Round up of todays news. In a moment the last film review from my colleague gavin esler. First, time for newswatch. Hello and welcome to newswatch. Brexit is officially under we but is the bbc playing down the views of unhappy remainers like the Tens Of Thousands who marched in london last weekend . Thousands who marched in london last weekend 7 complaints as thousands who marched in london last weekend . Complaints as well that bbc news is much too negative about leaving. So how do you cover this in century Subject Impartially . 60 yea rs century Subject Impartially . 60 years ago last saturday the treaty of rome, the Funding Agreement of what became the European Union, was signed. The anniversary was marked across europe but march in london that day was not so much a celebration as a protest against the decision of britain to leave the eu. After the violence a few short days ago a protest with peace and love at its heart. Thousands made their way to parliament square, many like Pensionerjacqueline Skelton had never protested before, many of her generation voted to leave in the referendum but she sees that as a disaster for her referendum but she sees that as a disasterfor her home referendum but she sees that as a disaster for her home city of london. That report which went on to hear from london. That report which went on to hearfrom a london. That report which went on to hear from a number of people from the Demonstration Ran on bbc london is but the bbc one National Network bulletins only mentioned the march in passing with ten seconds of footage showing. Many people complained to the bbc about what they saw as insufficient coverage, two of those viewers recorded their thoughts on camara for us. As article 50 was triggered on march 29 would have thought that much more credence would have been given to the march taking place. The early evening news put the numbers attending and 20,000. I consider that there were a attending and 20,000. I consider that there ya and a attending and 20,000. I consider that there ya and we go to great cornerstone and we go to Great Lengths to ensure that we balance news and will continue to discover developments in fair and impartial manner. The start of the week of news which has been dominated by the triggering of article 50 on wednesday. It kick starts officially the process of leaving the European Union. The subject was extensively covered on the bbc with input from members of the public giving their views on the uks decision to depart and what they expect from the next two years of talks. It was all too much were david roberson, who wrote this. There is no way that the bbc has any idea of the final outcome of the brexit negotiations so i spent time interviewing people on the street who have even less information about what the future holds. This is another viewers said we have constant streams of ministers, ex ministers, actors, singers, etc, saying that they dont know what the outcome of the negotiations will be. You are quoting. Card we leave it alone until there is some news to report . Not much chance of the bbc or any of the media leaving it alone, certainly not on wednesday when in a special programme on bbc one and renewal interviewed the Prime Minister followed by a renewal interviewed the Prime Ministerfollowed by a number of other Party Leaders. The presenter got praise for the way that he conducted piece interviews including this telephone message. Thank goodness for andrew neill. 0ne this telephone message. Thank goodness for andrew neill. One of the very few in the bbc to stick to strictly accurate quotation. In general there is far too much sloppiness and buyers but bravo andrew neill. That allegations of bias in relation to brexit is one we have heard since before the referendum in june and have heard since before the Referendum Injune and politicians have joined Referendum Injune and politicians havejoined in the Referendum Injune and politicians have joined in the argument with 70 mps writing to newspapers last week that the bbc had fallen far short of its obligation to provide balanced coverage and had skewed good Economic News since the referendum. 0n Economic News since the referendum. On thursday a rival group of politicians wrote another Letter Calling on the bbc to resist attem pts calling on the bbc to resist attempts at political interference and report fearlessly and impartially on the brexit negotiations. That divided reaction was also evident among newswatch viewers. Most people sided with this anonymous caller. Might i suggest that just for once the anonymous caller. Might i suggest thatjust for once the bbc could be more upbeat about our leaving the European Union . It has been so depressing, having to listen to all your presenters and god knows how Many Political editors you have talking about brexit. Always, always ina talking about brexit. Always, always in a negative fashion. Please try and bea in a negative fashion. Please try and be a little more positive. Thank you. Weather brexit is a cause for celebration and a great opportunity for the uk to take back control or a process which has already had negative consequences and faces substantial difficulties depends on your point of view. Yet others agreed that the bbc has emphasised the latter at the cost of the former. Danny gothard. The latter at the cost of the former. Danny gothardlj the latter at the cost of the former. Danny gothard. I really am getting tired of the bbcs biased reporting of anything to do with brexit. Country file giving nothing but negative opinions on what could happen to farmers. Bbc world news this morning, global sales could drop 30 if we lose access to the single eu market. This morning saying 70,000 banking jobs could be lost if no deal is struck. For heavens sake stop speculating. Another viewers said this. |j heavens sake stop speculating. Another viewers said this. I realise the bbc is not want brexit as is evident from the scaremongering and biased interviews. However democracy has spoken and it is time that eve ryo ne has spoken and it is time that everyone in the country backed it. The deal we get from the eu would be far better if we did not constantly report on the fears of what lies ahead. Lets take a step back and examine the bbcs approach to reporting our forthcoming departure from the eu. Strong feelings on all sides. Is there Something Different about brexit which makes the bbcs commitment to impartiality any challenge . I think whenever you have a referendum in particular, opinion becomes polarised and fees become entrenched and it is very difficult often to appreciate all Value Impartiality in those circumstances. That vote is now done. Leave have won and ourjob now is to scrutinise carefully the execution of brexit. And how the government carries out brexit, how it carries out its negotiations but to scrutinise not just the government but all politicians and that is why andrew neill did the interviews this week with Party Leaders across the uk. And also to scrutinise European Union officials. The job and also to scrutinise European Union officials. Thejob is now much more intricate and complicated than a simple Mathematical Balance between people who were remain or leave. So Thatjournalistic Challenge is strong but the audience trusts the bbc to do it more than anyone else. But we did get a lot of complaints, particularly from people who fear the bbc is always wearing and what might go wrong. There will be parts of the community who will have concerns about it and we should report that. I dont think every time we find someone who is optimistic or pessimistic we should suddenly have to find the opposite view every time. We are no longer in that situation of Mathematical Balance. What we have to do is reported properly so that the audience understands what the challenges are. That stomach that must be a broad range. Notjust those people who are worried, those people who think their opportunities. The references to that march, the bbc goes to Great Lengths to ensure impartial coverage. How do you do that . We put a lot of obligation on individual editors of programmes to do that. Pa rt editors of programmes to do that. Part of what i do is help make those judgments. But across time it may not be in one individual programme, it may be a series of programmes, people have to think about making sure they are getting bad range of view. Is that about a headcount or measuring airtime . View. Is that about a headcount or measuring air time . It is important we dont pretend that you can get impartiality by a stopwatch or an abacus or a calculator. You dont measure it by maths. You get impartiality by really good judgment. That is what our editors are trying to do all the time. People also wonder how they could report a story Like Lloyds Bank of moving jobs to brussels, for some viewers it is about emphasising the negative whereas that is only part ofa negative whereas that is only part of a changing picture. Negative whereas that is only part of a changing picturelj negative whereas that is only part of a changing picture. I think you have to make judgments on developing stories, and take advice from the Business Community itself. Editors are making judgments about those things. I agree it is important that when you hear those stories you also hear others that might reflected from a different perspective. After all this is going to go on for long time. In the coming years there will be many examples of this. I think its quite right that editors should be challenged to think about a wide range of views, notjust be challenged to think about a wide range of views, not just those stories that have been talked about. 0n the other hand many viewers have got in touch with newswatch to say, any critics of the Brexit Strategy are labelled remoaners and they feel that some editors are code by viewers and complain to the director general. Are you coward . One mp said this week that relying on mps to be arbiters of impartiality is like asking sir Alex Ferguson to referee at home match at old trafford we should listen to criticism, act on it and it is also important that we are robust in defending the bbcs editorial decisions and journalism when we get political pressure. Sometimes they will be genuine issues and sometimes political pressure, so it is important for the independence of the bbc that they withstand about. Thank you very much. Thank you all for your comments. If you want to share your views on Current Affairs get in touch by calling us or by sending an e mail. We are on twitter. Also do look at our website. Thats all from us. Look at our website. Thats all from us. We will be back to view your thoughts on bbc News Coverage again next week. Goodbye. Coming up in a few moments a detailed forecast of the weather for the week ahead followed by the days main stories in the news and ten, and at 1040 look at tomorrows headlines in the papers. Coming up in sportsday, whether celtic are Scottish Premiership champions, they needed aberdeen at toulouse tonight to get the title, and the results from this evens rugby League Matches and charley hull has made a good start to the first golf major of the year in california, one shot off the lead after the first round. All of that and more in sportsday at 10 30pm with me. Now its the film review. Hello and welcome to the film review on bbc news. To take us through this weeks cinema releases we have mark kermode. What do we have, mark . This is a very, very mixed week. We have graduation, which is a low key and intense drama. We have ghost in the shell, controversial live action adaptation of a famous manga and anime. And free fire, the new film from ben wheatley. Ben wheatley, we are both fans of ben wheatley. So, graduation. Graduation is from cristian mungiu, the romanian director of 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days, which you remember we reviewed here on the programme some time ago. This is another low key and very intense drama. The story is a doctor, his daughter is on her way to school, is attacked, she gets a broken wrist and the doctor is just simply worried it will affect her exams. He is desperate for her to get great exam grades because he wants her to be able to go and study in britain. He is convinced that she needs to get away because the place they live is not somewhere that he wants his daughter to grow up. All he can focus on is this desire for her to get good exam grades. As a result of it, he gets drawn into a web of duplicity and corruption. That somebody knows somebody who could perhaps ensure the exam grades are ok, but only in return for a favour for a deputy mayor who needs to be moved up in his wait for a transplant

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