heres what we do know. Between the hours of 9am and 10am on monday, a man believed to be kim jong nam was attacked in this crowded, busy airport. Police say he was accosted by at least one woman who covered his face with a cloth filled with some sort of burning chemical. After that, he is thought to have walked over to that Information Counter to ask for help. He was then taken to a medical clinic. The focus of the investigation will move to kuala lumpur hospital, where the body of Kimjong Nam Is lumpur hospital, where the body of kim jong nam is believed lumpur hospital, where the body of Kimjong Nam Is believed to be. The postmortem will not be carried out until the body is released. Lets finish where we started. Donald trump hosted Benjamin Netanyahu today at the white house. They gave a Press Conference just before we go, here are some bits of it. As far as settlements, i would like to see you hold back on settlement a bit. I welcome your forthright call to ensure that israel is treated fairly, and that the slander and boycotts are resisted mightily by the power of the United States of america. Im looking at two states and one state and i like the one both parties like. Im very happy with the one both parties like. I can live with either one. I believe that the great opportunity for peace comes from a regional approach, from involving our new following, our partners. As with any successful negotiation, both sides will have to make compromise. You know that, right . The two Pre Requisitions of peace, recognition of the jewish state and israels security needs west of the jordan, remain pertinent. israels security needs west of the jordan, remain pertinent. Ithink israels security needs west of the jordan, remain pertinent. I think we are going to make a deal. It might bea are going to make a deal. It might be a bigger and better deal than people in this room understand. Lets see what we do. Doesnt sound too optimistic a good negotiator. That is the art of the deal. See you tomorrow. Goodbye. We have talked about how dry this winter has been so far. Here is another difference with recent winters. I want to take you back to a cold, frosty morning injanuary, and if you have noticed more frost than recent winters in Southern Parts of the uk, you would be spot on. On 33 occasions there was a frost compared with an average of 21. But in aberdeenshire, a frost on 31 occasions compared to an average of 36. This winter has thrown up a few surprises. Now we are putting ha rd few surprises. Now we are putting hard frost behind us, and our temperatures are edging up. 1a celsius in lincolnshire on wednesday, and you seem to be in a spring mood, spending more time looking down at the ground at what is beginning to come up. In south west england, where they grow dafydd south west england, where they grow dafyd d d ea ls south west england, where they grow dafydd deals in fields, everything looks in good shape. And the mild theme continues. Nothing to dent spring growth. Mild over the next few days and into the weekend, and the start of next week could be very mild. At the weekend, a cold, continental feed. Look at the isobars coming from the south and south west, wafting warm air our way. There is a jet stream coming in as well, and one is close to northern scotland. Easing on thursday afternoon. A bit of rain coming into scotland and northern ireland, but other areas mostly dry. Fogg could be a problem again first thing on friday morning, slowly clearing. Western areas turning to cloud in the afternoon, and some rain edging in. At the start of the weekend, this will gradually push its way south eastwards. Doesnt have a huge amount of rain left on it, but some parts of scotland, Northern England and west and wales will get some rain. Part two of the weekend could be a bit damp and drizzly. East and south is best for sunshine, but we are hoping for a milderflow of air. Sunshine, but we are hoping for a milder flow of air. And then potential for that very mild air into the start of next week, where temperatures could reach into the mid teens for a time. And that mild air continues to come towards us. Closer to the core of the jet stream, the northern half of the uk will see more of the wetter weather. There will be gaps in between the weather systems, with dry, bright interludes. This pattern will continue for the rest of the month. Occasionally you get wetter days, but in the gaps, a bit of sunshine. In the gaps, A Touch Of Frost overnight, but nothing severe. Daytime temperatures still trending above average for the time of year, which means more signs of spring. Tonight at ten. President trump engages in a public feud with his own Intelligence Agencies and accuses them of criminal behaviour. He blames them for the resignation of his National Security advisor mike flynn, the man who admitted misleading colleagues about his contacts with russia. I think its very, very unfair whats happened to general flynn, the way he was treated and the documents and papers that were illegally, i stress that, illegally leaked. Well have the latest as the president also breaks with diplomatic tradition in the search for peace in the middle east. He tells the israeli Prime Minister that establishing a Palestinian State alongside israel is no longer the only option that america favours. The ruling body of the Church Of England rejects a controversial report that marriage in church should only be between a man and a woman

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