of the monarch's successor is an important part of our nation's constitutional framework, but what is the accession council and how does it work? today at saint james is palace there will be a special meeting of the privy counsellors. in general the privy counsellors. in general the privy counsellors. in general the privy counsellors acts as advisors to the monarch. a link between the head of state and the government of the day. at the meetings, tradition has it that everyone remains standing. there are over 700 members of the privy council, drawn from politicians, some of whom, but not all, it will have held high office. and members of the royal family. the clergy. and the judiciary. and members of the royal family. the clergy. and thejudiciary. they and members of the royal family. the clergy. and the judiciary. they are appointed for life. upon the death of the monarch, there is a special