Buoy by passing fishermen. The coastguard has now suspended its search, as simon jones reports. Searching for the missing men who were on a night fishing trip. Their boat went down in seconds, with no time to make an emergency call. The alarm was raised when another boat spotted a man in the water, a 45 year old from romania, who lives in london. Anybody that spends that length of time, you know, numerous hours, potentially, in the sea, without any protective equipment, at this time of year, its a nice day, but the sea is still cold very, very lucky to be alive. The rescued man told the Emergency Services that three of his friends, also romanian, were missing. Just after 8 00am this morning, the body of one of the men was recovered from the sea. Police are now looking into the possibility that the boat was hit by another vessel. He has described that their boat was struck by another boat, that was oncoming. He describes that he jumped from the boat, and to swim for safety, and has therefore lost contact with the other three other people on the boat. Despite several more hours of searching out there, there was no sign of the other two men. At this time of year, the temperature of the water is around 15 degrees. People generally can only survive for a few hours at best in that. This afternoon, the search was suspended. The key question why did a Pleasure Trip End in tragedy . Simonjones, bbc news, shoreham. Now on bbc news michaeljohnson from london 2012 to london 2017. This summer, the greatest athletes on the planet will return to the scene of the 2012 olympics as they compete to be crowned world champions. London has been here before, and is well versed on how to rise to the occasion. Five years have passed since london 2012. But the memory of those golden moments shines brightly still. It was britains most successful 0lympics for more than a century. Day after day of triumphs almost blurring into one. But above all others, one saturday would come to be remembered. Jessica ennis won heptathlon gold. Greg rutherford won gold in the long jump, and mo farah won 10,000 metres gold, all in the space of 44 minutes. Every games needs a home medal at its olympic stadium, to give it life, a night to remember it by. This was that defining moment. The great triumphs ofjess, mo and greg made that Super Saturday the greatest night in british sport. Since then, they have each faced challenges in their own unique way, challenges ive faced too as a world class athlete. Staying on top, defending your title, and family life. In this programme, they will reflect on theirjourneys since that unforgettable night in that stadium, and consider what the future holds, as london prepares to welcome the world once again. Five years have passed since Super Saturday, and since then, jess, mo and greg have all followed their own unique paths as athletes. Im keen to see how my experiences in the sport compares to theirs. During my own career, i competed in three Olympic Games and five World Championships. I dealt with the highs and lows that come with striving to stay at the top. Greg rutherford, the long jump star of Super Saturday, trains to be the best in the world by working with the coach who led him to olympic glory. That means spending much of the year in arizona, and im keen to see how he and his family are getting on out there. Michael, how you doing . Greg, how are you . Good to see you. Im good, how are you . Im good. This is not london. Definitely. Nice to meet you. Pleasure. How long have you been coming here . 2013 was the first year. One of the best coaches in the world, why not stick with it . Yeah. It has been good. We spent quite a lot of time here. Last year, nearly six months leading into the olympics. This year, another couple of months. I will keep going as long as i keep going. We need greg to miss. What we have to do is just say, if he gets in, were going to get married. This sounds like a part of the discussion i shouldnt be involved with im going to go over here. As a result of his incredible achievements on the track, mo farah has become a global star. The pursuit of this dominance means that his training also takes on an international dimension. The pyrenees 2,000, its gbs training camp. For distance guys. One of the reasons we spend a lot of time here is because the elevation. Good facilities. This is what people need in terms of high altitude. Back in the days, it used to be the kenyans and the ethiopians beating everyone. One of the reasons was because they spend so much time at high altitudes, so when they come back to sea level, things are easier. I do average 120 miles per week. Spending six months of the year away from my family, and not being able to see my family, in terms of racing, training camps. Which is difficult, but if you want to be a champion, stay on top, that is what it takes to be able to compete with these guys. Eat, sleep, train nothing more to it. Forjessica ennis hill, the best place to be has always been at home, in sheffield, in the north of england. Herjourney since Super Saturday has been nothing short of eventful. So this is sheffield, your hometown. It is, yes. Born here, studied here, did all my training here. When you were a kid growing up here, did you ever think that you would be olympic champion . No, i mean, when i started athletics, and learning about championships, and the olympics, i always had that dream of wanting to be there, and standing on the podium. But i never imagined that i would have had the journey that ive had, sat here in this position, chatting to you, with lots of gold medals and an olympic gold medal is unbelievable, really. Going into 2012, you became the face of the games. Talk about how that affected you in the year leading up to the games. I think the fact that it was in london, obviously it brought a lot more pressure and expectation. I think for me the most important thing at that time was i didnt change anything. I stayed where i trained for the past however many years. The same coach, same family support, and team who had worked around me. That kept me really grounded, and really sane in what i was doing. But i do think, gosh, that was a hell of a lot of pressure. I just thought, honestly, can this all come together, and would i be able to do it . Jess Quest For Heptathlon gold began on friday, 3 august. It will conclude with the 800m final underneath the spotlight of the packed olympic stadium. The stadium was incredible, the bars, fans, british flags. Having an olympics in your hometown, its once in a lifetime. As soon as you mention that moment of walking into the stadium, i get goosebumps again. It was just like nothing i had ever experienced. Everybody in there wanted you to do well. And was excited about the prospect of doing well. They had no idea who i was. Theyjust saw a british jersey. That morning, it was about 5 00am. The night before, i could not switch off. I was telling myself there is so much more to do, i couldnt help thinking, i am so close. I remember waiting, waiting, and the nerves building. The way she controlled the pressure she had everyone already hung a olympic gold medal around her neck before she done it. We know how much can go wrong in athletics. She dealt with that pressure incredibly well. Crossing the line was one of the most amazing moments of my career. When she crossed the line, arms aloft, the feeling of pride i felt for her, for winning, was massive. And then it has switched back to myself, and my thought process of, i want to feel what she just felt. I want to have the crowd going mad for me, because ive won. It ended up being the next jump was the longest of the competition for me. I went from 3 august, nobody having any idea who i was, to 4 august, becoming olympic champion on a night which was truly spectacular for british sport. Again, to be sandwiched between jess and mo is very, very special thing, i think, for me. Going into the race, i knew if i could go with one lap to go, in the position i was, i should hopefully do well. I normally start at the back and work my way through. As im working my way through, its getting louder and louder. And i was thinking, concentrate, and the last lap, the stadium was going nuts. I had the best seat in the house. I got to watch mo from standing under the olympic flame. He was cheering on the side of the track. Go, mo. I remember him cheering for me, and it was amazing. I saw rhianna coming on the track. I got really emotional, lifted her up. That moment was beautiful as a family. The 45 minute window where we had jess, greg and then me. It was incredible. After london, describe the change in your life. Everything changed. Now, youve got people wanting you to appear at this thing, and talk about it. On tv, do all these other things. People stopping me on the street. So if you look back to Super Saturday, jess, mo, you, all three of you guys, fantastic performances. Did you ever look at them or reach out to one of them and say, you know, how is it going for you, because im having a hard time with this . No, and i think, for me, probably because i always saness and mo as superstars. I get on really well with both of them, theyre both lovely, lovely people. But for me, i see myself as different. Probably never quite them, if that make sense. They are two of the greatest ever in british history, and ive never been able to put myself with those guys. The 2013 World Championships offered greg the chance to prove that his london gold was more than just a one off. In moscow, he went out of the competition in the early stages, failing to qualify for the final. I made a very bad decision in 2013. I should not have gone to the World Championships. I had a ruptured hamstring, couldnt run fast, couldnt reallyjump very far. Ijust hoped and believed i could do something. Possibly had to prove people wrong. I ignored the fact that i was in no shape to do so. I wish i never did it. Mo farahs london olympics did not end on Super Saturday. Immediately after becoming the 10,000 champion, his attention turned to his pursuit of the 5,000 metres gold. I wanted to come out and try to win the 5k. At that point, i was recovering from the 10k. Rest up, just get ready. Not get distracted. Then i ran the heat three days later and felt tired. Ithought, man, im moving around too much. I cant be doing what i am doing. I need to focus was at it, i thought, oh, i did it again. Would be a opportunity for mo farah to continue his global domination on the track. If he could add the world 10,000 meter and 5,000 metres titles to his olympic golds, it would be an historic double double. I had the hunger, and i had the drive. Great memories from london 2012. So for me, i didnt want people to think it was a fluke. Lets see what i can do. When you win a championship, and you win another championship, it gives you a boost, confidence. You feel like you can do it. Which sometimes gets difficult because most people know what you do, you have a target on your back. Gives me confidence, a boost. Ifeel like i have been in this situation before. I can take care of it. Going into beijing, i was in great shape. Going into it, id won a lot of races. It was just about thinking, dealing with it the same as moscow. Going into the heat in the 5,000 metres, i slightly twitched my hamstring so i nearly went down. I could feel it in the final. I had to just smoothly stride it up, and i came away with two wins. It was pretty good. So this is where it all goes down, or used to go down. Used to go down, yeah. So this is where i would come every day, pretty much, spending a lot of life here. So when reggie comes down, hes like, mummy. So were you competing when you were his age . I was probably about this big. Yes. I started when i was ten, a little older. So these are some of the girls who train with toni now. Hello. Hows it going . Im all right, its good to see you. I have missed you. Of course. How long did you guys Work Together . 18 years. Do i have to call you dame . Yes, please. Thank you. Toni minichiello has worked asjess coach throughout her whole career. Guiding her progress from promising schoolkids sprinted to multi event champion. Jess is expecting her second child. Herfirst, reggie, was born two years after Super Saturday. Having won gold in london and facing the prospect of becoming a parent for the first time, many would have decided to call it a day. Having a son, having to balance life more, how did that change your life . Everything had changed. I had all those emotions of not wanting to leave my son and going back into training and not being at the same athlete i was before. I think in my mind i felt like i was going to step back in and it might take a few weeks to get back to where i was but i will still be the same athlete. Actually, when i got back into training, i was tired, upset. It was one of the most challenging things i have ever done. But in my mind, you want to do it, you want to get back to full elite competition. Why . Why get back out there, you have a beautiful son . Olympic champion . My huge motivator was reggie because, you know, iwanted him to be a part of that last uniquejourney i had been on for all those years. Not many people get to experience. I want him to look back and see what i had achieved, and achieved it with him. The beijing World Championships took place one year after the birth ofjess son, reggie. No heptathlete had ever come back from childbirth to win a World Championship title. I knew i was in a much better position than a few months ago but still knew i was not where i was a couple of years ago. Her presence, the fact she made the decision and turned up, regardless of the shape she had been in, applies pressure to the other athletes because they are going, that isjess. She has turned up. Ijust kept thinking, dont make any major mistakes. Let the other girls make mistakes around you. Just be solid, not amazing, spectacular, just solid. If i can keep doing that throughout the events, maybe i could be in with a chance of medalling and it became a gold medal. For it also come together and to win that was definitely one injury has denied Greg Rutherford a chance of the 2013 World Championships. He recovered for the 2014 season and finished the year as european and commonwealth champion. He arrived in beijing in good form. Winning two majors made me realise, yeah, you can still do it. My focus became, let us gets a world title. I thought it was my competition to lose, even though there were exceptional jumpers there. Guys jumping bigger than me. I still believed on the day i would win it, and that i think is what got me through to do what i did. My motivation has always been winning. That stems from being a kid, often people told me it would never be me. Never the good sports person. My entire Athletic Career has basically been belligerently winning to prove Everybody Else thats doubted that i do have the ability to do it. At the rio olympics, jess, mo and greg all once again compete together on the same night and britain could not help but hope for another Super Saturday. But from experience, i know how hard it is to retain an olympic title and perhaps toughest of all is being in perfect condition when it really counts. The unique challenges of the long jump meant that once again greg was unlucky with injury. He got a really bad landing in some bad sand. The pit had not managed well. An extreme whiplash injury. Lost hearing. Vertigo. Against the clock, making progress, but we ran out of time. I had this moment where we were saying, what are you going to do . Pull outjump, give it a go . I decided to go. Things did not pan out in the final. It seems that everything went wrong. Probably about two thirds of the way through my warm up. Did one of my drills. All of a sudden felt the sharp pain in my groin again. In that moment, i realised my opportunity of winning was diminishing very quickly. Just because i was in a position i had not experienced in a very long time. I had to muster every ounce of energy and is pretty much begged my body to let me have one more jump. I managed to somehow pull out 8. 29 in round six. I dont want to make any excuses for finishing third. The guys who beat me were better than me on the day. That is a fact of life. Jess and her team hoped she could continue to build on her unexpected World Championship gold. But with seven events to competing, defending her olympic title would depend on training as effectively as possible. That year was so up and down. I kept picking up achilles injuries to stop my left achilles, problems with that. Weeks off training. And the other achilles would stud herding. Despite her various setbacks, she found form just in time to travel to rio. The challenge ahead of her was significant. No british woman had ever retained an olympic track and field title. After 2015, i knew the year after the olympic year everyone raises the game. I was getting older, having injuries. There were Young Athletes coming through and performing well. You look at her rivals, accumulating points. Jess last points in the shot and the long jump. Knew it would be difficult. She ran her heart out. The smallest winning margin in modern heptathlon history, 35 or 36. People asked if i was disappointed, but there was just a feeling, i have got here through the year i have had and the challenges i have had. I knew that i had done what i set out to achieve in my career and i was happy, content. I was not going to walk away and feel disappointed, thinking i wished i had pushed on longer. Their careers remind us that it is no small thing to do this. Its demand everything you have to give. Mo farahs ambition in the rio would be to defend an olympic double in gruelling Long Distance events, which had only been achieved by one athlete in history. I felt tired. But four years of solid training, so no setbacks where i was missing one or two months. All pretty good. Mo farah became the first ever british track and field athlete to win three olympic gold medals. His attention now turns to the 5000 metres. I dont think he thought anything different than, i will win the 10,000 pounds then the 5000. Only ever one result. There was only ever going to be one result. Five years after Super Saturday, the greatest night of british athletics, the best athletes in the world will return to london. I had a very major competition, as an athlete you want to feel prepared, ready to compete. But with just a few weeks to go before the championships start, greg is faced with one of the toughest decisions of his career. I have not had a season with these kind of injuries since 2007. I tore two ligament in my left ankle. At that point, i realised my World Championships where over. Forjess, a new challenge. Being a spectator. It will be completely different for me. I will not only not be there as an athlete performing, ill be there as a heavily pregnant spectator. My life could not be more different. I am really looking forward to it. No place like home. London is where it happened, where my life change. Where my children were born. I need to do london. I want it more than any other year and i am excited to be able to compete one must them and hang my spikes up afterwards. The journeys thatjess, mo, and greg have been on since that unforgettable night in london tell the truth about what it takes to be the best in the world. This london, london 2017, will offer another opportunity for us to appreciate the worlds greatest athletes, and in the knowledge that the journey to get there is never straightforward. London, here we come. For more on london 2017, go to the bbc website. Hello there. After a fairly mixed weekend weatherwise, our rather unsettled spell of august weather is set to continue this week. This is how we ended sunday. Some clear skies there in cambridgeshire, captured by one of our weather watchers, but weve still got low pressure in charge of things. Sat to the north west of the uk, here is a trailing Weather Front, which will bring rain to some central parts of the country, down towards the south west, during the course of the day. For scotland and for Northern Ireland this morning, there will be some sunshine to start your day. Quite a fresh morning, actually, here. One or two showers pushing in from the north west, and the odd shower for Northern England too. Heading down from lincolnshire, towards the midlands, towards south west england, you are under the influence of a Weather Front from the word go, so fairly cloudy and damp. Some sunshine to start off your day across the south east of england, and east anglia, too. And for the likes of kent and sussex, it should remain pretty warm and bright, really, for much of the day. A little bit further north, weve got that Weather Front bringing a few showers to east anglia and london, and some spells of rain across the south west of england, and south wales, too. Now, temperatures today about 18 to 21 degrees. Sunshine and showers for scotland, and for Northern Ireland, too. If youre lucky enough to be heading to the athletics World Championship today, well see the cloud building through the course of the afternoon. Could bring an isolated shower later on. Now, through the course of monday evening, and overnight into tuesday, this Weather Front from the south now start to pivot and return a little bit further north. So that is going to bring rain into Central Wales and through the midlands to start your tuesday morning. To the north of that, clearer skies, with a few showers around too, but low pressure is going to dominate. We have got this area of low pressure around the near continent. That is going to push its way northwards, up towards the north sea, in fact, over the next couple of days. We could well import some pretty heavy showers across the South East Corner later on in the day. Still some sunshine here. To the north of that, weve got that front bringing rain for parts of the midlands, Northern England, in towards wales and the south west. Scotland and Northern Ireland having another day of sunny spells and a few scattered showers. Now, an improvement from the north west, i think, during wednesday, but for central and eastern parts of england were still likely to see some heavy, potentially thundery showers, and it will feel rather cool for the time of year. 16 to 19 degrees. During thursday, again, relatively cool, but actually probably be the dryer day, and the brightest day of the week, before we see a return to some rain, particularly in the north and west, during the course of friday. Showers or rain at times. Rather cool and breezy, but some sunshine in between the showers. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in North America and around the globe. My name is gavin grey. 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