Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20170109

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They were dragging me down a landing to a stair well, to get rid of my body. It was only the fact that an off duty nurse was walking past and rang an ambulance that i ended up going to the hospital. And this. And here come the germans now led by their skipper nobby hagel. The greeks led out by their veteran centre half. Why do we all think all philosophers are greek or german . Should british universities start looking to africa and Asia For The Meaning Of Life . Good evening. How does a Prime Minister, swept to power on a brexit vote, consumed in office by brexit negotiations, avoid being defined purely as the brexit pm . Today, we got a sense of how much that matters to theresa may, as she spelled out what she intends to make the soul of her premiership a world where everyday injustices were addressed, where people that had been locked out of political discourse were welcomed back and where politicians whod talked about Social Justice had failed to deliver. It sounds un arguable. Until you remember that the pm was, of course, the Home Secretary of Great Britain for six years. So who, exactly, are these misguided politicians of whom she speaks . Today, she defined herself unflinchingly against those she isnt. So who is she . Heres nick watt. As one of the least glitzy occupants of downing street, theresa may feels no need to hog the limelight. But today, the Prime Minister stepped up to reveal more of what drives her when she outlined her mission for those people who feel left behind by todays world. The shared society doesntjust value individual rights, but focuses more on the responsibilities we have to one another. Its a society that respects the bonds that we share, as aye union of people and nations. The bonds of family, community, citizenship and strong institutions. The Prime Ministers vision of a shared society is designed to differentiate herfrom both Margaret Thatcher and David Cameron. She believes the state should play a decisive role in helping those who are struggling, in contrast to Lady Thatcher who once questioned the very existence of society and David Cameron who responded to that by questioning the extent of the role of the state. Allies say that talk of a personal philosophy may be a bit far fetched. If may ism means anything, i dont think the Prime Minister is setting out to embrace some sort of ideological stance, but its about a rooted conservatism. Its an understanding that there are a group of people, quite a large group, struggling get by, who feel theyre working harder and harder and questioning whether they re getting the rewards. She has an implicit understanding of that. Shes seeking to address it in policy concerns. It will be six months this friday since theresa may entered downing street. Critics say that even after all that time, it is still difficult to Pinochet Down exactly where she stands. I think theresa may, not being insulting, i dont think she has a list of policies shes burning to implement. I think she has some instincts. She has a direction of travel. More than gordon, shes made up her mind to be a departure from her predecessor. Theresa mays friends say her premiership marks a seismic shifts from her immediate predecessors, both personally and politically. One minister said, we should think of her as a cobra snake, who watches, waits, calculates and then pounces with deadly effect. On the wider political level, allies say she understands more deeply than others that the brexit vote represented a cry from people who feel disconnected and will easily turn to populists if mainstream politicians do not respond to their concerns. From the brexit vote theres a real desire for control. Now whether that is control of our borders and control of migration, whether its control of our own laws, its very similar to the idea of people who are struggling get by and feel that the system isnt quite working for them. I think a clever Prime Minister, which clearly the current Prime Minister is, can link those two together. Brexit catapulted theresa may into number ten as the second unelected Prime Minister in a decade after groun. One of his senior aides after gordon brown, one of his senior aides sees paralegals. Hes shes taken over from an elected Prime Minister. The elected Prime Minister who came before her, as with gordon brown had their own manifesto. Like gordon brown, shes playing with the idea of how much she wants to inherit from her predecessor and how much she wants to move on from him. Lord wood believes that theresa may is faring better than his former boss. Though she will always face one overwhelming challenge. Theres only a certain amount of time that this Honeymoon Period will last. Thats when youve got to get clarity about what youre governing projects are about. Clearly thats what her speech was about today. She and her team try, will we ever remember theresa mays government as anything other than the team that managed brexit . Over the coming weeks, we will learn more about our Prime Minister as she delivers further speeches on housing and on a new industrial strategy. Whether she likes it or not, the greatest attention will be on a speech she will deliver on brexit. Nicky morgan, education secretary under David Camerons government, joins me now. And liz kendall, labour mp and former leadership contender. Lovely to have you both here. We heard there, Stuart Emphasising its a question of time. Nicky, if you closed your eyes during that speech, would you actually hear anything new between theresa may and the pm that you worked under, David Cameron . Do you hear a difference . I think you do because of the seismic event that happened onjune 23 last year. I think what theresa may is saying is its shaped by what has happened. It was interesting in the film talking about a mandate and theresa may not having been directly elected. But there was this big event, this change, where people said, hang on, im not so convinced about the direction that we are heading in, 52 said that. 48 said actually we want to remain in the eu. So she has now got to bridge that gap. I think its really encouraging actually that were not just talking about brexit, important though that is, but she has chosen Herfirst Big Policy Statement on the issue of Mental Health, which is something close to many peoples hearts in this country. Shes going to be defined by brexit and a hard brexit of her own making. The government is going to be overwhelmed with dealing with that issue and i think the interesting thing isjust how easily she has put to one side what is in the National Economic interest, which i dont believe is a hard brexit, and then saying she wants to put immigration and leaving the ec] over what might be in the interests ofjobs and businesses. For a conservative Prime Minister to put at risk their dearly held economic competence will be a strategic mistake. What youre both proving already, is that she cant escape from being the brexit pm. This speech was all about trying to be something else, whatever brexit is or isnt, i want to be the person of Social Justice. I want to be the person who puts Mental Health, you mention, irreproachable as a subject and yet, there will be a lot of people who say why didnt she go further than that . Why didnt she bring in brave measures that werent in the autumn statement. Were expecting speeches in the next few weeks on housing, on industrial strategy. We have the budget coming up in march, which is a time for new money. Social care is hugely important. But i take issue with liz on one thing. We dont disagree necessarily on the brexit issue too much, but governments have to be able to do more than one thing. Even when something is as massive as brexit, if you think about the second world war, even then butler was coming up with the 191m education act. Governments have to do more. The country and the people need more to be done. Thats true. But may doesnt have the real vision about how the economy needs to change. Look, the underlying challenges weve got with the economy, that existed before brexit, is that its too focussed on too few sectors and regions. Its too reliant on house prices and cheap credit. And its too shorp term, whether thats in terms of investment from businesses, investment in infrastructure or investment in r d. We have not seen anything near the scale of the changes that we need. Liz, in terms of the speech today, if she puts aside brexit, as she is trying to. She cant. Right. Did you hear anything in that speech, same question to you, that you wouldnt have welcomed from a Labour Leader . Heres a conservative Prime Minister talking about the importance of bringing in the forgotten, of looking after the vulnerable, the people who are just managing, of the people who felt locked out of discourse. That must be music to your ears. I have long believed and argued that globalisation has brought big benefits for some and has left too many people. You see that particularly in towns, counties and villages where some of our cities have benefitted. Look, only london and the south east have seen their growth get back to pre crisis levels. We are investing too little in infrastructure and r d. Unless we see big changes there, we are not going to deliver an economy that works for everyone. This was about personality as much as anything. It was, i described it as the soul of who she wants to be. You had a highly publicised spat with her. I wonder whether you find an authenticity in the woman who is now Prime Minister . I think theresa may is always authentic. She certainly keeps her cards close to her chest. All her colleagues would say that. Those whove known her for many years you talk about the Loughborough Market text, the barometer of wearing the £1,000 leather trousers in the Loughborough Market, when you take this idea of shared society rather than big society, can you sell those as a conservative in Loughborough Market . Yes, absolutely. Of course, i can. On the issue that arose before christmas. Sometimes in politics, feelings run high and things get too personal. That was not a good place for any of us, me, to be and the Conservative Party before christmas. Are you regretting it . Sometimes you say things and it doesnt get to the heart of the issues that people want you to discuss, like the speech today. Yes, i think actually funnily enough i was at a Drug Rehabilitation Centre in loughborough on friday morning, and a gentleman there whod come from elsewhere, the thing i really like about loughborough is the community spirit. I think what liz is saying again, what politicians who represent seats outside london would recognise, london is a very different place. There is community spirit. I think what theresa may is saying in the shared society is about communities. But government has to be involved. Jeremy corbyn needs to be stronger, this is what were hearing today, be more aggressive in taking on the things that youre talking about. I think we need to focus on what people want, which is a job that pays them a wage they can live on, a home to call their own, Great Schools for their kids and you know, if their parents get sick that theyre going to have the care they need in hospital and to get back out of hospital. Today, ithink, was a real example of where the government is so far getting it wrong. Theresa may wanted to focus on Mental Health, but today in the house of commons, jeremy hunt said the way to deal with the pressures on the nhs and long waits in a e is to downgrade the target. That is a weak spot for the conservatives on health. David cameron tried to do a lot to get back their credibility on health, if they lose that and make the wrong decisions on brexit for the economy, i think the conservatives will be in trouble. Thank you both very much. Some put it down to the trainspotting generation, the ageing heroin using population still taking the drug decades on. Others argue heroin has got purer. Whatever the reasons, Heroin Deaths have risen dramatically in the last few years. Drug Service Providers have various tools in their arsenal. One is a drug called naloxone that reverses the effects of overdose. Paramedics and hospitals use it, but scotland and wales have implemented National Take home emergency Naloxone Programmes for addicts and their associates. In england, that offer is more patchy. Our special correspondent Katie Razzall has been to liverpool to hearfrom drug users. And a warning, her report does contain scenes of drug taking from the start. Its a side to liverpool the tourist guides dont dwell on. Sometimes dubbed englands drug abuse capital, addiction here can be shockingly public. Fewer people take heroin these days, but more are dying. The numbers doubled in three years in england and wales to the highest since records began. I was using crack and heroin. Philip connolly is 43, a drug userfor decades, hes at brook place clinic because he says he wants to stop. I want to get clean. I dont want to be drinking. I want to be clean. Since i was about 25 i started using heroin. I was an alcoholic at a young age. I done class a drugs at about 25, yeah. Its destroyed my life. Thats why im here. It started me thinking. Philip typifies the at risk user, middle aged, often homeless, with other potential Health Conditions as a result of his lifestyle. Im back smoking, you know, i noticed my breaths are really short. Liverpool has the highest rate of people taken to hospital with drug related Mental Health or Behavioural Problems in england. Heroin isntjust a problem in liverpool, of course, but critics argue this city isnt using all the tools available to it to combat overdose deaths. This Amateur Video from america shows liz, a heroin user, whos overdosed. Her Respiratory System has collapsed. Herfriends give her a drug called naloxone, narcans the brand name, which has been used by hospitals and paramedics for decades. Breathing on her own . Yeah. Naloxone reverses the effects of heroin overdose. Its believed to have saved tens of thousands of lives in the us and it saves liz. Like in some american states, scotland and wales now offer take home Emergency Naloxone to addicts and those around them. Its believed, just like in lizs case, it will save their lives. This is what a naloxone take home kit looks like. Dr abbasi wants a nationwide emergency Naloxone Programme across england too. They give one dose. Then wait a few minutes to see if the person is coming back, coming out of the overdose and if the effect is being reversed. At the moment his region, liverpool, doesnt issue take home naloxone. Neighbouring sefton does. That Postcode Lottery is repeated across the country. Sometimes you see someone who is really high risk. They come to you and you know this could possibly save their life. Theyre walking out and youre holding your heart, and you think you will get a phone call or an e mail from someone saying theyve died. It really is something that concerns me as a clinician, when i know Something Like this they can take away and could possibly, possibly give them an option and keep them alive. Its very frustrating. I live in a squat back home in ireland. I woke up and me mate was dead beside me. That was frightening. He got heroin the night before. He went into an od and he was dead beside me, yeah. Loads of people, ive seen that happen to loads of people. It is frightening. And yet, something in your brain. Takes the dose. Gets you to do it again even though youve woken up next to someone dead. Yeah, thats the crazy thing about it. You still do it, even though you know that, you know every time you use it, it could happen you know. And if there was this drug available for you, do you think that would be helpful . Of course it would be, yeah. It doesnt sound like its hard to administer. Of course i think it would be a good idea. Especially if you have two people in the house that are using. Coming off heroin is one thing, staying off quite another. At genie in the gutter, a Charity Supporting recovery through Creative Arts and other programmes, michael told me he sometimes slips, on the path away from drugs. But in his 70s and five years clean, after a four decade affair with heroin that began in afghanistan. Its only the first once or twice that you experience the depth and the feeling that it gives you. After the second or third time, you are always looking for the same thing again. But you never realise it half the time. Thats why people tend to overdose. Theyre always chasing this phenomenon from the first experience. By increasing the dosages and not having the tolerance, they overdose. I nearly died a couple of months ago. And they gave me that drug, whats it called . Naloxone. Do you think that drug saved your life . Yeah, definitely. If it werent for that drug, i wouldnt be here now. When you look around at your friends and people that youve grown up with and people youve met on the streets who are users. Most of them are dead. Really . Im lucky to be alive myself. Tommy allman was a Heroin Addict for years. Now an outreach worker, he took me on a tour of liverpools heroin hot spots, the first, a car park. This is what we call a blue head. These are mainly used for injecting into the groin. They have these and the green needles. What kind of ages are you seeing . Is it really now a middle aged drug problem . Its between, id say between 35, a5. On heroin . They re long term users. Theyre notjust dying of overdoses. Theyre dying through other Health Related illnesses due to the lifestyle. If i hadnt found recovery when i did, i wouldnt be alive now. Next stop another very public place, beside a main road. This is an unused two millimetre syringe. You could use that for your groin or your arm. Weve got a brand new one hit kit there. There will be little areas all round the city centre, like this, where therell be syringes hidden, just in case they need to come back again. Deserted at night, tommy told me users come here in the daytime because they need light to see their veins. Did you ever overdose . Yeah, i overdosed on three or four occasions. The worst one being, i was dragged out of a flat because they thought i was dead. They were dragging me down a landing to a stairwell. Why . To get rid of my body. And it was only the fact that an off duty nurse was walking past, felt my pulse and rang an ambulance that i ended up going to the hospital and having this injection that woke me back up. If tommys fellow users had had take home naloxone, they might have saved his life, not left it to chance in a stairwell. But, unlike dr abbasi, he doesnt believe the drug should be offered to addicts to use on others. The way i see it, youre giving the drug user an excuse. Thats all somebody in addiction needs is an excuse. If you give them one of them packs, theyll be thinking, well, ive got a free out here. I can take as much as i want, because if i go over, someones going to give me this. Next day, in broad daylight, we came across a man shooting up in the city centre, just metres away from a busy street and car park. He does this five times a day, he said. When youre addicted to heroin, when you actually need it and youre rattling for it, nothing else matters, apart from you need that. You will go if you have to you will literally stand on the street and do it, if you have to. Id arranged to meet philip again, in a park where he says he walks to clear his head. Have you done any heroin today . Yeah, i have, yeah. Last night i begged money. So i had money this morning for crack and heroin, yeah. And i smoked it, yeah. Will you do that again today, do you think . Hopefully. Thats the life of an addict. We saw you yesterday, you said you wanted to get clean. Do you actually want to . Oh, i do, yeah, i do. Every time you do those drugs, theres a possibility you might die. Do you think about that . Ive odd several times ive odd five or six times. Ive been lucky because people have either found me or i was with the right person. The next time, i could be gone. Liverpool City Council Told newsnight its looking at whether to offer Ta Ke Home Naloxone to local users in the near future. Unless every english region rolls it out, access to a drug that could save lives will be governed by where an addict lives, not what they use. Will the Freedom Of The Press be harmed by a move to make newspapers pay their opponents legal bills, even if they win . The public has one day left to have their say on these proposals on press regulation, measures which have divided those who report and print investigative stories. Is it endangering one of the cornerstones of democracy, the ability of the press to hold those in power to account . Or simply a move to let those who wouldnt otherwise have the money to take on big newspapers voice their complaint when things go wrong . Joining me now, andrew norfolk, Award Winning Investigative Journalist who uncovered the rotherham child abuse scandal, unusually here in london tonight, and jonathan heawood, founder and ceo of impress, the only regulator so far to qualify for official recognition. Thank you both for coming in. Andrew, you are defending newspapers from not having to go through with this section 40, why would it affect your work . I think it will have a crippling effect on Investigative Journalism in this country. One example, the rotherham story that i worked on for four years. In august 2013 we named a man and accused him of being a serial abuser of children at a time when he had not even been questioned by police, let alone charged with any offence. We spent weeks and weeks, there is a Balancing Act to be made, can we defend this story if we get sued . We know that it is too. We took a brave decision and published and that is what led to the independent inquiry that found that moo girls were abused and led to the inquirer that sent many men to prison for the first time. If this comes in, the rules would be changed and if we published that story we would know that we would have to pay the costs if we were sued. Even if we have the evidence to defend it, it would not matter if every word was true, if any two bit solicitor wanted to represent this man, if a multimillionaire was involved in Something Like that, if they decide to sue, we can prove it is true, we can defend it, but we must pay. So if you had taken that story to your editor you think that they would not have dared publish it, knowing that you were a respected, trusted, Award Winning journalist . They wouldnt have backed you on that . It remains possible an incredibly brave editor with incredibly deep pockets would risk losing so much money. But if i think about the pressures that would be put on a newspaper with the resources of the times. I think about where i started on the scarborough evening news as a trainee, i think of the Yorkshire Post where four of us worked for months on a local government corruption scandal, it seems inconceivable that those newspapers would be able to run those stories. Jonathan, why put such stories in such jeopardy . Why put those newspapers in suchjeopardy. Roll back a little. Everyone is trying to make the system more fair. What andrew has talked about already affects journalists and broadcasters. There is the threat of libel. If you are taking on powerful individuals, companies, politicians, powerful figures, theres always that concern. There is an incentive for someone to sue if they think they could make some money. The Leverson Inquiry thinks you should be a new system where there is an independent regulator where people feel they can trust it, they can rebuild trust in the press which sadly is the lowest in this country post phone hacking, it has never recovered. For the public to have confidence in an independent regulator which would protect journalists, publishers should have protections from legal threats. The other side to the story which andrew is telling, and i have great sympathy for him and admiration for his work. If a journalist like andrew or his colleagues, if their newspapers joined a Certifiably Independent regulator as opposed to one that is owned and controlled. So you just sign up to the regulator and the problem is gone . We had a free press in this country for 300 years and we have a Royal Charter now. We have a quango. We have an approved regulator, largely funded by a multimillionaire who has his own reasons for loathing one section of our free press. I will come to that in a moment. But it is not unusual for any industry, broadcasters, doctors, lawyers, to have a body watching over them. You have the gmc for surgeons, you know, every single body has this, why should the press be unique . When it is doing its job correctly the press has a fundamental role as the eyes and ears of the public to shine a light in every corner, on the bbc, the gmc, and trade union leaders. The role of the press has always been to be free from any idea of government being able to have evened the shadow of a fingerprint on our throat. This lofty ideal is rather undermined when you look at who is essentially funding the charity that has backed impressed, max mosley, he has his ownjustification. The key point is, there are publishers who want to pass an independent regulator and they are free to set up their own regulator. Just one point, also, if slightly ironic that the same publishers who are up in arms, we have never seen anything like the coverage over the la st anything like the coverage over the last three weeks in every newspaper in the country over this issue. But to the newspapers in ireland are recognised in law and overseen by the irishjustice minister. Recognised in law and overseen by the Irishjustice Ministerlj recognised in law and overseen by the irish justice minister. I wish we had a longer but gentlemen, thank you for coming in. Northern island stands on the brink of an election. Ireland. The weeks, he has been under significant pressure following this mishandling which could end up costing half £1 billion. Vast sum. Here is matthew thompson. Hes seen four british Prime Ministers, three First Ministers and has been at the centre of Stormont Politics since the good friday agreement will stop but after one decade as Northern Ireland steady First Minister this evening deputy First Minister, this evening Martin Mcguinness announces almost certainly triggering and assembly election. We in sinn fein will not tolerate the arrogance of Arlene Foster. And the dup. Sinn fein wants equality and respect for everyone and thats what this process must be about. So today i have told Arlene Foster that i have tendered my resignation, effective from five oclock today. So i believe today is the right time to call a halt to the dups arrogance. On the face of it it is the fallout from a disastrous renewable heating s scheme that has pushed sinn fein over the edge. But a number of disagreements over issues such as Irish Language funding and redevelopment of the infamous maze prison point to deeper divisions within the executive. For their part, the dup refusing to bow to the pressure. Their leader Arlene Foster, the Minister Responsible for the Failing Energy scheme, has refused to step aside and the party is bullish about the election. If we are going to the country so be it, lets take it to the country, lets fight along clear lands and ive a message was sinn fein, its very clear, you do not decide who we choose as our leader and you do not decide who we choose First Minister. If we are in a position to nominate an elected First Minister. Such confidence is perhaps not surprising, going to the polls in Northern Ireland solves little, for the last ten years that have not exactly been wild swings in stormont elections. In 2007 the dup got 36 seats and sinn fein got 28. In 2011, the dup got 38 seats and sinn fein 29 and in 2016 the dup got, wait for it, 38 seats and sinn fein 28. In every year since 2007 there has been a dup First Minister and a sinn fein deputy. So its perfectly possible that on the other side of a bruising election it will be as you were at stormont. At this point, either another solution must be found for the very existence of Power Sharing could be under threat. Or the ver existence. To those who prefer their glass half full, there are grounds of optimism. After decades of violence and factional politics, Northern Ireland finally has a political crisis provoked by a nonsectarian issue. That in itself could be seen as a sign of progress. Are the great writers, philosophers, artists that our students study too white . Youre probably groaning by now, either because you think its the stupidest thing youve ever heard or because its so manifestly true it barely needs asking. Students at the school of oriental and Asian Studies in london want to shift the focus away from men like kant and plato because they see them as part of a Western Canon that hasnt properly been challenged. They call it decolonialising the syllabus. Critics call it pandering to a Snowflake Generation of the super touchy. True, Traditional Philosophy is so homogenous, that when the Monty Python Team wrote their philosophers football match sketch, they could cover most of the philosophers that people had heard of with just two countries. And theyre off nietzsche and hegel there. Karljaspers number seven on the outside. Wittgenstein there with him. Theres beckenbauer. Schellings in there, heidegger covering. Schopenhauer. And now its the greeks, epicurus, plotinus no 6, aristotle. Empedocles of acragas, and democritus with him. Theres archimedes. Socrates. There he is, socrates. Socrates there going through. Theres the ball. Monthy python. Joining me now, Kehinde Andrews from Birmingham City university, and Antony Seldon joins us from oxford. Welcome to you both. Thanks forjoining us. I dont know whether watching that monty python sketch, you thought, yes, this is what most of the syllabus taught in universities look like. Do you think there is a bigger problem with them . I think thats really the problem. The problem is that the curriculum is so white, it is so euro sown trick that the school of oriental and african studies, the students say theyre not learning enough from african and asian scholars. Eurocentric. Whats being said is that the education were giving is so narrow we dont understand the social world. Totally understandable, but do you think its more applicable . Entirely. I did sociology, looking at history, thats the same. Theres a european canon. We are taught this is special knowledge, the idea of the enlightenment that european knowledge is to civilise the dark savage. This goes to the heart of the problems in society today. We need to unpick them so we can move forward. Do you agree with that, somewhere we have got into this canon of Accumulative Experience and its just time to blow that up and start again . Obviously not. Much of the greatest works of civilisation, of science and medicine have been discovered whether we like it or not, by white men. I think we have a duty to study the world as it is. But im not somebody who doesnt understand and sympathise whats happening in universities. Its notjust the students. The universities themselves have a duty and are doing a great deal to make their courses far more global and far more aware of trends everywhere. So i think its ungenerous of the students to be this extreme. Itjust needs a sense of balance and proportion and to show respect not just respect for the traditions of universities, respect for the extraordinary achievements that have been created and to understand them yes, in their context, but also to look at the fascinating philosophy which comes from outside europe. Do you recognise that as an extreme position . Im not sure what is extreme about students saying we need to learn about other stuff. You cantjust have this idea of this european canon. The great white european men have had all these discoveries, thats part of the problem. Actually plato builds his work from the egyptian base of knowledge. Before the enlightenment, its islamic scholars in the 12th century who are keeping knowledge, curating knowledge, so we could even have physics, when europe is in the dark ages. The idea that its a special european knowledge that has changed the world is the problem. That is why the idea of the enlightenment is in it sol racist, that europe is there to civilize the darker nations. This must be challenged. Thats what academics and students are saying, put it in its proper context. So racist. Were conditioned to think theyre great because we havent explored the rest of civilisation. I agree with much of that. University is about challenging received wisdom. Of course, that is right and of course much of the, many of the greatest ideas come from beyond europe. We dont know nearly enough about them. That doesnt mean we should denigrate what has happened or pretend that what has happened is necessarily bad or not true. I studied philosophy at university and i wished id studied Eastern Philosophy which i have found since i left university, so much more interesting and penetrating than so much of the dull western philosophy i studied. That goes for is much of culture and civilisation too. Im qualifyingly supporting whats happening. But i am saying that i think its important just to show proportion and respect. How far would you go . Would you say the enlightenment was racist . Of course it was. Its built on the idea that there is a special knowledge from europe. We think about Something Like kante, so revered. He comes up with the idea of the taxonomy of the races. Its how i wasnt deemed to be a person by him when he was writing. If thats not racism, i dont know what it is. To put it into proportion, with the black studies degree, we dont not teach enlightenment. I teach these ideas, but we put them in the proper context and say there is a place for them and there say reason why they came and theres a kind of society it created. It is not a coincidence that the world looks with a very its unarguable, isnt it . So, look, i think that universities are about understanding and in free speech and understanding the whole gamut and nature of whats happened in civilisation. That doesnt mean denigrating or not studying people. It means studying people in their context. At the heart, the greatest wisdom of all, is the universality of the Human Experience and the equality of all people, regardless of gender, regardless of class, ethnicity and religion. I think that is what we should be moving towards. That doesnt mean denigrating any achievements of extraordinary people, who have made civilisations what they are in the past. Thank you both very much. Thats it for tonight. Kirsty will be back in the chair tomorrow. Until then, very good night. Cloud and rain to the north and west of times through tonight but south and east, clearer skies have been used to nights. The best of the sunshine, eastern parts, holding onto the sunshine the longest. Cloud builds in the west, occasional rain 01 builds in the west, occasional rain or drizzle into the afternoon. Nothing desperately heavy but that will work its way into central part of the second half of the davis cup as it goes, it introduces milder air so as it goes, it introduces milder air so after a chilly start, temperatures back into double figures for ireland, wales and the south west. Still rather cool but bright towards the east to finish the day. As a guide to tomorrow night, severe gales expected over Northern Scotland and heavy rain. The cold front will work its way south. Not a huge amount of rain on that but it is significant because it will open the door to cold air. As we start wednesday, temperatures dropping and showers turning to sleet and snow across parts of scotland. The process starts into wednesday and goes into thursday. Occasional showers turning wintry, the strength of the wind, look at the strength of the wind, look at the temperatures for thursday. Dropping quite widely. A bit more snow, as i will show you, through the night. Hello, everyone. The headlines donald trump is to appoint his son in law, jared kushner, as a senior white house adviser. Freezing it were that causes mystery and leave 30 people dead across europe. As it prepares to deliver his farewell address, weve looked at President Obama was a legacy inside the us. They are quick and tasty but Kennett Noodles become works of art . Kennett noodles. Live from our studios in singapore and london, but this is bbc world news, its

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