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Arsenal win the fa cup final against chelsea in a thrilling 2 1 victory, giving manager Arsene Wenger his seventh fa cup silver with the club. Now on bbc news, its time for the final edition of our special series nicks election takeaways. On monday, the Bbcs Nick Robinson shared fish and chips with voters in eltham, south east london. The group selected by the pollsters ipsos mori represent some of those who are just about managing otherwise known as the jams. The people who are in work but still struggle to make ends meet, to find enough money to pay those bills at the end of the week how will they make up their minds how to vote . Weve come to the suburbs of south london, to eltham, to find out. Well, its fish and chips for the latest of my election takeaways. We are in the south suburbs of london, in eltham, with a group of voters who are going to tell us how they are making up their minds who to back at the election. Just to start us off, what issues in this area, before we talk about the country, what things when youre thinking about who to vote for . When you are concerned about this area, what are the things that are bothering you, making you make up your minds . One of the things im worried about is the School Dinners. Weve had the milk taken and now they are going to take the school meals and theyre saying about the breakfast. My child has breakfast before she goes to school. How old is your daughter . Shes 12 now. And she gets a Free School Lunch . Yes, her lunch and dinners. So if they take that away, then. I think for me it has to be health care. If we looking at most of the services we get at the moment, take away some of the gps, it was easy to get an appointment to go to the gp. Ring up in the morning, you know when you want to go and see a gp. Now, its, whats wrong with you . 0k, call back at 8am. You ring back at 8am, you cant get through. And when you do get through, you get an appointment at 10. 30 but youve got to go to work. Theres no way round it. Its a lot harder now to see a gp. We are overstretching a e. So having to take myself up to a e which could be looked at by my gp. Interesting. I work in a school, and i have concerns about the School Dinners which we could come to later on. But i also coach at a scheme in stoke newington. One of the biggest things locally is the Knife Epidemic which is very worrying. Whichever party comes in, wins, has to have something steel cast in place to combat that because its a problem. I work a lot with young children, an Academy School in south london, its a real problem. My head of year spends 60 of her time dealing with social media issues which then spill over into the classrooms, the playground, into the street, so its an issue. Social media, people losing their temper with each other, picking fights . Its where it starts. 0nline bullying. When i was at school, many years ago, the bullying started at 9am and finished at 3. 30pm nowadays, with social media, its 2a 7. It doesnt stop. It gets worse and worse. The generation that is coming through lives their lives through a screen, through social media. Are you watching the election much at the moment . Bits and pieces. Promises that they never follow through with. U turns. A bit sceptical . Yes. Do you tune in . I do, i do. I listen keenly because i like to hold people accountable, so i will listen to what youve got to say, thats fine. When the time comes, if you implement those policies and then if you dont, ive got a Starting Point to say well, you did say this in the beginning. The lib dems with the tuition fees cuts. That upset me even though i was past the student stage, i was fortunate enough to get through before this happened, i thought it was very deceitful for them to make such a policy and then do such a u turn on it. I think, day by day, it gathers momentum. I think today use the theresa may, for the first time, start to buckle a bit under pressure. Also, a couple of weeks back, you had diane abbott did that radio interview. She wasjust. I found it embarrassing listening to that, you know. You all said yes she got her figures so wrong. Did it tell you anything did you just think, somebody has had a bad day . Someone tripping down the stairs . There is no concrete foundation to what they are saying. They are coming in with these wonderful ideas, hooks to get people engaged but in actual fact, they have not thought it through. I looked today and they are talking about tuition fees. How on earth are they going to pay for this . More students than ever, wanting people to go to university. Blair in 1997 wanted 50 of students to go to university. Way too many, but people are going. How are they going to afford this . Where is it going to come out from . I want to start a wider conversation a bit byjust asking a little bit about you. If you had to describe how you were, how you were doing in your family, does it feel like its pretty easy at the moment . Things are good, were in work. Things are comfortable. Youre shaking your head. Struggling. Every single month, youre constantly thinking can i afford £20 on my 0yster card, £10 on my 0yster card if you want to go out for the evening. Can i afford this . Even when you do the weekly shopping, it comes up to over £100 you are thinking, can something give . You are always plate spinning. Thats what i call it. Simple as that. You constantly got multiple financial plates on the go and you are just balancing. What do you do, alex . Im a teacher. Youre a teacher . Youre on not a bad salary . In london, no. For the hours i do. I get home at six at night, having got up at a. 30am. Its why there is a teacher shortage. I coach football, work with children a lot, you say its not a bad salary, i disagree with that. Is it tough times, danielle . I work for the local government. Most people would say it was a good salary, but im a single mum and shes going to school soon, yay, because Childcare Costs are joke. Im lucky that im coming back out of that. If i was thinking about having another child at any time. The Childcare Costs alone because its three times my Mortgage Costs almost. I think the problem with salaries of local lovernment, teachers, they havent stayed in the bracket of the increase of what The Cost Of Living has. What about for you . I am struggling every year. I have three children. Three girls 15, nine and four. Its with the same for me at the end of the year. You have to take out a loan, an overdraft. What do you do . Are there things youve had to give up . I cant really give my kids 100 . I have to struggle to make them happy. You had to start telling stories, rosy stories. Dont worry, ill get it next time. Is that for everyday things . It they want something, and i dont have the money, i have to tell them, next week. Had you heard this phrase, just about managing . All yes. Is that you . Yes. I feel blessed sometimes though because i wouldnt be able to afford my house now. We are managing, and if some people are worrying about how to feed their children, food banks, it makes you think, well, there is a whole world underneath this that struggling even more. We chose you because you are all just about managing. Its notjust coincidence. Youve found an unlucky bunch you become more resourceful. You want to go to the football, the cinema or music or the theatre, you think yourself, how can i do it on the budget . You might think, can i get half price tickets. Who is doing all right . You mps youre only jealous because i put a Pickled Onion we have had no pay rises that mps have. All the scandals, the public scandals. Its not at the bottom. The hospitals try really hard. Its at the top. I asked you about that phrase, jams. If you know you for certain who is, dont say. Do you know who earns more . Who said that phrase, just about managing . Churchill. Jeremy corbyn. If it was him, i would be pleased. Iagree. Theresa may. Isnt that interesting. She said that these were the people she wanted to help. Really . Who does she think they are . Talk is cheap, shell sit around this dinner table with her cronies and pals and mps and they will tell you that they are just about managing with their two houses in their 160 grand cars that we are paying for why are they taking the School Dinners away then . Thats contradicting yourself there, isnt it . It seems like a race to the bottom in so many areas. Ive got a friend who is a taxi driver. And uber have just about demolished that profession. The tax system discourages people from working because the more you work, the more they tax. When i sit down in my house, some people are ready to work but when you think about it, the tax doesnt feel fair. It doesnt feel fair. They should be encouraging people to work. The more you work, the less they should tax you. If you want people to work, relax the tax. If you are trying to balance the books each month, do the right thing, working 55 60 hours per week, all of a sudden, you are worse off. It doesnt make sense. Its like quicksand. The more you try, the harder it is to make ends meet. Are any of you hearing anything from any of the leaders that makes you think, they kind of get it. I think the nationalisation of railways byJeremy Corbyn is something good. When i used to communte into london, i would be frustrated, the fares have been going up, i cant get a seat and sometimes you couldnt even get on your train, in my head i used to think, ijust want this nationalised, and then it got privatised and it has gone down since. He reminds me of a normal person. He would sit around this table with us. I couldnt see myself eating fish and chips with theresa may but i could withJeremy Corbyn. I could say to him, here is my spreadsheet. I would ask him how he could help me. I think his demeanour tells me that he would ask us how we wanted things to be, so if labour came back in, i think before they start doing, they might start asking a bit more. I dont think he has leadership credentials. I cant put my finger on it. Dont you admire his honesty, though . I do. He is on honest. He lives by a lot of the things he believes in. Whether hes a good leader is another matter, but he lives by what he believes. Is that the right. Is that the test you set for a Prime Minister . It needs to be somebody you can relate to, warm up to and believe what they are selling you. Its like a sales pitch, who are you going to go for . And you believe him . I believe him but i felt let down by brexit, i felt like he hid, he disappeared. What have you heard from corbyn so far under the nationalisation of the railways . Have you heard anything else and though, yeah, i quite like the sound of that. Tuition fees was quite good. You . Except again, it went too high. From this september. Unbelievable, really, to think we could get it all through by then. Theyre promising it, though. That would be good, tuition fees. I got three children, three girls. Are they going to college . Theyre hoping to get into, but you know. But the fees and stuff. So, im not in a position to help them as much as i would like to. Do you think he can do it . I hope so. Its like you say, you vote for them and they do a u turn but you can never tell. I think mathematically it is possible my only problem is that in order to do that, does that mean that the Student Loans are going to go up so that cost of paying it back is going to go up . Its taken a while to pay that back, so im wondering if youre going to subsidise in one area, if you reduce somewhere then Something Else has to increase. I would like for the nhs to get back to normal, giving nurses a chance. Do you mean pay in the nhs . Yes. Nurses are not being appreciated. They need a pay rise . Yes, they should. I think the police, with the climate, we need more police, and we need rapport to be built in the communities. Who is more honest with you . Its looking like jeremy to be honest. I wont lie, i liked theresa may at first, in terms of the iron fist of Margaret Thatcher although she destroyed everything. Im not going to lie, i tend to gear towards strong people and i did like theresa at first, but there are too many things that make me think, you called this election, why did you do that . What about promises that the tories have made to help you out . Everything she says puts me off further and further. Its quite generic, they are going through the best for britain with the negotiations brexit, but we dont know. Shes been talking about sorting out immigration but theyve been singing that song for a long time, now. Nothing for you, personally . Capping the price of energy . Weve heard that before. Weve been hearing that for years. Petrol is going to be capped. It never does. You like the idea . I like the idea, obviously. It sounds good but is it going to happen . Thats one of the more obvious points you can rule out. Anyone with half a brain cell would know that were talking about private companies. Since when did anything work telling private companies what to do. Its never worked. The rail system, it hasnt worked. The government have tried and tried and tried to intervene but they are private company so theyve failed. Has anybody not voted labour . I wish i had. Ive always voted labour. Does Jeremy Corbyn get your. Corbyn is not really for me, massively. If you were choosing on the man or the woman. It would be the woman. Its the policies, as well, so im caught between the two. We vote every four years, we should be voting every 14 years, by the time. We look at education again, we have to get the people out, the policies in, by the time youre done, the four years is up. You vote for cameron, you dont like corbyn. You dont mind him . And thinking of voting labour. The change of policies. How much will they try and pull over peoples eyes. What will tomorrows story be . They keep changing on a daily basis. Who thinksJeremy Corbyn will be our next Prime Minister . Id like to hope. Hold on. Nobody said yes. I think it will be closer than people think. Ill bet you this Pickled Onion. I bet we could go into a coalition with labour leading. Who thinks theresa may will win . I think she will win. I think she will, i dont want her to. Does anyone like theresa may . When theresa may came in, i thought girl power. I thought she was on the money, but for me now, its a trust issue. Shes done a lot of backtracking. Can i trust her . Shes lied about the snap election. Then she turns around, can you trust someone like that . You need someone around you to advise you before you speak . Are they sitting down before they make these announcements . Whats the general thinking . That is what i would like to know. It is enough to change your mind . I was sitting on the fence, but now im 100 , i know exactly what im going to do. It is another bad story would you change your mind again . I was genuinely sitting on the fence for a while, but now im 100 aware of what im going to do. Which is . Im not telling. What two words would you apply to theresa may . Unstable. I dont think shes stable. Establishment. Gambling. Flaky. Rattled untrustworthy. Professional. You think shes professional . She can still win you back . Definitely. When i lookjohn major, everyone slated him. Quite dour, i think he was an accountant by trade. But i think theresa mays got the countrys best interests at heart. I see the similarities withjohn major. I think she has been found out though. I see your point though, ive never looked at it like before. Shes not particularly flash. Do you mean that as a compliment . Not a big flashy pr machine. Not like borisjohnson. If he was there, forget it. Not for me. I think shes straight down the line. I think she knows what she wants. And for me, thats going a long way. What about you . I worked in the police when she was home secretary, and she just used to push things through. She was stick to things and that scares me. Will that make her rigour tough that i shed a . No. It may be good for brexit, but in other aspects, she could be a bit softer, things like the nhs, see the Bigger Picture rather thanjust her road map for success. One last question. A lot of you likeJeremy Corbyn. Is there anything that makes you worry about him . Not really. The only grey area with him and the labour party is theyjust have to get their maths right. Im not talking about the diane abbott thing, im talking about in general. If youre going to see what you are going to say then you need to demonstrate where this will come from and how you think you will get this back. You need to know the numbers add up . Thats all it is. Will he get the brexit deal right for us if he goes into power . Thats my concern. Why might he not . I felt like he disappeared when it was kicking off. He was not at the forefront of everything. There was nothing to see that he was pitting his backing to it. He wasnt there for me. Will theresa may be goods in most brexit negotiations . Shes doing her best but shes stubborn. One or two words, not sentences, forJeremy Corbyn. Maverick. Friendly. Honest. Genuine. Trusted. Perfect perfect . Interesting. Gut feeling. Thats what you feel good about . Very good. Thank you all very much for being here. Time to finish off the Pickled Onion. Thats all from the show. We crammed in an all for what of weather on saturday. Glorious sunshine for son. But you can almost bet that at this time of year after the heat spell we have had, you end up the heat spell we have had, you end up with a lot of funders dorms breaking out widely, and as we get on into the afternoon into the evening. Looking ominous for some. And then turning wet. A lot of lightning a favoured few missed all of that. They had a day. The last of the under storms migrating a fair amount of cloud and rain for western scotland. A slightly fresher night for sleeping. Temperatures nine of 15. Sunday, still the remnants of saturdays rain there. Gradually keeping creeping further north and east. Some of the rain again quite heavy, wont rule out the rumble of thunder. The opposite end of the country, the rain still lingering. The mainland beginning to dry up, Brightening Up across the south west and across the North Channel into northern ireland, a decent afternoon. In northern wales two. Flooding in east midlands. Clouding over in the east midlands. Through the evening, muggy conditions from across the channel. I wouldnt be surprised if there we re i wouldnt be surprised if there were some thunderstorms, away from the main area which will gradually migrate northwards. The thunderstorms perhaps bothering across east anglia. Fresherfurther north. Monday, pushing the band of whether further north. A dull, north. Monday, pushing the band of whetherfurther north. A dull, dank sort of day in the north. More thunderstorms in east anglia and in the east. Rain, the driest of the weather in the south west in the south west. This is bbc world news today. Im ben bland. Our Top Stories British Airways blames a Power Supply Problem for the massive Computer Failure thats left thousands of its passengers stranded worldwide. The g7 summit in italy is over President Trump leaves without indicating whether the us will commit to the paris climate agreement. 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