i'm sorry. ..the film star whose father stammered... ah... i would bring friends home from school who didn't know that my father stammered, and i got a bit embarrassed about that. ..the president who stammers and knows just how it feels. it drags you down in that empty hole in your chest. that feeling of panic you get and then anger. stammering is something i think about every single day, but no—one ever talks about it. so, now i'm stepping out in front of the camera to put stammering in the spotlight. # i said biggy is the name. # killing all the game. # k—killing all the... # i said biggy is the name... #yeah!# hi! i'm shelby, i'm 11 years old, and i have a stammer. shelby started stammering when he was two and a half. what is it you wanted? stammering: can. . . ..i...have... -