school on the tuesday. i really hope... i think you'll be all right for that. hope... i think you'll be all right forthat. how hope... i think you'll be all right for that. how much money have you had to lay out to go over there. b, had to lay out to go over there. a lot. eurostar itself was in the region— lot. eurostar itself was in the region of— lot. eurostar itself was in the region of 1300 to £1400. the train from _ region of1300 to £1400. the train from leeds— region of 1300 to £1400. the train from leeds to london was about £350, bearing _ from leeds to london was about £350, bearing in_ from leeds to london was about £350, bearing in mind there are six of us. yeah _ bearing in mind there are six of us. yeah and — bearing in mind there are six of us. yeah. and then a couple of hundred term _ yeah. and then a couple of hundred term it _ yeah. and then a couple of hundred term it might pounds for the same in london _ term it might pounds for the same in london and — term it might pounds for the same in london. and then more on eating and everyone _ london. and then more on eating and everyone else. my wife was on this kind of— everyone else. my wife was on this kind of chat — everyone else. my wife was on this kind of chat but thing to ryanair which _ kind of chat but thing to ryanair which took an hour to get through. we did _ which took an hour to get through. we did get— which took an hour to get through. we did get told that they will cover the expenses, but it is a caveat to do with— the expenses, but it is a caveat to do with reading the book off, we are 'ust do with reading the book off, we are just hoping — do with reading the book off, we are just hoping that what the burke is deeming — just hoping that what the burke is deeming as reading the book of...