Crowd build that wall build that wall yeah, 0k, 0k. Well build the wall. We need to build a wall. A big, beautiful wall. Build a wall. It was one of his Main Campaign pledges to build a wall all along the us mexico border. A third of it already has some sort of barrier, but what are the challenges of trying to seal it off completely . I have completed the first part of this trip, and so far i have travelled along a border where the river is the natural barrier. But from now on, i am going to be visiting places where fences have been in place for years. So we are going to be seeing much more of this. After el paso, Ciudad Juarez and nogales, iwill finish in the quintessential border town of tijuana, a place where some are struggling to start new lives. Back home, you just cant go anywhere here, you start selling drugs just to get by or make money or hustle or whatever. But i am starting my trip in a place where it is not always easy to spot the divide the twin towns of el paso and Ciudad Juarez. Every morning, luiz drives from the mexican side of the border into the us. For many here, it is a way of life. We cannot show his face because his American Company doesnt allow him to speak. I leave at 2. 30 in the morning, it takes an hour to cross the border. I dont like to be waiting in the line. This is the kind ofjourney that many people make every day to go and work in el paso. Myjob is construction. I work for a company that does concrete and right now, were at the border. If you have somebody to drive a bus, he is doing a job, you know. Myjob isjust to make the wall this time. What have your relatives or friends told you about building this fence . Theyjoke with me, they tell me to leave a little open for them to cross. This is the construction site where he is currently working. The first barriers went up in 1994 at the western end of the border. Successive governments led by clinton, bush and obama extended them all along the frontier. The fence here was erected ten years ago, and luiz is repairing a two kilometre stretch of it. He believes the american president is fooling himself if he thinks the frontier can be completely sealed off. Standing so close to it, its obviously a very imposing structure. There used to be a smaller fence here, but its now been replaced with these five metre high metal posts and the closer you get to the fence, the more you wonder how the wall President Trump wants to build will serve its purposes and how will it affect the lives and businesses of people in border towns . Since the fence was built, Ciudad Juarez became one of the most violent places in the world. In contrast, el paso is now among the safest cities in the us. They would just cross right here. This is mannys rodriguez. The barrier runs through her backyard. Days ago, she saw migrants jumping it with a ladder. We were fixing our truck back here and we heard the voices and we looked outside but we couldnt see no one and we said, where are the voices coming from . When we saw up, they had a ladder, they built a big, like that Swimming Pool ladder and theyjust, you know, hooked it up to the fence and they crossed over, then the other one pulled it to the other side. They crossed down. Then they just jumped. Isaid, oh, theyjust, you know, they said bye on the whole, though, she says things have improved. We have less people crossing. We have less cargo, as we say, crossing over. Now, you know, we feel safe. A granddaughter of mexicans, rodriguez supports President Trumps plans. As security, yes. As security, yes, i do. I believe that he is trying to protect the us. The way i see it, i would go tojuarez, but i wont trust my daughter to go. Right, so thats how i feel. And i am not saying that i am against mexicans orjuarez or anything, i just wouldnt trust my daughter to go by herself. All along the border there are reminders, like this jacket, that for some the impulse to cross this fence or a future wall may be too strong to stop. I am leaving el paso and driving 500 kilometres west to the twin towns of nogales. The first fence went up here in the 90s, splitting the town in half. The cartels who control the drug trade and the people smuggling responded by going underground and they have turned this area into the tunnel capital of the border. Im joining a patrol of the border tunnels connecting mexico and the united states. We dont know who we might run into, so the police go ahead of us. We dont know what to expect. Caution is needed. What just happened . Smugglers and migrants use the cover of darkness and wait for the right moment to head towards the us end of the tunnel. So the policeman just told me that after they turned on the flashlight, they saw someone and this person ran away. Minutes later, we catch a glimpse of him in the distance. He is not moving. And sergio is pointing at this person with a flashlight. He believes its better to back up and alert the police, so we are heading towards the entrance of the tunnel. The traffickers use not only the subterranean infrastructure, the authorities have found more than 110 tunnels built by mexican cartels. They call them narco tunnels. In this cemetery, one of them hides in plain sight. This is the entrance of a tunnel which was recently filled in. They used to carry drugs to the other side of the border and as you can see, the fence is just about 100 metres from here. 0n the american side, tony estrada has been a sheriff for 25 years. He isnt sure the wall President Trump wants to build will be effective. Theyre very creative. If you do anything, theyll go under it. Theyll go over it and theyll go around it. So its a phenomenon thats not going to stop. No wall, no matter how beautiful and big and expensive, is going to stop people that are desperate, people that are needy, and people that are poor. Arrests of undocumented immigrants in the us have increased by nearly 40 since President Trumps crackdown. But estrada believes this is missing the point. Illegal immigration, as far as i am concerned, pales compared to a drug problem. When you are spending resources on illegal immigration and you are talking about identifying people leaving the community that have families and are contributing, its useless. Its not putting resources to the best. Go after them, lets get the criminal agents, but dont bother anybody else. This shelter in nogales opened decades ago. Since then, it has received hundreds of thousands of migrants. We find hope and faith, but also sadness and pain. For the last 13 years, this woman has worked in tomato fields. She was picked up trying to get back into the us after visiting family in mexico. Despite the riskyjourney, shes already planning to go back. If anyone is able to judge the success of a wall, it is perhaps the people smugglers. This one says it has reduced numbers. He was happy to appear on camera, but preferred not to be named. For him, a bigger wall could mean fewer clients, but more money. Nogales may be another example of the mixed and complex nature of border towns, and of the unintended consequences of building barriers. A wall will stop some people, but others will find a different way around. My final destination on this road trip is tijuana. No other place on the us mexico frontier has a more intimate relationship with the wall than this city. Here, the Us Government started building the borders first barrier almost three decades ago. It has shaped the lives, identities and faiths of millions. Alonso is a graffiti artist who has lived here for 25 years. The wall, for him, became a canvas, an opportunity to express his feelings towards life in a place divided. His art is born of the desire to show how the barriers affect people, and his own family too. Painting on these bricks is a cathartic experience, but he wishes it wasnt there at all. The most frequently crossed border in the world unites two countries and there is no indifference to the divisions that engenders. The barriers became a symbol and not a solution to complex problems. Im an american. This is another whose art is defined by the wall. He is a hip hop artist living in the us, but has family on both sides of the border. As artists, we have to reflect our reality. Having to cross the border so many times growing up, it definitely resonated with my understanding of restrictions and placing borders on people. So in the same and i took that to my music, i attached that to my music. Its like, if i dont agree there is a border that needs to be crossed in order for people to live in a particular place, i made the effort not to put borders and restrictions on my music. There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the us. He has relatives among them, and trumps rhetoric against these people has left him dreading the prospect of his family breaking up. I had a Family Member that had to go into a government building, and from the moment we got the scheduled date to the actual date, theres a lot of tension, theres a lot of arguments at home. Because why, because of the fear. There is a very real fear that anything could happen to our families at any given moment. He sees an artistic beauty to continue highlighting what he sees as controversial issues. Theres very abnormal behaviour and relationships between government agencies, federal agencies and local enforcement, thats something thats abnormal, its not normal. I feel thats all we can do, is challenge. I feel music needs to be an act of expression that is thought provoking and i dont agree that you can make music without reflecting your reality. If deported, his relative may end up here in tijuana. The city receives more deportees than any other along the border. For the deported, its a painful contradiction. They feel like foreigners in the country they were born in. Thats my mother. Chriss tattoos tell a story of a rough life. As a youngster, he got involved in gangs, guns and drugs, spending his teenage years in jail in the us, but he was deported to mexico because he was born there. He was dropped into a place he barely knew, having to speak a language he had already forgotten. I think about what i want to say in english, and i have to translate in my mind to be able to say it. Some words, i cant even pronounce in spanish. Thats really the reason why call centres have worked out for me. This is a call centrein tijuana. Many of the people working here have been deported from the us. Hello, this is chris, the purpose for my call is to inform you that your Manufacturer Warranty has expired on your 2012 chevy. It might be surprising to people in the states to know theyre talking to tattooed ex gang members, and surely rival gangs in the same workplace is a recipe for disaster. You have maybe some southerners, those are they represent, like, the number 13, usually theyre from the south. And then you have a group of People Like Us and some of my friends who are northerners and who are with the number 1a. In the states, we cant stand seeing each other and we cant, for the most part, theres not even talking, nothing like that, we see open other and its just bad business and we just go at it. No questions asked. Here, you know, we keep it respectful and make it work. For the sake of workplace and trying to live a peaceful life. This gentleman right here in the row where im sitting, he has a tattoo on his arm and face. Chris is a supervisor here and doesnt even think of going back to his old life. But the new one hasnt been easy. Sometimes people dont give you that opportunity, they see you and theyre like, doesnt know any better. Stupid little gangster doesnt want to be here, stupid druggy or addict, deportee, however they want to label you, they look down on you. Tijuana may be a few miles from the states, but its a different world. Back home, you just cant go anywhere here, you start selling drugs to get by or make money or hustle or whatever. It doesnt work like that. You need permission here from somebody and who that is, god knows, but, you know, if you dont have the permission, you can pretty much count on you being found dead somewhere. I have travelled across town to an Evangelical Church housing haitian migrants. Its a place to worship, but its also a shelter and a place of limbo. Thousands of them are stranded. They fled their country after the 2010 earthquake but are unable to enter the us, due to an obama policy aimed at dissuading more haitians from arriving. Christopher and his countrymen are the latest example of the stories that for decades have been part of this town. Tijuana is a place of aspirations, broken dreams, of new beginnings. Its a city where people have learned to navigate being so close tijuana is a place of aspirations, broken dreams, of new beginnings. Its a city where people have learned to navigate being so close to the us, and yet so far. So thats it. The end of my road trip. It has been a fascinating journey along a part of the world that belongs to mexico and the us and in a way to neither. This is a land of paradox, a land of extremes. It can be cruel, violent and imposing and at the same time beautiful, gentle, and gracious. It is a place where people have learned to live in a strange intimacy with a wall and probably many more will have to do the same. On this trip, i have seen the challenges of building more barriers, talked to people happy with a wall in the backyard and to those that believe that more fences wont stop migrants, nor drugs. This border is, after all, home to millions of people that, no matter what you think of the wall, now face a dramatic, momentous and divisive time. Hello. Sunday yet again was a day of contrasting weather fortunes across the british isles. Generally speaking, the further north and east you were, the drier and finer was your day. The cloud filled in after a bright enough start in the south. Eventually, the skies became pretty leaden so there was urgent work to be done in the fields, and eventually the rain arrived. A wet start to monday, too. Mild underneath the blanket of cloud and rain. The cloud sitting low on the high ground of the south and south west. Further north and east, again, its a bright start to the day, some decent spells of sunshine. A rather cool start to the day, given those clear skies. But at least youve got that sunshine. Make the most of it, because it will not last in all parts, by any means at all. The general rule of thumb is to drive this rain ever further towards the north and east. Itll make slow progress, theres no doubt about it. Here we are in the middle part of the afternoon. By this stage, things will have cheered up in the south for england and wales. Where the sun comes out, 20 21 certainly, possibly even as high as 23 or 24. I am not sure whether the rain in the west goes to the east or a little further north. Keep your weather eyes open to the east of the pennines. For the greater part of monday and on into the first part of tuesday, we will see that rain really has not completed its journey to the far north of scotland. Tuesday is a bit like monday in that once the rain has gone further north, it offers the opportunity across a good part of england and wales for the cloud to begin to break. And if it does so, those temperatures really will rocket away. I show you 22 24 quite widely, but someone could have 26, possibly even 27. The weather fronts have brought the prospect of wind and rain and cloud for some. But at the same time, they herald the arrival for warm moist air from the tropics, and it hangs around into the middle of next week, until that cold front brings something more fresh from the atlantic. But the northern portion still has a lot of activity on it. Therell be some pretty heavy downpours in Northern Britain on wednesday. The last of those warmer days in the south as we go towards thursday and into friday, there are spells of showers, if not longer spells of rain, with temperatures maxing at 22 23. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. My name is gavin grey. Our top stories ten sailors are missing after a Us Navy Ship Collides with a merchant vessel in waters near singapore. A search and rescue operation is under way. Spanish police say 12 terror suspects spend six months planning thursdays barcelona vehicle attack. American and south korean troops begin their annual military exercises, as tensions remain high on the korean peninsula. Tributes tojerry lewis, one of americas all time comedy greats, whos died in las vegas aged 91