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Yet his total silence with respect to russian intervention. The number of People Killed in wednesdays attack at westminster has risen to five. That includes the attacker. Within the last few hours, the metropolitan police have confirmed that a 75 year old man died after being injured on westminster bridge. His identity has not yet been released. Detectives have confirmed that the attacker was a 52 year old british man, Khalid Masood. It has now emerged that he had changed his name, having grown up as adrian elms. Overnight and on thursday police made eight arrests, five men and three women, both in london and in the midlands city of birmingham. Tributes have been paid to those who lost their lives. The three identified victims are aysha frade, us national kurt cochran, and policeman keith palmer. The fourth victim who died of his injuries has not been named yet. There are more than 20 people still in hospital. Six are critically ill. With the latest on the investigation, here is our special correspondent lucy manning. With a car and a knife, he brought terror to parliament. He is Khalid Masood, a british born attacker known to the police, with a 20 year criminal record, although not for terrorism. The 52 year old responsible for the murder of a policeman, a mother on her way to collect her children, a tourist, and a pensioner. Today, on their knees, police slowly, meticulously searching for evidence on the same ground where one of their own lake, just a day ago. Nearby, in parliament, the Prime Minister spoke. What i can confirm is that the man was british born, and some years ago he was investigated by mi5 in relation to allegations of extremism. He was a peripheralfigure. The case is historic. He was not part of the current intelligence picture. There was no prior intelligence of his intent, all of the plot. Intensive investigations continue. 50 intent, all of the plot. Intensive investigations continue. So what more is known about masood . Masood was born in kent, and was most recently living in the west midlands. He had a range of previous convictions, including gbh, possession of offensive weapons, and public order offences. His last conviction was in 2003, for possession of a knife. He was also known by a number of aliases, and Khalid Masood isnt believed to be the name he was born with. Determined to find out everything they can about the man who murdered Pc Keith Palmer in the shadow of big ben, and ran over thosejust walking on westminster bridge. Notjust Routine Police Work this time its personal. It is still a belief, and it is borne out by investigation, that the attacker worked alone. At this stage we have no significant information about further threats to the public. The Police Attention in birmingham. Neighbours said it was like a scene from the film. Like a war, yeah. Down the streets. Its something you see only in movies, and i saw it behind my windows on the street. It was very frightening. It was like, what the hell is happening here . Another flat in the area was raided. Neighbours said masood live there recently. It is now known the car he turned into a wall weapon was a rental car he had hired in birmingham, at the spring hill tranche of enterprise cars. There has been Intense Police activity all day here in birmingham. With the attacker dead, the focus is on his friends and family. Whether they knew about his motivations, his intentions, whether he had any help with the attack on parliament. Police have made arrests in a number of different locations. Three properties were searched in birmingham and one woman was arrested. One woman was arrested in east london. They have also been searches in brighton and south east london. The eight have been arrested on suspicion of preparation of terrorist acts. At a house in luton where it is believed masood lived a few years ago, neighbours described him asa few years ago, neighbours described him as a houseproud family man. As far as him as a houseproud family man. As faras im aware him as a houseproud family man. As far as im aware he had to make children at the time he was here, that appeared to be Primary School children. He had peopled carrier, and he was loading his children into and he was loading his children into a people carrier with child seats. Today, so called Islamic State described him buried differently. Without providing evidence, it said he was one of their soldiers. The police are now tracking masoods movements. The man who got into a carand movements. The man who got into a car and drove terror into the heart of westminster. As a full day passes after the attack at the british parliament, new footage has emerged showing the panic inside parliament. This was the moment when police ran through parliament, ushering people to safety. The video by conservative mp David Tc Davies clearly shows the panic that was unfolding. Two other victims of wednesdays attack have been named. Aysha frade lived in london, with her husband and two young daughters. And kurt cochrane, an american citizen, was in london with his wife to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Some a0 people from 11 Different Countries were injured, some of them very seriously. Our correspondent Sarah Campbell reports on the victims. A mother on the school run, mown down in broad daylight. Aysha frade was 43 years old, and leaves behind a husband and two young daughters. Friends and neighbours have been paying tribute to her. She was just a lovely person, with two lovely children. Two lovely, lovely girls. How are these children . Theyve lost their mother. You leave your kids, you took them to school, to go and pick them up, and now this has happened to you. She worked at a college, near westminster bridge, and was on her way to pick up her children when the attack happened. She was a lovely person. Helpful, supportive, smiley, always willing to help out with whatever the challenges and demands that Teaching Staff might have at any given time. Ayshas mother was spanish, and today she was remembered by people in the galician town of betanzos. Her family are understood to be travelling to britain. In london, celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary, melissa and kurt cochran, from utah, in the united states. They were due to fly home today, but kurt was killed and melissa was left seriously injured. President trump described kurt cochran as a great american. His family said they are heartbroken. The couples next door neighbour said kurt was friends with everyone. This is going to be a sad, tough time for us, in the neighbourhood. I really feel bad, and i. I think of melissa, and what shes going to have to face in the next little while. And im sure the neighbourhood will gather around her, and help her any way they can. And this evening, another death. A 75 year old man who had been in hospital following the attack had his life support withdrawn. He is yet to be named. The people who were injured came from 11 Different Countries, including the united states, china, france and germany. They were taken from westminster to hospitals across london, including here at kings college. Undergoing treatment for a fractured leg is 19 year old travis frain. He was with fellow politics students on a field trip to parliament when he was hit head on by the car. He was pictured as Emergency Crews stretchered him away from the scene. Waiting for news inside the locked down Parliament Building was his tutor from edge hill university. She told me today that travis is doing well. Hes been checking his facebook. You know, lots of other messages from other students, wanting to know how he is. So, you know, clearly hes not well, but hes dealing with it, and hes staying as cheerful as he can. Another school trip caught up in the chaos three french students from this school in brittany were injured. Two of them were reported to have suffered serious fractures. Romanian Officials Say this woman, andreea cristea, who fell into the thames, has undergone surgery to treat a blood clot on her brain. Her boyfriend, andre, sustained a broken foot. They had been celebrating her birthday. Several people remain in hospital including two Police Officers with serious injuries. This was an attack in london, but its effects are being felt across the world. Sarah campbell, bbc news. Ever since the seven july bombings in london, in 2005, Counter Terrorism agencies have worked to improve their ability to uncover major plots involving groups of people. But the threat posed by lone operators, avoiding sophisticated methods, is far more difficult to uncover. Our security correspondent Gordon Corera looks at the difficulties facing the intelligences services. Tonight, questions about surveillance. Khalid masood, the Prime Minister said, did come across mi5s radar a few years ago. But he was not being watched at the time he was planning his attack. That has led some to question whether more could have been done to stop him. It is not a new question. After the 7july bombings in 2005, it emerged some of the men had, like masood, cropped up in the periphery of an mi5 investigation. And the same was true of those responsible for the Killing Of Lee Rigby in woolwich. The Security Services and their colleagues in the police do a magnificentjob, and the Intelligence Services altogether know a great deal about whats going on. But there will always be the possibility to that somebody can get through. So why does this happen . One problem for the authorities is scale. At the moment, there are around 3,000 people suspected of some kind of terrorist related activity, and there are more than 500 live police investigations. It takes dozens of people to watch one individual round the clock. That means there have to be choices. It is very difficult to prioritise which ones should be looked at closely, and scrutinised closely, at any one time. You know, it is not an exact science. These are fine judgements that have to be made by Senior Police and Senior Intelligence officers. You know, at haste, often, with limited resources, and partial information. Many people cross mi5s radar. But the challenge, as one person puts it, is working out who to put under the microscope, and to try and spot if their Behaviour Changes over time. For instance, are they moving towards planning an actual attack . All of that is getting harder in a world of low tech terrorists, who sometimes can act alone. So called Islamic State today claimed masood was their soldier. But that doesnt necessarily mean he was directed, rather than just inspired by them. Investigators will want to know if there was any contact. Police and mi5 rely on communities here for help. Even if someone acts alone, it is rare for no one else to have had any knowledge or suspicions. But they need to be willing to pass them on. Where they have come across people who they feel are creating divisions within our community, are purporting extremism and fundamentalism, you know, they are saying to our Security Services, you know, just be mindful about this individual. But theyre also reluctant to do so, because sometimes theyre not sure whether the Security Services will deal with them in a fair manner. Surveillance by police and mi5 has foiled many plots in recent years. But, at this early stage, it is impossible to say if this attack could have been stopped. Gordon corera, bbc news. Still to come a vote on president trumps new Healthcare Plan is postponed. There arent enough republicans ready to support it. Let there be no more war or bloodshed between arabs and israelis. Im so proud of both of you. With great regret, the committee have decided that south africa be excluded from the 1970 competition. Streaking across the sky, the white hot wreckage from Mir Drew Gasps from onlookers on fiji. This is bbc news. Im kasia madera. The latest headlines the perpetrator of wednesdays attack outside the Houses Of Parliament in london has been identified as a 52 year old british man, who converted to islam and changed his name to Khalid Masood. Two of those who died have been named, one was a local School Worker and the other was an american tourist celebrating his Wedding Anniversary in london. The tussle over how donald trump plans to get rid of obamacare is becoming ever more bitter as both the republicans and democrats prepare to debate what happens next. The planned vote has been delayed until friday. President trump has been rallying support among republicans, but there are still some members of his own party who are wary of backing his replacement for the Affordable Care act, to use the full title. Lets get the latest now on this live from washington, and our correspondent laura bicker. Laura, weve got loads of different lines coming through about some possible agreement. But regardless of what all of this is saying, this boat is delayed. Heres what we know so boat is delayed. Heres what we know so far this a vote. This vote is delayed. Its an embarrassment to the white house because donald trump prides himself on doing deals and he hasnt managed to persuade those in his own party to vote for his health reforms. However, in the last hour with had some breaking news. President trump appears to have issued an ultimatum to the republicans. He said he wants a vote on friday, which is tomorrow here in the united states, he wants a vote on the repeal and replacement of this Healthcare Act or hes prepared to leave it and move on. Why is this important . Because there are some within the Republican Party who has been fighting for the last seven yea rs been fighting for the last seven years since this law was passed to repeal it and replace it. This is something that theyve made their key Campaign Pledge and here is donald trump saying, look, you either take this or you leave it. This is the Healthcare Deal on the table, there will be no further negotiating. If you want to repeal and replace obamacare, go and do your jobs, and replace obamacare, go and do yourjobs, go and vote and we get thejob done. Thats yourjobs, go and vote and we get the job done. Thats the ultimatum that hes just given. What does this mean for the American People . Under the Affordable Care act, it was the Biggest Health reform seen in this country for 60 years. Barack obama brought in reforms that allow more people to buy health insurance. Now, under this new bill its feared that millions, 2a million by the next decade, will lose their insurance. And there are he is that it might not do much to reduce the deficit, reduced the amount it costs. So thats what moderates fear but conservative republicans fear this is government overreach, that they wa nt to is government overreach, that they want to strip back more of the government involvement in healthcare. So thats the two warring factions within i party. That is the fear. Can they get together and make this boat happen . It still doesnt look like it will have the votes to pass but donald trump insists it will go to the house, they debate it and they vote on it on friday. Its hugely emotive as we almost, weve had demonstrations in dc. Talk us through. If it does get defeated, what realistically happens . That would be disastrous for donald trump . As we all know. Would be disastrous for donald trump . As we all know. If that happens he says he will leave obamacare in place but remember this man prided himself and ran his campaign on not being a politician. Hes already said in the past few hours at a roundtable meeting saying this is politics, i dont understand why this isnt being passed, obamacare is failing, we need to do something and this is just politics. If he can persuade his voters and supporters that he did all he could, and he has been on capitol hill nearly every day this week trying to twist arms and negotiate a deal, he canjust persuade twist arms and negotiate a deal, he can just persuade his supporters to say, look, hang on a second, these are the politicians that made this deal, it wasnt me, you have to go to them if youre fearing your loss of health coverage. The problem for representatives in the house and the senate is they are also accountable and they have been back in their states just a few weeks ago greeting voters who are angry about the fear that they have about losing their health insurance. So there between a rock and a hard place and some in congress are trying to decide exactly what they are going to do they are. Meanwhile we all watch and wait. My goodness, dont read. Lots of unknowns but what i do know is we will monitor what happens when that vote ta kes will monitor what happens when that vote takes place on friday dont we. The man who ran Hillary Clintons failed president ial bid has accused the fbi of double standards over the way it conducted investigations during the election campaign. John podesta told the bbc that the fbi Directorjames Comey kept quiet about its investigation into possible collusion between russia and the Trump Campaign, but went public about its inquiry into mrs clintons hacked e mails just days before the vote itself. My colleague Philippa Thomas asked him if he had been suspicious during the campaign. Of course we thought that was going on for some time and argued to the press that they had to really look at that and try to dig into that and cover it. But it was a revelation that the fbi was looking at that as early as now evidently they were, its kind of one more trip in something that ive been highly critical of the bureau about, which is the double standard they applied in this campaign. The intervention, the number of resources they spend, the number of resources they spend, the scores of fbi agents they had poring over Hillary Clintons e mail server, Whichjim Poring Over Hillary Clintons e mail server, which jim kony, poring over Hillary Clintons e mail server, whichjim kony, the fbi director, ultimately concluded that it wasnt even a close call, there even anything there compared to the engagement on the russian side, his intervention just 11 days before the election to decide to reopen this, the Clinton Investigation with total silence with respect to the russian intervention and now the potential collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russian actors was really a double standard that is still inexplicable to me. Youre very calm about this but i imagine. Im very angry about it. Ijust learned. Do you have confidence in the fbi investigation given you clearly dont have confidence in their impartiality during the election . think at this point ive never accused Minister Comey of trying. I think he made very bad errors of judgement. Mr comey. Ithink i think he made very bad errors of judgement. Mr comey. I think he was being pressed by forces inside the fbi who may have wanted influence stockpot. Not to see Hillary Clinton elected . To see Hillary Clinton elected . To see Hillary Clinton elected . To see Hillary Clinton lose, yeah. I think mr comey was motivated more from the pressure coming from republicans on capitol hill, pressure coming from people, particularly in his new york field office, that were putting pressure on him but against the advice of the department ofjustice, against the long term practice of democrat and Republican Justice Department is and fbi leadership. He got involved and i think it was a terrible error in judgement. John podesta, thank you. Thank you. Back to our main news. Tributes have been paid around the world to the victims of the westminster terror attack. Sophie raworth spoke to some of those who went to show their solidarity and respect. Shoulder to shoulder. Police, politicians, Faith Leaders from all over london. The mayor of london urged people tojoin him in trafalgar square. Thousands answered his call. Those evil and twisted individuals who tried to destroy our shared way of life will never succeed and we condemn them. Somewhere on their way home from work. Others had felt compelled to head into the capital to be there. Im a quiet person, i dont protest, i dont waive a banner but today we wa nted i dont waive a banner but today we wanted to come up just to show that we with london, part of london, part of britain. Just half a mile from westminster bridge, one man contemplating what might have been. I changed my plans for the day so i kind of wish i did go thinking if i could have helped stop it all. Among the crowd, Men In Blue T Shirts written on them the words i am a muslim, ask me anything. It was extremely important for us to come down, especially as muslims, to come down, especially as muslims, to come down here and stand with fellow londoners, fellow countrymen, shoulder to shoulder, irrespective of religion, faith, creed, colour, and about a message that these attacks cannot divide us. Many of the Police Officers i spoke to say theyd been amazed by the number of people whod wanted to thank them. This doesnt happen to you every day, does it, that members of the public come up to you and say thank you and hug you. Not at all, when the first person did it i was shocked, it was a doubletake but it makes you feel rewarded to be honest. What was it like for you to be here . It was very touching, ive never had so many people come up to me and thank you for what weve done but this isjust ourjob. Candles for those who died and for the dozens more whos been injured. But the message is one of defiance and quiet dignity in a city that refuses to be cowed. Good morning. Things are looking good on the Weather Front over the next few days. The Satellite Sequence shows a fair bit of cloud across the uk that melted away but it is coming back overnight with more cloud across the north of the uk as well, between large areas of clear skies which means temperatures will drop away and a chilly start for most places. With clear skies overnight we should have regular sunshine through the day. Temperature wise this morning starting at seven degrees under cloudy skies in cardiff and london but northwards, the bottom end of single figures, particularly in rural areas with frost developing in scotland and Northern Ireland. Not so in the south west, cloud and outbreak of rains, seven degrees in the morning, brighter in the western side of wales but the eastern side through the midlands, east anglia and South East Stays dry. Breezy and six, seven or eight degrees. North, sunshine for most of northern england. Lovely start to the day here. Yes, cold in scotland although a bit more of a cloud, breeze and Rain Brushing the far north. That area of rain will move away towards the east so it will dry up here all the while, a bit on the cloudy start. Cloud further south tends to melt away from the east so good spells of sunshine coming through to the afternoon and we will see 11, 12 or 13 degrees, maybe a little cooler in the immediate north sea coast. Cloudy in the far south and west but even that melts away as we get on into the evening. And then it is fine and dry through the small hours of saturday morning. Temperature again will drop away with a hint of blue on the map indicating A Touch Of Frost developing. The north was the lowest temperatures, particularly more rural spots where frost will develop. All in all it will be a decent start to the weekend. High pressure in charge, not moving away quickly so it will keep things fine and warm. The breeze towards the North And South of the uk on saturday but many places are having a pleasant day with good spells of sunshine. Warm in aberdeenshire, maybe 16 degrees down towards the south and west. However around the south eastern coastline along the immediate coast temperatures in the single figure, eight and nine in the breeze but a little bit further ahead and it will reach 15 or 16 degrees. So it looks like a decent second part of the weekend as well. On balance a bit more in the way of cloud coming in there everywhere will stay fine and dry and attempted to quite respectable. Maybe more cloud by monday. All in all the weekend looks fine. The sunshine will be warm but overnight still quite cold and A Touch Of Frost. The headlines on bbc news; the man who killed four people outside the Houses Of Parliament in london on wednesday has been identified. He was Khalid Masood, a british born muslim convert with a history of violent crime. Police say they are questioning eight people arrested in connection with the killings on suspicion of terrorism. The number of People Killed during an attack outside the Houses Of Parliament in london on wednesday has risen to four, following the death of a 75 year old man. Two other people who died have now been named. One was a local school employee, and the other was an american tourist. Police say eight people arrested in connection with the killings are being held on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts. Searches involving hundreds of detectives have been carried out in london, birmingham and western wales. And one other top story the funeral of the former Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Martin Mcguinness has taken

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