Kate silverton has the full round up of the days news but first in a town where europes worst atrocity since the Second World War took place, some local politicians and the new mayor refused to accept the genocide happened here despite the findings of International Courts and the testimony of survivors. One of the few d oze n testimony of survivors. One of the few dozen in muslims who did survive has since returned to provide living proof of what happened and now faces a new struggle for the truth. This programme contains some distressing images from the start. We didnt believe that we would be killed because there are so many people and i couldnt believe they could kill all of us. Srebenica, the setting for europes worst atrocity since the Second World War. Gunshots injuly 1995, bosnian serb soldiers massacred thousands of unarmed muslim men and boys here. A small number of survivors have since returned. I had nightmares and i didnt ever get rid of it. I return here and living here maybe is a therapy for me. But the genocide verdicts of the International Court are being questioned by the politicians and the towns new mayor. Even here, in the very place where Ethnic Cleansing happened. Translation the genocide didnt happen. Thats official. Nedzad avdic now finds his incredible story of survival his communitys very identity a matter of dispute. Almost 20 years i was silent. Later, i realised that we have the struggle for the truth like for our lives. Nedzad avdic returned to srebenica ten years ago. He and his wife, elvisa, are bringing up their three daughters here in srpska, repubblica srpska, the serb run entity within Bosnia Herzegovina, that was formally recognised after the war but which some Bosnian Muslims, or bosniaks, believe entrenched Ethnic Cleansing. Nedzad is one of its believed only six men and boys who survived being rounded up, taken to Mass Execution Sites and shot in july 1995. 8,000 didnt. I had a need deeply inside me to come here, to show them that i survived. Maybe it is the best answer that all those who deny the genocide. It is revenge. Nadzads decision to live in srebenica is cathartic and political, aimed at those who wanted muslims erased from here. He says its increasingly difficult. Life here is not easy. Today we fight for justice. It isnt finished. Without justice, there is no reconciliation. I worry because of this curse, rhetoric. Everywhere you have propaganda. Because of that, my wife, she just wants to leave srebenica. There are different realities here in repubblica srpska. Many Bosnian Serbs see men deemed War Criminals as heroes. When the political Second In Command from the war days was released from prison, he was fated. One persons nationalism is anothers rightful pride in their country. With International Eyes focused elsewhere, bosniaks fear the tide is turning. In a recent referendum, Bosnian Serbs voted overwhelmingly for their annual national day, which the countrys courts had ruled illegal. Bosnian serb politicians from president dodig down dont accept International Court verdicts concerning srebenica. 22 years ago, srebenica was a place of fear. With bosnians serbs, croats and muslims killing each other across the region, the un had declared the town a safe haven back in 1993 and thousands of Bosniak Civilians flocked there. In amongst them were a young elvisa and, separately 17 year old nedzad. Besieged by the Bosnian Serbs, they were abandoned by the un injuly i995. Agreeing to transport the refugees to safety, bosnian serb forces captured the town. Elvisa and her mother, with the other women and children, were bussed out. The bosnian serb plan to kill muslim men and boys was under way. As you watch those pictures, do you remember the feeling . Yes, everything. Its painful to remember that. But its part of life, past. Our past. Ahead of the killings, the leader of the bosnian serb forces, general ratko miladic, made great play of promising civilians safe passage. Hes now facing genocide charges at his trial in the hague. The killing of srebenicas Bosnian Muslims has Beenjudged Genocide By The War Crimes Tribunal in the hague. The un definition is the intent to destroy a group of people based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or religion. It was systematic killing. Organised killing. And it was organised from a higher level to achieve all that. You need so many resources. So many trucks, so many buses, etc. The scars of war are still evident in srebenica today. This was a predominantly muslim town. Many who survived those times chose not to come back to a place the International Community had agreed would part of the bosnian serb entity, repubblica srpska. Theres a feeling of emptiness, of once Thriving Industries that never recovered. Economically depressed, life here is hard. Many eke out a living in a way that has changed little over centuries. Last year, the town elected a new mayor, whos promised economic development. Its the first time a serb has filled the role since the war. His views on the Srebenica Massacre Have caused alarm amongst bosniaks whove returned. For me, its not a problem to have a mayor who is a serb. Its not a problem. We are looking for that serb who promotes tolerance. Hes a guy who denies our past and denies the genocide. The balkans have always been a powder keg. Now the agreements that brought about the end of the war are looking ever more fragile. Theres increasing talk of repubblica srpska breaking away from the rest of bosnia, which would leave the entitys Bosnian Muslims living in a potentially hostile country. Repubblica srpskas president dodig unveiled a University Dormitory in honour of the former president , Radovan Karadicjust a few days before the hague War Crimes Court found karadic guilty of genocide. The new mayor of srebenica is from the same Political Party as mr dodig. Do you believe Radovan Karadic is a hero . Do you accept the judgment of the International Court that genocide happened in srebenica . No. Nedzad took us on the journey he did back in 1995. Then, as a prisoner, crammed into a truck with dozens of others, their hands tied behind their backs. There is the place where Mass Execution took place. It was night and they were shooting and firing outside. I could see the lines rows and rows of dead bodies. I knew it was the end really at that moment. They ordered us to lay down. Ijust thought, my mother would never know where i ended up, how i finished. Then they started to fire and i was dying. Ijust could hear moans. Moans of other people who were wounded. It was so painful, i was just praying to die. Then i noticed someone was moving in front of me. I saw and asked him, are you aware . Hes served, yes. Thats enough. I can show you something else. The security could come. Wed asked a lot of nedzad. The horror playing out in his head as he described escaping with the other survivors while soldiers went to collect more prisoners to kill. I was crawling. I was crawling over dead bodies. Broken hats, etc. It was. Nedzad was badly wounded and in terrible pain. The other man encouraged the teenager to keep crawling. As day broke, and they climbed through the forest, the full scale and planning behind massacre became apparent. They were collecting the dead bodies and they put them on the trucks, or tractors, i dont remember now. And the tractors were going somewhere. I dont remember where. Probably to mass graves. After the war, the International Effort to find and identify the missing thousands began. Amongst the dead, nedzads father and uncle. I know my uncle that his remains were found in four mass graves. They wanted to hide it and excavated them and re buried them again. Because of that, they have broken their bodies. I wondered whether People Living around the dam site now would know what happened there. Many of them probably dont talk or tell anything about it. Why not . They have fear for their lives. If they talked about what happened here. Yeah, of course. Fear of their lives from whom . From those who committed the crime and who supported the crime, and who approved the crime. Do some of them still live round here, do you think . Yes, of course. Each gravestone in the vast Potocari Memorial to the genocide victims bears the same year of death i995. The recovery of remains has been painstakingly slow. Every year on the july anniversary, more men are buried here. Sometimes a Bone Fragment is all thats been identified. The International Court in the Hague Hasjudged six senior serb figures guilty of genocide in srebenica. The former bosnian serb general ratko mladic is awaiting judgment. This woman testified against him and others. In a row of four graves at potocari lie her husband, her eldest son, her Father In Law and her brother in law. A few miles from srebenica, as the Primary School day begins, education has become politicised. Here in nova kasaba, these Muslim Children are now being educated separately from their serb peers. Their parents pulled them out of Mainstream School and set up their own in an islamic centre. They claim they were fought to do so because, in subjects from geography, to history, to literature, even to what their language is called, their childrens bosniak heritage was being excluded. Do you believe that this is a deliberate decision by the politicians the officials running the Education System in repubblica srpska to make you feel unwelcome . Nedzads daughters are still too young for these issues to apply. But with bosniak politicians ramping up the rhetoric against their rivals education policies, he and elvisa worry what their children will be taught in future if they stay in repubblica srpska. Srebenicas Municipal Assembly now has more Serb Councillors than bosniaks. The mayors party is ruling in coalition with serbs and muslims. In the opposition, a serb, whos been in politics since the war days. Hes the local president of Radovan Karadics former party and also the Towns Secondary School director. Bosniaks have said to us, if people would recognise and call it a genocide, then reconciliation could happen. Because thats not happening, its impossible. Do you think it was a genocide and what do you think about that viewpoint . Blaming international meddling for the possible break up of Bosnia Herzegovina is tried and tested political discourse here. President dodig regularly threatens a referendum on secession. His mayor in srebenica isnt averse either. Would you like to see Repubblica Srpska Cede from Bosnia Herzegovina . Before the war, serbs made up just over half the population of this area. Now repubblica srpska is 80 serb. After the war, efforts were made to encourage bosniaks back to srebenica. This family lives in a block specially built for returnees with international finance. But nedzad and elvisa told me they already know muslims whove recently packed up and left again because of the political situation. Elvisa would like to follow them. Nadzads surviving family never understood his need to go back and live in srebenica. I remember the words of my mother as well. You want to go to srebenica . He laughs you can go wherever you want but dont go there. Please. If you leave, who will be the winner . In that case, i think. In that case, the genocide would fade off. Those who committed such horror, they would win. Nedzad believes the scale of the crimes cannot be compared. But serbs also lost their lives in the war and there are memorials to the 3000 serb soldiers and civilians killed across this area over three years. Most people we spoke to whether serb or bosniak were keen to try to forget the past and look to the future. But, for 22 years, nedzad has lived with a burden. The memory of the 8000 souls who didnt have his luck. The burden of being a survivor of genocide. If we had a normal country, i can say that hatred, that nationalistic conversation, can take us to the war and the killing. Very often, i ask myself where we are going now because i fear very bad things in europe. Nedzads man concern is closer to home. Those who had their hands bloody, if they come one day and ask for forgiveness, i think it wouldnt be a problem for us. To extend our hands. Do you think they ever will . True reconciliation looks perhaps almost as far off as ever, particularly with genocide being denied in the very place where its judged to have happened. In the end, only the living can have a say on whether a country built on bloodshed will truly wash away the emnities of war. If youre tuning into the 10 day forecast because you are waiting for some rain, i do have some for you but not until the end of the forecast. You have a lot of dry weather to sit through first. The weather to sit through first. The Weather Front but brought some rain is now clearing away leaving all of us is now clearing away leaving all of us with High Pressure in charge of the scene on sunday. We will have a keen northerly wind bringing Extra Cloud Into Eastern Scotland and northern and eastern parts of england, Murky Drizzly at times. The best of the sunshine further and west with higher temperatures, some places close to 20 degrees. Sunday night is another quiet one, dry weather, clear spells, Extra Cloud Feeding in on the northerly flow in eastern areas where is our west with clear spells it could get cold enough for touch of frost out in the countryside. We the working week on a quiet note, High Pressure, centred in the north west of the british isles, notice the white lines fairly tightly squeezed showing a keen north or north easterly wind make it feel fairly cool for the start of the week but it will still be largely dry come in the wind quite strong and bringing cool air across the country and large areas of cloud but the best of the sunshine will be found in western areas, temperatures across the board a few degrees down, 9 degrees in aberdeen and a high of 15 in plymouth. We lose the strength of the wind on monday night into the isobars become more widely spaced showing things will be calmer meaning it does not feel quite as cool on tuesday. A fair amount of cloud into the south east, the best of the sunshine in the north west, temperatures around 11 and 15 degrees. We lose the north easterly wind completely, High Pressure sets and across the top of the british isles, a cold and frosty night are some on tuesday into wednesday, a warm Weather Front bringing extra cloud and extra rain into northern and North Eastern parts of scotland and North Eastern parts of scotland and elsewhere some good spells of sunshine, temperatures recovering a little, it will feel quite warmer, more of the same on thursday, plenty of dry weather, sunshine and patchy cloud bubbling up here and there and patchy rain into the north east of Scotla Nd Patchy Rain into the north east of scotland and noticed some Rain Beginning to show its hand close to the south. Towards the end of the week, and who are waiting for rain, low pressure should be good news and there is low pressure swarming and waiting to pounce as we get towards the end of the week. We do not have a strong jet stream, it is broken up and down in the south so that means area of low pressure will not race across the country instead this low will sit to the west drawing in a southerly wind and clumps of moisture and wet weather moving quite erratically northwards across the country. We draw in some warm airso the country. We draw in some warm air so where we do see the rain, it could be on the heavy side, it could even be some thunderstorms at times and generally speaking feeling warmer so we do have some rain in the forecast for the week ahead but she will have to wait, dry weather to get through first. Full weekend of the general election campaign. Theresa may says shes taking nothing for granted after success in the local elections, Asjeremy Corbyn insists labour is closing the gap on the tories. Also on tonights programme. France seeks to stop hacked emails and documents from influencing

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