in 1992, after 11 years of military rule, ghana had a new constitution and democratic freedom. young ghanaians flooded the cultural capital, accra. american hip—hop dominated the newly liberated airwaves. a young music producer, panji anoff, tapped into that scene. i recorded a demo for almost every single rap group i could find in accra at the time, free of charge. the first person i wanted to work with is my childhood friend, reggie rockstone. my name is reggie rockstone, the hiplife originator. # now whoop it up, turn it out. # whoop it up, bring it in. # turn it out, whoop it up, hey! reggie is always hype, all the time. and when he speaks, it's like he's rapping.| imean, he's... literally, his language is like poetry. - # ah! # woke up outta bed this morning. # crack—a dawning... i grew up in colindale, uk, brixton, crackney — they call it hackney.