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Today the home secretary asked the Migration Advisory Committee to start work on what comes next. We want a newcomer in forms, evidence based eu migration policy. Weve commissioned the mac to look into it, an independent group. The Home Secretary Set out a vague timetable, sort of, that there will be three phases. The first will end on the specified date, the day we leave the eu, probably march, 2019. Eu citizens who are already here, who have five years residency, will be able to apply for a settled status and those with fewer than five years residency will be allowed to stay to clock up those five years. Even the apparently simple thing about what to do with eu citizens here already, and to take the big one, the European Union wants its own court to have some jurisdiction over these people to insure that their rights are respected, something the government doesnt like at all. The second phase is a slightly woolly transition phase, where it seems that eu residents will be able to come here but must register and they may have weaker rights than earlier writers enjoy. The idea here, the home office is, is to avoid a cliff edge in the Labour Market when brexit arrives. If we allow eu citizens in during the transition, will we keep the benefits of the Single Market as well . The Transition Proposal makes absolute sense for us in that you can see the logic in delaying the moment when we leave the Single Market, the Customs Union, if we do. The problem is that it may not make sense for the eu because they are hearing that we will enter Free Movement and they may not say that we can do that and keep the economic benefits of the market. And then the final migration system, after the transition process ends, but that could be anything from keeping things as they are for eu citizens or treating eu migrants like other migrants, a more burdensome and more capricious process. For non eu nationals, the uk regime is very prescriptive. If you are coming across as a sponsored worker, you can only come in for a role that requires degree level education. There are very prescriptive salary thresholds. If youre being transferred by an international company, the absolute minimum you can be paid is £41,500 perannum. Enormous Government Fees that must be paid by the employer and employee. £16,000 in Government Fees alone if you want to bring a family of five across for five years. To work out what comes next we must answer questions about who we want coming here. This slough based Employment Agency is worried about prioritise in skilled workers. The majority of the workers that we provide, hundreds on a daily basis, are working in the elementary sector, they are blue collar workers, and i dont think a points based system is the right kind of approach to continue to attract that kind of labour for the uk market. The points based system may cater for highly skilled migrants but it certainly wouldnt recognise, in my experience, the people with a low skill base that the country so much needs. He isnt the only businessman lobbying. Weve had everything from businessmen saying that we need banks talking about Contingency Planning and possibly moving their headquarters elsewhere. Disputes on this theme are rumbling along in government. Keeping business happy overall, while meeting the 100,000 Net Migration Target may prove impossible. You cant take control of everything. Well, why has the commissioning of the report by the Migration Advisory Committee, accompanied by a six page Letter Setting out a three Phase Transition period for eu nationals living and working in the uk, caused a degree of confusion . If the transition lasts for years, and eu workers are merely registered as being in the uk, does that constitute the end of Freedom Of Movement On March 2019 or not . Earlier i spoke to the immigration minister brandon lewis. I asked why the report wasnt commissioned a year and a month ago, straight after the brexit vote. Weve commissioned today, and the work with the Migration Advisory Committee will start and we will have interim reports as well. Later this year i will publish a white paper. In early 2018 we will bring an Immigration Bill. The home secretary has made it clear that there is a transition period of up to three years after march, 2019, went eu nationals can simply turn up and register to stay. And yet you say that freedom of movement will end in march, 2019. Which is it . Freedom of movement will end when we leave the eu, it is one of the four pillars. We get control back of the Immigration System. My understanding is that up to three years afterwards, workers in the European Union can come and simply register, which is not controlled, they can register and in the transition period, up to three years, they can stay. Is that right . We havent outlined the detail of what will happen. Amber rudd did. She didnt. Weve announced that the Migration Advisory Committee will look at the impact of labour and the european migration on our Labour Market in the uk and that will inform government policy. Government will set policy. The framework will be what the Immigration System will be in the Immigration Bill in 2018. We dont want a cliff edge, we want business to grow and develop. You say that they will be no Free Movement of european workers after march, 2019 but the home secretary says there will be Transition Arrangements for to three years where european workers can come here and work. Which is it . They are compatible, they go together perfectly well. When we leave the eu, by definition, freedom of movement will end. There will be a system, after march, 2019, which will be our new system and there will be a period of that, a Transition System including a number of things, for example eu citizens looking to get settled status in the uk, who have qualified, after that negotiation. There will be a grace period of two years for them to deal with it. We will say to people coming to this country that they will potentially have to register so we know who is here. That isnt controlling them. If this committee identifies a need for workers, say, 200,000 of various skills, would you accept that advice . I wont prejudge what the committee will do, they are independent, they will give interim reports. They will also be looking at what Industry Needs in terms of the proportion of workers. If the advice is 200,000, are you going to say that isnt acceptable . The decision on policy is a matter for the government and we will outline that in the Immigration Bill next year. There is no mention of keeping immigration to the tens of thousands, even as an aspiration. It wasnt mentioned and it is a manifesto commitment. It is a commitment and we have stuck to that, we are the only party saying we understand that people in this country want to see us having control of the borders, reducing migration to sustainable numbers and we are determined to deliver that but we want to do it in a way that allows the economy to flourish and we believe you can do both. How do you know you can do both . The hr directors said that 65 of our workers are eu nationals. You need low skilled workers. Can they come . We need to make sure we are developing the skills we need for the future in this country and attracting the brightest from the eu and around the world. It is in the brightest and best necessarily, this isnt to demean people but people want workers in Food Processing workers, hotels, baristas, they are the kind of low skilled workers that we dont have. Are you going to train people to be low skilled workers . One thing we must ensure we are doing, how we make sure we are getting the best opportunity. We can reduce the net migration down to the tens of thousands, while still making sure we have an economy that is thriving and seeing growth for our country. What kind of economy are we talking about . Do you believe in a centrally planned economy, you know what is going to happen, 3000 bmw workers, 500 hairdressers . You dont know, and you might be short of these people. Thats why we have an Immigration Policy that has the flexibility to deliver for the economy. Thats why were talking to different sectors, as i did to the Financial Sector today, and we are getting exposed to look at the economy. Im not going to prejudge what the Immigration Policy will be. That is a matter for the Immigration Bill in 2018. 0ur political editor, nick watt is with me. What have you learned . Your first question to him was why didnt you commission it a year ago, it is a tight timetable. I understand amber rudd was keen to get going on the project sometime ago the general election. That obviously didnt happen and as i understand it amber rudd has found it easier to get approval after the changes that took place in Downing Street after the general election. Preparatory work has been going on in the home office on this for some time. Its interesting that amber rudd is one of a trio of Cabinet Ministers who have been pushing for a more relaxed position on this to avoid what they are calling a cliff edge brexit. No suppliers that Philip Hammond is in the group but david davis, the brexit sev terry, is in that group brexit secretary. He got into trouble when they went beyond the agreed script, that the uk must attract the best and brightest after brexit. He said that we need an Immigration Policy that will avoid shortages in the Labour Market. Not happy in number ten when he said that. Thank you forjoining us. If the government seems to be at Sixes And Sevens over brexit, they are not alone. Jeremy corbyn and the shadow Secretary Of State for International Trade have put the clear message out on the airwaves and in print over the last few days that labour backs an end to the Single Market and says no to a Customs Union. But last night the shadow Chancellorjohn Mcdonnell seemed to contradict his leader, saying that labour was not ruling out membership of the Single Market at all. Earlier i met up with the shadow home secretary, diane abbot, and first asked her for her reaction to todays government announcement on immigration. The governments in a mess about immigration. They were happy to pander to ukip voters during the general election, but, belatedly now, they have realised the very vital role that eu migrants play in the economy. Im glad they are going to get some Expert Advice. I dont understand that they are seeking the Expert Advice a year after we voted to come out of the European Union. But some facts will be better than urban myths and some light will be better than the heat which is sometimes generated by immigration issues. Lets look then at labours position because barry gardiner, the shadow International Trade secretary, wrote in the guardian that labours position is out of the Single Market, out of the Customs Union because youll be a vassal state and actually what we need is a bespoke agreement. Is that your view . The labour party made it very clear in its manifesto, that it wants a brexit which puts jobs and the economy first and we are not, at this stage, taking any options off the table. But the government suggests this will be best for both . We may suggest that but at this point we arent taking options off the table. We believe in looking at where we want to go and what we want from these negotiations when we come up to them is to have the benefits of being in the Single Market and being in the Customs Union. We are about looking at adams. This is our childrens future. It would be irresponsible to ta ke future. It would be irresponsible to take options off the table. Jeremy corbyn made clear that he believes we should be out of the Single Market. As per the Jeremy Corbyn this afternoon and he was clear we werent taking options off the table. There would be no big or more important negotiation in my political lifetime. It would be foolish at this stage to take options off the table. What we said we should be out of the Single Market. Thats what he said when we pressed him on it. What we are saying is that when we come out of the Single Market, we will obviously be full, but we arent taking options off the table. Are you sure thatJeremy Corbyn voted to remain . Absolutely sure. Has he told you that . Thats absurd question. Its almost trying to undermine all the hard work he did and all of us did, to try and get the right result. But if you have the Labour Leader saying that he wants to leave the Single Market, that that is the option. If youve got your shadow International Trade secretary saying leave the Single Market, leave the Customs Union, that looks like labour is actually supporting a hard brexit and there is very little evidence to show that labour is doing anything to stop a hard brexit . You will see what were doing to stop a hard brexit when parliament returns. Like what . I can assure you that our vision for this country going forward, is very different from the view of theresa may and the people around her. Diane abbott, thank you very much. Once one of south americas richest countries, venezuela now teeters on the brink of civil war. Months of protests against president maduros government have resulted in scores of deaths. Inflation, malnutrition and even starvation are on the rise in a country with some of the Worlds Largest oil reserves. The bbc has spoken to activists who say the government is using torture and imprisonment without trial against those who oppose it, a claim the government denies. This weekend huge protests are expected in a showdown ahead of a vote to elect an assembly to change the constitution. 0pposition parties say this would create a dictatorship. So who are the people hoping to overthrow the president . Vladimir hernandez reports from caracas. Welcome to venezuela. Once the richestjewel in latin america, its now a country drowning in political and economic chaos. As his people rage, president nicolas maduros grip on power has grown increasingly desperate. Its feared a new constitution will establish a dictatorship. The bbc has heard disturbing allegations of State Torture against demonstrators. Ive been to caracas to meet the resistance to the maduro regime and to find out what future lies in store for this troubled country. It wasnt meant to be like this. By the time maduro came to power in 2013, Venezuelas Bolivarian revolution, begun by his charismatic predecessor, hugo chavez, was in chaos. Price regulations and the state control of industry had apparently failed. When the oil price fell, venezuelas extravagant spending didnt stop. The country found itself borrowing heavily and increasingly reliant on imports of food and medicine. In the last quarter years the economy has shrunk by a third. The imf estimates that inflation is running at over 700 . The people began to go hungry. Three out of four venezuelans lost an average of 18 lbs in weight last year. Corruption helps the regime to stay in power. The army are kept onside by being given charge of the most critical imports. The media is muscled. In march, maduros Supreme Court declared the Opposition Led National Assembly to be illegitimate. Demonstrations and violent clashes with the Security Forces followed. Over 100 people have died and thousands more have been arrested. In may, president maduro called for a new constitution in an attempt to quell the protests. Its hard to get the government to talk to the media but the minister in charge of food distribution, a keyjob in todays venezuela, did agree to talk to me. In the chavista worldview, there is a familiar bogeyman. The opposition, unsurprisingly, disagree. Former president ial candidate Maria Corina Machado thinks theres far more to the resistance than the violent protest. You dont have to look far to find who she is talking about. Street kids like these appear at every demonstration. Their enthusiasm to take on the Security Forces, while brave, places them in real danger. I saw it for myself and the very next protest. This is one of the most controversial aspects of the so called resistance. Small pockets of demonstrators at the end of the protest come to places like this, a military base, and try and attack it. In there, there are already scuffles, with some people telling them, dont do it, you are valuable, you are a young life, dont lose it, because over there the National Guard is already waiting for them. This residential block is called los verdes or the greens. Its been a focal point of vociferous Anti Government protest since april. Neighbours here set up barricades on a regular basis and clashes with the police and National Guard are frequent. One evening, the government said, enough was enough. When she heard the police begin their assault, one of the residents, camila, went to hide in a neighbours wardrobe. Even though she told the police she was pregnant, they took no notice. They kept on beating us, even when they took us out of the apartment. They told someone, come on, im going to kill you, right here, right now. Why did they take me . Because this is a dictatorship and they nick whoever they want to, whether you are doing anything or not. Camila was taken to some of caracas worst prisons before eventually being released. Simon was not so fortunate. He was arrested at a demonstration, accused of belonging to an opposition political party. They grabbed me from behind, there must be 18, 20 cops that came down on me. While they were kicking and hitting me, they put me on a bike and took me to the headquarters of the Intelligence Agency. Originally designed as a futuristic shopping centre, today the helicoide is a place whose name makes even the hardened shudder. Held in overcrowded cell for over two months, simon witnessed prisoners returning from interrogation with Tell Tale Signs of having been tortured. 0ne got back, you could tell he was frightened. He couldnt stand up straight and you could see the burn marks on his ears. And the other guy, you could see his black eye, it was all bruised, so you could see they have given him shocks. Later on, several officers there told us, we are going to give you the shock treatment. And were going to grab those two and soak them. Keep them soaked all night long. Simon was beaten but not tortured. But Intelligence Agency officials ignored a Release Order and he was only freed a month and a half later. But far from being intimidated, the opposition are growing in strength. Whilst we were filming with former president ial candidate Maria Corina Machado, we witnessed an extraordinary defection from a chavista loyalist. This is the Attorney General of venezuela. Shes now playing key role in this crisis. The maduro regime wasnt impressed. Many in the opposition, like Maria Corina Machado, believe that behind the bluster, the Endgame Being played out. The president , though, sees a very different future for the opposition in venezuela. The president , though, sees a very different future for the opposition in venezuela. Whilst their politicians fight it out, the students of ucv, the Largest University in venezuela, continue their own perilous resistance. Personally, i dont mind giving up my life out there in the streets, if it is for a good cause. A Constitutional Assembly is now set to draw up a new constituency for venezuela. At least, that is the governments plan. Its a future that very few in the country are relishing. And you can see a longer version on our world at 8 30pm on Saturday Night and 9 30pm On Sunday Night and also on the iplayer. Within the past few hours the government in venezuela has banned all protests against this sundays controversial vote on an assembly to draw up a new constitution. From tomorrow, anyone taking part in a rally or march could be jailed for between 5 and 10 years. Im joined live now by the times correspondent in carracas, stephen gibbs. As a result of that, what is happening on The Streets Of Caracas . We have had reaction from our position that they will be banning hard core for five days. The opposition says it plans on friday in venezuela to have a massive march from all over the country, censoring on caracas, to try and stop what it says is the last chance it has before there is a complete political reset if this Constituent Assembly happens on sunday. Meanwhile, this is the second day of a National Strike called by the opposition against the government. It has been pretty effective in caracas, most shops are shut, very few cars on the streets. In some ways, a silent protest, trying to contradict what the government is saying. The government says it is still leading a popular revolution and the people are behind it and if the people wa nt to change the constitution, the opposition, by holding this National Strike, they are saying, look at there, the people are not with you. Thank you very much. If theres one word which has become nuclear charged in the last decade, and has dominated the political discourse, it is the word elite. Its an insult that has been spat out westminster politicians, flung at practically everyone in washington, think trumps battle cry drain the swamp, and swept away the political establishment in france it has thrown up donald trump and emmanuel macron, and almost did for theresa may, but whats the problem . The oxford Dictionary Definition of elite is a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society. And last night on newsnight, this is what happened emily asked the new white house Director Communications Antony Scaramucci what part of donald trump was not elite . Whats happening right now, which i love, is that the elites and the Media Establishment that want to hit the president on russia everyday, they recognise there is nothing to the russians story. What part of donald trump is not elite . The Business Side or the politics side, or the inheritance side . What part of donald trump, many people in the uk dont understand that. Theres so many things about the president. Hes a celebrity, hes a billionaire. How about the cheeseburgers, how about the pizza that we eat. Everyone eats cheeseburgers and pizza, what are you talking about . See, youre coming across a little bit elitist, so let me just Say Something to you, 0k . I grew up in a middle class family, 0k . We had virtually a tight budget and little to no money. I spent 30 years of my life trying to get into the global elites so i could stand here and serve the president. And i missed the movement. Do you know why i missed the movement . As i tunnelled myself into elites, we had this circular conversation about what was going on, which was completely wrong. Donald trump is not elite then, hes not an elite . Very much so, hes both. He knows how to operate in an elitist world and he has unbelievable empathy for the common struggle thats going good evening to you both. Roger, is membership of an elite a useful distinction or simply a kind of insult . Trump uses it as an all purpose swearword about the media because he has a problem with the media and of course, vice versa, i sort of sympathise because the media spends all its time attacking him, and he them, so he uses an all purpose swearword to say you are an elite. But there is a serious issue about a bunch of people who set themselves up, i think thats what the the mooch was referring to, sometimes also over here, setting themselves up as the custodians of the opinions that matter and if you dont share their views on europe, then you are out of order. If you dont share those opinions, then you are part of the elite. Is that a problem . You arent necessarily saying that elites are a problem . I think the self appointed elite is a problem. Im a fan of excellence, a sporting team, england, excellent, that is simple to understand. Is there a catch all that elites, cultural, political, the law, naturally look after themselves, it is an attitude, but is it a negative thing . I agree that what we saw there, the use of the term elite to shut down conversation, that the word is being used to manipulate people. But there is real anger behind that. Why have trump and others used the word . Because people are getting rightly angry about the small group of people who have huge power and influence in our society, the judiciary, the media, whether it is the way in which they are gaming the system to make sure they day at the top. It is quite a dirty reality. Is that a modern version of it . Perhaps in the past, elites have been incredibly influential and powerful, for instance i dont think without an elite you wouldnt have had such a big womens suffrage movement. There are many examples of working class struggles. It was a mixed struggle actually. There are a number of things. Change doesnt always come from the elite, there are many examples. The weekends we have didnt come from the elite, it forces the elite to change. What we are seeing now politically is a movement of people who are very angry, who have very little trust. The grenfell survivors, when they hear about the town leader not having been to a tower block, they feel that they do not share their struggle. Isnt that a cheap jibe in a way . You can say that as a cheap jibe that works, from somebody like trump, but what constitutes an elite . Of course he is an elite but he has managed to corral the word to himself. He has a connection, his support has barely moved, a lot of people still like him and they dont like that kind of liberal American Press which thinks it can run everything and to a certain extent in this country as well. It says what of ridiculous word, it is good to have excellence, but not to have self appointed elites. Why is having an elite synonymous with being excellent . I dont understand. We make that confusion. They are there by lottery of birth. They arent. Presumably you could have an elite that forces change through its acumen of knowledge and excellence. What happens is that, the elite are not necessarily. If we think about what the elite means, they generally come from wealth, went to private school, went to elite is the tuition is, so they may have had a privileged life. Elite universities. When they are writing our policies, our laws, writing our screenplays, they are really skewing our idea, across the board, but i really skewing. Screenplays . Something we see in many areas, dominated by certain people from certain backgrounds. Is it necessarily harmful to have elites . It isnt, you need elites, you dont want self appointed elites, you need people who are excellent. You want people who are very good running things. I think we are defining elites differently. Thank you forjoining us. How was your journey home this evening . Did you perhaps fantasise about a private train, travelling effortlessly, on time, and invisible to sweating, cursing commuters thronging the streets a few feet from you . Well, its not a fantasy. The mail rail was an underground railway which moved letters and parcels across london for 80 years, avoiding the crowded streets overhead. One of londons hidden wonders, its been mothballed for more than a decade, but its being brought back to life as Visitor Attraction from september. We have this exclusive preview from Stephen Smith, which contains his usual second class delivery. Its one of londons best kept secrets. An underground railway that almost nobody has travelled on, until now. For almost 80 years, trains ran clear across the capital, six miles from east to west, with never a problem of overcrowding or body odour. This is the forgotten labyrinth of the mail rail. Its a wonderfully intimate experience. Possibly a bit cramped for some, but we are travelling in this kind of torpedo like object deep under the streets of london. Unbeknownst to the thousands of commuters up above. Riding alongside newsnight on this maiden ish voyage is ray middlesworth. 30 years clocked up on the mail rail, but this is his first day as a passenger. This is a luxury, riding around in this train, its smooth, and its much more roomy than the wagon i was used to driving. That was built in 1927 and you feel every lump and bump as you were riding around. I know theres a sort of graveyard for old trains down here, do you see a lot of ghosts as you go around yourself, your memories of the place . Here is loaded with echoes for me, the memories of people ive known working here and every event linked to a place somewhere on the railway. Archive once aboard, parcels and letters travel over the track at 35 miles an hour. Miniature engines, running on a two foot track give the whole thing the Alice In Wonderland fascination of model trains and automatic signals. It was 1927 when the first wagons of letters and parcels rolled through the narrow tunnels of the post office railway, as it was formerly known. The idea was to keep the all importa nt mail free of road traffic congestion. The mail rail employed hundreds of staff and moved 4 million items a day. Archive ready to go and away. They made their own entertainment in this twilight world, with the aid of a dart board. They worked out theyd have enough time for a throw each, before the next train arrived. And they couldnt leave their station, they couldnt walk off, so while they were standing there they had a game of darts. But according to royal mail, the railway became more expensive than moving post by road, so in 2003, the last postie turned off the lights and left. I remember 2011, the first time i got to come down to the mail rail, to see whether there was the chance of opening it up. It was much like the mary celeste situation, the last rota from the last week of operation was still on the notice board. There was sort of unfinished cups of coffee, bits of chocolate bars, there were peoples belongings left in the lockers, their tools on the side. And that really was part of the appeal. And when we have brought our friends and those who might come to ride here in the intervening years, theyve always said, try and leave as much of that as you can. The platform you are about to see looks much as it did on the day it shut down in 2003. But now the railway is reopening as a Visitor Attraction with two Battery Powered trains specially made in the uk, getting on for a million quid, the pair. Lets follow a few of those letters. This is the colonel. Hes writing to the famous poet wh auden at the gpo film unit. This is the night mail crossing the border, bringing the cheque and the postal order. Letters for the rich. Ah, yes, wh auden and his celebrated poem to the post, the night mail. What is it about railways and the Postal Service that we seem to find so appealing . It is a perfect storm for nerds, a railway, effectively a secret railway. Stamps are involved. But for the rest of us, assuming were not nerds, which is a big assumption, can enjoy it too, perhaps . Also because it looks like the log flume at blackpool pleasure beach, presumably it goes quite fast, so youve got the basic appeal of motion. Momentum. You can feel when its going down or up, which is a sign of a good tunnel. And no disrespect, i like the unvarnished quality of it. You can see the stalagtites, or is it stalagmites, from the ceiling. You can see the cladding, the rings that are put in to make the tunnels. We are occasionally asked whether, like so many London Underground terminals, you might find a mouse or a rat down here. Because there were no people riding the trains and because there were no passengers on the platforms, there was no food for such things, so unusually for underground london, it was a relatively rodent free and ghost free tunnel. But you cant have everything . You cant have everything. Weve left Stephen Smith down there the front page of the times tomorrow, the irish want a sea border with the uk after brexit, theresa may suffering a new setback in the negotiations of the dublin have said that the proposed irish border was unworkable. It will antagonise the dup because it will object to any implication that Northern Ireland should not be treated as part of the uk. Before we go, 50 years ago today, the law in england and wales changed homosexuality was no longer illegal. One of those who spoke in favour of the law was the earl of arran. Heres an excerpt of his speech in 1966 voiced for radio 4 by the actor alan cumming and a look atjust how far things have come since then. Goodnight. Because of the bill now to be enacted, perhaps a million human beings will be able to live in greater peace. I find this an awesome and marvellous thing. The late oscar wilde, on his release from reading jail, wrote to a friend, yes, we shall win in the end but the road will be long and red with monstrous martyrdoms. My lords, mr wilde was right, the road has been long and the martyrdoms many, monstrous and bloody. Today, please god, sees the end of that road. Good evening. It was one of those days today where we saw some sunshine one minute, this is a picture from a weather watcher, which shows some sunshine but then we saw showers and some of them turned heavy with rumbles of thunder. They werent just showers, there were thunderstorms, particularly those showers are tending to fade away and it keeps going in the north and west overnight tonight. Temperatures overnight tonight. Temperatures overnight not dropping away too much, around 12 in aberdeen, similar in belfast. 13 in london and maybe 14 in belfast. 13 in london and maybe 1a or 15 towards cardiff and plymouth. Tomorrow there will be further showers in scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England and something brighter to start in east anglia and the South East Budded clouds over and we see showers in the south west are into something wetter but it. 17 01 into something wetter but it. 17 or 18 further south but when showers, longer temperatures will dip. Largely dry into the afternoon and bright in Northern England but showers in the south west and across wales merging into wetter weather through the afternoon. Cloud in over 01 through the afternoon. Cloud in over or the wild in towards london but it should stay dry until later, good news for the test match in london all the while. Wet in Northern England for a time overnight. That clears to the north sea. Some rain lingers to the south east. Further showers to the north and west closest to this area of low pressure, driving our weather at the moment and will do so through the weekend. A fair number of isobars, Still Breezy On Saturday and we have the Weather Front in the south bringing outbreaks of rain. That will Come And Go In The South East and eventually we see rain in the south western. A good spell of drier and brighter weather in north wales and brighter weather in north wales and Northern England but into the north west we are back into the showers in the western side of scotla nd showers in the western side of scotland and Northern Ireland. Saturday afternoons temperatures, 17 in glasgow and 21 or 22 in london. Sunday, still low pressure in charge to the north and west, lots of showers, some will be heavy and thundery. Showers lighter in the south east but showers nonetheless and sunshine in between. 0n the cool side this weekend and breezy. Some sunshine but it isnt reliable because the showers will never be too far away and some of those showers could turn quite heavy, maybe even a few rumbles of thunder. Welcome to newsday. Im sharanjit leyl, in singapore. The headlines the Human Tragedy of the war in yemen. 0ne the Human Tragedy of the war in yemen. One person every hour is dying from cholera. Many are dying needlessly because they cant get the most basic treatment. After more than two years of war, half the Health Facilities in the country on functioning. Congress in washington votes overwhelmingly to impose new sanctions on russia, iran and north korea, despite resident froms objections. Also in this programme, final call for americans wishing to visit north korea. We are live on the border, to gauge the impact of the travel ban imposed by washington. And the

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