Of weird moves. Macarena. Hey, scaramucci but some things are still refreshingly familiar. Donald trump tweeting a short time ago change . Yes. But revolution . No. John sopel, bbc news, washington. Thats a summary of the news, newsday is coming up at midnight. Now on bbc news its time for newsnight. Bundled away in his pajamas. Theres International Condemnation tonight for the violent crackdown in venezuala. As these Opposition Leaders are detained, the un and the eu urge their immediate release. Well try to understand the situation, with the help of an opposition senator and a pro government activist. Fentanyl, an anaesthetic 50 times more powerful than heroin, is the drug that killed the rock star prince. Today we learned that its illicit use has killed at least 60 people already this year in one area of the county alone. Well ask why did it take so long to realise this was going on . And ryanairs shy and self effacing boss is warning of severe turbulence for air travel when we brexit. Is he right . Good evening. The world has finally focussed on the severity of the crisis in venezuela following sundays vote to put more power in the hands of president maduro. The lethal cocktail of violent crackdown, food shortages, spiralling inflation, rapidly draining reserves is breeding chaos. The abduction of Opposition Leaders in the middle of the night, filmed on the Mobile Phones of their families, will have been viewed millions of times in the country, and the International Response has been overwhelmingly condemnatory. Only cuba is standing four square behind president maduro. Following us sanctions imposed yesterday the un secretary general Antonio Guterres called for urgent political negotiations between the government and the opposition to curb the escalating tension and violence. Vladimir hernandez is a venezuelan correspondent for the bbc and has this report on the crisis in his home country. In the middle of last night, in pyjamas, in front of family members, a venezuelan opposition politician is bundled into a vehicle belonging to the intelligence services. Help, said antonio ledezma, who has been kept under house arrest for two years for allegedly plotting against president maduro. This is a dictatorship, says this woman, while he is taken away. At the same time, another opposition politician, leopoldo lopez, is also arrested. He is a well known politician who was recently put under house arrest after being imprisoned since 2015 for supposedly inciting violent acts. For half a century, venezuela was seen as one of the most stable countries in latin america, but since chavez was elected at the turn of the century, increasingly their democratic credentials have been been called into question. Last nights arrests come amidst an ongoing political battle between the successor of hugo chavez and plans to change the constitution. And the political instability is fuelling social unrest. In the streets, protests have been erupting since april, venezuelans have long put up with inflation of at least 800 . Severe food and medicine shortages mean that the people are living through the worst years since the chavez revolution. Caracas is basically collapsed. You can find barricades in every other corner. President maduro says that the changes to the constitution voted in on sunday were to restore peace in the country, but, here, he is also saying that with these new powers he will seek to remove the Attorney General, a former government supporter who has now accused the government of state terrorism, for the way it has dealt with protesters and opposition politicians. You can find the deep senses of frustration after the results were announced. Absolutely non credible. Unbelievable to everybody in immediate position. Over 100 people have died in these months of Anti Government protests. Thousands more have been arrested amid heavy criticism from human rights organisations. This current wave of protests feels very different from those seen in the past years. With hunger and despair are growing, some of those involved in these demonstrations have told me there is not much to lose any more. Will grant is a bbc latin america correspondent and is in caracas for us tonight. First of all can i ask you whether you know where people where people are tonight . And i think he is uncertain as to whether he will be speaking just for a second so we was up to him in a moment. In a moment ill be speaking to the venezualuan mp juan mekhia, one of the leaders of the countrys opposition coalition. But first im joined here in the studio byjavier farkhe, an activist and journalist who supports the maduro government. Good evening to you. Thank you for having me. You have met president maduro. Is he capable of sanctioning torture . I think hes hugely underestimated in terms of the way he is dealing with the situation. He has been facing protests, lootings, violence, strikes, attempts to bring him down and hes still. He been arresting people and there has been tear gas, is he capable of ordering torture . No. Ok, president maduro called for this assembly not to change the constitution but he introduced reforms. The constitution will stay the same. But the power to appoint judges does change and people are protesting that. They felt it was removing their democratic rights of the people. The judges were appointed in 2015 with the endorsement of the Attorney General who has turned his back on the government. One of the reasons that she is in trouble is that she has denied that she has anything to do with the appointment of the judges before the government to over the national assembly. The country is practically on its knees. It is. We have a situation where there is International Condemnation of what is going on in venezuela and particularly, from the un, the bundling into Cars Last Night of two Opposition Leaders. Was that a mistake . It could have been handled in a different way but they had violated the conditions under which they have been put under house arrest. They were in their homes in the middle of the night. Should they have been arrested in any case . Well, one of the reasons they were arrested was because they violated the conditions of their house arrest. First of all they called for protests which was forbidden by the government and they called for violence. There are videos which show how. He actually calls for violence . You can quote that . Rebelling against the government is not calling for violence. If youre calling on the army to do that, youre asking the army to rebel against the government, then you are calling for a military coup, which is something theyve been doing for a long time, ever since the failed coup of 2002. Obviously, notwithstanding the oil price, and the collapse, president Maduro Cannot keep a handle on what is going on in his economy. There are food shortages, people cannot move freely around the country any more, a government is not working. The government is working in as much as is possible. Its difficult for the government to handle that situation because of low oil prices. There is little hard currency available to buy products not produced in venezuelan. But the accusation is that in the middle of all this hardship there is utter corruption. There is clear evidence in videos and images which shows that convoys of food for distribution have been attacked by gangs of opposition motorcyclists. There has been a lot of speculation within the private sectors that handles the warehouses. Why are you so sure . Why are you so sure that the combined opposition does not have the policies to relieve the situation . 63 of the people, according to an opinion poll, a poll in favour of the government, says that the opposition do not have the capacity to solve this. They have been trying to bring down the government. They do not have a clear position on how to help the economy. Can i be clear. You back entirely president maduros policies . Not at all. I think mistakes have been made, they could have dealt better with the issue of the exchange rate, it is a big problem. At the same time, when he took office in 2013, that coincided with the drop in oil prices. No government would have been able to handle that situation better. Thank you. Now we can go to our correspondent in caracas. Will, just first of all tonight, we saw those pictures of the Opposition Leaders being bundled into Cars Last Night by security services. Weve heard a supporter of president maduro saying tonight that they violated their curfew at home. What has happened, do you have any idea where they are . It appears that both men are in a prison on the outskirts, in fact, outside caracas. Very little more than that is known at this stage. Theoretically they need to come before a judge to hear the reasoning for their rearrest. Which, as far as we know, considering a statement was released by the government, is for two reasons. One is that they broke the terms according to the government of their house arrest, specifically because they released videos around this very controversial vote for a new legislative body, which they said was an appeal to people to take to the streets. Obviously thats a very controversial idea, their lawyers and families deny that. But the other reason put out by the government was that they were trying to flee. Again, the families say thats not the case. Do we know what the mood is like tonight, Notjust In Caracas but other big cities . Presumably the videos of the arrest have gone around the now, around the country . In caracas, it is extremely tense, people have been setting up barricades on the streets over the past few days, particularly on the day of the vote itself, it was extremely tense, there was a lot of nervousness, there were clashes between the Security Forces and ordinary people and protesters, journalists were attacked in one part of the city as well. It is an extremely strange. You know, unique kind of feeling on the streets at the moment. I used to live in caracas when hugo chavez was in power and it is starting to feel like the rule of law is slipping compared to those days. Since then, these two men have been arrested and that adds further to the tension, particularly in areas that are controlled by the opposition. Thank you very much indeed. We had been hoping to speak to a leader of the venezuelan opposition tonight but we had technical problems and we will return to the story again. In amongst all the claims and counter claims of the impact on our lives of brexit, in every industry, the future of travel to some of our most Loved European destinations, aviation is exercising Airline Owners and passengers alike. And two of the most vocal Airline Bosses have directly opposing views. Willie walsh, the boss of ba, insists all flying conditions will be smooth, but Michael Oleary of ryanair, is the doom monger. Ill be speaking to him in a moment but first in case of you need it, a reminder of his credentials. Michael oleary has long been a pantomime villain. They occasionally foul mouthed irishman has never been afraid to ruffle a few feathers. And Ruffle Feathers is exactly what his airline has done over the last three decades, with Humble Beginnings and is 51 staff in 1985, it has sought to become the Largest Airline in europe, carrying 170 million passengers last year. It has also attracted consumer anger, developing, some might say nurturing, a reputation for ruthlessness and uncaring service. Now however, mr oleary is centrestage with dire warnings about the risk of brexit. He argues that it threatens the eu Open Skies Arrangement which guarantees important freedoms to airlines. These nine freedoms established in 19114 permit for example, airlines belonging to one country to fly passengers to and from their country of origin. They also allow airlines belonging to one country to fly passengers between two Different Countries or internally within another country. For instance, easyjet, a uk airline, can fly from london to paris and back but also from paris to rome orfrom rome to milan. With brexit, these freedoms could be at risk. For one thing, the system operates under thejurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice, which britain has vowed to leave. So, will we see empty skies and hundreds of grounded planes at heathrow and manchester the day after we leave the eu . With his alarmism dismissed by other industry figures, mr oleary is largely alone in this assessment. Hes not been afraid of that in the past. Michael oleary is with me now. Youre meeting transport secretary Chris Grayling tomorrow, others may see him afterwards, what is your pitch . It is one of concern. The problem with the legislation is if the uk leads the European Union it is automatically leaving open skies. As things stand currently there are no Flight Rights between the uk and the europe and vice versa. That happens at the end of march. Uk government therefore has to negotiate a bilateral knot with individual countries but with the eu 27. There is no sign of that being negotiated and no sign of any agreement. Youre part of the eu, youre irish, and a leading businessman. You can go to michel barnier, to the 27 and say it is up to you to go faster. We are but the french and germans are saying michel barnier, slow down. If we caused ba, easyjet and ryanair some disruption for a period of months, and aviation comes up six months before brexit, if we do not have the right to fly will cancel those flights. But it is in everyones interest. That is the misunderstanding here in the uk. It is not in everyones interests. It is european interests, said in the European Airlines who are lobbying against this to not have an agreement when it will not last for a couple of years but a couple of months. But the british people when booking holidays for the summer of 2019 it will be drive or get a ferry to scotland or ireland. You are an outlier on this. Everyone else was in denial. This is reality. There are other legal realities which will come unto. But you attended a meeting at the European Parliament last month and we have a clip of willie walsh taking a diametrically opposed view to you. He says it is going to be fine. With Policy Support it ought to be relatively straightforward to agree a deal on aviation that will be ready when the uk leads the eu. With Policy Support it should be relatively easy. There is no Policy Support, that is the problem. But when you see Chris Grayling tomorrow there could be . I hope there will be but Chris Grayling and the uk government have not been able to negotiate the divorce bill, they cannot agree on whether the European Court ofjustice governs european Citizens Rights here in the uk, never mind doing the sectoral agreement for aviation. What is different about aviation is there is no fallback position. It is not covered by wto. The uk is out of open skies and must negotiate an agreement. The uk is not yet out of open skies and may perhaps at yet negotiate an agreement and also several airlines including the one that controls British Airways, iag, will have a base within the European Union. Easyjet will have. Untrue. That will allow them to fly the way they are flying just now. That is incorrect because there are two issues. Ownership restrictions and Flight Rights. The current Ownership Setup of iag will not survive a hard brexit. In your opinion. A Spanish Company owning British Airways. No one would like an agreement more than i would. But youre not recognising the reality that continental europeans see aviation as a means to put pressure on british people around september, October Of 2018 because there will be no agreement. The business of ownership, ryanair has a big issue. In order to have the ability to fly from one destination to another in the European Union, 50 plus of the company has to be owned and controlled by eu nationals. True. Ryanair is not, it is at 38 . We are at a0 . That is too low. We are buying back 5 of our stock every year. That is not a challenge for me to buy more. So you take money out of uk Pension Funds supporting ryanair . We are buying back our own shares. At the moment you do not comply with the regulations which will allow you to fly between cities in the European Union. At the moment we do because british shareholders are treated as eu citizens. I accept that. In a hard brexit if the uk leaves we will have two forced uk shareholders to sell but the easyjet structure will also have to be sold out. Easyjet cannot own and Austrian Company and British Airways will not be allowed. You have an Austrian Company 50 owned by european nationals. But easyjet only own a minority. They do not control it either. Youre missing the point. At the moment you can do this but after brexit unless you can, unless ryanair is owned 50 plus percent by eu nationals, you cannot fly city to city. That is not a difficulty. What i will not be able to do in a hard brexit is fly from europe to the uk orfrom the uk and europe. The Flight Rights is the major challenge, not ownership. If i had to buy back another 10 of my stock that is what i plan to do anyway, we will be fine. But who will fly between the uk and the eu if the British Government does not negotiate an agreement in about 12 months time. And they have no idea how to negotiate that agreement. Lets look at ryanair. You said you would change the culture, if id known being nice to customers was going to work so well i would have done it ages ago. So why have you got this new policy of different pricing between middle, window and aisle seats. Therefore if you are an adult flying with a child that should be sitting beside you, one of those seats is more expensive than the other. The child seat is free. There is a supplement. It is free, it is the adult who pays to reserve a seat. The adult pays the extra. Yes. And that sounds like sophistry to me. It is taking place in a year. At the moment we have more than 50 of people now selecting reserved seats when we are reducing our fair is about 4 euros per seat. We would be reporting july numbers tomorrow, the load factor is 97 . Our flights are full. Im not suggesting there are not full. People love the service and they adore the prices. What you have been reported in the papers, with the random nature of algorithms and everything else, you end up splitting up families. We have never split a family, that is just not true. I have spoken to someone who has been split up. If the child is under 12 they cannot be split up, they must sit together. Well, we may get a lot of messages on twitter after this. And children coming along with luggage, you are also unhappy about that. We are delighted. We have so few free seats. The thing im concerned about is whether any children will fly with us from the uk to europe in april 2019. Thank you very much. Time for viewsnight now. Carne ross is a former diplomat who worked for the Foreign Office in the middle east and at the un. Heres his take on why after years working for the government he now believes in anarchism. Carne ross there. And if you want to know more about his journey from diplomat to anarchist then you can find him in a Storyville Documentary on the iplayer now look for accidental anarchist. When drug dealers want to get the edge on the competition and produce ever more extreme highs addicts end up taking more and more risks. The laboratory drug fentanyl, a Pain Reliever and anaesthetic, is fifty times more potent than heroin and taking it illicity mixed with heroin is described as being like like Russian Roulette. Today the National Crime agency said that it is responsible for the deaths of at least 60 drug users in engand and wales since the beginning of the year and may be implicated in another 70. Its Killing Potential is evidence by the figures in america where the 19 rise in drug deaths last year to 59,000 is attributed to fentanyl. Among them was the pop star prince. Well assess in a moment what britain can do to tackle the problem. But first, i spoke earlier to assistant Secretary Of State William Brownfield hes responsible for Anti Narcotics policy in america. I started by asking him how the problem with fentanyl developed in the us. Here in the United States in the late 1990s there was a demand by patients on their doctors and the medical community to provide them with painkillers. The doctors, trying to be responsive to their patients, asked for support and help from The American Pharmaceutical Industry who produced opioids. Not surprisingly as we moved into the 21st century, the prescriptions and growing numbers of people that were regularly using opioids developed eventually into a dependency and an addiction problem. And then as criminal enterprises realised that by using heroin to Short Circuit and provide a much cheaper hit than diverted opioids, heroine then came into the market supplanting most of the opioids. And then what we have discovered over the last two or three years is that that same industry discovered that by adding a very inexpensive and easily manipulable product such as fentanyl into the mix, they can at almost no additional cost to provide a much more effective buzz or high and bobs your uncle, we have a first class Heroine Opioids Fentanyl crisis in the United States today. The likes of which we have not seen for more than a0 years. I want to ask you about this, just to get to grips with it its easily trafficked and tiny amounts. And easily moved around. The example i use is a business sized envelope into which you can easily insert enough fentanyl that would provide 1000 hits to a criminal market. And if you assume perhaps he is getting ten bucks, sorry, 10 per hit, you have 10,000 worth of merchandise in a business sized envelope that you can mail at least here in the United States for 49 cents, somewhere in the vicinity i suppose of about 30p from your side of the ocean. Now the Home Secretary, our Home Secretary has been talking about this today because obviously these figures have come out today. But what can we do to counter it before it gets to the epidemic it is in america . I will tell you some of the lessons we have learned from here. One is that it moves very fast. That in less than two years entire cities go from having no experience with fentanyl whatsoever to an inundation. Second, education is exceptionally important. Most human beings actually do not wish to kill themselves with a product that they are ingesting, inhaling, or in some way inserting into their system. And education can be tremendously helpful. Education includes by the way how little of the product of the product is fentanyl or other analogues, can actually kill you. Third you have to have some sort of intelligence system, Law Enforcement intelligence is geared towards the Fentanyl Product itself. It does not come from the same Production Line that produces the heroine, the morphine, or the opioids themselves. It comes from a different Production Line today dominated mostly by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry and to get on top of this you need to have an Intelligence Network with local Law Enforcement that addresses the issue. William brownfield, thank you very much. Thank you. That is the stark assessment. Lets discuss how things might unfold here in britain. Baroness Molly Meacher is a Cross Bench Peer and the chair of the all Party Parliamentary group on drug use. Professor Sirjohn Strang is one of britains leading experts on addiction and heads the Addictions Department at kings university. I think for many people they will not have heard of this, they will have heard of cocaine and heroin but not fentanyl but it seems to be utterly deadly. Let us be clear what it is, it is an opioid drug, so its a drug whose effects are very similar to heroin and morphine and those classes of drugs. The particular problem with fentanyl, which is the same as the problem with heroin, is that if a slug of the drug is taken, it turns off your respiratory drive, that bit of your brain that sends signals to breathe. Youre looking at the science and the addiction together. I wonder if you think that a lot of addicts in this country have sufficient knowledge of the possible impact of fentanyl when a single grain of this drug could kill you . Youre absolutely right. One of the key features of fentanyl is the small amount that is required to have that effect. In medical practice, that has not been a problem. Fentanyl has been used for around 30 years as a painkiller and anaesthetic because if you are needing to adjust the minute dose in medical practice, you can do so. The problem comes, particularly if you have illicit manufacture. With people who do not know the strength of what they are putting in, that is the problem and that is why it is described as Russian Roulette in america. Perhaps they do not care. Illegal drug dealers are trying to make big money. They are not trying to kill their clients, but half the time, they do not realise how dangerous it is. How did this creep up by mass . On us . We have had these laws for 60 odd years that ban all these. Not legally, how did fentanyl as a Component Creep Up on us . The chinese are exporting it. Yeah, thats right. It comes from china and we introduced a law about one year ago banning a whole pile of psychoactive substances. These substances are purchased online from china to get around the law, it is impossible to Police Substances coming in from china directly to the homes of people. The government seems to think. All you have to do is ban things and that is fine but we have to be a great deal more intelligent about the strokes. Interestingly, i wonder if you think that dealers to know how to do this properly. When we saw police covered in outfits, but we watched two policemen in america who were not covered and became sick from inhaling it. The potency of it and the way they mix, it must be under controlled conditions. We can learn a lot by looking at the experience in the us. Very clearly, the product that is put out there in the marketplace, is not carefully titrated. If it was that there was the fine tuning of the dosing, then you would still have your problem of the Heroin Addiction and its equivalent but you would not have the death rate that comes with it. It is worth pointing out, for those people and those families with a son or daughter involved in this, let us be clear about the partially protective effect of being in treatment. We already know both with Heroin Overdose and fenta nyl over those that a move into treatment massively reduces your risk of dying. You would hope this would scare people into seeking treatment. It is a hugely important point but then you ask the question about having the capacity to respond and retain people in treatment and the evidence on the whole is that treatment has become less available and more difficult to hold people in treatment. My understanding is that these figures are very start because it is onlyjuly and at least 60 with another possible 70 but it is because the way the toxicology was examined, fentanyl could have been something that has been growing over the last two or three years. Yeah and then of course further products will come out as well. We must notjust assume there isjust this one. All the time the chinese are producing new and ever stronger and more complex compounds. How do you stop them getting it into the country . In my view, we have to regulate the way we do these things. Sirjohn did some Excellent Research into heroin Treatment Centres. In switzerland they have wonderful centres where heroin users get the clean heroin illegally in special Treatment Centres and through Consumption Rooms and Durham Police are doing something similar. If we do that, people get their heroin clean, not with fentanyl in it and the whole thing becomes much more safer. Thank you very much indeed. Apart from the occasional burst of banter over brexit, politics seems to have packed up its bags and disappeared for the summer. The Snap Election was only injune but feels to some like it was a lifetime ago. But today memories of it were evoked by the publication of a piece of analysis by the British Election survey team at the university of manchester. For three decades theyve been monitoring the reasons people vote the way they did. And todays findings shed some new light on what was going on behind the scenes of that extraordinary election. Our policy editor chris cook is here. Chris, what with the surprises . I think one of the things that sheds light on this, it understands the position of labour on brexit in particular. We have got a graphic here which is about to pop up which shows the 100 blogs on the left in red representing Labour Voters at the 2017 general election, the blue blobs represent the tory voters. Let us look, using the data, how they voted in the 2016 referendum. What it shows you is that roughly, about 70 of Labour Voters voted remain and 70 of tory voters voted leave in the referendum. There is a pleasing symmetry and that leaves people saying why arent labour being more assiduous in trying to basically block brexit . The British Election survey helps unpack that. The question it asks is what is the most important thing to you and people have to write in what they think the top issue is and what we can do is sweep away all the blogs by people on the screen who did not say break that was the top issue. It shows you that basically there is a huge enthusiasm gap. You bring up the numbers, about 18 of Labour Voters are hardline remain voters and make brexit is the most important issue compared to 30 of tory voters. 70 of Labour Voters were remain voters but only a small portion of those still pick it is the most important issue. What is the most important issue . Tuition fees, fox hunting . The amazing thing about this study is there is no Silver Bullet that explains the election. It is amazing that you would not know from the study that tuition fees even came up or fox hunting, the best we can say is that those things, if they were important, they were important to secondary issues that supported the broader issues and broader images of the two major parties. So it was an election that never really was in terms of sparks and passion . There was lots of passion but no clear thrust that damaged fatally or it saved one of the parties. A quick look at the front pages. The guardian revealed that tycoons own 652 empty homes in the grenfell area and there is the new vogue editor on his first day in the job, the first man to edit the magazine. The telegraph, Green Tax Ends Home Energy bills. The daily mirror, shameless, greedy British Gas Boss revealed that cars have gone down but he is putting up prices. Thats all we have time for. Evans here tomorrow. Until then, goodnight. But even on. Like it or not youve probably got used to it. A mix of sunshine and showers is what weve had for a few days but into tomorrow the weather is looking a little bit different. You can see the shower clouds. We are bringing in this more general area of cloud, which is going to bring some outbreaks of fairly heavy rain in place through tomorrow, courtesy of the low pressure. A frontal system working in. Notice a good squeeze on the isobars, meaning we will have strong winds through the early hours across coastal parts of the south west. Turning wet through the west of the night. Tomorrow the rain spread across wales, Southern Parts of england, into Northern Ireland and southern scotland. Northern scotland has the lions share of the dry weather. A pleasant day, with good spells of sunshine. There will be heavy rain close to the south coast of england. 70 degrees in southampton. A soggy afternoon here tomorrow. A lot of cloud, mist and murk, with humid conditions in the south west. Still easy as well. Patchy rain in wales into the afternoon. Full Northern Ireland by 4pm things will brighten up, with sunshine, but the return of showers. Rain spreading across southern scotland. Northern scotland, up into the northern isles, pleasant with sunshine. Perhaps brightening up a bit into northwest through the afternoon. Patchy rain for north east england and the rain setting in across the South East Of England through the end of the day. Through tomorrow night the rain keeps coming across south east england and in the east anglia and the rain also works its way in across northern scotland. For most of us by the time we get into thursday morning we are back into the showery weather. Low pressure sitting just to the north of the british isles, centred across Northern Ireland and scotland. Where you are Northern Ireland and scotland. Where you a re closest Northern Ireland and scotland. Where you are closest to the low pressure is where you will have most of the showers on thursday. Slow moving, with light winds and intense downpours in places. Some showers across northern england, wales and the midlands, but towards the south east is not as many showers. 22 degrees in london. A fresh feel for many. Another day of sunshine and showers on friday. Showers heaviest towards the north. Not as many in the south east and we take that mixture of sunshine and showers with us into the weekend. Thats all for now. Good night. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore, the headlines as the venezuela crisis escalates, two Opposition Leaders are forced from their homes at gunpoint and taken to a Military Prison by Security Forces. A message to north korea from the us Secretary Of State, america is not seeking Regime Change but dialogue with pyongyang. We are not your enemy, we are not your threat, but you are presenting an unacceptable threat to us and we have to respond. Im Babita Sharma in london. Dramatic scenes in turkey. 500 people appear in court, accused of taking part in last yea rs attempted coup

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