Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170307

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—— skies blue. glad you could join us. it is a them in singapore, midnight in london, and seven in the evening in washington, dc, web president donald trump has finally signed his replacement executive order on immigration. it really imposes travel restrictions on six muslim—majority nations. but it admits iraq —— but admits iraq and allows people who already have green cards and lives a ban on syrian refugees. nick bryant reports. there was applause when president trump signed the first executive order, but it caused anger, chaos and confusion at america's airports as the travel ban on entrants from seven mainly muslim countries was hurriedly put into effect but the us courts blocked it opening the borders, delivering an embarrassing rebuke to president trump. so today he signed a revised ban with unusually little fanfare. the washington press corps not invited to witness it and this photograph taken instead by a white house staffer. he left it to a senior administration officials to sell one of his signature policies. it is the president's solemn duty to protect the american people. and with this order president trump is exercising his rightful authority to keep our people safe. whilst citizens from somalia, sudan, syria, iran, libya and yemen are still affected, iraq, unlike last time, is not on the list. people with legal residency in the us who are holders of green cards and those who already had visas will not be subject to the ban. syrian refugees originally banned indefinitely are not singled out for harsher treatment. the trump administration claims some refugees pose a potential terror threat. in fact, today more than 300 people, according to the fbi, who came here as refugees, are underan fbi investigation today for potential terrorism—related activities. by delaying its implementation until later in the month the white house is hoping to avoid a repeat of the botched roll out of the original travel ban. removing iraq, a key ally, is designed to make it more politically palatable for republican critics. and the trump administration has tried to make it legally watertight. but to constitutional scholars think they have succeeded? there are still grounds to challenge this executive order. in fact, they are the same grounds as before, it willjust be more difficult. none of this means that courts could not strike this town or issue a restraining order, it's just that it will be tougher. this has fewer edges. the muslim neighbourhoods of america such as this one in michigan, the travel ban affects family members and friends. and many complain it also marginalises them. it's really sad because it's affecting a lot of people and it's going to hurt a lot of people. i think it's a wrong decision. i wish he would teach us how to love each other more and be more peaceful, do not say this group is bad, that group is bad. america has long celebrated its welcoming tradition towards immigrants, symbolised by the statue of liberty. but opinion on the travel ban exposes deep divisions here between those who protest it's un—american and those who believe it's necessary to protect the american homeland. let's get more on this new executive order. cristina rodriguez is a professor of law at yale law school. shejoins me from new professor of law at yale law school. she joins me from new york. just explained to us, now that some areas have been removed, how this differs from the last ones? does this mean that this is more likely to overcome any more legal challenges? the administration did remove some of the provisions that would have created the strongest basis for a legal challenge. primarily by exempting green card holders and those already with visas. i think they have removed the concerned that it might violate people's due process rights. that said, they can still be challenges based on the concerned that it actually reflects anti—muslim buyers. and it is unclear if removing the exception for christian refugees is adequate. so this has been more legally looked at the previous order, then the initial order that was brought forward ? initial order that was brought forward? i think the legal challenges quite likely. they will face a steep hurdle, because i figured this point, what is left for claimants to argue is that the order was motivated by anti—muslim buyers. and that is going to require placing emphasis on president trump's campaign speeches and other forms of external evidence that it was motivated by religious reasons other than national security reasons. the difference between this order now and the last one, had differential on green cars? so anyone from the liston fight countries who has a green card in the united states is no longer subject to the order. the administration did try to exempt them from the previous order car but that was not clear on its face. and they have made it very clear in this order. in addition to that, anybody who has a these from one of these five countries that was issued before the effective date of the order will also not be affected. and they have made that crystal clear on they have made that crystal clear on the face of the order, itself. of course, this a 90 day ban. we are expecting the countries involved to give details of how their screening batter, and bruno security details... effectively, and how logical, how realistic is it that this will be successful, or can they extend this for a another 90 days? the order does leave open the possibility that not only would they extend it for the five countries named, but that additional countries could be added if it is determined during the review that countries cannot provide the information they are looking for to ensure national security interest. it is unclear what precisely will be sought from the countries that are named in the order orfrom other the countries that are named in the order or from other places from which immigrants come to the united states. so i think that is one of the unanswered questions. what the expectations will be and what the administration will cite as a reason to keep the ban in place or to extend it beyond the five listed countries. thank you very much for joining as christina rodriguez. thank you. lots more on our website, but let's bring up—to—date with our other stories. north korea's official news agency has just reported that monday's launch of four missiles was a training exercise for a strike on us bases in japan. the country's leader supervised the drill and according to the same report personally ordered it to start. leaders of the french centre—right have reasserted their support for republican presidential candidate, francois fillon. mr fillon has faced intense pressure after being told he was being subject to an embezzlement investigation. he denies the charges and has refused to step aside. our correspondent hugh schofield says mr fillon is not out of the woods yet. duejudicial affair is due judicial affair is still there. next week, he will go before a judge. it will be news. his opponents will continue to remind him that at the beginning of all this he said he cannot imagine any candidate remaining as a candidate if he is in this situation. an eerie is doing just that. and north korea's ambassador in kuala lumpur has arrived in beijing after being asked to leave malaysia in a diplomatic row. north korea says it will expel the malaysian ambassador to pyongyang in return. a deterioration in relations follows the assassination of kim jong—un‘s half—brother at kuala lumpur airport. let's take a look at some football news. chelsea have extended their lead at the top of the premier league with a 2—1victory at west ham united. star plays eden hazard i'm an diego costa were both on the scoresheet for the blues. —— star players eden hazard and diego costa we re players eden hazard and diego costa were both on the scoresheet for the blues. chelsea now lead second—place spurs by ten points. a retired police officer in the philippines has admitted to killing nearly 200 people, saying he was part of a ‘death squad' under the ‘death squad‘ under the now—president, rodrigo duterte. arturo lascanas now—president, rodrigo duterte. arturo lasca nas had now—president, rodrigo duterte. arturo lascanas had originally denied the killings, carried out when duterte was davao city mayor. the president‘s spokesman said they we re the president‘s spokesman said they were fabricated and unacceptable. this meant that he was part of a desk want in davao city operating under the orders of president duterte, who was then be mayor. translation: drew my time in the death squad, let‘s just say i killed almost 200 people. —— during my time. i cannot take my great these dark and evil secrets from my life. born out of experience to rodrigo duterte. i had blind obedience and loyalty to the point that i was indirectly involved in killing my two brothers. did retired policeman previously denied being a hitman, and senators wanted to know why he changed his story. he said he had been told to stay quiet and feared for the lives of his loved ones. davao city was once a byword for crime. it is now largely peaceful. rodrigo duterte cleaned up the city when he was mayor. but some say he didn‘t wake ordering the killing of drug pushers, criminals, and even those who criticise his leadership. when he became president last year, president duterte took some of his car policies in davao city, and apply them to the whole of the philippines. he declared a war on drugs. he has been controversial. thousands have died at the hands of his gods ought to make of police officers. despite the killing, he remained popular. and it is like that from arturo lascanas, however distressing, is unlikely to bring down the president. it is nearly three years since malaysia airlines flight mh370 took off on its last flight from kuala lumpurorto beijing. it off on its last flight from kuala lumpur or to beijing. it was never seen again. a lot of changes were promised to improve flight tracking so that a mystery disappearance like this could never happen again. so what has changed? foursome expert in straight, we are joined what has changed? foursome expert in straight, we arejoined by what has changed? foursome expert in straight, we are joined by geoffrey thomas. great to have you with us on the programme. —— for some expert insight. has the system improves? be an city of question is yes and no. first of all, the industry governing body has been working with all the member states and countries around the world, and has issued directives that by 2021, all aircraft will have tracking systems on board. the cockpit voice recorder, which is currently a two—hour tape, will become a 25 out kate. and the digital flight recorders must be recovered. —— 25 hour tape. so there have been a number of initiatives agreed to and that will be rolled out. at the same time, the industry itself does have the means to track aircraft right now, but not exactly to those standards. one of the ways for insta nce standards. one of the ways for instance is the increasing rollout of broadband satellite communications to do with the in—flight entertainment system. and few twea ks in—flight entertainment system. and few tweaks of that can enable aircraft to be tracked in real time. also the cargo industry also tracks cargo on aircraft in real time, so they can give their customers information about exactly where the cargo is. so there are things in place. so there are things in place? so why is it taking time to roll out? why can‘t it be expedited for passengers‘ safety. out? why can‘t it be expedited for passengers' safety. in a lot of cases, a number of airlines have already done it. but this is a major technological challenge to reach the standard. for instance, to change cockpit voice recorders from a two—hour tape to a 25 hour tape recording is not something that can be done overnight. and of course, you must reach agreement with all the countries around the world, as well. so unfortunately, and at the same time, this must be done to a very rigourous safety standard as well. we cannot simply tweak. these are complex elektra making is that it be done. so geoffrey, there is a lot of co—ordination amongst government, amongst corporate airlines, but let me talk about the search for mh370. —— these are complex and electronics. it is in expendable that was not continued with especially given the evidence that was brought to bear by the csr from australia. they did reverse drift modelling. —— csiro. and the international team that was brought together to look for this aircraft, we are talking about australia, the united kingdom, the united states, we are talking really almost a dream tea m we are talking really almost a dream team of investigators and technology. and it is a very competent and search. and they narrowed down at the very end a particular area that needed to be searched, which is where they believed it was. this was confirmed by the csr. -- csiro. believed it was. this was confirmed by the csr. —— csiro. this has been confirmed yesterday by the university of western australia, which in fact predicted over two yea rs which in fact predicted over two years ago where this debris would turn up. they have located a spot which is consistent with this new area that was suggested that we must search. and for the malaysians to pull out of this is extraordinary. thank you so much rort sharing your views on this issue. geoffrey thomas, thank you. and you‘re watching newsday on the bbc. light from singapore and london. still to come under programme: in china, the government‘s promising action against old polluting vehicles but can it really make the skies blue again? first, the plates slid gently off the restaurant tables. then suddenly the tables, the chairs and people crashed sideways and downwards and it was a matter of seconds as the ferry lurched onto her side. the hydrogen bomb on a remote pacific atoll. the americans had successfully tested a weapon whose explosive force dwarfed that of the bomb dropped on hiroshima. i had heard the news earlier and so my heart went bang and bang. the constitutional rights of these marchers have their rights as citizens of the united states and they should be protected even in the right to test them out so they don't get their heads broken and are sent to hospital. this religious controversy, i know you don‘t want to say too much about it, but does it worry you it‘s going to boil up when you get to the stage? well, it worries me, yeah. i hope everything will be all right in the end of the day. this is newsday on the bbc. i‘m rico hizon, in singapore. i‘m kasia madera, in london. our top stories: president trump has signed a revised travel ban against six mainly muslim countries, with some of the contentious aspects of the old order removed. a retired police officer in the philippines has testified that the country‘s president, rodrigo duterte, approved the killings of nearly 200 people when he was a city mayor. let‘s take a look at some front pages from around the world: the front page ofjapan times is dominated byjapan‘s reaction to north korean missile tests that landed in the sea — inside japan‘s exclusive economic zone. prime minister shinzo abe described this "a new level of threat and utterly intolerable." he vowed to co—ordinate with japan‘s allies to urge north korea exercise restraint. philippines daily inquirer leads on the reaction to a former policeman‘s startling testimony that linked president duterte to killings by a death squad in davoa. some senators have questioned the motives of arturo lascanas in linking duterte now. they suggest that he became unhappy because the administration had turned down deals that he attempted to broker for his friends. the new york times has an incredible and heart—warming migrant success story from denmark. ali sonko, pictured here smiling in the kitchen, worked as a dishwasher at noma, one of the best restaurants in the world for fourteen years. last week, he was promoted as a co—owner of the restaurant. congratulations! now what stories are sparking discussions online? in thailand it‘s all about a green sea—turtle named bank so called because she would eat up the coins thrown into her tank at a conservation centre near bangkok. many thais believe throwing coins will bring longevity, but not necessarily for turtles however. vets had to operate on bank after the coins became so heavy they cracked her shell. here are all the coins they removed. 900 or so. let‘s hope she makes a full recovery. good luck, bank. a british backpacker has been rescued in australia after allegedly being held against her will for more than two months. she was found after the police pulled over the car she was driving. our correspondent hywel griffith is in sydney. what more do you know about this british backpacker and where is she now? we understand that she has been treated for her injuries. police found her on sunday afternoon when they carried out a routine stop some kind of campervan. when they pulled over the vehicle, they found this woman was extremely distressed and anxious and had serious facial injuries. they then found a 22 year—old man in the back. they alleged he was trying to hide from them. he was questioned and detained and has been charged with multiple cou nts and has been charged with multiple counts of rape and assault, four cou nts counts of rape and assault, four counts of rape and assault, four counts of strangulation and two counts of strangulation and two counts of holding someone against their will. this man for some nine weeks had in holding the british back packer against the will and subject that her to some terrible things. china has promised to "make its skies blue again" as it introduces new plans to tackle its notorious air pollution problem. it‘s targeting vehicle emissions and encouraging the use of greener cars. as part of our series on tackling air pollution, our china editor carrie gracie reports from beijing. everything in china is on a massive scale. the problem is and the solutions. cars are to blame for about a third of china‘s air pollution so it is scrapping the worst offenders. but this ritual in the wreckers yard is a losing battle against 30 million new cars taking to the roads this year. if these people want clean air than from transport, to heating and livestock, they have to change their behaviour. china has to kick its addiction to fossil fuel. for this china has to kick its addiction to fossilfuel. for this ageing couple, the morning commute isn‘t his and hers divide. he problem and she is part of the solution. meet little blue, harmful emissions? zero. to beat the petrol heads china subsidises electric vehicles and makes it much easier to license. on smoggy days, little blue does not face restrictions like other cars and she‘s proud to do her bit for clean air. translation: we all have to live in the city and pollution is terrible for our health and for beijing‘s image. i do not have to feel guilty. i tell my friends they should get one also. gathering winter fuel to beat the smog all the villages surrounding beijing have banned the burning of coal. and this 70 or olderfarmer is forced back to the old ways. —— 70 year—old. the fire hits their brick bed. the government did give them an electric heater but on their pensions, they cannot afford to switch it on march. winters are sub zero here. he tells me he is more worried about his electricity bill than about the cold or the smog. he is wearing thick layers of longjohns. beijing can clean the air when it wants a late now for the annual session of its rubberstamp parliament that it cannot do it for long because despite the push for cleaner vehicles and cleaner heating, the chinese economy is still fuelled by coal. there is little the public can do to force the politicians here to deliver an fit to breathe. —— air. you have been watching newsday. stay with us. that‘s all for now. stay with bbc world news. hello. good morning. the start of the week brought a mixture of sunshine and showers but we were very close to severe and potentially damaging weather. in brittany, a gust approaching 120 mph top the low pressure bringing rain to the channel islands and running away across to europe ringing more snow to the alps and taking wet weather across the italy and the adriatic. also damaging winds to south—east france and winds to sardinia and corsica. quite like here. showers beginning to fade away. clearer skies developing and turning in quite a chilly night. ground frost in many places and a pinch of air france in the countryside. dry and bright for the most part. instead we look to the west to see increasing amounts of cloud coming our way and eventually some out rates of rain and drizzle. for most of the day, mainland scotland will be dry, showers across the northern isles and we will see the cloud increasing in scotland ahead of this rain that arrives in northern ireland. mostly light and patchy. still dry across many central, northern and eastern parts of england. sunshine turning hazy as the cloud increases. patchy rain in the wales. no great amounts during daylight time. during the evening rain turning heavier and some snow in the scottish mountains. further south, across england and wales, the rain drowns to a halt overnight. misty weather and hill fog. clearer skies in the north and turning chilly. strong winds in the far north—west of scotland. in england and wales, likely to keep drizzly lane through the day. a lot of cloud fool ‘s top a bit of a damp and drew ridge sort of day. further north, sunnier and watch out for heavy showers. rain will disappear from southern parts by coming back in from off the atlantique towards the south—west of england so we will see some rain arriving on thursday. a little sunshine and blustery showers across northern parts of scotland. decent temperatures and staying mild and cloudy on friday. hello. i‘m kasia madera with bbc world news. our top story: president trump has signed a new executive order imposing a ban on travellers from six mainly muslim countries. now, most of the contentious aspects of the old order have been removed, such as a stated preference for christian refugees. the new order also drops the indefinite ban on syrian refugees, and will be phased in over the next two weeks. a retired police officer in the philippines has admitted to killing nearly 200 people, saying he was part of a "death squad" approved by the man who is now president, rodrigo duterte. and this video is trending on vets in thailand have operated on a green sea—turtle to remove more than 900 coins she‘d swallowed that were thrown into her enclosure for good luck. that‘s all from me now — stay with bbc world news.

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